956 research outputs found

    Genre profiles and genre change: The case of TV news

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    Salve Domina. Hinweise auf lesende und schreibende Frauen im Römischen Reich

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    WĂ€hrend Darstellungen von lesenden und schreibenden Frauen in der römischen Antike nicht selten sind und auch in der Forschung schon mehrfach behandelt wurden, können sie nur sehr eingeschrĂ€nkte Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die effektive FĂ€higkeit zu lesen und zu schreiben liefern. Persönliche GegenstĂ€nde aus dem Fundmaterial wie SchreibgerĂ€te oder beschriftete GegenstĂ€nde besitzen dagegen einen direkten Bezug zu ihren Besitzerinnen und erlauben so eine ganz andere Perspektive. Hinweise auf lesende und schreibende Frauen geben beispielsweise Grabbeigaben in Form von SchreibgerĂ€t, Liebesgeschenke, aber auch Brieffragmente, Graffiti oder Grabinschriften. Diese Quellen werden in Beispielen vorgestellt und sollen an die Vielfalt und die Problematiken der weiblichen LiteralitĂ€t heranfĂŒhren. While representations of women who read and write are not rare in Roman antiquity and have been the subject of ample research, they deliver only restricted information about the effective ability to read and write. However, personal belongings as writing instruments or inscribed objects, coming from archeological material, provide a direct connection with their owners and therefore a completely different perspective. Funerary objects like writing instruments as well as love gifts, fragments of letters, graffiti or grave inscriptions can serve as indications in this regard. In this paper, examples of these sources are going to be presented in order to give an idea of the diversity and the difficulty of female literacy. WĂ€hrend Darstellungen von lesenden und schreibenden Frauen in der römischen Antike nicht selten sind und auch in der Forschung schon mehrfach behandelt wurden, können sie nur sehr eingeschrĂ€nkte Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die effektive FĂ€higkeit zu lesen und zu schreiben liefern. Persönliche GegenstĂ€nde aus dem Fundmaterial wie SchreibgerĂ€te oder beschriftete GegenstĂ€nde besitzen dagegen einen direkten Bezug zu ihren Besitzerinnen und erlauben so eine ganz andere Perspektive. Hinweise auf lesende und schreibende Frauen geben beispielsweise Grabbeigaben in Form von SchreibgerĂ€t, Liebesgeschenke, aber auch Brieffragmente, Graffiti oder Grabinschriften. Diese Quellen werden in Beispielen vorgestellt und sollen an die Vielfalt und die Problematiken der weiblichen LiteralitĂ€t heranfĂŒhren. While representations of women who read and write are not rare in Roman antiquity and have been the subject of ample research, they deliver only restricted information about the effective ability to read and write. However, personal belongings as writing instruments or inscribed objects, coming from archeological material, provide a direct connection with their owners and therefore a completely different perspective. Funerary objects like writing instruments as well as love gifts, fragments of letters, graffiti or grave inscriptions can serve as indications in this regard. In this paper, examples of these sources are going to be presented in order to give an idea of the diversity and the difficulty of female literacy.

    Streiten im Chat

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    While arguing in face-to-face communication is rather well investigated, there are almost no analyses on similar sequences of internet relay chats. Users of the IRC often revert to patterns of face-to-face communication, as it is for example shown in works on the phatic communication. But a lot of typical aspects of the modality "arguing" - as interruptions, overlaps, prosodic features etc. - can not be realized in the IRC. In exchange, this communication technology also creates new possibilities that are not available in face-to-face communication. In this article, I would like to ask what the consequences of these circumstances are for sequencies of arguing in the IRC. The main questions are: ‱ How is the appropriate modality of interaction created? ‱ What is the structure of sequencies of arguing? Which phases are identifiable (like cause, escalation, de-escalation)? ‱ Which blockades of interaction are realized? ‱ How is emotional involvement manifested? Besides these questions concerning the form of sequencies of arguing, also the function of these sequencies shall be analyzed. This question is important, because arguing in the IRC always is arguing in front of an audience and because the possible anonymity can have an influence on their function

    Massenmedien als Handlungsfeld II: audiovisuelle Medien

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    Young Ladies with Their Writing Equipment. Indications of Literacy in Roman Tombs

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    The Romans introduced reading and writing on a larger scale to their provinces, which is recognizable by the increasing numbers of mostly Latin monumental inscriptions, graffiti and legal documents. As the writing equipment is essential to writing, it was distributed similarly to these testimonies. Hence including stili, inkpots and wax-spatulas, which were widely spread throughout the Roman Empire. As grave goods they were found in the sepulchre of children, men in military service or more interestingly of young women who died before marriage. To all of them writing seemed to be important, as they all ran through the Roman system of education. Fortunately this writing gear can be linked through their position in a tomb to a specific person and we are able to draw conclusions about the abilities of the person in question and the spread of literacy throughout the empire and the social hierarchy. Furthermore these writing utensils are an evidence of trade. Especially inkwells in their varied forms and diverse materials can be assigned to a precise place of production and from there retrace their steps to the places they were excavated in the first place. In this paper the beneficiaries of the Roman education system will be traced by a study of the distribution of the utensils in question

    Un sujet culturel et patrimonial appliqué au dialogueterritorial et à la conduite de projets : l'exemple du"groupe de recherche sur la bataille d'Orange"

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    National audienceDans le cadre du dialogue territorial, la pratiquede conduite de projets, outre le domaine Ă©conomiqueet social qui constituent ses terres d’élection,concerne aussi la culture et le patrimoine : ainsien est-il du « Groupe de recherche sur la batailled’Orange » qui, fondĂ© en 2014, rassemble des chercheursfrançais et Ă©trangers de diffĂ©rentes disciplines(tous mĂ©tiers de l’archĂ©ologie et pĂ©riodes de l’histoireconfondues) intĂ©ressĂ©s par la confrontation qui aopposĂ© les armĂ©es romaines du consul MalliusMaximus et du proconsul Servilius Caepio Ă  lacoalition des Cimbres, des Teutons et des HelvĂštesTigurins dans la rĂ©gion d’Orange (Vaucluse), les8 et 9 octobre de l’an 105 avant notre Ăšre (Ă©vĂ©nementnotamment connu par des tĂ©moignages de DionCassius, Tite-Live, Plutarque, Orose, Valerius Antiaset Eutrope)..

    Producing genres: Pattern variation and genre development

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    Les grands récits du paysage occidental. Une traversée historique et critique (xixe-xxie siÚcles)

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    International audienceThe paper presents some of the results of research conducted in four European mountain regions (Sierra Nevada, the Central Pyrenees and the Alps - the upper valley of the River Piave and Valais -) on energy/landscape relations, addressed both from a historical and a prospective point of view. Energy is considered here as the “resource of the resource", exploitation of which allows us to activate other resources, or brings about changes in the forms of its own exploitation. The exploitation of renewable energy resources, in their various datable forms also appears as one of the greatest driving forces behind the transformation and dynamics of landscapes. This paper will also show how energy readings of landscape based on the reconstitution of landscape scenarios of energy can be built upon this base. We focus on interactions that emerged between different forms of energy exploitation and other forms of exploiting the resources of mountain areas throughout the last century (in particular agriculture, forestry and tourism). We also consider the direct and indirect effects of the “houille blanche” (literally white coal – water as an energy resource) energy revolution on mountain landscapes in the first half of the 20th century. This allows us to put into perspective current trends towards harnessing new, diverse renewable energy resources, which are today causing effects that cannot yet be properly measured. These landscape scenarios provide local stakeholders and residents with a very concrete image of the territorial implications of decisions taken in renewable energy development and become the principal basis for dialogue with them (« landscape mediation »). By integrating the territorial and social effects of energy development, this historical analysis of landscape and energy representations becomes an instrument that enables us to articulate energy projects with local territory projects.L’interrogation sur les origines d’une vision et d’une reprĂ©sentation « paysagĂšres » du monde environnant a tenu une place considĂ©rable, durant ces trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, dans le discours thĂ©orique sur le paysage. Elle a ainsi conduit Ă  produire de vĂ©ritables grands rĂ©cits de fondation, explorant les commencements du paysage pour identifier sa « nature substantielle ». À y regarder de prĂšs toutefois, le recours Ă  ces grands rĂ©cits apparaĂźt insĂ©parable de la thĂ©orisation du paysage dĂšs l’aube de l’époque contemporaine. Celui-ci est alors liĂ© Ă  l’émergence d’une nouvelle maniĂšre d’apprĂ©hender le rĂŽle du regard et des perceptions sensorielles dans le dĂ©voilement d’un ordre et d’une beautĂ© de la nature. Des grands rĂ©cits de l’époque romantique Ă©merge une figure de l’observateur et une conception de l’observation qui fondent pendant deux siĂšcles, en Occident, la configuration de l’objet paysage. La rĂ©Ă©mergence contemporaine de cette quĂȘte des origines du paysage peut quant Ă  elle ĂȘtre regardĂ©e comme le symptĂŽme et l’effet de la crise de cette figure et de cette pratique. Les thĂšses avancĂ©es depuis trois dĂ©cennies sur l’avĂšnement du paysage se donnent ainsi Ă  lire, pour certaines, comme la rĂ©ification d’une forme d’objectivation hĂ©ritĂ©e et, pour d’autres, comme une tentative de reconstruction du paysage, associant Ă  cet objet de nouvelles fonctions scientifiques et/ou politiques

    Medial shaping from the outset: On the mediality of the second presidential debate, 2016

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    In the present article we argue that all communication is medial in the sense that every human sign-based interaction is shaped by me­dial aspects from the outset. We propose a dynamic, semiotic con­cept of media that focuses on the process-related aspect of media­lity, and we test the applicability of this concept using as an example the second presidential debate between Clinton and Trump in 2016. The analysis shows in detail how the sign processing during the debate is continuously shaped by structural aspects of television and specific traits of political communication in television. This includes how the camerawork creates meaning and how the protagonists both use the affordances of this special mediality. Therefore, it is not adequate in our view to separate the technical aspects of the me­dium, the ‘hardware’, from the processual aspects and the structural conditions of communication. While some aspects of the interaction are directly constituted by the medium, others are more indirectly shaped and influenced by it, especially by its institutional dimension – we understand them as second-order media effects. The whole medial procedure with its specific mediality is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition of meaning-making. We distinguish the medial procedure from the semiotic modes employed, the language games played and the competence of the play­ers involved
