1,018 research outputs found

    The Online Faculty Development and Assessment System

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    This article evaluates the role of the Online Faculty Development and Assessment System (OFDAS), created at universities in the Canary Islands, Spain, in staff development. The evaluation indicates that the system helped staff in learning to teach curriculum and teaching capacities. The tasks, online resources and opportunities for discussions provided within the learning environment created for the system helped shape their attitudes towards learning curriculum and teaching capacities and enabled them to share their concerns about students’ classroom learning environment assessment

    On classical set-compatibility

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    In this paper, I generalise the logical concept of compatibility into a broader set-theoretical one. The basic idea is that two sets are incompatible if they produce at least one pair of opposite objects under some operation. I formalise opposition as an operation ′ ∶ E → E, where E is the set of opposable elements of our universe U, and I propose some models. From this, I define a relation ℘U × ℘U × ℘U^℘U, which has (mutual) logical compatibility as its more natural interpretation

    On falsifying empirical contradictions

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    The possibility of testing contradictory statements about the factual world has been suggested but barely discussed in the relevant literature. Here I argue that if we assume that there are contradictory observation sentences, it would be logically impossible to falsify them. Accordingly, the extension of the dialetheist programme into empirical science would be non-advisable, for it would introduce logically unfalsifiable claims

    El falsacionismo revisado

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    In this paper I formalise the falsificationist proposal omitting Popper’s requirement of consistency. This omission results in (i) trivial theories being falsifiable in an inappropriate sense of the term, but also in (ii) some inconsistent non-trivial theories being so in an appropriate one. This justifies a slight alteration of the definition of falsifiability that excludes (i) but allows (ii). Instead of requiring that a falsifiable theory be consistent, my proposal only requires that the intersection of its classes of potential corroborators and falsifiers be empty

    El sentido lógico de la refutabilidad

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    According to falsificationism, a theory is scientific if it can be incompatible with some empirically testable statements. This epistemological approach has been criticized because, in practice, it is impossible to decide when a particular fact should be considered incompatible with a theory. These criticisms, however, neglect the fact that the Popperian sense of falsification is a “logical sense.” Thus, the Popperian criterion of falsifiability only requires that, assuming certain auxiliary hypotheses, the theory in question be logically incompatible with some empirically testable statements. This paper presents a reassessment of these criticisms, justifying that the criterion of falsifiability is unrenounceable insofar as our best theories should aspire to satisfy it

    Proper names, meaning and context

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    From the apparently trivial problem of homonyms, I argue that proper names as they occur in natural languages cannot be characterised as strings of sounds or characters. This entails, first, that the proper names philosophers talk about are not physical entities, like strings, but abstractions that, second, may be better characterised as triples (s, m, C), where s is the string that conveys the meaning m in a set of contexts C. Third, the generality principle of compositionality may be put into question, for apparently its converse holds in some cases. Finally, the prominence of context for determining the meaning expressed by a sign suggests a strong connection between proper names and indexicals. This connection has been largely overlooked by the analytic tradition, in spite that both proper names and indexicals have been among their hottest topics. This may be because the analytic literature about proper names has been decisively influenced by Frege’s work, which was better suited for formal languages. Izydora Dąmbska and Jerzy Pelc, with their semiotic background, were able to have a finer understanding of this quasi-indexical character of proper names

    Inconsistency in Empirical Science

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    This paper deals with a relatively recent trend in the history of analytic philosophy, philosophical logic, and theory of science: the philosophical study of the role of inconsistency in empirical science. This paper is divided in three sections that correspond to the three types of inconsistencies identified: (i) factual, occurring between theory and observations, (ii) external, occurring between two mutually contradictory theories, and (iii) internal, characterising theories that entail mutually contradictory statements

    Embracing monotonicity

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    A non-embracing consequence relation is one such that no set of wffs closed under it is equal to the set of all wffs. I prove that these relations have no deductive power if they are also extensive and monotonic

    Sentido y fundamento de la teoría laboral del valor

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    The “transformation problem” in Marx’s Capital (how to make compatible the labour theory of value from the first book with “prices of production” from the third book) has been one of the main reasons to refute the marxist theory and, at the same time, a privileged matter in order to analyze the method question. In this paper, we try to analyze the sense and foundation of the labobour theory of value discussing with any attempt of reading Marx Capital as the development of a supposed “dialectic method”. Analyzing the manuscripts and drafts that Marx did not finish, we try to defend that, contrary to what Engels thought (because it had been anounced by Marx himself), it is not possible to find in the third book a trace of the so expected “dialectic solution” to the “transformation problem”. That demands, of course, a different interpretation to explain the sense of the “transformation” of value into “production prices”.el problema de la compatibilidad entre el concepto de “valor” elaborado en el Libro I de El capital y el concepto de “precio de producción”, elaborado en el Libro III, ha supuesto uno de los principales motivos de impugnación de la teoría marxista y, al mismo tiempo, un espacio privilegiado en el que dirimir la cuestión del “método” de Marx. en el presente artículo, se tratará de analizar el sentido y el fundamento de la teoría laboral del valor en abierta discusión con los intentos de encontrar en el recorrido de El capital la puesta en operación de un presunto método dialéctico. en efecto, al hilo del análisis de los manuscritos y borradores de El capital que Marx deja sin terminar, tratamos de sostener que, en contra de lo que engels esperaba (en parte porque así se lo había asegurado el propio Marx), en el Libro III no hay ni rastro de la tan esperada “solución dialéctica” al problema de la transformación de valores en precios de producción. esto exige, claro está, proponer una interpretación alternativa para explicar el sentido de esa “transformación”