30 research outputs found

    Practice of physical activity and sport, membership and intention of future practice, in group of teenagers from 12 to 16 years old

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    [Resumen] El presente estudio analiza la frecuencia de práctica físico-deportiva de adolescentes que cursan Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria, fijándose en el nivel de pertenencia a un club organizado y su intención de práctica futura. La muestra la componen 986 jóvenes vascos de entre 12 y 16 años. Se empleó una metodología cuantitativa de naturaleza descriptiva y correlacional. Entre los resultados obtenidos podemos destacar que el 84,4% de los sujetos analizados realiza práctica de actividad físico-deportiva; el 58,4% realiza su actividad físico-deportiva asociado a un club, siendo las relaciones entre ambas variables estadísticamente significativas. Se concluye que los adolescentes que realizan actividad físico-deportiva con mayor frecuencia son quienes están asociados a clubes, siendo este colectivo el que presenta mayor intención de práctica futura.[Abstract] The aim of this study is to analyze the frequency of sport and physical activity practice among Secondary School adolescents, as well as the level of belonging to an organized club and the factors that will influence in the future practice. The sample is made up of 986 adolescents aged 12-16, from Basque Country. It is expected to find the criteria that have influence in the motivation of the adolescents to do and maintain physical and sport activity. The results indicate that the 84.4% of the adolescents perform physical and sport activity. The 58.4% of the sample perform physical and sport activity associated to a club. Additionally, it has been found a significant relationship between all the variablesGobierno Vasco; CTP09-P0

    Mediation Effect of Perceived Fitness on the Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Sport Practice in Spanish Adolescents

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    There has been a decrease in sports practices among the adolescent population, and several authors have tried to identify variables that can explain this decrease by analyzing psychosocial aspects such as perceived fitness and self-efficacy. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the association of perceived fitness and self-efficacy with sport practices and to determine whether perceived fitness is a mediator of the association between self-efficacy and sport practice in Spanish adolescents. The sample was composed of 882 students between 13 and 17 years old from Gipuzkoa (Spain). A descriptive, correlational and direct/indirect effect approach was used, using the PROCESS macro for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Among the results obtained, it is highlighted on the one hand, that perceived fitness significantly correlates with both self-efficacy and sport practice, on the other hand, it is confirmed that perceived fitness is a mediator in the relationship between self-efficacy and sports practice. This finding highlights the importance of psychosocial aspects in efforts to increase sports practice.This research received funding from the Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos (CTP) and the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, who also provided administrative support in the project

    Perception of Competence as Mediator between Motor Competence and Physical Activity

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    Background: The practice of physical activity (PA) plays an important role in achieving an active-healthy lifestyle. Several authors have focused their studies on the relationship between motor competence (MC) and physical activity (PA). Stodden et al. proposed a conceptual model, where they postulated the existence of a positive and significant relationship between the two variables and that there are mediating variables that play a critical role in this relationship as perceived motor competence (PMC). Aims: Therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide empirical evidence to support the conceptual model. The aim is to examine the association of PMC and MC with PA and to determine whether PMC is a mediator of the association between MC and PA in Basque adolescents. Methods: 897 students between 12 and 16 years old from the Basque Country (Spain) participated in this study. The SPORTCOMP battery was used to assess motor competence and the AMPET-R questionnaire was applied to measure the PMC. To know the level of PA participants were asked how many days per week they performed physical activity, considering physical activity to include any sport activity, organized or unorganized, that meets the conditions of a minimum duration of 60 min medium and vigorous intensity. A descriptive, correlational and direct/indirect effect approach was used, using the PROCESS macro for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The results highlight that, on the one hand, PMC significantly correlates with both MC and PA and, on the other hand, it is corroborated that PMC is a mediator variable in the relationship between MC and PA. Conclusion: The mediation role of the PMC in the association between MC and PA raises the necessity not only to improve motor skills but also to provide successful experiences that allow adolescents to build a competent image of themselves that will contribute to the achievement and maintenance of an active lifestyle.This research received funding from the Comunidad de Trabajo de losPirineos (CTP), who also provided administrative support in the project and from the Basque Government


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    The discrepancy between the level of motor competence and the perception of competence influences in the adherence or motivation to the practice of physical-sports activities. The aim of this study is to check the difference between boys and girls of their motor competence and the perception of competence and to analyze the accuracy with which they evaluate their motor skills. The results confirm the positive relationship between the variables and that the group of boys show and perceive themselves to be more competent than the girls. In addition, both groups are inaccurate in their assessments of their level of motor competence. This work proposes to design activities to improve the values of actual and perceived motor competence in boys and girls in order to encourage participation and thus to be able to make more accurate assessments of their actual motor competence.La discrepancia entre el nivel de competencia motriz y la percepción de competencia, intervienen en la adherencia o motivación hacia la práctica de actividades físico-deportivas. Este estudio, comprueba la diferencia de la competencia motriz y la percepción de competencia, entre chicos y chicas, además de analizar la precisión con la que los/as jóvenes evalúan sus habilidades motrices. Los resultados, confirman la relación positiva entre las variables. El grupo de los chicos, se muestra y se percibe más competente que el de las chicas. Además, ambos grupos son imprecisos en las valoraciones de su nivel de competencia motriz. Este trabajo, propone reflexionar sobre el tipo de actividades físico-deportivas, con el fin de mejorar los valores de la competencia motriz real y percibida, tanto en chicos como en chicas. De este modo, además de fomentar la participación, se podrán realizar valoraciones más precisas.Несоответствие между уровнем двигательной компетентности и восприятием компетентности, вмешивается в приверженность или мотивацию к занятиям физкультурно-спортивной деятельностью. Это исследование проверяет разницу в моторике и восприятии компетенции между мальчиками и девочками, а также анализирует точность, с которой молодые люди оценивают свою моторику. Результаты подтверждают положительную связь между переменными. Группа мальчиков показана и воспринимается как более компетентная, чем девочки. Кроме того, обе группы неточно оценивают свой уровень двигательной компетентности. В этой работе предлагается поразмышлять над типом физико-спортивной деятельности, с тем чтобы повысить ценности реальной и воспринимаемой двигательной компетентности как у мальчиков, так и у девочек. Таким образом, помимо поощрения участия, можно будет давать более точные оценки.运动能力水平与对该能力感知之间的差异,会干预体育锻炼活动的毅力或动机。本项研究验证了男女生之间运动能力和对该能力感知之间的差异,此外还通过评估青少年的运动能力分析了在该能力上的精确度。结果证实了变量之间的正相关,即男生组优于女孩组。 另一方面,研究对两组的运动能力水平的评估都不精确。这项研究建议应该反思体育运动的类型,以提高男生和女生的真实的运动能力。这样,我们不仅可以鼓励其参与运动,还可以进行更精确的评估

    Influence of emotional intelligence on sport performance in elite canoeist

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    Several studies support the hypothesis that emotions are linked with sport performance. However, only a few studies have addressed the direct relationship between emotional intelligence (EI) and sport performance. In order to address this question, emotional intelligence was assessed in 50 elite male canoeists from a total of fourteen countries. The sample was divided into two groups based on the number of medals achieved at world championships [Expert level Group 1, had won 1 - 3 medals (n = 33), and Expert level Group 2 had won more than 3 medals (n = 17)]. As a secondary goal, the influence of years of practice on sport performance was examined. Results indicate that the Level 2 expert athletes scored higher in empathy (p < .05), emotional recognition (p < .05), emotional control and regulation (p < .001) and years of practice invested in their preparation (p<.001) than the Level 1 expert athletes. These findings make a valuable contribution to answering some key questions regarding high performance sport and the role of EI in elite sport performance

    Aprendizaje deportivo, inteligencia emocional y scratch. Posible transferencia a la Educación Física escolar

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    This research, conducted as a pilot test, is about the perception of coaches in relation to the evolution of emotional intelligence, mental toughness and creativity of young students in their extracurricular sports activity through the process of designing and developing a game that simulates their sport, canoeing, using the Scratch free software. In order to do the activity, we use the pedagogical model of the Computer Clubhouse developed in the area of computing and that shows attractive challenges transferable to other areas of teaching and learning. Athletes, in order to overcome the challenge, must imagine situations, solve problems, manage their emotions and collaborate with their peers. All this generates a series of emotional processes that must be managed. The results show that the use of Scratch can signal a tendency to improve the canoeists’ psychological abilities and it is presented as an element of improvement applicable to school physical education.El presente trabajo, realizado a modo de prueba piloto, estudia la percepción de los educadores en relación a la evolución de la inteligencia emocional, dureza mental y creatividad de jóvenes estudiantes en su actividad deportiva extracurricular a través del diseño y desarrollo de un juego que simula su deporte, el piragüismo, a través del software libre Scratch. Para su desarrollo se utiliza el modelo pedagógico del Computer Clubhouse, desarrollado en el ámbito de la computación, y que muestra atractivos retos transferibles a otros ámbitos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, en concreto al de la educación física escolar. Los jóvenes, para superar el reto, deben imaginar situaciones deportivas que conduzcan a superar situaciones similares a las que se producen en su actividad físico-deportiva, solucionar problemas, gestionar emociones y colaborar con sus compañeros. Todo ello genera una serie de procesos emocionales que deberán de gestionar. Los resultados muestran que el uso del Scratch puede marcar una tendencia a la mejora de las capacidades psicológicas estudiadas y se presenta como un elemento de mejora aplicable a la educación física escolar

    Effect of an Active Break Intervention on Attention, Concentration, Academic Performance, and Self-Concept in Compulsory Secondary Education

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    (1) Background: Society’s shift to a tech-focused era and has created a hyper-connected, sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of this study is to address two objectives: firstly, to describe and analyze the effects of an active breaks program associated with the learning of curricular content (CF-AB) on levels of attention, concentration, and academic performance (AP); secondly, to examine the relationship between intense physical activity (PA), attention, concentration, academic self-concept, basic psychological needs, and academic performance in schoolchildren who practice CF-ABs. (2) Method: A randomized controlled trial quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test study with a non-probabilistic sample included 313 secondary school students divided into intervention and control groups. The intervention, a curricular-focused academic break (CF-AB) (8 weeks, 5–10 min/session), is taken in the middle of the class and linked with the subject content. Measuring instruments: Attention Test D2, ad hoc test for the AP, self-concept AF5, Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale in General (BNSG-S), and the Global PA Questionnaire (GPAC.V2). (3) Results: Attention and concentration improved in both groups, with no significant differences. There were no significant differences in academic self-concept, but the intervention group showed higher scores in basic psychological needs. AP correlated positively with concentration, academic self-concept, and physical activity. A proportion of 20% of the variance of AP in spelling is explained by the regression model. Students who improved the most in AP practiced intense PA outside school, with good self-concept and satisfactory social relationships. Although concentration was related to AP, it did not explain the improvement. (4) Conclusion: CF-ABs may have a positive impact on attention and AP, with socioemotional factors and PA playing an important role in this effect. (5) Limitations and Future Research: The relationship between PA performed in class and AP should be considered with caution due to the multifactorial nature of AP. Future research should consider the number of sessions per week, the prolongation of the same during the school year, the intensity and duration of the activity, and the intervention type of active breaks. In addition, attention should be paid to possible incident factors in AP related to personal and social variables.University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) by the project “Research Groups of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)”. Code: GIU. 21/047

    Diferencias en orientación de meta, motivación autodeterminada, inteligencia emocional y satisfacción con los resultados deportivos entre piragüistas expertos y novatos

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    La finalidad del presente estudio es analizar las diferencias en laorientación de meta, la motivación autodeterminada, la inteligencia emocionaly la satisfacción con los resultados deportivos entre piragüistas novatosy expertos. La muestra estuvo formada por 347 piragüistas varones deun total de 30 países, que se agruparon del siguiente modo en función desus resultados en campeonatos estatales: Novatos, ninguna medalla (n = 73),Expertos 1, de 1 a 3 medallas (n = 62), y Expertos 2, más de 3 medallas (n= 79). Se realizó un MANCOVA que mostró diferencias estadísticamentesignificativas en todas las variables analizadas. Los deportistas expertos evidenciaronniveles más altos en ambas orientaciones de meta (ego, tarea), enla motivación autodeterminada (autónoma y controlada), en los niveles deinteligencia emocional (empatía, reconocimiento emocional y regulación ycontrol emocional) y en las variables que explican la satisfacción del deportistacuando alcanza determinados logros personales (éxito normativo, experienciasde maestría y aprobación social). Estos datos son consistentes conestudios anteriores realizados con deportistas de élite de diversas disciplinas

    The relationship between emotional intelligence, self-determined motivation and performance in canoeists

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    The results of recent studies indicate that athletes differ in the degree in which they perceive, process and regulate their emotions. The present study aims to utilize these findings in order to examine if self-determined motivation in sport could explain individual variations in emotional intelligence (EI) and results of sport competitions. A model of structural equations has proven these relationships in 386 canoeists from 35 countries. These results support the mediating factor of EI in relation to autonomous motivation and performance index (PI). The stability of EI and gender differences were analysed as a secondary objective. The results showed that EI stays relatively stable independent from the years of practice. However, rather surprisingly, men scored higher than women in emotional control and regulation as well as in empathy. These findings contribute to the study of EI in sport and have important implications for human performance in sport competition at high level.University Grants for the mobility and publication of results UPV/EHU (Cod.2254/2013)

    Revista interuniversitaria de formación del profesorado

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglésMonográfico con el título: "Educación física, investigación y escuela"Se analiza el enfoque temático de enseñanza de habilidades que tiene como objetivo principal el desarrollo de la competencia motriz, constructo que en interacción con la percepción de competencia influye en el establecimiento y afianzamiento de hábitos de práctica físico-deportiva. El objetivo de este estudio es, por un lado, comprobar la relación entre la percepción de competencia, la competencia motriz y la práctica físico-deportiva, y por el otro, analizar la precisión con la que evalúan los practicantes y no practicantes de actividad físico deportiva sus habilidades motrices. Los resultados confirman la relación positiva entre las tres variables y además, que los practicantes de actividad físico-deportiva, a pesar de sobreestimar su capacidad, son más precisos en sus valoraciones que los no practicantes. Este trabajo propone aplicar el enfoque temático de la enseñanza de habilidades en el ámbito formativo dada la importancia que tiene el desarrollo de la competencia motriz en la percepción de competencia y por ende en el aumento de la práctica físico-deportiva, y se propone trabajarla.ES