2,270 research outputs found

    Las huellas electorales del nacionalismo español. Identificación territorial y voto en los partidos políticos de ámbito estatal, 1980-2013

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    In this paper we approach the study of Spanish nationalism (the nature of the identification with Spain) from the perspective of voters of different state-wide political parties. Our goal is to analyse how the profile of constituencies of these parties has evolved according to what we call the electoral footprints of Spanish nationalism. The analysis of the degree of heterogeneity of this electoral footprint and its differences across autonomous communities over the last decades, along with other differences in socio-political attitudes among their constituents, can help us to understand party’s positioning on this issue and its treatment in the electoral agenda. The empirical analysis is based on sixteen several general population surveys conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS).En este trabajo nos aproximamos al estudio del nacionalismo español (la naturaleza de la identificación con España) desde la perspectiva de los votantes de los partidos políticos de ámbito estatal. El objetivo principal es analizar cómo ha cambiado el perfil de sus bases electorales en función de lo que llamamos las huellas electorales del nacionalismo español. El análisis de cómo ha evolucionado en el tiempo el grado de heterogeneidad de esas huellas electorales, junto con las variaciones territoriales y otras diferencias en las actitudes socio-políticas, pueden ayudarnos a entender los posicionamientos de estos partidos y su tratamiento en la agenda electoral. Los datos utilizados proceden de dieciséis encuestas a población general realizadas por el Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) durante los últimos treinta años

    Characterization of three recycled materials for alternative use of mortars

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    Because natural resources in construction are limited, it is advisable to look for new alternatives that meet comparable functions, and likewise, reduce consumption of non-renewable resources. The use of recycled materials is of benefit to the uncontrolled eliminations of residues that cause the use of the public resources, such as landfills. In addition, this contributes to the reduction of the environmental imact caused by the industries in the process of obtaining the same ones. Therefore, recycled materials such as concrete or masonry demolished, glass and ceramics different, can be employed in different ways to be used in the construction industry. This work focuses on presenting the initial characterization of three reveled materials as an alternative to use in relacement of natuals sand in mortars, this as a first step for furher study in different percentages of replacement, as currently his inderstanding is unknown, or little known.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Anfípodos en sedimentos de cuevas submarinas del Sur de la Península Ibérica: diversidad y distribución ecológica

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    The present study explores the amphipod assemblages of six marine caves on the Mediterranean coast of southern Spain. Replicate samples were taken both inside and outside each marine cave in order to characterize the amphipod fauna and the physicochemical properties of the sediment. As a result, 44 amphipods species were identified. The high number of species found in a relatively limited area highlighted the richness of the Alboran Sea fauna, which is mainly due to the mixture of species from different biogeographic areas. Harpinia genus was the dominant amphipod taxa inside marine caves and Perioculodes longimanus was also very abundant in the caverns. On the other hand, external communities were dominated by Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni and Photis longipes. There was a high degree of variability in both the internal and the external stations. Only the external station situated at low-medium depth showed a relatively homogeneous amphipod assemblage. The structure and behaviour of soft-bottom communities inside marine caves is difficult to predict because their environmental conditions depend on a particular combination of factors such as topography, depth and orientation. Therefore, no constant patterns were observed for species richness, Shannon diversity and abundance of amphipods in marine caves in comparison with open habitats. According to canonical correspondence analysis, sediment granulometry, organic matter and nitrogen concentration were the parameters that best explained the distribution of amphipods. Species were also classified by their tolerance to environmental pollution according to criteria followed by the Azti Marine Biotic Index and the BENTIX index. The great abundance of sensitive species at both the internal and external stations indicates the good ecological quality of the soft bottom studied. However, the suitability of biotic indices in marine caves should be tested in future studies.En el presente trabajo se estudia la fauna de anfípodos presente en el sustrato blando de seis cuevas submarinas de la costa Mediterránea del sur de España. Con el objetivo de caracterizar tanto la comunidad biótica como las características físico-químicas del sedimento, se tomaron muestras de sedimento a la salida y en el interior de las cuevas submarinas. Como resultado, se identificaron un total de cuarenta y cuatro especies de anfípodos diferentes. Este elevado número de especies encontrado en un área relativamente limitada pone de manifiesto la riqueza faunística del Mar de Alborán, la cual se atribuye principalmente a la mezcla de especies de diferentes áreas biogeográficas. El género Harpinia fue el taxón dominante en el interior de las cuevas, junto con Perioculodes longimanus. Por otro lado, la comunidad en las zonas externas estaba dominada por Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni y Photis longipes. Se observó un alto grado de variabilidad tanto en las estaciones internas como externas. Solo las estaciones externas situadas a profundidades bajas-medias mostraron una fauna relativamente homogénea. La estructura y el comportamiento de las comunidades que habitan los sustratos blandos en el interior de cuevas submarinas es difícil de predecir, ya que las condiciones ambientales dependen de sus particulares características en cuanto a topografía, profundidad y orientación. Por ello, no ha podido extraerse ningún patrón constante de la comparación de comunidades internas y externas para el número de especies, diversidad de Shannon o abundancia de anfípodos. La granulometría y los porcentajes de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en el sedimento fueron los parámetros que mejor explicaban la distribución de los anfípodos, de acuerdo con los resultados del análisis CCA. Las especies también fueron clasificadas en base a su tolerancia a la polución ambiental, siguiendo los criterios establecidos por los índices AMBI y BENTIX. La gran abundancia de especies sensibles refleja el buen estado ecológico de los sedimentos estudiados. Sin embargo, la aplicabilidad de los índices bióticos en cuevas submarinas debería ser testada en futuros estudios.Financial support for this work was provided by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project CGL 2011-22474, internal reference 2011-707). It was cofinanced by FEDER funds of the European Union and by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Project P11-RNM-7041)

    CUT-UP CITY. El ready-made como experimento urbano. (www.cutupcity.com)

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    CUT-UP es un término acuñado por el escritor estadounidense William S. Burroughs basado en la yuxtaposición de pasajes de las obras del propio autor y también de obras de otros escritores para luego volver a ensamblar los fragmentos de forma aleatoria generando sentidos y significados totalmente inéditos. Trasladado al campo de la arquitectura, el propósito de esta operación sería la de definir estrategias que, utilizando las formas existentes, consiguieran efectos completamente diferentes. Así, se puede decir que las nociones de originalidad e incluso de creación, tan presentes en nuestra cultura, se podrían entender de una manera mucho más libre y desprejuiciada.CUT-UP is a term coined by the American writer William S. Burroughs based on the juxtaposition of passages from the own works and also from others in order to re-assemble the random fragments generating completly new senses and meanings. Moved to architecture, the purpose of this operation would be to define strategies, using existing forms, to realise completely different effects. So, we can say that the notions of originality, and even creation, so present in our culture, could be understood in a more freely and unprejudiced way

    Triangle Dropping: An occluded-geometry predictor for energy-efficient mobile GPUs

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    This article proposes a novel micro-architecture approach for mobile GPUs aimed at early removing the occluded geometry in a scene by leveraging frame-to-frame coherence, thus reducing the overall energy consumption. Mobile GPUs commonly implement a Tile-Based Rendering (TBR) architecture that differentiates two main phases: the Geometry Pipeline, where all the geometry of a scene is processed; and the Raster Pipeline, where primitives are rendered in a framebuffer. After the Geometry Pipeline, only non-culled primitives inside the camera’s frustum are stored into the Parameter Buffer, a data structure stored in DRAM. However, among the non-culled primitives there is a significant amount that are rendered but non-visible at all, resulting in useless computations. On average, 60% of those primitives are completely occluded in our benchmarks. Despite TBR architectures use on-chip caches for the Parameter Buffer, about 46% of the DRAM traffic still comes from accesses to such buffer. The proposed Triangle Dropping technique leverages the visibility information computed along the Raster Pipeline to predict the primitives’ visibility in the next frame to early discard those that will be totally occluded, drastically reducing Parameter Buffer accesses. On average, our approach achieves overall 14.5% energy savings, 28.2% energy-delay product savings, and a speedup of 20.2%.This work has been supported by the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant no. 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency (MCIN/AEI) under grant PID2020-113172RB-I00 (AEI/FEDER, EU), and the ICREA Academia program. D. Corbalán-Navarro has been also supported by a PhD research fellowship from the University of Murcia’s “Plan Propio de Investigación.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Continuous‑wavelet‑transform analysis of the multifocal ERG waveform in glaucoma diagnosis

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    The vast majority of multifocal electroretinogram (mfERG) signal analyses to detect glaucoma study the signals’ amplitudes and latencies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate application of wavelet analysis of mfERG signals in diagnosis of glaucoma. This analysis method applies the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) to the signals, using the real Morlet wavelet. CWT coefficients resulting from the scale of maximum correlation are used as inputs to a neural network, which acts as a classifier. mfERG recordings are taken from the eyes of 47 subjects diagnosed with chronic open-angle glaucoma and from those of 24 healthy subjects. The high sensitivity in the classification (0.894) provides reliable detection of glaucomatous sectors, while the specificity achieved (0.844) reflects accurate detection of healthy sectors. The results obtained in this paper improve on the previous findings reported by the authors using the same visual stimuli and database.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovació

    Influence of Groundwater Discharge on Temporal Evolution in Two Wetlands of an Intensely Anthropized Area: Analysis Using an Integrated Approach

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    The Campo de Dalías is a coastal plain, which has undergone a significant change in land use and intensive exploitation of groundwater. A series of diverse data has been analyzed: aerial and satellite images (1956–2013), evolution of the water table (1973–2019), and exploitation of different aquifers (1964–2017). The results indicate: (1) increase in the surface area occupied by greenhouses, (2) increase in abstraction of groundwater, and (3) an opposite trend in the piezometric evolution of the two aquifers (deep and shallow). All this has had a significant effect on the evolution of the “Punta Entinas” wetland, which has shown a continuous increase in flooded surface area, especially pronounced since 1994. Its waters have intermediate hydrochemical characteristics between seawater and groundwater and reflect the local influence of groundwater on the wetland. The applied methodology is useful in areas with sustained human activity, land use changes, and intensive groundwater exploitation, and can contribute to the understanding of surface water-groundwater dependence and wetland management

    Improving the energy efficiency of the graphics pipeline by reducing overshading

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    The most common task of GPUs is to render images in real time. When rendering a 3D scene, a key step is determining which parts of every object are visible in the final image. There are different approaches to solve the visibility problem, the Z-Test being the most common in modern GPUs. A main factor that significantly penalizes the energy efficiency of a GPU, especially in the mobile arena, is the so-called overshading, which happens when a portion of an object is shaded and rendered but finally occluded by another object. This useless work results in a waste of energy, however, the conventional Z-Test only eliminates a fraction of it. In this paper we present a novel microarchitectural technique, the ¿-Test, to drastically reduce overshading on a Tile-Based Rendering (TBR) architecture. The proposed approach leverages frame-to-frame coherence by taking advantage of the costly and valuable calculations made in previous frames. In particular, we propose to reuse information from the Z-Buffer of the previous frame, which is currently discarded. We make the observation that due to the existing frame-to-frame coherence, the Z-Buffer of a frame will have a high similarity in many areas with that of the previous frame. As a result, the proposed technique avoids many costly computations and off-chip memory accesses. Our experimental evaluation shows that ¿-Test reduces the average energy consumption of the overall GPU/Memory system by 15.7 % and the runtime of the evaluated benchmarks by 10.6 % on average.This work has been supported by the the CoCoUnit ERC Advanced Grant of the EU’s Horizon 2020 program (grant No 833057), the Spanish State Research Agency under grant TIN2016-75344-R (AEI/-FEDER, EU) and the ICREA Academia program. D. Corbal´an-Navarro has been supported by a PhD research fellowship from the University of Murcia.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Vibrational and thermal characterization of seeds, pulp, leaves and seed oil of Rosa rubiginosa

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    Rosa rubiginosa L. seed oil has been studied for its application in skin care products, but the chemical nature of seeds, pulp and even leaves, apart from that of oil, is also relevant with a view to the application of this weed for biodiesel production. All these vegetal materials were studied by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for characterisation purposes. FTIR bands at 3005, 2924, 1740, 1654 and 1456 cm-1 were used to estimate the iodine index, suitable for biofuels, and the oxidation stability degree. From the viewpoint of the thermal stability, both the seed oil (for which pyrolysis occurs at 462°C), the raw seeds and the rosehip pulp (with decomposition temperatures of 373°C and 333°C, respectively) showed potential as a biomass feedstock for conversion into biofuels. Caracterización térmica y vibracional de las semillas, pulpa, hojas y aceite de semillas de Rosa rubiginosa. El aceite de semillas de R. rubiginosa L. ha sido estudiado para su aplicación en productos para el cuidado de la piel, pero la naturaleza química de las semillas, pulpa y hojas, además de la del aceite, también es importante con miras a la aplicación de esta mala hierba para la producción de biodiesel. Los materiales vegetales mencionados se han estudiado mediante espectroscopía infrarroja (FTIR) y calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) con fines de caracterización. Las bandas del espectro infrarrojo en 3005, 2924, 1740, 1654 y 1456 cm-1 han sido utilizadas para estimar el índice de yodo, adecuado para los biocombustibles, y el grado de estabilidad a la oxidación. Desde el punto de vista de la estabilidad térmica, tanto el aceite de semillas (para el que la pirólisis se produce a 462ºC) como las semillas crudas y la pulpa (con temperaturas de descomposición de 373°C y 333°C, respectivamente) mostraron potencial como materia prima de biomasa para su conversión en biocombustibles

    Characterization of three recycled materials for alternative use of mortars

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    Because natural resources in construction are limited, it is advisable to look for new alternatives that meet comparable functions, and likewise, reduce consumption of non-renewable resources. The use of recycled materials is of benefit to the uncontrolled elimination of residues that cause the use of the public resources, such as landfills. In addition, this contributes to the reduction of the environmental impact caused by the industries in the process of obtaining the same ones. Therefore, recycled materials such as concrete or masonry demolished, glass and ceramics different, can be employed in different ways to be used in the construction industry. This work focuses on presenting the initial characterization of three recycled materials as an alternative to use in replacement of natural sand in mortars, this as a first step for further study in different percentages of replacement, as currently his understanding is unknown, or little known.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version