2,113 research outputs found

    Holographic phase transitions from higgsed, non abelian charged black holes

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    We find solutions of a gravity-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory in four dimensions that represent asymptotic anti-de Sitter charged black holes with partial/full gauge symmetry breaking. We then apply the AdS/CFT correspondence to study the strong coupling regime of a 2+12+1 quantum field theory at temperature TT and finite chemical potential, which undergoes transitions to phases exhibiting the condensation of a composite charged vector operator below a critical temperature TcT_c, presumably describing p+ip/pp+ip/p-wave superconductors. In the case of p+ipp+ip-wave superconductors the transitions are always of second order. But for pp-wave superconductors we determine the existence of a critical value αc\alpha_c of the gravitational coupling (for fixed Higgs v.e.v. parameter m^W\hat m_W) beyond which the transitions become of first order. As a by-product, we show that the pp-wave phase is energetically favored over the p+ipp+ip one, for any values of the parameters. We also find the ground state solutions corresponding to zero temperature. Such states are described by domain wall geometries that interpolate between AdS4AdS_4 spaces with different light velocities, and for a given m^W\hat m_{W}, they exist below a critical value of the coupling. The behavior of the order parameter as function of the gravitational coupling near the critical coupling suggests the presence of second order quantum phase transitions. We finally study the dependence of the solution on the Higgs coupling, and find the existence of a critical value beyond which no condensed solution is present.Comment: 29 pages, 43 figure

    Shear banding in nematogenic fluids with oscillating orientational dynamics

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    We investigate the occurrence of shear banding in nematogenic fluids under planar Couette flow, based on mesoscopic dynamical equations for the orientational order parameter and the shear stress. We focus on parameter values where the sheared homogeneous system exhibits regular oscillatory orientational dynamics, whereas the equilibrium system is either isotropic (albeit close to the isotropic--nematic transition) or deep in its nematic phase. The numerical calculations are restricted to spatial variations in shear gradient direction. We find several new types of shear banded states characterized by regions with regular oscillatory orientational dynamics. In all cases shear banding is accompanied by a non--monotonicity of the flow curve of the homogeneous system; however, only in the case of the initially isotropic system this curve has the typical SS--like shape. We also analyze the influence of different orientational boundary conditions and of the spatial correlation length.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure


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    La protección del patrimonio arqueológico en Castilla-La Mancha. Reflexiones sobre la Ley 4/2013 de patrimonio cultural

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    La nueva Ley 4/2013 ha aportado al panorama arqueológico de Castilla-La Mancha importantes novedades que el autor analiza y comenta desde una óptica personal. La Ley, aprobada la pasada primavera, multiplica los instrumentos jurídicos con que se dota a la Administración competente en la conservación del patrimonio cultural. Asimismo, supone el complemento normativo necesario al innovador Código Deontológico de la Arqueología y Patrimonio de Castilla-La Mancha recientemente aprobado en esta región. Este innovador Código aborda aquellos aspectos que, por implicar más a la ética que a la norma, no son definidos por ést


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    Robust Control Algorithm for a Two Cart System and an Inverted Pendulum

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    The Rectilinear Control System can be used to simulate a launch vehicle during liftoff. Several control schemes have been developed that can control different dynamic models of the rectilinear plant. A robust control algorithm was developed that can control a pendulum to maintain an inverted position. A fluid slosh tank will be attached to the pendulum in order to test robustness in the presence of unknown slosh characteristics. The rectilinear plant consists of a DC motor and three carts mounted in series. Each cart s weight can be adjusted with brass masses and the carts can be coupled with springs. The pendulum is mounted on the first cart and an adjustable air damper can be attached to the third cart if desired. Each cart and the pendulum have a quadrature encoder to determine position. Full state feedback was implemented in order to develop the control algorithm along with a state estimator to determine the velocity states of the system. A MATLAB program was used to convert the state space matrices from continuous time to discrete time. This program also used a desired phase margin and damping ratio to determine the feedback gain matrix that would be used in the LabVIEW program. This experiment will allow engineers to gain a better understanding of liquid propellant slosh dynamics, therefore enabling them to develop more robust control algorithms for launch vehicle system

    El furtivismo arqueológico. Consideraciones legales y científicas sobre los hallazgos arqueológicos

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    El problema de las actuaciones arqueológicas incontroladas realizadas por no profesionales es un fenómeno social que viene desde antiguo. La proliferación de estos ‘’aficionados’’ a la Arqueología que buscan, recogen, se guardan y a menudo venden objetos arqueológicos es uno de los principales obstáculos con el que nos encontramos los arqueólogos a la hora de reconstruir los modos de vida de nuestros antepasado

    The prehistoric culture of the Motillas: new approaches to an old problem

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    Los inicios de la caracterización de la Cultura de las Motillas se sitúan hace cuatro décadas. Desde entonces diversas universidades y expertos han intentado encontrar explicación a las causas del origen, evolución y desaparición de este singular grupo humano que habitó La Mancha durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Los últimos avances en la investigación permiten plantear tres datos de importancia para el tema. En primer lugar, las motillas pueden ser en realidad el más antiguo sistema de captación de agua subterránea del accidente europeo. En segundo lugar, la implantación de esta red de pozos pudo estar relacionada con una crisis climática que hizo desaparecer de forma generalizada las aguas superficiales durante un largo periodo de tiempo, debido al Evento Climático 4.2 ka BP. En tercer lugar, las motillas son tells muy similares en lo formal a los túmulos funerarios. Acaba de ser definido un horizonte funerario tumular asociado a la Cultura de las Motillas que era desconocido por completo. Este trabajo aporta, además, el inventario actualizado de todas las motillas conocidasThe investigation of the Culture of the Motillas began four decades ago. Since then, various scholars have tried to ellucidate the origin, development and disappearance of this singular human group that existed during the Late Prehistory in La Mancha (South Central Plateau, Spain). As a result of recent research, three important issues about this question have arisen. First, the Motillas could possibly be the oldest system of underground water collection in Westerm Europe in Europe. Second, the implementation of this network of wells could be related to a climate crisis that could have dried the surface water for a long period of time, related to the 4.2 ka BP Climate Event. Third, the Motillas are tells, very similar in form to burial mounds. Funerary tumuli associated with the Culture of the Motillas have recently been described. This work also provides an updated inventory of all known Motilla
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