21 research outputs found

    COVID-19 and Lockdown, as Lived and Felt by University Students

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    In the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread all over the world, forcing the closure of universities, among other unusual measures in recent history. (1) Background: This work is based on the study HOUSE-ULisbon, a survey carried out during the second confinement (March–May 2021) in Portugal with the collaboration of all the Faculties of the University of Lisbon (UL). The present work aims to explore gender differences in how first-year college students experienced and felt COVID-19 and the second confinement. (2) Methods: A questionnaire was carried out. In total, 976 university students (19.66 years (SD = 4.033); Min = 17 and Max = 65) from the first year of the UL were included, of which 69.5% (n = 678) were female, and 30.5% were male (n = 298). SPSS v. 26 was used for quantitative data and MAXQDA 2020 for qualitative data. (3) Results: Overall, students reported various symptoms of physical and mental discomfort (especially females). Statistically significant differences were found in the problems that could arise from the pandemic, such as the prevalence of higher anxiety and worries by females, and online gaming by males. In coping strategies, differences were found in leisure and family relationships, with greater difficulty on the female side. Social interaction was perceived as difficult or very difficult by both genders. As strategies for future pandemics, they highlighted a concerted effort between the government and media in the transmission of messages to the population, facilitating information, knowledge and adoption of protective behaviors. (4) Conclusions: These results are important data for activating or maintaining resources and services for first-year university students, who in some university institutions were supported during the pandemic by psychological, material (e.g., computers, internet), and financial support measures, which are now diminished or extinct. The impacts on their lives will certainly not be extinguished post-pandemic, and health, education, and public policy measures should be prioritized for this group. These results are important data for activating resources and services for students, informing health and education professionals, and supporting public policiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COVID-19 and lockdown, as lived and felt by university students

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    © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).In the last 2 years, the COVID-19 pandemic has spread all over the world, forcing the closure of universities, among other unusual measures in recent history. (1) Background: This work is based on the study HOUSE-ULisbon, a survey carried out during the second confinement (March-May 2021) in Portugal with the collaboration of all the Faculties of the University of Lisbon (UL). The present work aims to explore gender differences in how first-year college students experienced and felt COVID-19 and the second confinement. (2) Methods: A questionnaire was carried out. In total, 976 university students (19.66 years (SD = 4.033); Min = 17 and Max = 65) from the first year of the UL were included, of which 69.5% (n = 678) were female, and 30.5% were male (n = 298). SPSS v. 26 was used for quantitative data and MAXQDA 2020 for qualitative data. (3) Results: Overall, students reported various symptoms of physical and mental discomfort (especially females). Statistically significant differences were found in the problems that could arise from the pandemic, such as the prevalence of higher anxiety and worries by females, and online gaming by males. In coping strategies, differences were found in leisure and family relationships, with greater difficulty on the female side. Social interaction was perceived as difficult or very difficult by both genders. As strategies for future pandemics, they highlighted a concerted effort between the government and media in the transmission of messages to the population, facilitating information, knowledge and adoption of protective behaviors. (4) Conclusions: These results are important data for activating or maintaining resources and services for first-year university students, who in some university institutions were supported during the pandemic by psychological, material (e.g., computers, internet), and financial support measures, which are now diminished or extinct. The impacts on their lives will certainly not be extinguished post-pandemic, and health, education, and public policy measures should be prioritized for this group. These results are important data for activating resources and services for students, informing health and education professionals, and supporting public policies.Ana Cerqueira—Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) PhD Grant (SFRH/BD/148403/2019); Fábio Botelho Guedes—Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) PhD Grant (SFRH/BD/148299/2019).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Marcadores inflamatórios de instabilidade da placa aterosclerótica coronária : caraterização e potencial utilização clínica

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    RESUMO:Introdução: Reviu-se o conhecimento epidemiológico, fisiopatológico e clínico atual sobre a doença coronária, da sua génese até ao evento agudo, o Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio (EAM). Valorizou-se, em especial, a teoria inflamatória da aterosclerose, que foi objeto de grandes desenvolvimentos na última década. Marcadores de instabilidade da placa aterosclerótica coronária: Aprofundou-se o conhecimento da placa aterosclerótica coronária instável. Descreveram-se detalhadamente os biomarcadores clínicos e laboratoriais associados à instabilidade da placa, com particular ênfase nos mecanismos inflamatórios. Objetivos:Estão divididos em dois pontos fundamentais:(1) Estudar em doentes com EAM a relação existente entre as moléculas inflamatórias: Interleucina-6 (IL-6), Fator de Necrose Tumoral-α (TNF-α) e Metaloproteinase de Matriz-3 (MMP3), não usados em contexto clínico, com um marcador inflamatório já em uso clínico: a Proteína C-Reativa ultrassensível (hs-CRP). Avaliar a relação de todas as moléculas inflamatórias com um biomarcador de lesão miocárdica: a Troponina Cardíaca I (cTnI). (2) Avaliar, no mesmo contexto de EAM, a Resposta de Fase Aguda (RFA) . Pretende-se demonstrar o impacto deste fenómeno, com repercussão clínica generalizada, no perfil lipídico e nos biomarcadores inflamatórios dos doentes. Métodos:(1) Estudo observacional prospetivo de doentes admitidos consecutivamente por EAM (grupo EAM) numa única unidade coronária, após exclusão de trauma ou infeção. Doseamento no sangue periférico, na admissão, de IL-6, TNF-α, MMP3, hs-CRP e cTnI. Este último biomarcador foi valorizado também nos valores séricos obtidos 6-9 horas depois. Procedeu-se a correlação linear (coeficiente de Pearson, de Rho-Spearman e determinação do R2) entre os 3 marcadores estudados com os valores de hs-CRP e de cTnI (valores da admissão e 6 a 9 horas após). Efetuou-se o cálculo dos coeficientes de regressão linear múltipla entre cTnI da admissão e cTnI 6-9h após, com o conjunto dos fatores inflamatórios estudados. (2) Estudo caso-controlo entre o grupo EAM e uma população aleatória de doentes seguidos em consulta de cardiologia, após exclusão de eventos cardiovasculares de qualquer território (grupo controlo) e também sem infeção ou trauma. Foram doseados os mesmos marcadores inflamatórios no grupo controlo e no grupo EAM. Nos dois grupos dosearam-se, ainda, as lipoproteínas: Colesterol total (CT), Colesterol HDL (HDLc), com as suas subfrações 2 e 3 (HDL 2 e HDL3), Colesterol LDL oxidado (LDLox),Triglicéridos (TG), Lipoproteína (a) [Lp(a)], Apolipoproteína A1 (ApoA1), Apolipoproteína B (ApoB) e Apolipoproteína E (ApoE). Definiram-se, em cada grupo, os dados demográficos, fatores de risco clássicos, terapêutica cardiovascular e o uso de anti-inflamatórios. Procedeu-se a análise multivariada em relação aos dados demográficos, fatores de risco e à terapêutica basal. Compararam-se as distribuições destas mesmas caraterísticas entre os dois grupos, assim como os valores séricos respetivos para as lipoproteínas estudadas. Procedeu-se à correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias e as lipoproteínas, para todos os doentes estudados. Encontraram-se os coeficientes de regressão linear múltipla entre cada marcador inflamatório e o conjunto das moléculas lipídicas, por grupo. Finalmente, efetuou-se a comparação estatística entre os marcadores inflamatórios do grupo controlo e os marcadores inflamatórios do grupo EAM. Resultados: (1) Correlações encontradas, respetivamente, Pearson, Rho-Spearman e regressão-R2: IL-6/hs-CRP 0,549, p<0,001; 0,429, p=0,001; 0,302, p<0,001; MMP 3/hsCRP 0,325, p=0,014; 0,171, p=0,202; 0,106, p=0,014; TNF-α/hs-CRP 0,261, p=0,050; 0,315, p=0,017; 0,068, p=0.050; IL-6/cTnI admissão 0,486, p<0,001; 0,483, p<0,001; 0,236, p<0,001; MMP3/cTnI admissão 0,218, p=0,103; 0,146, p=0,278; 0,048, p=0,103; TNF-α/cTnI admissão 0,444, p=0,001; 0,380, p=0,004; 0,197, p=0,001; IL-6/cTnI 6-9h 0,676, p<0,001; 0,623, p<0,001; 0,456, p<0,01; MMP3/cTnI 6-9h 0,524, p=0,001; 0,149, p=0,270; 0,275, p<0,001; TNF-α/cTnI 6-9h 0,428, p=0,001, 0,452, p<0,001, 0,183, p<0,001. A regressão linear múltipla cTnI admissão/marcadores inflamatórios produziu: (R=0,638, R2=0,407) p<0,001 e cTnI 6-9h/marcadores inflamatórios (R=0,780, R2=0,609) p<0,001. (2) Significância da análise multivariada para idade (p=0,029), IMC>30 (p=0.070), AAS (p=0,040) e grupo (p=0,002). Diferenças importantes entre as distribuições dos dados basais entre os dois grupos (grupo controlo vs EAM): idade (47,95±11,55 vs 68,53±2,70 anos) p<0.001; sexo feminino (18,18 vs 22,80%) p=0,076; diabetes mellitus (9,09% vs 36,84%) p=0,012; AAS (18,18 vs 66,66%) p<0,001; clopidogrel (4,54% vs 66,66%) p=0,033; estatinas (31,81% vs 66,14%) p=0,078; beta-bloqueadores (18,18% vs 56,14%) p=0,011; anti-inflamatórios (4,54% vs 33,33%) p=0,009. Resultados da comparação entre os dois grupos quanto ao padrão lipídico (média±dp ou mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): CT (208,45±35,03 vs 171,05±41,63 mg/dl) p<0,001; HDLc (51,50/18,25 vs 42,00/16,00 mg/dl) p=0,007; HDL2 (8,50/3,25 vs 10,00/6,00 mg/dl) p=0,292; HDL3 (41,75±9,82 vs 31,75±9,41 mg/dl) p<0,001; LDLox (70,00/22,0 vs 43,50/21,00 U/L) p<0,001; TG (120,00/112,50 vs 107,00/86,00 mg/dl) p=0,527; Lp(a) (0,51/0,73 vs 0,51/0,50 g/L) p=0,854; ApoA1 (1,38±0,63 vs 1,19±0,21 g/L) p=0,002; ApoB (0,96±0,19 vs 0,78±0,28 g/L) p=0,004; ApoE (38,50/10,00 vs 38,00/17,00 mg/L) p=0,574. Nas correlações lineares entre as variáveis inflamatórias e as variáveis lipídicas para todos os doentes, encontrámos uma relação negativa entre IL-6 e CT, HDLc, HDL3, LDLox, ApoA1 e ApoB. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo controlo) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,883, R2=0,780) p=0,022; IL-6 (R=0,911, R2=0,830) p=0,007; MMP3 (R=0,498, R2=0,248) p=0,943; TNF-α (R=0,680, R2=0,462) p=0,524. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo EAM) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,647, R2=0,418) p=0,004; IL-6 (R=0,544, R2=0,300), p=0,073; MMP3 (R=0,539, R2=0,290) p=0,089; TNF-α (R=0,595; R2=0,354) p=0,022. Da comparação entre os marcadores inflamatórios dos dois grupos resultou (mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): hs-CRP (0,19/0,27 vs 0,42/2,53 mg/dl) p=0,001, IL-6 (4,90/5,48 vs 13,07/26,41 pg/ml) p<0,001, MMP3 (19,70/13,70 vs 10,10/10,40 ng/ml) p<0,001;TNF-α (8,67/6,71 vs 8,26/7,80 pg/dl) p=0,805. Conclusões: (1) Nos doentes com EAM, existe correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias IL-6, MMP3 e TNF-α, quer com o marcador inflamatório hs-CRP, quer com o marcador de lesão miocárdica cTnI. Esta correlação reforça-se para os valores de cTnI 6-9 horas após admissão, especialmente na correlação múltipla com o grupo dos quatro marcadores inflamatórios. (2) IL-6 está inversamente ligada às lipoproteínas de colesterol; hs-CRP e IL-6 têm excelentes correlações com o perfil lipídico valorizado no seu conjunto. No grupo EAM encontram-se níveis séricos mais reduzidos para as lipoproteínas de colesterol. Para TNF-α não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, as quais foram observadas para a IL-6 e hs-CRP (mais elevadas no grupo EAM). Os valores de MMP3 no grupo controlo estão mais elevados. ABSTRACT: 0,524, p=0,001; 0,149, p=0,270; 0,275, p<0,001; TNF-α/cTnI 6-9h 0,428, p=0,001, 0,452, p<0,001, 0,183, p<0,001. A regressão linear múltipla cTnI admissão/marcadores inflamatórios produziu: (R=0,638, R2=0,407) p<0,001 e cTnI 6-9h/marcadores inflamatórios (R=0,780, R2=0,609) p<0,001. (2) Significância da análise multivariada para idade (p=0,029), IMC>30 (p=0.070), AAS (p=0,040) e grupo (p=0,002). Diferenças importantes entre as distribuições dos dados basais entre os dois grupos (grupo controlo vs EAM): idade (47,95±11,55 vs 68,53±2,70 anos) p<0.001; sexo feminino (18,18 vs 22,80%) p=0,076; diabetes mellitus (9,09% vs 36,84%) p=0,012; AAS (18,18 vs 66,66%) p<0,001; clopidogrel (4,54% vs 66,66%) p=0,033; estatinas (31,81% vs 66,14%) p=0,078; beta-bloqueadores (18,18% vs 56,14%) p=0,011; anti-inflamatórios (4,54% vs 33,33%) p=0,009. Resultados da comparação entre os dois grupos quanto ao padrão lipídico (média±dp ou mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): CT (208,45±35,03 vs 171,05±41,63 mg/dl) p<0,001; HDLc (51,50/18,25 vs 42,00/16,00 mg/dl) p=0,007; HDL2 (8,50/3,25 vs 10,00/6,00 mg/dl) p=0,292; HDL3 (41,75±9,82 vs 31,75±9,41 mg/dl) p<0,001; LDLox (70,00/22,0 vs 43,50/21,00 U/L) p<0,001; TG (120,00/112,50 vs 107,00/86,00 mg/dl) p=0,527; Lp(a) (0,51/0,73 vs 0,51/0,50 g/L) p=0,854; ApoA1 (1,38±0,63 vs 1,19±0,21 g/L) p=0,002; ApoB (0,96±0,19 vs 0,78±0,28 g/L) p=0,004; ApoE (38,50/10,00 vs 38,00/17,00 mg/L) p=0,574. Nas correlações lineares entre as variáveis inflamatórias e as variáveis lipídicas para todos os doentes, encontrámos uma relação negativa entre IL-6 e CT, HDLc, HDL3, LDLox, ApoA1 e ApoB. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo controlo) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,883, R2=0,780) p=0,022; IL-6 (R=0,911, R2=0,830) p=0,007; MMP3 (R=0,498, R2=0,248) p=0,943; TNF-α (R=0,680, R2=0,462) p=0,524. A regressão múltipla marcadores inflamatórios/perfil lipídico (grupo EAM) foi: hs-CRP (R=0,647, R2=0,418) p=0,004; IL-6 (R=0,544, R2=0,300), p=0,073; MMP3 (R=0,539, R2=0,290) p=0,089; TNF-α (R=0,595; R2=0,354) p=0,022. Da comparação entre os marcadores inflamatórios dos dois grupos resultou (mediana/intervalo interquartil, grupo controlo vs EAM): hs-CRP (0,19/0,27 vs 0,42/2,53 mg/dl) p=0,001, IL-6 (4,90/5,48 vs 13,07/26,41 pg/ml) p<0,001, MMP3 (19,70/13,70 vs 10,10/10,40 ng/ml) p<0,001;TNF-α (8,67/6,71 vs 8,26/7,80 pg/dl) p=0,805. Conclusões: (1) Nos doentes com EAM, existe correlação entre as moléculas inflamatórias IL-6, MMP3 e TNF-α, quer com o marcador inflamatório hs-CRP, quer com o marcador de lesão miocárdica cTnI. Esta correlação reforça-se para os valores de cTnI 6-9 horas após admissão, especialmente na correlação múltipla com o grupo dos quatro marcadores inflamatórios. (2) IL-6 está inversamente ligada às lipoproteínas de colesterol; hs-CRP e IL-6 têm excelentes correlações com o perfil lipídico valorizado no seu conjunto. No grupo EAM encontram-se níveis séricos mais reduzidos para as lipoproteínas de colesterol. Para TNF-α não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os grupos, as quais foram observadas para a IL-6 e hs-CRP (mais elevadas no grupo EAM). Os valores de MMP3 no grupo controlo estão mais elevados. ------------- ABSTRACT: Introduction: We reviewed the epidemiology, pathophysiology and current clinical knowledge about coronary heart disease, from its genesis to the acute myocardial infarction (AMI). The inflammatory theory for atherosclerosis, which has undergone considerable development in the last decade, was especially detailed. Markers of coronary atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque: The clinical and laboratory biomarkers associated with the unstable coronary atherosclerotic plaque vulnerable plaque are detailed. An emphasis was placed on the inflammatory mechanisms. Objectives: They are divided into two fundamental points: (1) To study in AMI patients, the relationship between the inflammatory molecules: Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) and Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP3), unused in the clinical setting, with an inflammatory marker in clinical use: ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), as well as a biomarker of myocardial injury: cardiac troponin I (cTnI). (2) To study, in the context of AMI, the Acute Phase Response (APR). We intend to demonstrate the impact of that clinical relevant phenomenon in the lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers of our patients. Methods: (1) Prospective observational study of patients consecutively admitted for AMI (AMI group) in a single coronary care unit, after exclusion of trauma or infection. A peripheral assay at admission for IL-6, TNF-α, MMP3, hs-CRP and cTnI was performed. The latter was also valued in assays obtained 6-9 hours after admission. Linear correlation (Pearson's correlation coefficient, Spearman Rho's correlation coefficient and R2 regression) was performed between the three markers studied and the values of hs-CRP and cTnI (on admission and 6-9 hours after admission). Multiple linear regression was also obtained between cTnI on admission and 6-9h after, with all the inflammatory markers studied. (2) Case-control study between the AMI group and a random population of patients from an outpatient cardiology setting (control group). Cardiovascular events of any kind and infection or trauma were excluded in this group. The same inflammatory molecules were assayed in control and AMI groups. The following lipoproteins were also assayed: total cholesterol (TC), HDL cholesterol (HDLc) and subfractions 2 and 3 (HDL2 and HDL 3), oxidized LDL cholesterol (oxLDL), Triglycerides (TG), Lipoprotein (a) [Lp(a)], Apolipoprotein A1 (apoA1), Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Apolipoprotein E (ApoE). Demographics, classical risk factors, cardiovascular therapy and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs were appreciated in each group. The authors conducted a multivariate analysis with respect to demographics, risk factors and baseline therapy. The distribution of the same baseline characteristics was compared between the two groups, as well as the lipoprotein serum values. A correlation was performed between each inflammatory molecule and each of the lipoproteins, for all the patients studied. Multiple linear regression was determined between each inflammatory marker and all the lipid molecules per group. Finally, the statistical comparison between the inflammatory markers in the two groups was performed. Results: (1) The correlation coefficients recorded, respectively, Pearson, Spearman's Rho and regression-R2, were: IL-6/hs-CRP 0.549, p 30 (p=0.070), Aspirin (p=0.040) and group (p=0.002). Important differences between the baseline data of the two groups (control group vs AMI): age (47.95 ± 11.55 vs 68.53±12.70 years) p<0.001; gender (18.18 vs 22.80%) p=0.076; diabetes mellitus (9.09% vs 36. 84%) p=0.012; Aspirin (18.18 vs. 66.66%) p<0.001; Clopidogrel (4, 54% vs 66.66%) p=0.033; Statins, 31.81% vs 66.14%, p=0.078, beta-blockers 18.18% vs 56.14%, p=0.011; anti-inflammatory drugs (4.54% vs 33.33%) p=0.009. Significant differences in the lipid pattern of the two groups (mean±SD or median/interquartile range, control group vs AMI): TC (208.45±35.03 vs 171.05±41.63 mg/dl) p<0.001; HDLc (51.50/18.25 vs 42.00/16.00 mg/dl) p=0.007; HDL2 (8.50/3.25 vs 10.00/6.00 mg/dl) p=0.292; HDL3 (41.75±9.82 vs 31.75±9.82 mg/dl) p<0.01; oxLDL (70.00/22.0 vs 43.50/21.00 U/L) p <0.001; TG (120.00/112.50 vs 107.00/86.00 mg/dl) p=0.527; Lp(a) (0.51/0.73 vs 0,51/0.50 g/L) p=0.854; apoA1 (1.38±0.63 vs 1.19±0.21 g/L) p=0.002; ApoB (0.96± 0.39 vs 0.78±0.28 g/L) p=0.004; ApoE (38.50/10,00 vs 38.00 /17,00 mg/L) p=0.574. In the linear correlations between inflammatory variables and lipid variables for all patients, we found a negative relationship between IL-6 and TC, HDLc, HDL3, ApoA1 and ApoB. The multiple linear regression inflammatory markers/lipid profile (control group) was: hs-CRP (R= 0.883, R2=0.780) p=0.022; IL6 (R=0.911, R2=0.830) p=0.007; MMP3 (R=0.498, R2=0.248) p=0.943; TNF-α (R=0.680, R2=0.462) p=0.524. For the linear regression inflammatory markers/lipid profile (AMI group) we found: hs-CRP (R=0.647, R2=0.418) p=0.004; IL-6 (R=0.544, R2=0.300) p=0.073; MMP3 (R=0.539, R2 =0.290) p=0.089; TNF-α (R=0.595, R2=0.354) p=0.022. The comparison between inflammatory markers in both groups (median/interquartile range, control group vs AMI) resulted as: hs-CRP (0.19/0.27 vs 0.42/2.53 mg/dl) p=0.001; IL-6 (4.90/5.48 vs 13.07/26.41 pg/ml) p<0.001; MMP3 (19.70/13.70 vs 10.10/10.40 ng/ml) p<0.001; TNF-α (8.67/6.71 vs 8.26/7.80 pg/dl) p=0.805. Conclusions: (1) In AMI patients there is a correlation between the inflammatory molecules IL-6, TNF-α and MMP3 with both the inflammatory marker hs-CRP and the ischemic marker cTnI. This correlation is strengthened for the cTnI at 6-9h post admission, particularly in the multiple linear regression to the four inflammatory markers studied. (2) IL-6 correlates negatively with the cholesterol lipoproteins. Hs-CRP and IL-6 are strongly correlated to the whole lipoprotein profile. AMI patients display reduced serum lipid levels. For the marker TNF-α no significant differences were found between groups, which were observed for IL-6 and hs-CRP (higher in the AMI group). MMP3 values are higher in the control group

    Coupling of nanofiltration and UV, UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2 processes for the removal of anti-cancer drugs from real secondary wastewater effluent

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    The detection of anti-cancer drugs in surface waters at ng/L indicates that most wastewater treatment processes currently applied are not effective enough to remove these resilient compounds from wastewater. Therefore alternative treatment processes should be tested to avoid discharges in the environment of drugs that have been linked to genotoxic effects. The innovative contribution of this study stands in coupling nanofiltration with advanced oxidation processes to treat real secondary wastewater effluents spiked with 4 widely consumed anticancer drugs. Direct photolysis was found to be extremely effective to degrade etoposide and paclitaxel from the secondary effluent as well as from the highly concentrated retentate produced by nanofiltration. The two drugs were not detected after 10 min of exposure that corresponds to higher than 98% removals given the method detection limits by direct injection. This is equivalent to pseudo-first order degradation rate constants higher than 0.46 min−1, which, to the best of the author's knowledge, has not yet been reported for paclitaxel in the literature. However, none of the tested oxidation processes (UV, UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2) using the reactor setup, exposure times and concentrations of TiO2 and H2O2 tested, were able to degrade cyclophosphamide or ifosfamide effectively. Compared to literature data, this is probably related to the low amount of photons received by the treated media. Finally important aggregation of catalyst particles was observed in secondary effluent, and photocatalysis had no advantage compared to the other two processes tested

    Distrofias Musculares das Cinturas autossómicas recessivas diagnosticadas nos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra

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    Introduction Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are a hetero¬geneous group of muscle diseases. Autosomal dominant (LGMD1) and recessive (LGMD2) forms are recognized, each one with several subtypes. In Portugal there are no studies reporting the relative distribution of the different subtypes of LGMD2. Objective To determine the subtypes of LGMD2 diagnosed and their relative distribution at the Neurology Department of the Coimbra University Hospital. Material and Methods The medical files of the patients with a diagnosis of LGMD2 were analysed and individual clinical, laboratory, pathologic and molecular data were recorded. The time frame of analysis was from 2000 to 2010. Results Forty-two patients from thirty-nine unrelated families were identified with a LGMD2 diagnosis. There were twenty-three female and nineteen male patients. Parental consan¬guinity was reported in eighteen patients (fifteen families). Their actual mean age is 44.6 years and the mean age of first symptoms was 23.2 years. The mean time from first symptoms to genetic diagnosis was 16.2 years. Twenty patients are wheel¬chair bound and seventeen can't raise the arms above the shoulder level. Three patients presented symptomatic dilated cardiomyopathy and twelve patients a restrictive respiratory syndrome, which was severe in five. The mean CK value was elevated in all LGMD2 subtypes. Immunohistochemistry sug¬gested the specific diagnosis in twenty patients (LGMD2B: 11; LGMD2C-F: 9). Molecular studies performed in forty-one patients revealed 27 homozygous mutations, 11 compound heterozygous mutations and 3 heterozygous mutations. The LGMD2 subtypes diagnosed and the number of patients of each subtype was: LGMD2A: 5, LGMD2B: 16, LGMD2C-F: 9 (one patient without molecular study), LGMD2G: I, LGMD2I: 7, LGMD2J: 1. LGMD2L: 3. Conclusion This retrospective analysis shows that most of the autoso¬mal recessive LGMDs subtypes are represented in Portugal, being the LGMD2B subtype the most frequente. Rarer sub¬types, like LGMD2G and J, were also found rare

    Validation Of Methodology For Simultaneous Determination Of Synthetic Dyes In Alcoholic Beverages By Capillary Electrophoresis.

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    In this work a method of analysis for synthetic dyes was developed using capillary electrophoresis in alcoholic beverages. The analyses were carried out with fused silica capillary, with 73 cm effective length, at 35 degrees C, buffer phosphate solution of 10 mmol/L with sodium dodecyl sulphate 10 mmol/L, pH 11, and +25 kV of voltage. For dye analyses, three wavelengths in the visible region were used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the 11 synthetic dyes allowed in Brazil: 450, 525 and 625 nm for the yellow, red and blue dyes, respectively. The detection limits varied from 0.4 to 2.5 microg/mL and the quantification limits varied from 1.3 to 7.1 microg/mL. The average recovery was 92.6 and 104.0% at two levels of concentration. Repeatability for standards and spiked sample showed that the calculated values were greater than the observed values, demonstrating the precision of the method. The proposed and validated method was used to analyze some alcoholic beverage samples, consisting of 12 red wines, 9 coolers, 6 aromatized spirits, 7 bitters, 3 cocktails and 8 liquors from different Brazilian manufacturers. The results showed the coolers, bitters and red wines did not have synthetic dyes, but dyes were found in six of the eight analyzed liquor samples. In all the samples of cocktails and spirits, the presences of dyes were observed. No analyzed sample exceeded the limit established by Brazilian legislation (maximum 30 mg/100 mL).1136231-

    Rapid Determination of alpha-Tocopherol in Vegetable Oils by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

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    The aim of this study was to develop a rapid methodology for the analysis of alpha-tocopherol in vegetable oils as an alternative to the high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods: Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) methodology. Thirteen vegetable oils (corn, peanut, soybean, sunflower and mixtures) commercially obtained were analysed by reverse-phase HPLC with fluorescence detection (FD) in order to obtain standard values for alpha-tocopherol. Validation tests were performed concerning the HPLC method. The HPLC method is valid for alpha-tocopherol analysis in the 1-90 mg/L linear range. Method repeatability was 3.6%, and accuracy results were within 70-95%. FT-IR spectra of the vegetable oils were acquired in the attenuated total reflection mode (45A degrees and 60A degrees crystals of ZnSe). To predict the alpha-tocopherol content in samples, calibration models were designed, and the partial least squares method was used to analyse data from FT-IR spectral region at 1,472-1,078 cm(-1). Results obtained showed that the calibration model implemented with a 45A degrees crystal is more suitable for the proposed analysis. Five extra samples of vegetable oils were analysed by HPLC/FD and by FT-IR. Using the calibration model implemented for FT-IR (45A degrees crystal), the alpha-tocopherol content in samples was determined. The results obtained by HPLC/FD and FT-IR were compared, and there were no significant differences among them. Results showed that FT-IR can be used as an alternative method for rapid screening of alpha-tocopherol in vegetable oils without sample pre-treatment

    Photocatalysis Using UV-A and UV-C Light Sources for Advanced Oxidation of Anti-Cancer Drugs Spiked in Laboratory-Grade Water and Synthetic Urine

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    The presence of anti-cancer drugs in European surface waters appeals for the development of novel treatment processes. In this work, light emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit light at 255 nm (UV-C) and 365 nm (UV-A)wavelengths were compared in terms of their ability to degrade four anti-cancer drugs by UV and UV/TiO2 processes. None of treatments tested was able to degrade cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide. Nevertheless, etoposide and paclitaxel were successfully eliminated by UV-C and UVC/TiO2. Moreover, higher energetic yields were obtained with UV-C light for the degradation of anti-cancer drugs by photocatalysis than with UV-A. The option of using this treatment to deal with pollution at the source by performing essays in synthetic urine was shown to be not adequate, as drug photocatalysis was totally inhibited by the presence of radical scavenger species present in the urine matrix

    Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Activity of Moscatel Dessert Wines from the Setubal Region in Portugal

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    Moscatel wines from SetA(o)bal were analyzed for their total phenolic (mean value 1,243 mg gallic acid equivalents/L), and total flavonoid (mean value 248 mg catechin/L) composition by spectrophotometric and chromatographic methods were used to quantify phenolic compounds as benzoic acids, cinnamic acids, stilbens, and some flavonoids. Antioxidant activity of the wines was evaluated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH; mean value 70.7% inhibition), ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP; mean value 3,098 mg of Trolox equivalents/L) and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC; mean value 10,724 mu mol/L) assays. Results were analyzed using principal component analysis which allowed samples to be grouped in terms of both winemaking producer and vintage. By plotting correlation loadings, it was possible to understand which variables were responsible for sample distribution. The correlation between results obtained for variables show that, in general, total flavonoid content is a better estimation of antioxidant activity in Moscatel samples (r (ORAC/flavonoids) = 0.832, r (FRAP/flavonoids) = 0.677) than total phenolic content (r (ORAC/phenolics) = 0.680, r (FRAP/phenolics) = 0.372). No major correlations were detected for DPPH assay results (r (DPPH/flavonoids) = 0.283, r (DPPH/phenolics) = 0.271). Chromatographic profiles showed important differences among Moscatel wines. Gallic acid contents and results of antioxidant activity tests were strongly correlated (r values in the range 0.74-0.92). Correlations of the results obtained for antioxidant activity tests with contents of other phenolic compounds such as ethyl caffeate, ethyl gallate, caffeic acid, protocatechuic acid, and t-caftaric acid depend on sample and type of test employed

    Treatment of anticancer drugs in hospital and wastewater effluents using nanofiltration

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Anticancer drugs are currently widely used for the treatment of cancer and have been detected in hospital effluents, wastewater treatment plant effluents and river water samples in concentrations up to the µg·L −1 range. Within the next two decades, the annual number of cancer cases is expected to rise, which will lead to an increase in the consumption of anticancer drugs. These drugs are extremely important due to their highly potent mechanism of action and their potential risk for humans and the environment. Therefore, the development of effective treatment options is crucial to avoid the release of these emerging contaminants in the aquatic environment. The aim of this study was to assess the viability of nanofiltration for remediation, using as benchmark two representative membranes (Desal 5DK and NF270)to remove four widely consumed anticancer drugs (paclitaxel, etoposide, cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide)from different matrices (laboratory grade water, synthetic urine and real secondary effluent). Experimental results showed that the Desal 5DK membrane is more effective than the NF270 membrane for the rejection of these compounds. It presented average rejections higher than 89% for all the target anticancer drugs spiked in synthetic urine and real secondary effluent, showing no significant matrix influence on the rejection results. Daphnia magna toxicity tests showed that the immobilization effect observed in the permeate samples was lower than the feed samples. The target compounds have very different structures and physico-chemical properties and thus the high effectiveness reported for the Desal 5DK membrane is a good indication of what can be expected to a multitude of compounds.status: accepte