107 research outputs found

    Three Essays in Public Finance in Developing Countries

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    The three chapters presented in this dissertation focus on fiscal issues affecting developing countries. Low tax revenue collection, weak enforcement capabilities, high levels of tax evasion, inefficient tax system design, and reactive handling of contingent liabilities –such as natural disasters–, are characteristics commonly observed in countries across the developing world. In the analyses presented here, I study some of these issues and seek to contribute to their understanding through new empirical evidence. Chapter 1: Minimum taxes are attractive to governments because under such regimes evasion incentives are expected to be lower than under profit taxation. Until recently, this type of policies was considered suboptimal from a social welfare perspective. The present analysis focuses on the Guatemalan corporate income tax regime faced by firms registered in Regimen Optativo. The empirical evidence shown in this chapter suggests strong firm responses to the minimum tax and to its exemption rule, most of which seem in accordance with evasion behavior. Upper-bounds for average reported profits are estimated to be as low as 42% of actual firms’ profits, implying an evasion rate of 58% in the absence of the minimum tax scheme. These results are consistent with the view that minimum taxes can be an effective mechanism to lower tax evasion in environments with limited enforcement capabilities. Chapter 2: This chapter analyses the fiscal impact of extreme weather events. While the literature analyzing the economic incidence of natural disasters has mainly focused on their macroeconomic consequences, the fiscal dimension of this problem remains relatively neglected. Due to their adverse effect on the economy, extreme weather events tend to reduce government revenues and increase public expenditure, creating a negative pressure on the budget balance. According to the results shown in this chapter, the occurrence of at least one extreme weather event is associated with an increase in the budget deficit between 0.4% and 0.9% of GDP. This impact comes primarily from an immediate reduction in government revenues, as a percentage of GDP, with some evidence pointing out to a lagged effect on public expenditure two years after the event. The analysis also shows that the fiscal effect is larger for low-income and lower-middle income countries but is not significant for high-income and upper-middle income countries. Chapter 3: This chapter explores the consequences of having two co-existing corporate income tax regimes within a domestic tax system. This scenario is interesting because, in such environments, a simple theoretical model predicts an optimal strategy involving tax arbitrage through income shifting across regimes. The empirical exercise focuses on the case of Guatemala, where firms choose between a regime that taxes profits –Regimen Optativo–, and a regime that taxes turnover –Regimen General–. Following a difference-in-difference approach, where treatment and control groups are defined by whether firms belong to a tax arbitrage network or not, the results show differential behavior between the two groups. Firms that do not belong to a tax arbitrage network faced a decrease of around one percentage point more than the treatment group in the probability of registering in Regimen General after the reform. Despite their consistency with the theoretical predictions, it is acknowledged that these results should only be interpreted as indirect evidence of profit shifting and the existence of tax arbitrage networks in Guatemala.PHDPublic Policy & EconomicsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147524/1/lalejos_1.pd

    Implementación del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud ocupacional para empresa dedicada a la venta de concreto premezclado según la norma ISO 45001:2018. Empresa: Concretos Supermix planta variante de Uchumayo Arequipa 2019

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    El presente trabajo busca responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿De qué manera la Implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional en la Empresa Concretos Supermix S.A., según la Norma ISO 45001:2018 que ayudará a crear una cultura de prevención de riesgos, los cuales evitaran accidentes e incidentes laborales y mejorara la productividad laboral? Frente a este problema se plantea el objetivo de proponer la transición del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo basado en OHSAS 18001:2007 a ISO 45001:2018 de la Empresa Concretos Supermix S.A. Además, esta investigación tiene como objetivos específicos el mostrar el marco teórico de los sistemas de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, realizar un estudio de línea base al Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (SGSST) de la empresa en base a ISO 45001:2018, diseñar una propuesta y fases de implementación para la transición del SGSST en la empresa basado en ISO 45001:2018 y realizar las conclusiones y recomendaciones del estudio. Finalmente, la propuesta de esta investigación estará compuesta por estudio de línea base del SGSST, entradas para el sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, procesos e información documentada, formación y finalizando por la revisión por la dirección

    El espacio público como promotor de la cohesión social en el distrito de Jequetepeque en el año 2022

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    Contar con una comunidad cohesionada socialmente es muy importante ya que permitirá que logren sus objetivos comunes en pro de su bienestar, en esta investigación está enfocada en determinar si existe relación entre el espacio público y la cohesión social ambas como variables ordinales, se hizo el análisis para determinar la relación a partir de indicadores como permeabilidad, circulación legibilidad, articulación, aptitud de uso social, sentido de pertenencia, llegando a la conclusión que si existe una relación entre estas variables. Para la presente investigación se analizó la muestra de 345 personas que interactúan en la comunidad de Jequetepeque, quien a través de un formulario con proporciones y respuestas del tipo Likert permitieron analizar la relación de las variables para el año 2022. Llegando a la conclusión que Jequetepeque es una pueblo que tiene una fuerte cohesión social, sin embargo falta mejorar las condiciones físicas del espacio público a fin de logar una mejor relación entre las variable

    General n-dimensional quadrature transform and its application to interferogram demodulation

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    Quadrature operators are useful for obtaining the modulating phase 0 in, interferometry and temporal signals in electrical communications. In carrier-frequency interferometry and electrical communications, one uses the Hilbert transform to obtain the quadrature of the signal. In these, cases the Hilbert transform gives the desired quadrature because the modulating phase is monotonically increasing. We propose an n-dimensional quadrature operator that transforms cos(φ) into -sin(φ) regardless of the-frequency spectrum of the signal. With the quadrature of the phase-modulated signal, one can easily calculate the value of φ over all the domain of interest. Our quadrature operator is composed of-two n-dimensional vector fields: One is related to the gradient of the image normalized with respect to local frequency magnitude, and the other is related to the sign of the local frequency of the signal: The inner product of these two vector fields gives us the desired quadrature signal. This quadrature operator is derived in the image space by use of differential vector calculus and in the frequency domain by use of a n-dimensional generalization of the Hilbert transform. A robust numerical algorithm is given to find the modulating phase of two-dimensional single-image closed-fringe interferograms by use of the ideas put forward

    Regularized quadrature and phase tracking from a single closed-fringe interferogram

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    A new sequential phase demodulator based on a regularized quadrature and phase tracker system (RQPT) is applied to demodulate two-dimensional fringe patterns. This RQPT system tracks the fringe pattern's quadrature and phase in a sequential way by following the path of the fringes. To make the RQPT system more robust to noise, the modulating phase around a small neighborhood is modeled as a plane and the quadrature of the signal is estimated simultaneously with the fringe's modulating phase. By sequentially calculating the quadrature of the fringe pattern, one obtains a more robust sequential demodulator than was previously possible. This system may be applied to the demodulation of a single interferogram having closed fringes

    Plan de mejora para optimizar la gestión de almacén en una empresa de servicios de equipos de elevación

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    El estudio realizado se enfocó en un plan de mejora para lograr la optimización en la gestión de almacenes en una empresa de servicios de equipos de elevación, la cual pertenece al sector industrial terciario, esta entidad está dedicada a la comercialización y servicios de mantenimiento de equipos de Levante. En la entidad se presentaba diferentes problemas entre los cuales se destacan en el área de almacén, donde se tenía demasiado desorden, tiempos exagerados en la preparación de pedidos, así como mercadería y/o insumos dispersos por todo el almacén, debido a esto se generaban costos innecesarios como productos mermados para lo cual se tuvieron que presentar diferentes indicadores en este estudio. Se desarrollaron tres métodos en la investigación para lograr la optimización de la gestión de almacén, la primera es aplicar el método ABC para poder así reducir los tiempos de entrega de pedido e identificar los productos significativos para la distribuidora, la segunda es la implementación del método FIFO para evitar productos vencidos en nuestro almacén por el mal uso del método LIFO (usado actualmente) y la tercera es aplicar el método de las 5´S para poder organizar mejor el almacén con el objetivo de reducir el área útil del almacén. Para responder dichas hipótesis, se desarrolló el análisis con los datos históricos de la empresa y observamos la situación del almacén a tratar, usando herramientas y conocimientos diversos de ingeniería industrial, como lo son: el diagrama de Ishikawa, flujogramas, diagrama de operaciones. La gestión de almacenes es un punto decisivo para la empresa, es por eso que se llegó a la conclusión, que a través de la implementación del Método ABC, se logró disminuir el tiempo de entrega del pedido en un 62.08% más productivo que antes; asimismo con el uso del Método FIFO se pudo disminuir la cantidad de productos obsoletos del almacén de la empresa a un 7.49% del total; y con la ejecución de la Metodología 5’S, se consiguió reducir el área útil del almacén, disminuyendo a un 52.38% del área ocupada. Logrando así, la optimización en la gestión de almacén para cada una de las variables mencionadas con anterioridad

    Analítica avanzada para el progreso de las administraciones tributarias de América Latina

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    Las nuevas tecnologías disruptivas tienen tal calificación porque provocan una brusca revolución sobre aspectos sociales, económicos y jurídicos. La materia tributaria no es ajena al impacto que ofrecen nuevas tecnologías como el Big Data, la Inteligencia Artificial, la robótica o los nuevos modelos de negocio basados en la generación de contenido online. Se producen una serie de desafíos sobre los sistemas tributarios a la par que la apertura de nuevas oportunidades para la mejora del cumplimiento tributario y la lucha contra el fraude y la evasión fiscal. El principal objetivo debe ser que las nuevas tecnologías no impidan una aplicación transversal de los principios constitucionales que rigen el sistema tributario y asegurar una tributación justa que garantice el sostenimiento de los gastos públicos. A estos efectos, esta obra colectiva analiza el impacto de la digitalización sobre los sistemas tributarios, especialmente en lo que respecta a la robótica, la Inteligencia Artificial y las técnicas de análisis de macrodatos o Big Data. El enfoque de estudio que se sigue en este libro es doméstico e internacional y busca ofrecer una visión del estado actual de la cuestión y proponer, en la medida de lo posible, una serie de propuestas para un sistema tributario más justo y equitativo.2021-2

    Morphological characterization of Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) ecotypes collected in Chiapas, Mexico

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    Objective: To characterize the morphology of 18 ecotypes of Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) in Chiapas. Design/Methodology/Approach: The morphological characterization was carried out with 34 quantitative and qualitative descriptors. A principal component analysis and a hierarchical cluster analysis were performed based on the average data. Results: In the principal component analysis, five of the principal components accounted for 70.7% of the total variability in the 18 ecotypes of Elephant grass. The variables that made the most significant contributions in each CP were: in CP1, internode diameter (p<0.01), internode length (p<0.05), color of internode without wax (p<0.01), number of innovations (p<0.01 ), prophylls (p<0.01), number of prophylls (p<0.01), external length of the sheath (p<0.01), internal length of the sheath at its opening point (p<0.01), opening of the auricle (p<0.01 ); for CP2, the number of visible internodes (p<0.05), channel width (p<0.05), size of innovations (p<0.05), adventitious root, number of internodes (p<0.01), wax under the sheath (p<0.05); and for CP3, number of visible internodes (p<0.05), color of the internode with wax (p<0.001), channel depth (p<0.001), ligule shape (p<0.05) and leaflet tip (p< 0.05). As a result of the hierarchical cluster analysis and the semipartial correlation coefficient, five morphologically distinct groups were determined. Study Limitations: A more accurate description of the morphological diversity of the grasses requires the characterization of the inflorescence and the spikelet. Findings/Conclusions: The 18 ecotypes of the Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) collected and characterized were dissimilar with each other; consequently, they are considered a genetic resource with potential importance as forage on the Chiapas coast

    LD50 and GR50 estimation with gamma rays (60 Co) IN Arachis pintoi Var. amarillo

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    Objective: To estimate the median lethal dose (LD50) and mean reductive dose (GR50) due to gamma radiation in Arachis pintoi var. Amarillo seeds. Design/methodology/approach: Ten doses were used (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 Gy) plus a control (without radiation). The experimental design was completely random with three replications and 50 seeds per repetition. Seed germination was evaluated 29 days after sowing (das) and plant survival, plant height, root length and leaf area at 60 das. The LD50 and GR50 for survival and plants height were estimated by linear regression. Results: There was a significant reduction of seed germination and plant survival from 300 and 200 Gy doses compared to the control (61.64 and 49.15 % each); for the plants height the dose was of 100 Gy (35.22 %). There were no differences in the root length and leaf area with 100 and 200 Gy regard to the control. The LD50 was estimated at 212.54 Gy and the GR50 at 162.16 Gy. Findings/conclusions: The gamma radiation doses to induce genetic variation in A. pintoi var. Amarillo seeds were between 162 and 212 Gy.Objective: To estimate the median lethal dose (LD50) and mean reductive dose (GR50) due to gamma radiation in Arachis pintoi var. Amarillo seeds. Design/methodology/approach: Ten doses were used (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900 and 1000 Gy) plus a control (without radiation). The experimental design was completely random with three replications and 50 seeds per repetition. Seed germination was evaluated 29 days after sowing (das) and plant survival, plant height, root length and leaf area at 60 das. The LD50 and GR50 for survival and plants height were estimated by linear regression. Results: There was a significant reduction of seed germination and plant survival from 300 and 200 Gy doses compared to the control (61.64 and 49.15 % each); for the plants height the dose was of 100 Gy (35.22 %). There were no differences in the root length and leaf area with 100 and 200 Gy regard to the control. The LD50 was estimated at 212.54 Gy and the GR50 at 162.16 Gy. Findings/conclusions: The gamma radiation doses to induce genetic variation in A. pintoi var. Amarillo seeds were between 162 and 212 Gy