219 research outputs found

    One-Dimensional Super Calabi-Yau Manifolds and their Mirrors

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    We apply a definition of generalised super Calabi-Yau variety (SCY) to supermanifolds of complex dimension one. One of our results is that there are two SCY's having reduced manifold equal to P1\mathbb{P}^1, namely the projective super space P1∣2\mathbb{P}^{1|2} and the weighted projective super space WP(2)1∣1\mathbb{WP}^{1|1}_{(2)}. Then we compute the corresponding sheaf cohomology of superforms, showing that the cohomology with picture number one is infinite dimensional, while the de Rham cohomology, which is what matters from a physical point of view, remains finite dimensional. Moreover, we provide the complete real and holomorphic de Rham cohomology for generic projective super spaces Pn∣m\mathbb P^{n|m}. We also determine the automorphism groups: these always match the dimension of the projective super group with the only exception of P1∣2\mathbb{P}^{1|2} , whose automorphism group turns out to be larger than the projective general linear supergroup. By considering the cohomology of the super tangent sheaf, we compute the deformations of P1∣m\mathbb{P}^{1|m}, discovering that the presence of a fermionic structure allows for deformations even if the reduced manifold is rigid. Finally, we show that P1∣2\mathbb{P}^{1|2} is self-mirror, whereas WP(2)1∣1\mathbb{WP} ^{1|1}_{(2)} has a zero dimensional mirror. Also, the mirror map for P1∣2\mathbb{P}^{1|2} naturally endows it with a structure of N=2N=2 super Riemann surface.Comment: 50 pages. Accepted for publication in JHE

    L'acetil-metil-carbinolo nei foraggi insilati

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    Estimation of biogas produced by the landfill of Palermo, applying a Gaussian model

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    In this work, a procedure is suggested to assess the rate of biogas emitted by the Bellolampo landfill (Palermo, Italy), starting from the data acquired by two of the stations for monitoring meteorological parameters and polluting gases. The data used refer to the period November 2005–July 2006. The methane concentration, measured in the CEP suburb of Palermo, has been analysed together with the meteorological data collected by the station situated inside the landfill area. In the present study, the methane has been chosen as a tracer of the atmospheric pollutants produced by the dump. The data used for assessing the biogas emission refer to night time periods characterized by weak wind blowing from the hill toward the city. The methane rate emitted by the Bellolampo dump has been evaluated using a Gaussian model and considering the landfill both as a single point source and as a multiple point one. The comparison of the results shows that for a first approximation it is sufficient to consider the landfill of Palermo as a single point source. Starting from the monthly percentage composition of the biogas, estimated for the study period, the rate of biogas produced by the dump was evaluated. The total biogas produced by the landfill, obtained as the sum of the emitted component and the recovered one, ranged from 7519.97 to 10,153.7 m 3 /h. For the study period the average monthly estimations of biogas emissions into the atmosphere amount to about 60% of the total biogas produced by the landfill, a little higher than the one estimated by the com- pany responsible for the biogas recovery plant at the landfill

    Genus four superstring measures

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    A main issue in superstring theory are the superstring measures. D'Hoker and Phong showed that for genus two these reduce to measures on the moduli space of curves which are determined by modular forms of weight eight and the bosonic measure. They also suggested a generalisation to higher genus. We showed that their approach works, with a minor modification, in genus three and we announced a positive result also in genus four. Here we give the modular form in genus four explicitly. Recently S. Grushevsky published this result as part of a more general approach.Comment: 7 pages. To appear in Letters in Mathematical Physic

    Electrodeposition from molybdate aqueous solutions: a preliminary study

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    The electrochemistry of molybdenum (Mo) and its oxides is very important for several applications in electrocatalysis,batteries,sensors and in particular for CIGS-based solar cells,where metal Mo is used as back contact.Properties and the fabrication method of Mo films are of fundamental importance,because they could induce significant changes in solar cell performances.The most important issues in the electrochemical behaviour of Mo are the nature and stability of its surface oxides,which are strongly dependent on deposition bath pH.Ivanova et al. (2006) reported that it is possible to accomplish the cathodic reduction of molybdate ions to metallic Mo from electrolytes containing HF.The addition of this acid selectively prevents the polymerization of MoO42- anions,therefore its concentration plays a fundamental role.A hard drawback connected to deposition in acid media is the strong hydrogen evolution,since H+ reduction is the reaction thermodynamically favoured,therefore it is necessary to apply a very high current density for appreciably depositing Mo.In this work,we report some preliminary results dealing with the electrodeposition process from molybdate aqueous solutions to grow thin films on different substrates and nanowires inside the channels of polycarbonate membranes;electrolyte pH was varied in order to evidence its role on the nature of the deposits,which were characterized by EDS,SEM,RAMAN and XRD analyses

    Screening Performance of Edmonton Symptom Assessment System in Kidney Transplant Recipients

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    An average prevalence of 35% for psychiatric comorbidity has been reported in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) and an even higher prevalence of other psychosocial syndromes, as defined by the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research (DCPR), has also been found in this population. Consequently, an easy, simple, rapid psychiatric tool is needed to measure physical and psychological symptoms of distress in KTRs. Recently, the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS), a pragmatic patient-centred symptom assessment tool, was validated in a single cohort of KTRs. The aims of this study were: to test the screening performances of ESAS for the International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision (ICD-10) psychiatric diagnoses in KTRs; to investigate the optimal cut-off points for ESAS physical, psychological and global subscales in detecting ICD-10 psychiatric diagnoses; and to compare ESAS scores among KTR with ICD-10 diagnosis and DCPR diagnosis. 134 KTRs were evaluated and administered the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview 6.0 and the DCPR Interview. The ESAS and Canadian Problem Checklist (CPC) were given as self-report instruments to be filled in and were used to examine the severity of physical and psychological symptoms and daily-life problems. The physical distress sub-score (ESAS-PHYS), psychological distress sub-score (ESAS-PSY) and global distress score (ESAS-TOT) were obtained by summing up scores of six physical symptoms, four psychological symptoms and all single ESAS symptoms, respectively. Routine biochemistry, immunosuppressive agents, socio-demographic and clinical data were collected. Receiving Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to examine the ability of the ESAS emotional distress (DT) item, ESAS-TOT, ESAS-PSY and ESAS-PHYS, to detect psychiatric cases defined by using MINI6.0. The area under the ROC curve for ESAS-TOT, ESAS-PHYS, ESAS-PSY and DT item were 0.85, 0.73, 0.89, and 0.77, respectively. The DT item, ESAS-TOT and ESAS-PSY optimal cut-off points were 654 (sensitivity 0.74, specificity 0.73), 6520 (sensitivity 0.85, specificity 0.74) and 6512 (sensitivity 0.85, specificity 0.80), respectively. No valid ESAS-PHYS cut-off was found (sensitivity <0.7, specificity <0.7). Thirty-nine (84.8%) KTRs with ICD-10 diagnosis did exceed both ESAS-TOT and ESAS-PSY cut-offs. Higher scores on the ESAS symptoms (except shortness of breath and lack of appetite) and on the CPC problems were found for ICD-10 cases and DCRP cases than for ICD-10 no-cases and DCPR no-cases. This study shows that ESAS had an optimal screening performance (84.8%) to identify ICD-10 psychiatric diagnosis, evaluated with MINI; furthermore, ESAS-TOT and ESAS-PSY cut-off points could provide a guide for clinical symptom management in KTRs

    Nanostructured electrochemical devices for sensing, energy conversion and storage

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    Nanostructured materials are attracting growing interest for improving performance of devices and systems of large technological interest. In this work, the principal results about the use of nanostructured materials in the field of electrochemical energy storage, electrochemical water splitting, and electrochemical sensing are presented. Nanostructures were fabricated with two different techniques. One of these was the electrodeposition of the desired material inside the channels of a porous support acting as template. The other one was based on displacement reaction induced by galvanic contact between metals with different electrochemical nobility. In the present work, a commercial polycarbonate membrane was used as template. In the field of the electrochemical energy storage, the attention was focused on lead-acid battery, and it has been found that nanostructured morphology enhances the active mass utilization up to about 80%, with consequent increase of specific energy and cycling rates to unattainable values for the commercial battery. Nanostructured Ni-IrO2 composite electrodes showed valuable catalytic activity for water oxidation. By comparison with other Ni-based electrocatalyst, this electrode appears as the most promising anode for electrochemical water splitting in alkaline cells. Also in the field of sensing, the nanostructured materials fabricated by displacement reaction showed performance of high interest. Some new results about the use of copper nanowires for H2O22 sensing will be showed, evidencing better performance in comparison with copper thin film. In this work, we will show that nanostructured electrodes are very promising candidate to form different electrochemical setups that operate more efficiently comparing to device with flat electrode materials

    Predictive Power of Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) and Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) in Detecting Long-Term Neurocognitive and Psychosocial Outcomes of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Children: A Questionnaire-Based Study

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    Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea can negatively affect children's neurocognitive function and development, hindering academic and adaptive goals. Questionnaires are suitable for assessing neuropsychological symptoms in children with sleep-disordered breathing. The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Oxygen Desaturation Index compared to the Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index in predicting long-term consequences of sleep-disordered breathing in children. We conducted a retrospective analysis of respiratory polysomnography recordings from preschool and school-age children (mean age: 5.8 ± 2.8 years) and followed them up after an average of 3.1 ± 0.8 years from the home-based polysomnography. We administered three validated questionnaires to the parents/caregivers of the children by phone. Our results showed that children with an Oxygen Desaturation Index (ODI) greater than one event per hour exhibited symptoms in four domains (physical, school-related, Quality of Life [QoL], and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [ADHD]) at follow-up, compared to only two symptoms (physical and school-related) found in children with an Obstructive Apnea-Hypopnea Index greater than one event per hour at the time of diagnosis. Our study also found a significant correlation between the minimum SpO2 (%) recorded at diagnosis and several outcomes, including Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire (PSQ) scores, physical, social, and school-related outcomes, and ADHD index at follow-up. These results suggest that the Oxygen Desaturation Index could serve as a valuable predictor of long-term symptoms in children with sleep-disordered breathing, which could inform treatment decisions. Additionally, measuring minimum SpO2 levels may help assess the risk of developing long-term symptoms and monitor treatment outcomes
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