175 research outputs found

    Impacto positivo da terapia da linguagem em afasia progressiva não fluente

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the effects of intensive speech therapy intervention in a case of progressive non-fluent aphasia (PNFA). This is a dementia syndrome characterized by a progressive deficit in expressive language fluency and syntactic analysis, and by agrammatism and phonemic paraphasias. Although in the early stages there are no alterations in memory, comprehension, or visual processing, personality changes can slightly occur. To analyze the effects of speech therapy in this syndrome, a single case design with pre- and post-test was used. The participant was a male patient of 84 years with PNFA, who for twelve months received weekly speech therapy to stimulate the phonological, lexical and syntactic processing. He underwent neuropsychological assessment in three stages: six months before the onset of therapy, six months after therapy started and after completing 12 months of intervention. Assessment involved linguistic processing, general cognition, neuropsychiatric symptoms, quality of life (QOL) and activities of daily living (ADL). As a result of therapy, the patient showed a slight improvement in language prosody, fluency, and content of spontaneous speech, and a significant improvement in repetition, reading aloud, and oral-phonatory praxis. Other aspects of cognitive functioning (orientation, verbal naming, praxis, and memory) remained stable; ADLs and QOL improved. It is concluded that prolonged speech therapy can improve language processing and have a positive impact on other cognitive and socio-emotional processes in PNFA. This 12-month therapeutic stimulation not only slowed cognitive decline, but allowed to see maintenance of achievements and improvement of symptoms, which can be regarded as a success in PNFA treatment, considering the rapid progression of the disease.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar os efeitos de uma intervenção intensiva de terapia da linguagem em um caso de afasia progressiva não fluente (APNF). Esta é uma síndrome demencial caracterizada por um déficit progressivo na fluência da linguagem expressiva e da análise sintática, e por agramatismo e parafasias fonêmicas. Ainda que nas primeiras etapas não presenta alterações na memória, na compreensão ou no processamento visual, podem aparecer pequenas mudanças na personalidade. Para analisar os efeitos da terapia da linguagem nesta síndrome, utilizou-se um desenho de caso único com testes antes e depois. O participante foi um paciente masculino de 84 anos com APNF, que durante doze meses recebeu uma terapia de linguagem semanal para estimular o processamento fonológico, léxico e sintático. Realizou-se uma avaliação neuropsicológica em três etapas: seis meses antes do início da terapia, depois de seis meses de intervenção, e ao completar 12 meses desta. Avaliou-se especificamente o processamento linguístico, a cognição geral, os sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, a qualidade de vida (QdV) e as atividades da vida diária (AVD). Como resultado da terapia, o paciente mostrou pequenas melhorias na prosódia, na fluência e no conteúdo da linguagem espontânea, e uma melhoria significativa na repetição, na leitura em voz alta e nas praxias orofonatórias. Outros aspectos cognitivos (orientação, denominação verbal, praxias e memória) mantiveram-se estáveis; as AVD e a QdV melhoraram. Conclui-se que a terapia da linguagem prolongada pode melhorar o processamento linguístico e também ter um impacto positivo em outros processos cognitivos e sócio emocionais na APNF. A intervenção diminuiu não somente a velocidade da deterioração cognitiva, senão que permitiu ver a manutenção dos êxitos e a melhoria dos sintomas, o que representa um sucesso no tratamento da APNF, devido a sua rápida progressão.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los efectos de una intervención intensiva de terapia del lenguaje en un caso de afasia progresiva no fluente (APNF). Este es un síndrome demencial caracterizado por un déficit progresivo en la fluidez del lenguaje expresivo y el análisis sintáctico, y por agramatismo y parafasias fonémicas. Aunque en las primeras etapas no presenta alteraciones en la memoria, la comprensión o el procesamiento visual, sí pueden presentarse ligeros cambios en la personalidad. Para analizar los efectos de la terapia del lenguaje en este síndrome, se utilizó un diseño de caso único con pre y post prueba. El participante fue un paciente masculino de 84 años con APNF, quien durante doce meses recibió una terapia de lenguaje semanal para estimular el procesamiento fonológico, léxico y sintáctico. Se le realizó una evaluación neuropsicológica en tres etapas: seis meses antes del inicio de la terapia, después de seis meses de intervención, y al completar 12 meses de esta. Específicamente se evaluó el procesamiento lingüístico, la cognición general, los síntomas neuropsiquiátricos, la calidad de vida (CdV) y las actividades de la vida diaria (AVD). Como resultado de la terapia, el paciente mostró ligeras mejorías en la prosodia, la fluidez y el contenido del lenguaje espontáneo, y una mejoría significativa en la repetición, la lectura en voz alta y las praxias orofonatorias. Otros aspectos cognitivos (orientación, denominación verbal, praxias y memoria) se mantuvieron estables; las AVD y la CDV mejoraron. Se concluye que la terapia del lenguaje prolongada puede mejorar el procesamiento lingüístico y también tener un impacto positivo en otros procesos cognitivos y socio-emocionales en la APNF. La intervención no solo disminuyó la velocidad del deterioro cognitivo, sino que permitió ver el mantenimiento de los logros y la mejoría de los síntomas, lo cual es un éxito en el tratamiento de la APNF, debido a su rápida progresión

    Factores que inciden en la exacerbación de la sintomatología en mujeres menopáusicas que consultan en las Unidades de Salud de Jucuapa, Usulután y Moncagua, San Miguel, período de julio a septiembre de 2004

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    Se estudiaron 182 mujeres entre las edades de 45 a 55 años que visitaban las Unidades de Salud de Jucuapa, Usulután y Moncagua, San Miguel, en el período comprendido de julio a septiembre de 2004, con el objetivo de investigar que factores inciden en la exacerbación de la sintomatología, mediante una cédula de entrevista y una escala de readaptación social; a la vez se estableció cual era el perfil sintomatológico más frecuente en este grupo atareo. El tipo de investigación fue prospectivo, transversal y analítico, al mismo tiempo se utilizaron técnicas documentales y de campo. Se utilizó una cédula de entrevista que permitió recabar la información necesaria para el tema en estudio. El número de mujeres encuestadas fue de 182 distribuidas en ambas Unidades de Salud. A partir de los datos obtenidos se realizó la tabulación e interpretación de los datos, lo que permitió comprobar las hipótesis planteadas. Posteriormente se realizaron las conclusiones y recomendaciones orientadas a proponer soluciones reales para el cuadro menopáusic

    Em pacientes com doença de Parkinson, a depressão aumenta de acordo com o aumento da gravidade do comprometimento cognitivo

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    Objective : To test the hypothesis that severity of cognitive impairment modifies the association between depression and Parkinson’s disease (PD). Method : One-phase population-based door-to-door surveys. This is a secondary analysis of 1,451 people aged 65 years and older with cognitive impairment living in defined catchment areas. Depression was estimated according to ICD-10, self-reported PD, disability according to WHODAS-II and cognitive status according to the CSI-D. Results : The mean age of the sample was 79.3 years old and most (69%) were women. Of the total sample, 16.1% had depression and it was significantly higher among participants with PD. There was an increase on the ORs of the association between depression and PD with decreased scores in the cognitive test (Adjusted OR from 0.98 to 8.04). Conclusion : The association between depression and PD increases with the severity of the cognitive impairment.Objetivo : Testar a hipótese que a gravidade do prejuízo cognitivo modifica a associação entre depressão e doença de Parkinson (DP). Método : Estudo populacional através da análise secundária de 1.451 pessoas com idade maior ou igual a 65 anos com prejuízo cognitivo que residiam em áreas de abrangência definidas. A depressão foi estimada de acordo com a CID-10, auto-relato de DP, incapacidade conforme a WHODAS-II e nível cognitvo de acordo com a CSI-D. Resultado : A média de idade foi 79,3 anos, predominaram as mulheres (69%). Do total de indivíduos, 16,1% tinham depressão, significantemente maior entre os participantes com DP. Houve aumento gradativo na OR relativa à associação entre depressão e DP com a diminuição do escore no teste cognitivo (OR ajustado variou de 0,98 a 8,04). Conclusão : A associação entre depressão e DP parece aumentar com a gravidade do prejuízo cognitivo.Universidade de São Paulo Departamento de Neurociências e Ciências do ComportamentoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neurociências Clínicas Departamento de PsiquiatriaHospital Israelita Albert Einstein Instituto Israelita de Ensino e PesquisaNational Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery of MéxicoUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PsicobiologiaUNIFESP, Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Neurociências Clínicas Depto. de PsiquiatriaUNIFESP, Depto. de PsicobiologiaSciEL

    The economic status of older people’s households in urban and rural settings in Peru, Mexico and China: a 10/66 INDEP study cross-sectional survey

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    Few data are available from middle income countries regarding economic circumstances of households in which older people live. Many such settings have experienced rapid demographic, social and economic change, alongside increasing pension coverage. Population-based household surveys in rural and urban catchment areas in Peru, Mexico and China. Participating households were selected from all households with older residents. Descriptive analyses were weighted back for sampling fractions and non-response. Household income and consumption were estimated from a household key informant interview. 877 Household interviews (3177 residents). Response rate 68 %. Household income and consumption correlated plausibly with other economic wellbeing indicators. Household Incomes varied considerably within and between sites. While multigenerational households were the norm, older resident’s incomes accounted for a high proportion of household income, and older people were particularly likely to pool income. Differences in the coverage and value of pensions were a major source of variation in household income among sites. There was a small, consistent inverse association between household pension income and labour force participation of younger adult co-residents. The effect of pension income on older adults’ labour force participation was less clear-cut. Historical linkage of social protection to formal employment may have contributed to profound late-life socioeconomic inequalities. Strategies to formalise the informal economy, alongside increases in the coverage and value of non-contributory pensions and transfers would help to address this problem

    Atmospheric emissions in ports due to maritime traffic in Mexico

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    Atmospheric emissions from vessels at 38 Pacific and Gulf-Caribbean Mexican ports were determined for nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, particulates, carbon monoxide, non-methane volatile organic compounds, and carbon dioxide. The emissions have been estimated using a bottom-up methodology in the maneuver and hoteling phases, by vessel type, from 2005 to 2020. Maritime traffic in Mexico’s Pacific zone contributes approximately with 60% of the country’s total ship emissions, with the remaining 40% in Gulf-Caribbean ports. The highest atmospheric emissions were found at the Manzanillo and Lázaro Cárdenas ports on the Pacific coast, as well as the Altamira and Veracruz ports on the Gulf-Caribbean coast. The contribution of the atmospheric emissions by vessel type at Pacific ports was Container 67%, Bulk Carrier 32%, Tanker 0.8%, and RoRo 0.4%. For Gulf-Caribbean ports it was Container 76%, Bulk Carrier 19%, Tanker 3%, and RoRo 2%. This study incorporates the International Maritime Organization implementations on reductions of sulfur content in marine fuel, from 4.5% mass by mass from 2005 to 2011, to 3.5% from 2012 to 2019, to 0.5% beginning in 2020. Overall, sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced by 89%.The authors of this study are grateful for the participation of the staff of the Sección de Contaminación Ambiental at Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Pablo Sánchez Álvarez, Elizabeth Vega Rangel, Eduardo Zamora Vargas, Daimy Ávila Rodríguez, Humberto Bravo Witt, José Téllez Hernández, Roberto Morales Yáñez. Instituto de Geografía de la UNAM: Víctor Magaña Rueda and Gustavo Vázquez Cruz. Participation of the staff of the Administración Portuaria Integral de Veracruz (APIVER): Francisco Liaño C., Socaris de la Luz, and David Augusto de la O N. Agreement between APIVER and UNAM: “Evaluación de la calidad del aire, depósito atmosférico y meteorología para desarrollar el programa para la prevención y minimización del posible deterioro ambiental significativo en el Recinto Portuario de Veracruz y en las zonas de interés”. Finally, we acknowledge Instituto de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Cambio Climático for supporting the postdoctoral appointment of G.F.G. at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Mexican Cognitive Aging Ancillary Study (Mex-Cog): Study Design and Methods

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    Objective: Describe the protocol sample and instruments of the Cognitive Aging Ancillary Study in Mexico (Mex-Cog). The study performs an in-depth cognitive assessment in a subsample of older adults of the ongoing Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS). The Mex-Cog is part of the Harmonized Cognitive Assessment Protocol (HCAP) design to facilitate cross-national comparisons of the prevalence and trends of dementia in aging populations around the world, funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Methods: The study protocol consists of a cognitive assessment instrument for the target subject and an informant questionnaire. All cognitive measures were selected and adapted by a team of experts from different ongoing studies following criteria to warrant reliable and comparable cognitive instruments. The informant questionnaire is from the 10/66 Dementia Study in Mexico. Results: A total of 2,265 subjects aged 55-104 years participated, representing a 70% response rate. Validity analyses showed the adequacy of the content validity, proper quality-control procedures that sustained data integrity, high reliability, and internal structure. Conclusions: The Mex-Cog study provides in-depth cognitive data that enhances the study of cognitive aging in two ways. First, linking to MHAS longitudinal data on cognition, health, genetics, biomarkers, economic resources, health care, family arrangements, and psychosocial factors expands the scope of information on cognitive impairment and dementia among Mexican adults. Second, harmonization with other similar studies around the globe promotes cross-national studies on cognition with comparable data. Mex-Cog data is publicly available at no cost to researchers

    A cohort study of the effects of older adult care dependence upon household economic functioning, in Peru, Mexico and China

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    BACKGROUND: While links between disability and poverty are well established, there have been few longitudinal studies to clarify direction of causality, particularly among older adults in low and middle income countries. We aimed to study the effect of care dependence among older adult residents on the economic functioning of their households, in catchment area survey sites in Peru, Mexico and China. METHODS: Households were classified from the evolution of the needs for care of older residents, over two previous community surveys, as 'incident care', 'chronic care' or 'no care', and followed up three years later to ascertain economic outcomes (household income, consumption, economic strain, satisfaction with economic circumstances, healthcare expenditure and residents giving up work or education to care). RESULTS: Household income did not differ between household groups. However, income from paid work (Pooled Count Ratio pCR 0.88, 95% CI 0.78-1.00) and government transfers (pCR 0.80, 95% CI 0.69-0.93) were lower in care households. Consumption was 12% lower in chronic care households (pCR 0.88, 95% CI 0.77-0.99). Household healthcare expenditure was higher (pCR 1.55, 95% CI 1.26-1.90), and catastrophic healthcare spending more common (pRR 1.64, 95% CI 1.64-2.22) in care households. CONCLUSIONS: While endogeneity cannot be confidently excluded as an explanation for the findings, this study indicates that older people's needs for care have a discernable impact on household economics, controlling for baseline indicators of long-term economic status. Although living, typically, in multigenerational family units, older people have not featured prominently in global health and development agendas. Population ageing will rapidly increase the number of households where older people live, and their societal significance. Building sustainable long-term care systems for the future will require some combination of improved income security in old age; incentivisation of informal care through compensation for direct and opportunity costs; and development of community care services to support, and, where necessary, supplement or substitute the central role of informal caregivers

    Educación para la resiliencia, un análisis desde la perspectiva de niñas, niños y docentes

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    La resiliencia es entendida como un proceso que permite a una persona, sistema o comunidad, resistir, adaptarse, transformarse y recuperarse de manera oportuna y eficiente de una situación adversa; desde la educación, la resiliencia permite conocer las amenazas a las que la comunidad educativa está expuesta y las capacidades y recursos con los que cuenta para enfrentarlas. La presente investigación fue de tipo mixta, descriptiva y tuvo como objetivo identificar las competencias, prácticas y estrategias de fortalecimiento en materia de resiliencia escolar desde la perspectiva de docentes y de infantes de entre 7 y 13 años del estado de Tabasco, México. El estudio se llevó a cabo a través de encuestas y grupos focales, donde participaron 230 docentes y 53 infantes del estado de Tabasco. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos, se concluye que es necesario fortalecer los procesos de escucha y sistematización del conocimiento de la comunidad educativa con el fin de generar estrategias de intervención que permitan fortalecer la resiliencia escolar

    Socioeconomic Factors and All Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality among Older People in Latin America, India, and China: A Population-Based Cohort Study

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    Cleusa Ferri and colleagues studied mortality rates in over 12,000 people aged 65 years and over in Latin America, India, and China and showed that chronic diseases are the main causes of death and that education has an important effect on mortality