240 research outputs found

    Vibrational and thermal characterization of seeds, pulp, leaves and seed oil of Rosa rubiginosa

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    Rosa rubiginosa L. seed oil has been studied for its application in skin care products, but the chemical nature of seeds, pulp and even leaves, apart from that of oil, is also relevant with a view to the application of this weed for biodiesel production. All these vegetal materials were studied by infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for characterisation purposes. FTIR bands at 3005, 2924, 1740, 1654 and 1456 cm-1 were used to estimate the iodine index, suitable for biofuels, and the oxidation stability degree. From the viewpoint of the thermal stability, both the seed oil (for which pyrolysis occurs at 462°C), the raw seeds and the rosehip pulp (with decomposition temperatures of 373°C and 333°C, respectively) showed potential as a biomass feedstock for conversion into biofuels. Caracterización térmica y vibracional de las semillas, pulpa, hojas y aceite de semillas de Rosa rubiginosa. El aceite de semillas de R. rubiginosa L. ha sido estudiado para su aplicación en productos para el cuidado de la piel, pero la naturaleza química de las semillas, pulpa y hojas, además de la del aceite, también es importante con miras a la aplicación de esta mala hierba para la producción de biodiesel. Los materiales vegetales mencionados se han estudiado mediante espectroscopía infrarroja (FTIR) y calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC) con fines de caracterización. Las bandas del espectro infrarrojo en 3005, 2924, 1740, 1654 y 1456 cm-1 han sido utilizadas para estimar el índice de yodo, adecuado para los biocombustibles, y el grado de estabilidad a la oxidación. Desde el punto de vista de la estabilidad térmica, tanto el aceite de semillas (para el que la pirólisis se produce a 462ºC) como las semillas crudas y la pulpa (con temperaturas de descomposición de 373°C y 333°C, respectivamente) mostraron potencial como materia prima de biomasa para su conversión en biocombustibles

    Mean reversion in monetary aggregates in Chile.

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    In this paper we examine the statistical properties of the monetary aggregates in Chile in order to know if the time series display mean reverting behavior. For this purpose, we use techniques based on fractional integration. Monthly data of various Chilean monetary aggregates from January 1986 until August 2019 are used, and the results indicate very weak evidence of mean reversion. In fact, this property is only found in the case of the currency on circulation and M1 for some of the series examined; however, for M2 and M3 the results clearly show high persistence with orders of integration substantially higher than 1. Thus, shocks are expected to have a permanent nature in these cases. Another remarkable feature observed in the results is that the level of persistence in the series seems to grow with the amount of the monetary aggregate. In a multivariate context, performing a FCVAR model, evidence of cointegration is found among the monetary aggregates, finding a long run equilibrium relationship between them.pre-print395 K

    Fundamentos de la tecnología OLED

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    Producción CientíficaEste libro constituye una introducción a la tecnología OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode), toda vez que cubre aspectos fundamentales sobre la estructura, propiedades, técnicas de fabricación, caracterización, aplicaciones y situación en el mercado de estos dispositivos. Ha sido diseñado como libro de consulta para alumnos de últimos cursos de Física, Química, Ingeniería Química, Ciencia de Materiales, Ingeniería Electrónica e Ingeniería de Telecomunicación. Aunque la mayor parte de su contenido es teórico, presenta una parte final que puede ser utilizada a efectos de laboratorio, tanto a nivel docente como a nivel investigador.Departamento de Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones e Ingeniería TelemáticaDepartamento de Ingeniería Agrícola y Foresta

    Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. Flower hydromethanolic extract for Cucurbitaceae fungal diseases control

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    The cliff rose (Armeria maritima), like other halophytes, has a phenolics-based antioxidant system that allows it to grow in saline habitats. Provided that antioxidant properties are usually accompanied by antimicrobial activity, in this study we investigated the phytochemicals present in a hydromethanolic extract of A. maritima flowers and explored its antifungal potential. The main phytocompounds, identified by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, were: hexadecanoic acid, octadecanoic acid, 9-octadecenoic acid, 3-(3,4-dihydroxy-phenyl)-acrylic acid ethyl ester, and benzeneacetaldehyde. The antifungal activity of the extract and its main constituents—alone and in combination with chitosan oligomers—was tested against six pathogenic taxa associated with soil-borne diseases of plant hosts in the family Cucurbitaceae: Fusarium equiseti, F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum, Macrophomina phaseolina, Neocosmospora falciformis, N. keratoplastica, and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. In in vitro tests, EC90 effective concentrations in the 166−865 μg·mL−1 range were obtained for the chitosan oligomers–A. maritima extract conjugate complexes, lower than those obtained for fosetyl-Al and azoxystrobin synthetic fungicides tested for comparison purposes, and even outperforming mancozeb against F. equiseti. In ex situ tests against S. sclerotiorum conducted on artificially inoculated cucumber slices, full protection was achieved at a dose of 250 μg·mL−1. Thus, the reported results support the valorization of A. maritima as a source of biorationals for Cucurbitaceae pathogens protection, suitable for both organic and conventional agriculture

    Seasonal and sex-related variations in serum steroid hormone levels in wild and farmed brown trout Salmo trutta L. in the north-west of Spain

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    P. 720-728Serum steroid profiles were investigated in order to evaluate the potential use of circulating sex steroid levels as a tool for sex identification in brown trout. Changes in the serum concentrations of testosterone (T), progesterone (P), 17-β-estradiol (E2), and cortisol (F) in wild and farmed mature female and male brown trout, Salmo trutta L., were measured in each season (January, May, July, and October) in six rivers and four hatcheries located in the north-west of Spain. Serum cortisol levels in farmed brown trout were significantly higher and showed a seasonal pattern opposite to that found in wild trout. Because levels of the hormones under study can be affected by disruptive factors such as exposure to phytoestrogens (which alters the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis) and infection with Saprolegnia (which alters the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis), both factors are taken into account.S

    An example lignocellulosic waste reuse in two consecutive steps: sorption of contaminants and enzymatic hydrolysis

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    In this study, an example of the reuse and revalorization of lignocellulosic waste from carnauba palm (Copernicia prunifera) leaves, macauba palm (Acrocomia aculeata) endocarp (shell) and European stone pine (Pinus pinea) nut shell is presented for the first time. The physical-chemical adsorption of Rhodamine B (RhB) dye for the different materials is studied in detail, together with the thermodynamic feasibility and the spontaneous and endothermic nature of the biosorption process. Subsequently, the production of total reducing sugars (TRS) is compared by enzymatic hydrolysis (before and after the adsorption process of the RhB pollutant), confirming the viability of TRS production in all cases, with yields ranging from 65.9% for pine nut shell (after adsorption) to 74.9% for the carnauba endocarp and to 84.0% for carnauba leaves (before adsorption). Hence the use of lignocellulosic materials as adsorbents does not preclude their ulterior reuse for obtaining fermentable sugars by enzymatic hydrolysis

    Hygienization and control of Diplodia seriata fungus in vine pruning waste composting and its seasonal variability in open and closed systems

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    Producción CientíficaAfter the ban on sodium arsenite, waste management alternatives to the prevalent burning method, such as the hygienization and biodegradation in solid phase by composting, are required for the pruned material from grapevines affected by various fungi. In this work the dynamics of a fungus associated with vine decay (Diplodia seriata) during the composting process of a mixture of laying hen manure and vine pruning waste (2:1 w/w) have been investigated in an open pile and a discontinuous closed biodigester. Through the optimization of the various physical–chemical parameters, hygienization of the infected waste materials was attained, yielding class-A organo-mineral fertilizers. Nevertheless, important differences in the efficiency of each system were observed: whereas in the open pile it took 10 days to control D. seriata and 35 additional composting days to achieve full inactivation, in the discontinuous biodigester the fungus was entirely inactivated within the first 3–7 days. Finally, the impact of seasonal variability was assessed and summer temperatures shown to have greater significance in the open pile.Junta de Castilla y León (Project VA233A12-1

    Rhodamine B removal with activated carbons obtained from lignocellulosic waste.

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    By-products from the wax production process from carnauba palm (leaves), from the extraction of oil from macauba seeds (endocarp) and from pine nut production (shell) have been assessed for activated carbon production, using H3PO4 or CaCl2 for their chemical activation. The resulting activated charcoals have been thoroughly characterized by elemental and thermal analysis, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectroscopy, electron scanning microscopy and N2 adsorption behavior. Subsequently, their adsorption capacity for the removal of rhodamine B (RhB) from aqueous solutions has been evaluated by studying different parameters: contact time, pH, adsorbent dose, initial dye concentration and solution temperature. The adsorption of RhB followed Freundlich's model in all cases. Kinetic studies indicate that the pseudo-second order model can be used for describing the dynamics of the adsorption process. Thermodynamic parameters have also been evaluated, indicating its endothermic and spontaneous nature. Finally, a preliminary analysis of the impact of cellulose content in the carbon precursor materials has been conducted, by using a mixture of native cellulose with one of the lignocellulosic materials

    Simulation of macauba palm cultivation: an energy-balance and greenhouse gas emissions analysis

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    The expansion of the production and use of bioenergy is one of the most efficient mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Nevertheless, the environmental impact of the production processes for many raw materials remains unexplored. Several studies have pointed to macauba palm as a promising species for biofuel production in the tropics, but investigations on the environmental benefits of its cultivation have not been reported so far. In this work, an analysis of macauba production system in terms of GHG emissions and CO2 uptake has been conducted for a productive cycle. The energy conversion efficiency per unit area of land has been put in relationship with crop productivity and related to the dilution effect of production inputs. Simulation results estimate GHG emissions of 180 Mg CO2eq·ha-1 and a CO2 fixation ranging from 796 to 1137 Mg CO2eq·ha-1. The net energy balance would reach 512.3 GJ·ha-1 and energy efficiency would be 24.2 GJ·GJ-1. These results suggest that macauba would outperform traditional energy crops such as sugarcane, oil palm, sunflower, corn or jatropha in terms of efficiency. The domestication and exploitation in extensive farming of this species as an agroforestry crop, although still at an early stage, has a bright future

    The composite Sierra Bermeja Pluton(southern Iberian Massif): science, heritage andgeoconservation

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    The Sierra Bermeja Pluton (similar to 60 km(2) surface area) exemplifies a type of controversial granites of the Iberian Massif (European Variscan Belt), the cordierite-bearing 'Serie Mixta' (mixed series) monzogranites. The pluton is included almost completely in the Cornalvo Natural Park (Badajoz, Spain), a relevant target area in Roman times. The geological mapping summarised in the presented map at 1:10,000 scale has revealed a complex intrusive assemblage. Three main cordierite-bearing monzogranite types that show local varieties constitute most of the massif. Monzogranite intrusions are younger towards the centre of the pluton and gave rise to outstanding mappable mingling/mixing zones in some areas. A NE-SW trending reduced dyke complex composed by vaugnerite series rocks, lamprophyres, aplites and quartz dykes, completes the lithological assemblage of the pluton. An inventory of Geologic Points of Interest to promote the geological knowledge of this remarkable protected area and its geoconservation is also presented.The authors thank the financial support of the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Ciencia e Innovacion (MINECO, grant CGL2015-63530-P) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU, Grupo Consolidado project GIU15/05)