166 research outputs found

    Caracterización clínicas-epidemiológicas de los pacientes ingresados por Cetoacidosis Diabética a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Adultos, Hospital Gaspar García Laviana-Rivas, 2015-2020

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    Con el Objetivo de identificar los características clínicas-epidemiológicas de los pacientes ingresados por cetoacidosis diabética a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivo Adultos, Hospital Gaspar García Laviana -Rivas, se realizó un estudio entre el periodo de 2015 –2020.” Diseño metodológico: se efectuó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal retrospectivo, con una muestra de 48 pacientes diabético que fueron ingresado en Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo con CAD, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Resultados: se presentó la CAD, en pacientes mayor de 50 años, sexo femenino, procedencia rural, escolaridad primaria, estado civil casado, ocupación labores en el hogar, estado nutricional sobre peso y obesidad, con 5 a 10 años de padecer dicha patología, con tratamiento previo al evento insulinoterapia-hipoglucemiante orales, con síntomas metabólicos; digestivos y neurológicos. Con factores desencadenantes tenemos; infecciones de las vías urinarias y abandono al tratamiento, hallazgos de laboratorio clasifican en moderado y severo. Condición de egreso de vivo en un 77.0% Conclusiones: La CAD, es una complicación que tiene una repercusión económica alta empobrece a las personas y a sus familias, por ende influye en los sistemas de salud de los países ocasionado una gran carga económica. Palabras Claves: Cetoacidosis Diabética, Comportamiento clínico - epidemiológico, Factores desencadenantes, Condiciones de egres

    Economy and Environmental Problems in the Mexican Coastal States

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    A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for environmental and economic variables was performed for 17 Mexican coastal states. The ordination method allowed us to identify three groups, namely hydroelectric energy generation (I), pollution (II) and harbours (III), which were associated to different human activities. Furthermore, CCA is efficient to help us generate hypotheses for future research. It is therefore advised that CCA should be used for routine analyses into economics.Coastal States of Mexico, Canonical Correspondence Analysis, Diversity Index, Economic Development, Environmental Variables.

    Asymmetric electron angular distributions in resonant dissociative photoionization of H2 with ultrashort xuv pulses

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    ABSTRACT: Photoelectron angular distributions from fixed-in-space H2 molecules exposed to ultrashort xuv laser pulses have been evaluated. The theoretical method is based on the solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in a basis of stationary states that include all electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom. Asymmetric angular distributions are observed as a consequence of the delayed ionization from the H2 doubly excited states, which induces interferences between gerade and ungerade ionization channels. The analysis of this asymmetry as a function of pulse duration can provide an estimate of the corresponding autoionization widths

    Probing H2 autoionizing states with femto and attosecond laser pulses.

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    ABSTRACT: We show the relevance that molecular autoionizing states display in some recent experiments related to the symmetry-breaking in molecular-frame photoelectron angular distributions in H2 when exposed to intense xuv femtosecond laser pulses, and others related to the electron (proton) localization when subject to attosecond pump-probe laser schemes. Our theoretical method solves the time-dependent Schr¨odinger equation with an spectral method that expands the wave function in terms of H2 correlated stationary vibronic states including all electronic and vibrational degrees of motion. Time-resolved asymmetric electron angular distributions are obtained at specific proton kinetic energies due to the delayed autoionization from H2 doubly excited states, which induces interferences between gerade (1s(sigma)g) and ungerade (2p(sigma)u) ionization channels. We also study photoionization of H2 exposed to a xuv attosecond pump pulse plus a time-delayed IR femtosecond probe pulse. Fast alternating asymmetries in the proton ejection (electron localization) are obtained as a function of the time delay between the pump and the probe pulses. Finally, we deal with the process of (xuv) two-photon double ionization of H2 under the assumption of having both sequential and non-sequential absorption processes

    Parámetros, correlaciones y tendencias genéticas de caracteres reproductivos en ganado Holstein de México

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    The objective was to calculate the parameters, correlations and describe the genetic trends of reproductive traits in Holstein cattle from Mexico in three different periods of time, in females born between 2006 and 2019, using records of the Mexican Holstein association. The reproductive parameters calculated were: calving to first insemination interval (CFI), number of services per conception (NSC), days open (DO), interval between calving (IBC), and age at first calving (AFC). The components of variance were estimated using restricted maximum likelihood in an animal model, to calculate genetic parameters (narrow-sense heritability (h2), repeatability (r) and genetic correlations) and phenotypic correlations. Additive genetic variances and genetic values were also estimated in three periods of time (P1: 2006-2009, P2: 2010-2013 and P3: 2014-2017). The calculated heritabilities were from 4 to 9 % and the repeatabilities from 8 to 9 %, values close to previous reports for fertility traits. Phenotypic correlations were positive for almost all reproductive parameters and genetic correlations were positive over a wide range (0.13-0.99). Analyses by period showed changes, possibly derived from the influence of the import and use of germplasm from foreign bulls (mainly from the United States of America and Canada) which implement genomic selection and include fertility traits. The present research has made it possible to update the information on reproductive and genetic parameters in fertility traits that can be incorporated into national genetic evaluations.El objetivo fue calcular los parámetros, correlaciones y describir las tendencias genéticas de caracteres reproductivos en ganado Holstein de México en tres periodos diferentes de tiempo, en hembras nacidas entre 2006 y 2019, usando registros de la asociación Holstein de México. Los parámetros reproductivos calculados fueron: intervalo parto a primer servicio (IPPS), el número de servicios por concepción (NSC), los días abiertos (DAB), el intervalo entre partos (IEP) y la edad al primer parto (EPP). Los componentes de la varianza fueron estimados utilizando máxima verosimilitud restringida en un modelo animal, para calcular parámetros genéticos (heredabilidad en sentido estricto (h2), repetibilidad (r) y correlaciones genéticas) y correlaciones fenotípicas. También se estimaron varianzas genéticas aditivas y valores genéticos en tres periodos de tiempo (P1: 2006-2009, P2: 2010-2013 y P3: 2014-2017). Las heredabilidades calculadas fueron de 4 a 9 % y las repetibilidades del 8 al 9 %, valores cercanos a reportes previos para características de fertilidad. Las correlaciones fenotípicas fueron positivas para casi todos los parámetros reproductivos y las genéticas fueron positivas en un rango amplio (0.13-0.99). Los análisis por periodos mostraron cambios, posiblemente derivados de la influencia de la importación y uso de germoplasma de toros extranjeros (principalmente de los Estados Unido de América y Canadá) que implementan selección genómica e incluyen características fertilidad. La presente investigación ha permitido actualizar la información de parámetros reproductivos y genéticos en caracteres de fertilidad que podrán ser incorporados a las evaluaciones genéticas nacionales

    Reduced glutathione and Trolox (vitamin E) as extender supplements in cryopreservation of red deer epididymal spermatozoa

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    P. 37-46The use of assisted reproductive techniques in cervids is increasing as the commercial use of these species increase. We have tested the suitability of the antioxidants Trolox and reduced glutathione (GSH) for freezing red deer epididymal spermatozoa, aiming at improving post-thawing quality. Samples from 19 stags were frozen in a TES-Tris-fructose extender (20% egg yolk, 8% glycerol), with 1 or 5 mM of antioxidant. Motility (CASA), lipoperoxidation (malondialdehyde –MDA– production), membrane status, mitochondrial activity, acrosomal status (flow cytometry) and chromatin status (SCSA: %DFI and %HDS; flow cytometry) were assessed after thawing and after 6 h at 39 °C. There were few differences between treatments after thawing, with Trolox reducing MDA production in a dose–response manner. After the incubation, sperm quality decreased and %DFI increased moderately, with no change for MDA. GSH improved motility, kinematic parameters and mitochondrial status, with a slight increase in %HDS. GSH 5 mM also increased moderately MDA production and %DFI, possibly due to enhanced metabolic activity and reducing power. Trolox maintained MDA low, but was detrimental to sperm quality. Trolox might not be appropriate for the cryopreservation of red deer epididymal spermatozoa, at least at the millimolar range. GSH results are promising, especially regarding motility improvement after the post-thawing incubation, and should be selected for future fertility trials.S

    Cryopreservation of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) spermatozoa obtained by electroejaculation

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    P. 628-638We tested extenders and freezing protocols for Iberian red deer semen. Samples were obtained by electroejaculation (10 stags), and analyzed for motility (CASA), viability (propidium ioide), acrosomal (PNA-FITC) and mitochondrial status (JC-1). Samples were diluted in extender, cooled and adjusted for glycerol (extender with higher glycerol concentration), brought to mL−1 and frozen. Four experiments were carried out, repeating sperm analysis after thawing to compare treatments. In a first experiment, seven samples were frozen using Triladyl® (20% egg yolk) and UL extender (Tes–Tris–fructose, 15% egg yolk, 4% glycerol). Triladyl® yielded higher motility after thawing. In a second trial, 17 samples were frozen using Triladyl®, Andromed®, Bioxcell®, and UL with 8% LDL (low-density lipoproteins). Triladyl® and Andromed® performed better than Bioxcell® on motility, and than UL-LDL on viability and acrosomal status. In a third experiment, the performance of freezing the sperm-rich ejaculate fraction versus the whole ejaculate was tested on nine samples. The sperm-rich ejaculate fraction not only rendered more motile and viable spermatozoa but also showed higher freezability (higher motile spermatozoa recovery). In a fourth experiment, we tried three modifications of the freezing protocol, for improving the freezability of low concentration samples: prior removal of seminal plasma; replacing extender (second fraction) for pure glycerol to reduce dilution; and performing only the dilution, not the second dilution. No differences were found, although only three samples could be used. Both Triladyl® and Andromed® were deemed appropriate for freezing Iberian red deer semen, and the rich fraction should be selected for freezing.S

    The polypeptides COX2A and COX2B are essential components of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase of Toxoplasma gondii

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    AbstractTwo genes encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunits, Cox2a and Cox2b, are present in the nuclear genomes of apicomplexan parasites and show sequence similarity to corresponding genes in chlorophycean algae. We explored the presence of COX2A and COX2B subunits in the cytochrome c oxidase of Toxoplasma gondii. Antibodies were raised against a synthetic peptide containing a 14-residue fragment of the COX2A polypeptide and against a hexa-histidine-tagged recombinant COX2B protein. Two distinct immunochemical stainings localized the COX2A and COX2B proteins in the parasite's mitochondria. A mitochondria-enriched fraction exhibited cyanide-sensitive oxygen uptake in the presence of succinate. T. gondii mitochondria were solubilized and subjected to Blue Native Electrophoresis followed by second dimension electrophoresis. Selected protein spots from the 2D gels were subjected to mass spectrometry analysis and polypeptides of mitochondrial complexes III, IV and V were identified. Subunits COX2A and COX2B were detected immunochemically and found to co-migrate with complex IV; therefore, they are subunits of the parasite's cytochrome c oxidase. The apparent molecular mass of the T. gondii mature COX2A subunit differs from that of the chlorophycean alga Polytomella sp. The data suggest that during its biogenesis, the mitochondrial targeting sequence of the apicomplexan COX2A precursor protein may be processed differently than the one from its algal counterpart

    Parasitismo en niños de los círculos infantiles pertenecientes al área de salud del policlínico "Manuel Fajardo Rivero"

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    Fundamento: la parasitosis presenta altas tasas de incidencia en la población infantil mundial, condicionados por malos hábitos higiénicos sanitarios y otros factores de riesgo asociados, situación que también se manifiesta en nuestro país. Objetivo: caracterizar a niños con parasitismo que asisten a los círculos infantiles pertenecientes al área de salud del Policlínico Universitario “Manuel Fajardo Rivero”, de Las Tunas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal, en niños que asisten a cuatro círculos infantiles de la referida área de salud, en el período comprendido del 6 de septiembre al 5 de noviembre de 2021. De un universo de 706 infantes se trabajó con una muestra de 81, de entre 2 y 6 años de edad, con análisis positivos en muestras de heces fecales. Se evaluaron las variables: años de vida, sexo, factores de riesgo asociados, especie parasitaria, síntomas clínicos y tratamiento médico. Resultados: predominaron los infantes del sexto año de vida (29,6 %), siendo el sexo masculino (64,2 %) el más afectado. El consumo de agua no tratada o sin hervir (44,5 %) fue el factor de riesgo asociado que más estuvo presente. El Blastocystis hominis (42,0 %) se identificó como especie parasitaria más frecuente; el cólico abdominal (48,1 %) como síntoma clínico y el secnidazol (80,2 %) como el medicamento más indicado. Conclusiones: se caracterizaron a los niños con parasitismo de los cuatro círculos infantiles pertenecientes al área de salud del policlínico “Manuel Fajardo Rivero”

    Estudio fenológico y caracterización morfológica de variedades tradicionales de manzano y melocotonero

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    Las variedades locales de frutales seleccionadas a lo largo de los años por los agricultores, son muy interesantes para preservar la biodiversidad y los recursos fitogenéticos, ya que presentan unas características organolépticas peculiares y un valor cultural irremplazable. En 2007 se inició un trabajo de recuperación de variedades tradicionales de frutales en Andalucía (Proyecto INIA, RF2007-00027- C06-05) que contempla su prospección, localización, recogida de material vegetal, caracterización morfológica y molecular, multiplicación, documentación y mantenimiento en colección. En este trabajo se han caracterizado morfológicamente mediante caracteres UPOV las flores, hojas y ramos de un año, de cinco variedades tradicionales de manzano (Malus x domestica Borkh.) y dos de melocotonero [Prunus persica (L) Batsch], no estudiadas con anterioridad. Se ha evaluado la floración en la campaña 2011 y se han realizado los fenogramas correspondientesMICINN, INIA y Fondos FEDE