1,477 research outputs found

    Nadie quiere ser el malo. Estrategias de vinculación a los barrios con 'mala fama'

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    Los barrios de una ciudad forman un paisaje comparativo de buenas y malas reputaciones. Se trata de estudiar cómo viven la relación con su barrio los que habitan en uno con 'mala fama'; las distintas estrategias que usan para evitar ser percibidos como 'el malo'; y algunas consecuencias de esas estrategias de vinculación con el espacio inmediato.Hiri bateko auzuneak entzute on eta txarreko paisaia konparatiboa osatzen dute. "Ospe txarra" duen auzune baten bizi direnek euren auzunearekiko duten harremana nola bizi duten ikertzean datza; "zitaltzat" lez aintzat hartuak izatea ekiditeko erabiltzen dituzten estrategia desberdinak; eta gertuko espazioarekiko lokarri-estrategia horien ondorioetariko batzuk.Les quartiers d'une ville forment un paysage comparatif de bonnes et de mauvaises réputations. Il s'agit d'étudier la façon dont vivent la relation avec leur quartier ceux qui habitent dans un de ces quartiers "malfamés"; les différentes stratégies qu'ils utilisent pour éviter d'être perçus com- me "le mauvais"; et quelques conséquences de ces stratégies de lien avec l'espace immédiat.The neighborhoods of a city form a comparative landscape of good and wrong reputations. It is a question of studying how there live through the relation with your neighborhood those who inhabit in one with 'wrong reputation'; the different strategies that they use to avoid to be perceived as 'the villain'; and some consequences of these strategies of links with the immediate space

    Exchangeable Claims Sizes in a Compound Poisson Type Proces

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    When dealing with risk models the typical assumption of independence among claim size distributions is not always satisfied. Here we consider the case when the claim sizes are exchangeable and study the implications when constructing aggregated claims through compound Poisson type processes. In par- ticular, exchangeability is achieved through conditional independence and using parametric and nonparametric measures for the conditioning distribution. A full Bayesian analysis of the proposed model is carried out to illustrate.Bayes nonparametrics, compound Poisson process, exchangeable claim process, exchangeable sequence, risk model.

    Las facetas de la gobernabilidad: eficiencia política y administrativa del Estado

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    Una problemática de los nacientes gobiernos democráticos, en los ámbitos nacional y local, es consolidar la democracia política o electoral, y después asegurar la capacidad requerida ¿arreglos formales¿ para demostrar una eficiencia, capacidad y coherencia para gobernar con mecanismos democráticos. El débil rendimiento de los gobiernos democráticos ofrece las condiciones para que los empresarios o los partidos políticos aíslen o focalicen los bienes públicos al grueso de la sociedad. Así, la gobernanza se nutre de libertades positivas y las dignifica; sin embargo, se requiere de un gobierno como instancia de conducción social que amalgame al capital social y limite las libertades negativas.Una problemática de los nacientes gobiernos democráticos, en los ámbitos nacional y local, es consolidar la democracia política o electoral, y después asegurar la capacidad requerida ¿arreglos formales¿ para demostrar una eficiencia, capacidad y coherencia para gobernar con mecanismos democráticos. El débil rendimiento de los gobiernos democráticos ofrece las condiciones para que los empresarios o los partidos políticos aíslen o focalicen los bienes públicos al grueso de la sociedad. Así, la gobernanza se nutre de libertades positivas y las dignifica; sin embargo, se requiere de un gobierno como instancia de conducción social que amalgame al capital social y limite las libertades negativas

    Virtual Environment for Development of Visual Servoing Control Algorithms

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    Our problem considered was whether a virtual environment could be used for development of visual servoing control algorithms. We have used a virtual environment for the comparison of several kinds of controllers. The virtual environment is done in Java, and it consists of two industrial robots, IRB 2000 and IRB 6, a camera stereo system with two cameras mounted on the end-effector of the IRB 6, and one rolling ball and one bar. The experiment consists of tracking and grasping the ball using the different controllers. The robot IRB 2000 should grasp the rolling ball. The control of the robot is done in Matlab. We have three controllers. These controllers are function of the difference between the ball and the gripper. First, we use P-controller with a proportional gain. Second, the image-based Jacobian control is used but this controller needs an improvement because the robot tracks the ball with a little delay, then we use this controller with feedforward. The robot grasps the ball when the error between the ball and the gripper is less than one tolerance. In these two controllers, the depth is calculated with the two cameras (stereovision), therefore cameras need to be calibrated. Third, the hybrid controller is used. It is a mix of image-based and position-based controller. We use X and Y in Image space and Z in Cartesian space. Now, the 3D reconstruction is done from motion. It means we do not need calibrated cameras and the depth is calculated with adaptive control techniques. This adaptive control is used for recovering on-line the velocity of the ball. When the estimation of the ball is stable, the robot starts tracking the ball

    Use of Indicators to Evaluate Sustainability of Animal Production Systems

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    SUMMARY – Few indicators for sustainability are used in studying animal production systems. Sustainability of these systems should be evaluated in a dynamic and multidisciplinary manner, and those indicators used should allow for detecting the systems' most relevant properties, as well as the tendency of those systems to change. Indicators proposed by FAO provide information regarding all attributes of sustainability, although in a manner which is overly focused on technical and economic indicators at the expense of social and environmental factors. In order to use these indicators to evaluate sustainability, it is necessary to: (i) integrate and reduce the number of indicators, balancing them for all sustainability attributes; (ii) generate indicators which show system sustainability in relation to the economic, environmental and social context; and (iii) design indicators which show system evolution and the influence of this process on that system’s sustainability.RESUME – "Utilisation d'indicateurs pour évaluer la durabilité des systèmes de production animale". Les indicateurs permettant de caractériser la durabilité des systèmes de production animale sont peu développés. L'évaluation de la durabilité de ces systèmes doit être dynamique et multidisciplinaire et les indicateurs utilisés doivent permettre de détecter les caractéristiques les plus importantes des systèmes et leur évolution. Les indicateurs proposés par la FAO servent à informer sur tous les attributs liés à la durabilité, mais d’une façon non équilibrée et trop centrée sur le système de production. Pour rendre possible l’utilisation des indicateurs FAO en tant qu'évaluateurs de la durabilité des systèmes, il conviendra de: (i) réduire le nombre d'indicateurs obtenus à partir des données de l’exploitation, en cherchant un équilibre entre le nombre d’indicateurs qui correspondent à chaque attribut de la durabilité ; (ii) générer des indicateurs représentatifs de la durabilité des systèmes liés à l'environnement, aussi bien physique, économique que social ; et (iii) créer des indicateurs qui renseignent sur l’évolution du système et de sa durabilité

    Evaluation of Factors Present During Labor Stress

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    Se define el estrés como un constructo interactivo, que constituye una reacción de la persona tanto en el ámbito fisiológico como psicológico, ante un estímulo configurado por la interacción de factores individuales, ambientales y sociales, y que conlleva a un proceso de adaptación o desequilibrio del organismo.A partir de esta definición, este estudio constituye una evaluación del estrés en la empresa, mediante la medición de cinco variables: a) Estrés Percibido; b) Percepción de Apoyo Social Familiar; c) Percepción de Apoyo Social de las Amistades; d) Nivel de Sintomatología y e) Nivel de Estrés generado por la Preocupación u Ocurrencia de Sucesos de Vida.Estas variables se estudian en una muestra de 107 trabajadores que presentan elevados índices de accidentalidad y que forman parte de una importante empresa minera del país.El análisis de los resultados fue realizado a través de un procedimiento descriptivo y correlacional. El primero de ellos orientado a determinar los niveles de estrés y sus variables asociadas en la muestra en estudio. El análisis correlacional tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de relación existente entre las variables evaluadas y como éstas se encuentran relacionadas con el nivel de estrés.Como principales conclusiones del estudio pueden establecerse; a) la calidad psicométrica de una batería de escalas sometidas a exhaustivo tratamiento estadístico, b) la presencia de niveles significativos de estrés y de sus variables asociadas en la muestra evaluada, lo que vincularía potencialmente la accidentabilidad y el estrés, y c) la presencia de correlaciones estadísticamente significativas entre las variables evaluadas.Del análisis de variables se extraen factores claves a ser considerados como puntos de partida en futuros programas de intervención para el manejo del estrés en los trabajadores.Stress has been defined as an interactive construct. It constitutes the reaction of a person both at a physiological and psychological level, when confronting a stimulus configured by the interaction of individual, environmental and social factors, leading to an adaptation or an imbalance of the organism.Departing from this definition which globalizes the theoretical perspective on thematter, this study constitutes an analysis of stress mechanisms through the evaluation of five variables: a) perceived stress; b) perception of family social support; c) perception of friends’ social support; d) the level of stress generated by worries or life events.These variables were studied in a group of 107 workers presenting a high index of accidents, belonging to an important mining company of Chile.Analysis of results was done through descriptive and correlated procedures. Thefirst was oriented at determining stress levels and its associated variables in the sample studied. The correlational analysis has as its objective to determine the degree of existing relationship among the variables and how these are associated with stress.The main conclusions are: a) the quality of a battery of scales undergoing an exhaustive statistical analysis; b) the presence of significant levels of stress and the associated variables in the sample being evaluated and c) the presence of statistically significant correlations among the evaluated variables.From the analysis of variables, key factors are extracted to be considered as points of departure for future programs of intervention in stress management of workers

    Thiemann transform for gravity with matter fields

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    The generalised Wick transform discovered by Thiemann provides a well-established relation between the Euclidean and Lorentzian theories of general relativity. We extend this Thiemann transform to the Ashtekar formulation for gravity coupled with spin-1/2 fermions, a non-Abelian Yang-Mills field, and a scalar field. It is proved that, on functions of the gravitational and matter phase space variables, the Thiemann transform is equivalent to the composition of an inverse Wick rotation and a constant complex scale transformation of all fields. This result holds as well for functions that depend on the shift vector, the lapse function, and the Lagrange multipliers of the Yang-Mills and gravitational Gauss constraints, provided that the Wick rotation is implemented by means of an analytic continuation of the lapse. In this way, the Thiemann transform is furnished with a geometric interpretation. Finally, we confirm the expectation that the generator of the Thiemann transform can be determined just from the spin of the fields and give a simple explanation for this fact.Comment: LaTeX 2.09, 14 pages, no figure