4,338 research outputs found

    Elementos geomorfológico-cuantitativos del piedemonte nororiental del volcán Nevado de Toluca

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    A partir de un análisis cuantitativo y morfométrico, se determina la geodinámica del piedemonte nororiental del volcán Nevado de Toluca. Se destaca la relación entre el material, las formas heredadas y la energía que dinamiza el noreste del volcán

    Metodología para la evaluación morfoedáfica en sistemas de laderas en zonas templadas

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    Bajo el enfoque de la geografía del paisaje y desde una perspectiva original y de integración se presenta una metodología de análisis morfoedáfico. El proceso metodológico integra razonamientos del análisis geomorfológico y de la geografía del suelo, los cuales se expresan e interpretan desde un punto de vista holístico-territorial. El problema de investigación se centra en la resolución de fases terminales de evaluación geomorfológica y edáfica, y se aplica en tres sistemas de laderas localizados en el Sistema Volcánico Transversal. El producto final de la investigación se concentra en un mapa morfoedáfico que representa resultados de los índices de desarrollo geomorfológico y de la relación de equilibrio edáfico con una leyenda que unifica los criterios de análisis

    Morfoedafogénesis: un concepto renovado en el estudio del paisaje

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    Se presenta un concepto renovadode morfoedafogénesis sustentado en laaplicación y medición de indicadores delrelieve y del suelo retomados desde unaperspectiva que integra a la geomorfología y lageografía del suelo.Basado en una investigación que propone unmétodo original de evaluación morfoedáficaen sistemas de laderas, se plantea la relaciónentre dos disciplinas geográficas que permitenla evaluación presente y futura del paisajedesde la capacidad de acogida, potencial deuso, tendencias, así como la identificación ycorrección de impactos desde una perspectivaholística y paramétrica

    El sorprendente caso de la medición de la deuda griega. Crímenes, mentiras y estadísticas

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    La deuda como porcentaje del PIB es una de las medidas macroeconómicas más relevantes para la contabilidad nacional. En la Unión Europea lo es como uno de los criterios de convergencia y tiene alta implicación política. En el caso de la contabilidad de Grecia se han demostrado gravísimos errores en su cálculo que en el año 2009 tuvieron como consecuencia el estallido de la crisis griega. En este paper se analiza las dificultades en la medición de la deuda pública, y la capacidad de Eurostat de supervisar los datos de Grecia a lo largo de más de una década. A través del caso griego y los documentos de la Unión Europea se cuestiona la mera posibilidad de medir la deuda de los países y las dificultades que una medición tan compleja presenta, de armonizar estas mediciones entre distintos estados que tienen distintas metodologías, y de Eurostat de ejercer como supervisor de los datos proporcionados por los países miembros. Se concluye que datos como la deuda pública no se pueden medir ni calcular, tan sólo "estimar" con un amplio margen de error y una limitada capacidad de supervisión por los organismos supranacionales

    Who Participates in Popular Feasts and Festivals? An Empirical Approach from Cultural Economics Applied to the Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia)

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    The empirical analysis of individual participation in local and popular feasts and festivals is a field little explored by cultural economists. This article proposes a methodological scheme to analyse the profile of the participants in local and popular feasts and carnivals, allowing the establishment of a taxonomy that captures the heterogeneity of the participants replicable to other festivities and carnivals around the world. Similarly, participation equations that allow the analysis of the influence of context variables on individual decisions to participate in these types of events are estimated. For this, the Carnival of Barranquilla, the largest and most representative popular celebration in Colombia and declared by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, is used as a case study. The data were obtained from the Citizen Perception Survey of the Barranquilla Cómo Vamos programme, which evaluates the quality of life and the fulfilment of development plans in that city, and an empirical strategy is employed consisting of the estimation of a probit discrete choice model, which allows modelling the individual decisions of a time-intensive good, such as a carnival, with a strong influence of traditional variables, such as cultural capital and the availability of leisure time, and other context variables: location of people in the territory, stratification and poverty. The different profiles found offer information on the different strategies that can be implemented from public policy to stimulate greater participation by the population in popular festivities and festivals

    La llama viva. La idea de bien en el clarobscuro platónico de la República

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    Throughout The Republic, to a greater or lesser extent un its various books, the idea of Good is as emphatically stated as its definition is avoided. In the face of this desertion so closely followed by many eminent figures, this article aims to show that the idea of Good is developped by Plato in two parallel but not alien ways. It concludes, on the one hand, that the beloved idea is nothing other than a formulation of the logical need of ah definitions, i.e., a need infernal to the Theory of Ideas; on the other hand, it is a gygantic and moving hypostasis of man’s capacity and need to know and live with dignify

    ExTaSem! Extending, Taxonomizing and Semantifying Domain Terminologies

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    We introduce EXTASEM!, a novel approach for the automatic learning of lexical taxonomies from domain terminologies. First, we exploit a very large semantic network to collect thousands of in-domain textual definitions. Second, we extract (hyponym, hypernym) pairs from each definition with a CRF-based algorithm trained on manuallyvalidated data. Finally, we introduce a graph induction procedure which constructs a full-fledged taxonomy where each edge is weighted according to its domain pertinence. EXTASEM! achieves state-of-the-art results in the following taxonomy evaluation experiments: (1) Hypernym discovery, (2) Reconstructing gold standard taxonomies, and (3) Taxonomy quality according to structural measures. We release weighted taxonomies for six domains for the use and scrutiny of the communit

    Cultural Participation in the Main Colombian cities, 2008-2015

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    This paper aims to explain the evolution of the cultural participation in Colombia between 2018 and 2015, and to empirically analyse the factors associated to the decision of participating in cultural activities in the five main cities during this period. In Bogota, Cali, Medellin, Barranquilla and Cartagena, half of the urban population resides. The effects of a set of individual variables, household and context are evaluated, exploring alongside the traditional determinants, a set of new variables such as the kind of education that children receive, the poverty situation and others concerning the habitat, the social capital and macroeconomic ones. Microdata from households from the Quality of Life Survey – from programmes of citizen monitoring- are used, with which a binomial model is estimated. The results highlight the importance of including the context variables so as to widen the knowledge of the individual decisions of participation.JEL Codes - Z11; D120; C25

    Gamification Strategies for Music Educators: An Online Continuing Education Course

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    This curriculum project is designed to provide music educators in the public and private sector with introductory knowledge about the topic of gamification and game-based learning, framed within the scope of an online continuing education course. It is meant for adult learners who teach young musicians in the K-12 range. The course offers a set of strategies and step-based processes that help transform a traditional music lesson plan into an interactive and meaningful learning experience that leverages games. The games created by the students in the course can serve to motivate music students by incorporating a sense of competition and personal achievement in and out of the classroom. Research in game-based design will demonstrate the usability of gamification within music education. This project aims to provide gamified knowledge delivery methods and assessment tools that apply to students in K-12. While one of the goals of gamification is to enhance music education through the creation of fun activities, the curriculum does not lose focus on the importance adhering to the National Core Arts Standards of creating and performing. 1 Game-based learning can complement hard-work and consistent practice through the use of game elements during a music lesson. Educational games can be a valuable method of instruction when a student struggles to understand complex subjects such as music theory by helping the student develop necessary critical thinking skills. Game-based music learning can also increase student interest and participation during class. Keywords: gamification, game-based learning, gamified system design, engagemen