83 research outputs found

    Buffalo Sensory Analysis of Meat in the City of Medellin, Colombia, South America

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    The aim of this study was to determine the organoleptic properties of meat buffaloes in the town of Medellin, Colombia. It was a methodology employed with satisfaction hedonic scale of five-point verbal. GLM method was employed, with the technical MANOVA, with the orthogonal contrasts canonical, determining the dimensionality, in that the response variables were expressed by the criterion of maximum likelihood. The analysis was complemented through the technique of Spearman, using the SAS statistical package version 9.0. In making, the MANOVA, for the response variables smell, taste, tact and general appearance of the product found no statistical differences (p> 0.05). However, the variables above presented statistical relationship (p <0.05), when the ANOVA analysis for each gender. The Spearman correlation coefficient showed that there are significant correlations between the different responses, for both men and women. This result indicates that the meat buffaloes, will present a good acceptance by the general public and therefore an acceptable marketing in the city of Medellin

    Efeitos do capital social no emprego no México

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    This article explores the influence of physical and electronic social networks on the labor market, using data from the Self-Reported Welfare Survey for Mexico in 2014. Social capital has a positive influence on the employment situation of individuals. Having more than three friends decreases the probability of being unemployed between 1,1 and 1,8%; while the family network and electronic social networks are not significant. The results suggest that family capital is a kind of "unemployment insurance" and that friends provide information about vacancies and salaries.Este artículo explora la influencia de las redes sociales físicas y electrónicas en el mercado laboral, empleando datos de la Encuesta de Bienestar Autorreportado para México en 2014. El capital social ejerce una influencia positiva en la situación laboral de los individuos. Tener más de tres amigos disminuye la probabilidad de estar desempleado entre el 1,1 y el 1,8%; mientras que la red familiar y las redes sociales electrónicas no resultan significativas. Los resultados sugieren que el capital familiar es una especie de “seguro de desempleo” y que los amigos proporcionan información sobre vacantes y salarios.Este artigo explora a influência das redes sociais físicas e eletrônicas no mercado de trabalho, utilizando dados da Pesquisa de Bem-estar Auto-projetado (Encuesta de Bienestar Autorreportado) para o México, em 20140, O capital social exerce uma influência positiva na situação de trabalho dos indivíduos0, Possuir mais de três amigos diminui a probabilidade de estar desempregado entre 1,1 e 1,8%; enquanto que a rede familiar e as redes sociais eletrônicas não parecem ser significativas0, Os resultados sugerem que o capital familiar é uma espécie de “seguro desemprego” e que os amigos proporcionam informação sobre vagas e salários

    Busca de emprego, capital social e salários no México

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    The purpose of this study is to verify the existence of wage disparities from the job search channel and to focus on the social networks of individuals. The data used comes from the 2019 National Survey of Occupation and Employment (enoe), and a semi-logarithmic wage determination equation was estimated. The results show a premium salary according to the channel the employment was obtained: Internet (12.4 %), a union (6.7 %), private stock market (8.9 %), and personal contacts (6.7 %). When we distinguished by age, those over 30 report the greatest positive impact of finding employment through their networks.La investigación tiene como objetivo verificar la existencia de disparidades salariales en México a partir del canal de búsqueda de empleo. En este caso, el análisis se centró en las redes de contactos de los individuos, emplea datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ocupación y Empleo (enoe) del 2019, estimando una ecuación de determinación salarial semilogarítmica. Los resultados exhiben una prima salarial por haber obtenido empleo medianteInternet (12.4 %), un sindicato (6.7 %), bolsa privada (8.9 %) y contactos personales (6.7 %). Cuando se distingue por edad, se observa que las personas con más de 30 años reportan el mayor impacto positivo de encontrar empleo a través de sus redes de contactos.A investigação tem como objetivo verificar a existência de disparidades salariais no canal de busca de emprego. A análise está focada nas redes sociais dos indivíduos. Os dados empregados pertencem à Pesquisa Nacional de Ocupação e Emprego (enoe), de 2019, e uma equação semilogarítmica de determinação de salários é estimada. Os resultados mostram um bônus salarial por ter obtido emprego pela Internet (12.4 %), sindicato (6.7 %), bolsa privada (8.9 %) e contatos pessoais (6.7 %). Quando diferenciados por idade, observa-se que os maiores de 30 anos relatam o maior impacto positivo de conseguir um emprego por meio de suas networking

    Combining Community Engagement and Scientific Approaches in Next-Generation Monitor Siting: The Case of the Imperial County Community Air Network.

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    Air pollution continues to be a global public health threat, and the expanding availability of small, low-cost air sensors has led to increased interest in both personal and crowd-sourced air monitoring. However, to date, few low-cost air monitoring networks have been developed with the scientific rigor or continuity needed to conduct public health surveillance and inform policy. In Imperial County, California, near the U.S./Mexico border, we used a collaborative, community-engaged process to develop a community air monitoring network that attains the scientific rigor required for research, while also achieving community priorities. By engaging community residents in the project design, monitor siting processes, data dissemination, and other key activities, the resulting air monitoring network data are relevant, trusted, understandable, and used by community residents. Integration of spatial analysis and air monitoring best practices into the network development process ensures that the data are reliable and appropriate for use in research activities. This combined approach results in a community air monitoring network that is better able to inform community residents, support research activities, guide public policy, and improve public health. Here we detail the monitor siting process and outline the advantages and challenges of this approach

    Random regression models for milk, fat and protein in Colombian Buffaloes

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    Objective. Covariance functions for additive genetic and permanent environmental effects and, subsequently, genetic parameters for test-day milk (MY), fat (FY) protein (PY) yields and mozzarella cheese (MP) in buffaloes from Colombia were estimate by using Random regression models (RRM) with Legendre polynomials (LP). Materials and Methods. Test-day records of MY, FY, PY and MP from 1884 first lactations of buffalo cows from 228 sires were analyzed. The animals belonged to 14 herds in Colombia between 1995 and 2011. Ten monthly classes of days in milk were considered for test-day yields. The contemporary groups were defined as herd-year-month of milk test-day. Random additive genetic, permanent environmental and residual effects were included in the model. Fixed effects included the contemporary group, linear and quadratic effects of age at calving, and the average lactation curve of the population, which was modeled by third-order LP. Random additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were estimated by RRM using third- to- sixth-order LP. Residual variances were modeled using homogeneous and heterogeneous structures. Results. The heritabilities for MY, FY, PY and MP ranged from 0.38 to 0.05, 0.67 to 0.11, 0.50 to 0.07 and 0.50 to 0.11, respectively. Conclusions. In general, the RRM are adequate to describe the genetic variation in test-day of MY, FY, PY and MP in Colombian buffaloes.Key words: Cattle, genetics, zootechnics (Source: EuroVoc)

    The Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network: A Model for Community-based Environmental Monitoring for Public Health Action.

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    The Imperial County Community Air Monitoring Network (the Network) is a collaborative group of community, academic, nongovernmental, and government partners designed to fill the need for more detailed data on particulate matter in an area that often exceeds air quality standards. The Network employs a community-based environmental monitoring process in which the community and researchers have specific, well-defined roles as part of an equitable partnership that also includes shared decision-making to determine study direction, plan research protocols, and conduct project activities. The Network is currently producing real-time particulate matter data from 40 low-cost sensors throughout Imperial County, one of the largest community-based air networks in the United States. Establishment of a community-led air network involves engaging community members to be citizen-scientists in the monitoring, siting, and data collection process. Attention to technical issues regarding instrument calibration and validation and electronic transfer and storage of data is also essential. Finally, continued community health improvements will be predicated on facilitating community ownership and sustainability of the network after research funds have been expended

    Modelación de parametros genéticos mediante regresión aleatoria en búfalos lecheros

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    The Random regression models (RRM) for genetic evaluation in dairy cattle consider individual lactation curves as deviations from the mean, using ordinary polynomials of linear functions. A total 5386 milk yields records were analyzed, corresponding to1,546 first lactations of crossbred buffalo cow, daughters of 30 bulls and 446 cows, between 1998 and 2005. Variance components were estimated using the statistical package WOMBAT. The model included as random additive genetic effects and permanent environmental as fixed effects of contemporary groups (month and year of the control) and age of the cow at calving (quadratic effect). The residual variances were modeled using classes residual variance with 4 classes. The results of the Akaike information criterion and Schwarz Bayesian, suggested that consider the 7th model order Legendre polynomial for the additive effect and 6th order polynomial for the permanent environmental effect was the best. The Heritabilities ranged from 0.10 to 0.33 throughout lactation. In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that RRM are appropriate to study the lactation curve in dairy buffaloes in this herd.Los modelos de regresión aleatoria (MRA) son utilizados para estudiar las curvas de lactancia individuales como desvíos de la media, mediante el uso de polinomios ordinarios de funciones lineales. Fueron analizados 5.386 registros para La PDC de 1.546 primeras lactancias de búfalas mestizas, hijas de 30 toros y 446 búfalas, entre 1998 y 2005. Los componentes de varianza fueron estimados utilizando el paquete estadístico WOMBAT. El modelo incluyó como aleatorios los efectos genéticos aditivo y de ambiente permanente, como efectos fijos los grupos contemporáneos (mes y año del control) y edad de la búfala al parto (efecto lineal y cuadrático). Las varianzas residuales fueron modeladas utilizando clases de varianza con 4 clases residuales. Los resultados de los criterios de información de Akaike y de Bayesiano de Schwarz, sugirieron que el modelo que considero el 7 orden del polinomio de Legendre para el efecto aditivo y el 6 orden polinomial para el efecto de ambiente permanente fue el mejor. Las heredabilidades variaron desde 0,10 hasta 0,33 a lo largo de la lactancia. En conclusión, los MRA son apropiados para estudiar la curva de lactancia en búfalos lecheros en este rebaño

    Importancia de la aplicación de normas de Bioseguridad en el área de Radiología.

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    La bioseguridad vista desde su misma composición debe garantizar la seguridad y protección de la población a la cual está dirigida, en este artículo se hace énfasis en el área de radiología invitando a establecer parámetros de convivencia normativa, donde lo vital debe ser la garantía de un espacio y ambiente digno para quienes, por sus funciones, han de velar por la seguridad de otros. De acuerdo a la normatividad se busca establecer, desarrollar, aplicar y generar ambientes libres de riesgos de contagio, especialmente en los espacios laborales, donde es muy frecuente la posibilidad de estar en contacto con infecciones que dan paso a la aparición de enfermedades, afectando la salud del entorno; es por ello, que surge la necesidad de cumplir los protocolos normativos que ayuden a preservar y conservar el medio ambiente en condiciones óptimas, procurando con ello, salvaguardar el bienestar y la salud de quienes están expuestos, a través de la ejecución de las normas establecidas para ello, en las cuales está plasmada de manera específica, la forma en que se debe dar uso a las herramientas y los medios de barrera; gracias a ello, se minimiza el riesgo de contagio y se generan mejores ambientes en el ámbito laboral.Los riesgos de contaminación, no pueden eliminarse totalmente, pero se puedenprevenir. La autodisciplina, puede garantizar un trabajo seguro, por lo tanto, se deben desarrollar estrategias de capacitación del autocuidado de la salud, prevención y del mejor cumplimiento de las reglamentaciones establecidas

    Short communication: Genetic analysis of lactation curves in buffaloes, using Wood’s model

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    Aim of study: To estimate the heritability and genetic correlations for lactation curve traits in buffaloes.Area of study: The buffalo cows were raised on properties located in the states of São Paulo, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.Material and methods: The individual parameters of Wood’s model ( , , and ) were obtained using a non-linear mixed model. Peak yield (PY), peak time (PT) and lactation persistency (LP) were also calculated. These individual parameters were employed in multi-trait analysis with the milk yield (MY) using Bayesian inference.Main results: The heritability estimates were of low to moderate magnitudes, with values ranging from 0.156 ( ) to 0.299 (PY). The estimates for genetic correlation between the Wood’s parameters and MY were of low to high magnitude and ranged from -0.533 (  and MY) to 0.983 (PY and MY).Research highlights: The heritability estimates obtained indicate that the traits studied can be used in animal breeding programs