166 research outputs found


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    LUFI CHIFDIYAH : Pembelajaran yang mengacu pada metode eksperimen lebih memfokuskan pada kesuksesan siswa dalam mengorganisasikan pengalaman mereka, dengan kata lain siswa lebih pengalaman untuk mengkonstruksikan sendiri pengetahuan mereka melalui asimilasi dan akomodasi. Sehingga menyentuh aspek psikomotorik dan aspek yang lainnya yang berkenaan dengan proses pengembangan kemampuan dalam berfikir, tidak terkecuali hasil pengamatan dan penelitian para pakar pada beberapa sekolah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran eksperimen wujud benda cair di kelas III SD Negeri 1 mertapadakulon. Untuk mengkaji aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA melalui model pembelajaran Eksperimen di SD Negeri 1 mertapadakulon. Pembelajaran IPA diantaranya melatih cara berpikir dan bernalar siswa, mengembangkan aktivitas kreatif, serta mengembangkan kemampuan memecahkan masalah. Sedangkan untuk tercapainya tujuan pembelajaran IPA diantaranya dengan menggunakan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat sesuai dengan karakteristik peserta didik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui tes, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah kelas III SD Negeri 1 Mertapadakulon dengan jumlah 30 siswa. Analisis data meliputi data observasi dan data tes. Data observasi dengan menggunakan rumus persentase, sedangkan data tes menggunakan rumus ketuntasan belajar baik secara individu maupun klasikal. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan Penerapan metode pembelajaran Eksperimen yaitu dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami perubahan wujud benda hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan rata-rata aktivitas siklus I sebesar 67.6%, siklus II sebesar 82.7 %, dan siklus III sebesar 92.7 % dan peningkatan nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa siklus I sebesar sebesar 58.77, siklus II sebesar 66.77, dan siklus III sebesar 81. 53

    Strategi Pengelolaan Arsip Pembinaan Kearsipan Menjadi Informasi

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    The development of information and communication technology is developing very quickly so that it can help us, including in managing records. At the stages of use and maintenance activities, there are activities processing records and present records as information, so it is necessary to know the strategy for processing records into information utilizing technological developments for facilitating decision making. This research is descriptive research with case study and desk research types. Through this research, the strategies of processing records into information were obtained using text converters to digital text, automatic records readers, and automatic records summarizers. The strategy starts from creating digital records, converting writing into digital text, storing, reading and summarizing automatic records, storing data in databases, and presenting information

    Pemilihan Metode Penataan Arsip Inaktif Konvensional di Records Center Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia

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    Penataan arsip inaktif yang merupakan bagian dari pemeliharaan arsip menjadi sangat penting untuk dilakukan oleh pencipta arsip karena bertujuan untuk menjaga keautentikan, keutuhan, keamanan, keselamatan, serta menjamin ketersediaan informasi arsip. Selaku pencipta arsip, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia (ANRI) perlu melakukan penataan arsip inaktif secara efektif dan efisien. Permasalahan yang timbul di antaranya adalah kapasitas ruang penyimpanan yang kurang luas, metode yang digunakan kurang efektif dan efisien, serta penyusutan arsip yang sulit dilakukan. Pemilihan metode perlu dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Pemilihan metode penataan arsip inaktif dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Urgency, Seriousness, Growth (USG). Adapun evaluasi metode yang dipilih adalah analisis Paired-Samples T-Test, dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS. Instrumen penelitian berupa kuesioner disebarkan kepada seluruh populasi petugas pengelola arsip inaktif yang berjumlah 10 orang. Setelah dilakukan analisis menggunakan USG dan Paired-Samples T-Test didapat metode penataan arsip inaktif yang sesuai, yaitu metode “pengelompokan berdasarkan nasib akhir arsip”, tetapi metode tersebut tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketentuan penataan arsip inaktif. Meskipun demikian, berdasarkan nilai kuesioner didapat hasil bahwa metode penataan arsip inaktif yang baru lebih baik dalam hal penggunaan ruang penyimpanan serta mempermudah dalam pelaksanaan penyusutan arsip


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    Terdapat beberapa aspek penting dalam menentukan keberhasilan atlet di setiap pertandingan, yaitu aspek teknik, taktik, fisik dan mental. Kondisi mental atlet harus selalu dalam keadaan yang baik, aspek mental berpengaruh besar pada perkembangan dan pertumbuhan pribadi atlet secara keseluruhan. Terutama tentang bagaimana pernyataan yang atlet buat di dalam dirinya akan berpengaruh pada pikiran dan perasaan atlet tersebut, pernyataan dalam diri atlet bisa berbentuk pernyataan positif atau negatif, dan bagaimana pernyataan atlet tersebut akan berhubungan dengan motivasi dan kepercayaan dirinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan self talk dengan motivasi dan kepercayaan diri atlet renang Klub Singgasana pada saat kejuaraan Walikota Cup. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan (Purposive Sampling) yaitu 14 orang atet renang Klub Singgasana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian hubungan self talk terhadap motivasi sebesar 0.993 berada dalam kategori sangat tinggi, self talk terhadap kepercayaan diri sebesar 0.987 berada dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Dengan demikian penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan mengenai self talk terhadap motivasi dan kepercayaan diri

    Resolution of Environmental Pollution Cases Due to Sand Mining Waste in Glandang Village, Pemalang Regency

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    AbstractEnvironmental problems are multidimensional problems involving various groups. Even so, humans still play an essential role in solving environmental problems; the issue of environmental problems becomes essential because problems in the environment affect the quality of life of humans and other creatures in the future. Environmental problems often occur due to activities carried out by humans in utilizing natural resources to gain profits, such as mining. This research aims to find out how to solve environmental pollution problems and the inhibiting factors for resolving environmental pollution. This research used the normative juridical method, which conceptualizes the law as what is written in the rules and regulations. The data collection method in this study uses primary and secondary legal materials to uphold research as well as identify and clarify legal facts by asking questions. to sources according to research needs. Based on the data analysis, there are efforts to resolve environmental pollution caused by sand mining, namely the creation of a shelter as a place for waste disposal, as well as covering a tarpaulin on sand vehicles so as not to cause dust, as well as inhibiting factors in resolving cases of environmental pollution. Two factors, namely from the community and the Pemalang Regency Environmental Service, from the community that the community is less active by not reporting if there is environmental damage, and from the Environmental Service the lack of personnel handling related cases to environmental pollution.Keywords: first keyword, second keyword, third keywordAbstrakPermaslahan lingkungan merupakan permasalahan multidimensi yang melibatkan berbagai kalangan. Meskipun begitu manusia tetap berperan penting untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan lingkungan, isu permasalahan lingkungan menjadi penting karena permasalahan terhadap lingkungan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup manusia dan makhluk lain di masa mendatang. Permasalahan lingkungan kerap terjadi karena aktivitas yang dilakukan manusia dalam memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk memperoleh keuntungan seperti pertambangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana upaya dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan pencemaran lingkungan dan apa faktor pengahambat upaya penyelesaian terhadap pencemaran lingkungan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, dimana hukum dikonsepkan sebagai apa yang tertulis dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, dan metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan bahan hukum primer dan sekunder untuk menjunjung penelitian serta identifikasi dan klarifikasi fakta hukum dengan cara mengajukan pertanyaan kepada narasumber sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian. Berdasarkan dari analisis data yang digunakan penelitian ini memperoleh upaya penyelesaian terhadap pencemaran lingkungan yang di disebabkan oleh pertambangan pasir, yaitu dibuatnya penampungan sebagai tempat pembuangan limbah, serta penutupan terpal terhadap kendaraan pasir agar tidak menimbulkan debu, adapaun faktor pengahambat dalam upaya penyelesaian kasus pencemaran lingkungan terdapat dua faktor yaitu dari masyarakat dan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Pemalang, dari masyarakat kurang aktifnya masyarakat dengan tidak melapor apabila terjadi kerusakan lingkungan, dan dari Dinas Lingkungan Hidup kurangnya personil dalam menangani kasus terkait pencemaran lingkungan.Kata Kunci : Penggolongan, Surat Keterangan Waris, Diskriminas


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    Kepuasan tamu atas pelayanan hotel merupakan tolak ukur sebuah pencapaian, karena dimana terdapat kepuasan maka akan terjadi dampak positif bagi keberlangsungan hotel tersebut. Pada penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengaruh antara paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan Banquet terhadap kepuasan tamu bisnis di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Peneliti memfokuskan penelitian pada permasalahan yang ada di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel yang timbul akibat menurunnya jumlah pembelian paket meeting di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi penilaian tamu bisnis mengenai paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan Banquet, dan mengidentifikasi pula kepuasan tamu bisnis terhadap paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan Banquet di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh antara paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan Banquet terhadap kepuasan tamu bisnis di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel.Dalam penelitian ini teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik regresi linear berganda, hal tersebut dikarenakan pada penelitian ini terdapat tiga variabel dimana satu variabel dependen dan dua variabel independen sebagai faktor prediktor. Teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini diantaranya tentang produk, kualitas pelayanan jasa, Banquet, dan kepuasan konsumen. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi, penyebaran kuesioner, dan studi literatur/pustaka.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada pembahasan yang disertai dengan teori-teori yang mendukung, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan Banquet sebesar 26,21% terhadap kepuasan tamu bisnis di Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari penelitian tersebut, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa paket meeting dan kualitas pelayanan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan tamu bisnis. Hotel guest’s satisfaction with the service is a measurement of achievement because if there is satisfaction there will be a positive effect for sustainability of the hotel . This study discusses about the influence of meeting packages and service quality toward satisfaction of business guest in the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. The research focuses on the problems that exist in the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel due to the decreasing number of meeting package’s purchase in Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. This study aims to identify the business guest’s valuation about meeting packages and quality of Banquet service and also to describe the guest satisfaction towards meeting packages and quality of Banquet service in the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. The method used in this study is a descriptive analysis with quantitative approach used to determine whether there is any influence between meeting packages and quality of service toward satisfaction of business guest in the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. In this research, the technique used is multiple linear regression technique because in this study there are three variables in which one dependent variable and two independent variables as predictors. The theories related to this study include the product, quality of service, Banquet, and customer satisfaction. The data was collected by observation, questionnaires, and literature studies. Based on the result of the research which accompanied by discussion and supporting theories, the result shows that there are effects of meeting packages and quality of Banquet service for 26.21% toward guest satisfaction in the Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel. Based on the data obtained from this study, it can be concluded that the meeting package and service quality have a significant effect on business guest’s satisfaction


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan tingkat disiplin siswa yang mengikuti ektrakurikuler bulutangkis dan karate dalam pembelajaran penjas di SMPN 9 Bandung. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif komparatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive sampling. Populasinya adalah siswa SMPN 9 Bandung yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis dan karate. Sedangkan sampelnya sebanyak 15 siswa dari setiap ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis dan karate yang mengikuti lebih dari enam bulan latihan. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa angket dengan menggunakan Skala Likert. Berdasarkan uji validitas angket yang valid sebanyak 36 butir pernyataan dari 50 butir pernyataan. Hasil uji reliabilitas diperoleh hasil 0,855 dan masuk dalam kriteria reliabel. Hasil dari pengolahan dan analisis data diperoleh skor siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bulutangkis sebesar 77,22% dan skor siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler karate sebesar 82,88%. Hasil tersebut diperkuat oleh uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan uji-t dua pihak atau t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances pada Microsoft Excel 2010 dimana nilai thitung (2,32) > ttabel (2,048) maka H0 ditolak. Dengan demikian peneliti dapat menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara tingkat disiplin siswa yang mengikuti ektrakurikuler bulutangkis dan ektrakurikuler karate dalam pembelajaran penjas di SMPN 9 Bandung. ---------- The purpose of this research is to discover whether there is a distinction in discipline level between students of extracurricular badminton and students of extracurricular karate in physical education learning in SMPN 9 Bandung. This research uses comparative descriptive methods. This research also uses purposive sampling technique for taking samples. The subject are students of SMPN 9 Bandung who join extracurricular badminton and karate. Therefore, the samples are 15 students from each extracurricular, who have attended more than six months practice. The instrument of this research is in the form of questionnaire that uses Likert Scale. Based on a validity test, only 36 questions are valid from 50 questions. The result from a reliability test is 0,855 and it includes in reliable criteria. The results from processing and analysing data for students’ score who join extracurricular badminton is 77,22%. Furthermore, the students’ score who join extracurricular karate is 82,88%. These results are strengthened by hypothesis with t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances in Microsoft Excel 2010, where the value thitung (2,32) > ttabel (2,048), so that H0 is rejected. In conclusion, there are significant differences in discipline level between students of extracurricular badminton and students of extracurricular karate in physical education learning in SMPN 9 Bandung


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    USING TASK-BASED LANGUAGE TEACHING TO TEACH TENTH GRADERS OF SMA NEGERI 9 SURABAYA TO ANALYZE SIMPLE PAST AND PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE IN RECOUNT TEXT   LUFI WIRMARINI LUKMAN English Education, Language and Art Faculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected]   ESTI KURNIASIH, S.Pd., M.Pd. English Education, Language and Art Faculty, State University of Surabaya [email protected]   Abstrak Siswa-siswi kelas X, dalam kurikulum 2013, diharapkan mampu menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dalam teks recount, termasuk struktur bahasanya, atau grammar. Mengajar grammar umumnya terdiri dari menjelaskan formula disertai dengan memberi contoh penggunaannya. Namun, hal ini terkadang belum mencukupi kebutuhan siswa dalam pembelajaran grammar, terutama agar mereka berkompeten dalam menganalisis kalimat dan mampu menerapkan rumusan kalimat tersebut dalam berbagai konteks. Guru hendaknya mampu memastikan bahwa siswa benar-benar telah mencapai kompetensi analisis yang diharapkan. Adapun pendekatan pembelajaran yang dapat menjadi solusi pengajaran yang tepat, yaitu Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT). Pada prinsipnya, TBLT adalah memberi tugas pada siswa hingga mereka mencapai target pembelajaran, dalam hal ini adalah penggunaan grammar yang tepat. Penelitian ini adalah sebuah studi kualitatif, dengan dua objektif, pada kelas X IPA 3 SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya. Objektif penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan penerapan TBLT untuk mengajar siswa untuk menganalisis simple past dan past continuous tense dalam teks recount dan untuk mencatat respon siswa terhadap implementasi pengajaran tersebut. Instrumen penelititan terdiri dari observasi, field note, dan kuesioner. Data mengenai implementasi pengajaran dikumpulkan menggunakan observasi dan field note, sedangkan data respon siswa dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner.  Data penelitian yang didapat menggambarkan bahwa guru mengimplementasikan tugas yang sama dengan tiga teks yang berbeda dalam tiga pertemuan. Langkah-langkah pembelajaran terdiri dari mengamati, mempertanyakan, mengeksplorasi, mengasosiasi, dan mengkomunikasikan. Guru tersebut memandu siswa untuk melakukan aktivitas pembelajaran secara berurutan, seperti yang telah dirancang dalam Kurikulum 2013. Pemberian tugas dilakukan dalam tahap mengeksplorasi, dimana siswa diminta untuk menganalisis kalimat simple past dan past continuous dalam teks yang diberikan. Implementasi TBLT ini berjalan dengan baik dan menghasilkan respon yang positif dari siswa. Dari deskripsi data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendekatan TBLT dapat memfasilitasi siswa untuk belajar menganalisis kalimat simple past dan past continuous tense dalam teks recount. Implementasi tersebut didasari oleh prinsip mengenai tahap pembelajaran Bloom, dari kemampuan memahami hingga menganalisis, dan tahap pembelajaran yang dirancang dalam Kurikulum 2013, dari kegiatan mengamati hingga mengkomunikasikan. Implementasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi pengajaran grammar bagi guru-guru lain, peneliti, maupun guru sebagai peneliti. Kata Kunci: Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), pendekatan pembelajaran, analisis, simple past dan past continuous tense, teks recount, respon siswa   Abstract Tenth graders in Indonesia are supposed to be able to analyze linguistic components in recount text, including grammar, outlined in the 2013 Curriculum. Teaching grammar usually includes explaining the rules and providing some examples. However, this may be inadequate to enable the students to analyze the examples and therefore to use the grammar rules appropriately in different conditions. Teachers need to assure that the students genuinely learn in order to accomplish that objective. Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach is a preferrable teaching resolution. It provides exercises to the students, aimed to teach the students the accurate use of grammar. This study was a qualitative study, with two objectives, on X IPA 3 of SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya. The objectives are to describe the implementation of TBLT to teach the students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text and to record the students’ responses toward it. The instruments are observation checklist, field note, and questionnaire. The data of how the teacher implemented the approach were collected using observation checklist and field note, and the students’ responses were recorded using a close-structured questionnaire. The data obtained described that the teacher applied the similar task using three different texts in three meetings. The class was facilitated to have learning in five steps: observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. The teacher guided the students to do each step chronologically as outlined in the Curriculum of 2013. Tasks were given in exploring activity that the students were asked to analyze simple past and past continuous sentences in the text given. The implementation of TBLT to teach the students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text was running well and resulted positive responses of the students. In conclusion, TBLT approach is useful to enable the students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text. The implementation was based on the learning steps of Bloom from understand to analyze and the learning steps of the 2013 Curriculum from observing to communicating. Teachers could, at least, view this as a good choice for teaching grammar. Researchers or teachers as researchers, on the other hand, could make use of this study to develop further investigation on grammar teaching and learning using TBLT approach. Key words: Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT), approach, analyze, simple past and past continuous tense, recount text, students’ response         INTRODUCTION Tenth graders are supposed to learn some genres of text, including recount. This includes mastery of both the language skills and components. The language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing while the supporting components are vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. Grammar is one of the language components on which some teachers may put more concern. There is a view of students that considers grammar as a means to self-sufficiency (Savage, Bitterlin, & Price, 2010). Long (2000) mentioned that teaching grammar usually includes explaining the rules and providing some examples. Teachers can begin by introducing the grammar topic to the students. It continues with the explanation of when and how to apply the rules. The last step of this basic teaching is to provide examples. However, that way of teaching may be inadequate to activate awareness of students of what are beyond grammatical structure. They are form, meaning and use (Larsen-Freeman, 2001). Savage et al. (2010) explains that students may make mistakes even if they create sentences with correct structure. As an example, it is too formal to use “I must go” while speaking because the use of “must” is much more in writing than speaking. This implicates that teaching grammar is not merely of enabling learners to use the rules for one but some different conditions. Another urgency that raises is that teachers are to guide tenth graders to be competent of grammar in the stage of analyze. Analyze has surely passed three previous cognition stages, that are know, comprehend, and apply (Bloom, 1956). It demands the teacher, teaching to analyze grammar, to plan activities that most probably guide the students to form the grammar rules in their mind. This will probably be solved by providing exercises to the students. Tasks activity is the core of an approach, namely Task-Based Language Teaching (Long, 2000). Long (2000) mentioned Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) as an approach which considers that language learning happens through performing in tasks, for tasks aim to give learners opportunities to reinforce what they have just learnt. This is supported by Ellis (1994), from some studies of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) faculty, that repetitions in grammar teaching result in accurate use of grammar. Further considerations for the practice including the amount of exercises depend on the students need (Nunan, 1995). The process of teaching students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text within TBLT is one point that may fill a rift in the interrelated sources gained. The researcher traces for the description in a class of SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya, X-IPA-3. The result, directly after that, will also be discussed to show how the TBLT practice works. Task-Based Languaged Teaching (TBLT) has been practised and studied in either EFL or ESL teaching and learning. A study of the TBLT implementation on an ESP class was one of the sources. It was conducted by Hyde (2013), entitled “Task-Based Language Teaching in the Business English Classroom”, to improve the students’ performance. The students were taught Business English using present-practice-produce (PPP) method. Hyde (2013) found that TBLT is an excellent approach to teach Business English comparing to PPP. Another study on Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) was conducted by Choo & Too (2012), entitled “Teachers’ Perceptions in Using Task-Based Instruction (TBI) for the Teaching of Grammar”. Choo & Too (2012), however, mentioned TBLT as Task-Based Instruction (TBI). The study aims to trace for  teachers’ opinions towards the implementation of TBI for grammar teaching. The subjects are eight EFL teachers from a Chinese private school. The result of the study is that, although not all teachers expressed TBI as a suitable approach in their grammar classes, they concurred that it is a preferrable alternative approach for grammar teaching.    The two studies show that Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) gives positive contribution for English learning, either for specific purposes or for the language mastery. For this reason, the researchers were triggered to conduct a study on TBLT practice in another case. If Choo & Too (2012) recorded the teacher’s opinions toward TBLT, and Hyde (2013) made use of TBLT for improving a Business English class learning, the researchers aimed to describe the implementation of TBLT to teach to analyze recount text, primarily the grammatical forms as the materials. This study outlines two research questions, “How is the implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to teach tenth graders of SMA analyze simple past and Negeri 9 Surabaya to past continuous tense in recount text?” and “How do the students respond toward the implementation of Task-Based Language Teaching to teach them to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text?” A point to be noted is that this implementation was done with the syllabus of the 2013 Curriculum. It is outlined that the students would be having activities with scientific approach, a set of learning that consists of five major steps, observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. METHODOLOGY                 This research is a qualitative study. A type of qualitatative study, known as basic interpretative study, is aimed to describe a phenomenon and to develop plausible explanations in regard to interpret the phenomenon (Ary, Jacobs, Sorensen, & Razavieh, 2010). The subjects of the study are the teacher and the students of X IPA 3 SMA Negeri 9 Surabaya. The data obtained are divided into two parts. The first data are to answer the first research question. It is the implementation of TBLT to teach the students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text, including the teacher’s actions and the students’ learning activities, collected using observation checklist and fiel note. The second data are the students’ responses toward the implementation, collected using a close-structured questionnaire. The close-structured questionnaire consists of 9 questions, asking opinions toward the learning topic, the learning indicators, and the learning progress of the students.                 The data were analyzed in descriptive manner. Analyzing qualitative research consists of organizing and familiarizing, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing (Ary, et al., 2010). The researcher firstly tried to organize the data into two categories, the data that are likely for the first and the other ones for the second research question. Secondly, the researcher sorted the data to code and reduce it. This is to precisely categorize the data based on the research questions. Finally, the researcher did steps of interpreting and representing. Interpretation is bringing out the meaning, telling the story, providing an explanation and developing plausible explanations, while representation is about how the data are presented (Ary, et al., 2010). This leads the researcher to firstly provide the description of the data and at the same time bring some elaboration referred to related theories and findings developed. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Result The three-day-implementation was on 7-8 period of the school time. It began at 11.20 and ended at 12.50 a.m.  The teacher implemented TBLT for grammar teaching, simple past and past continuous tense, in recount text, using four texts as the materials. The students actively participated in the class. They passed activities guided by the teacher in five major steps, observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating. Observing includes understanding the gist of the text. Some students read sentences in the text loudly while some other were listening to the spoken text. After that, teacher asked the students to identify simple past and past continuous sentences in the text. It was recorded that the students questioned about recount text, what makes it different from other kinds of text, how events are described in recount, and how recount would appear in Indonesian. The third activity is exploring. The students were analyzing the two forms in groups. They were asked to classify each word or phrase of the sentences in the text given into its function and to transform the sentence pattern, such as from positive into negative and interrogative. The students did the task with the aids of group discussion but were going to submit the work individually. Fourthly, the students did peer correction with another group and for had a whole class discussion guided by the teacher for negotiating the best answer in associating activity. At the last, the students concluded what the text tells them about in detail. It was communicating activity, by which they communicate their understanding about the text after thoroughly analyze each of the sentences.   In the step of observing, the teacher found some errors of the students’ in proonunciation when they were reading the sentences aloud. The teacher gave feedback to correct them. The students were also checking dictionary for some less familiar words, thus they could understand what the text tells them about. The questioning step had been passed subconsciously by the students. Some students asked to the teacher about recount text. The teacher invited the whole class to try to answer. It led to a short discussion of the whole class. The students, while trying to get the best answer, were formulating questions in their mind about recount text. the teacher turned down only to justify their ideas. In exploring stage, the students were doing the task of analyzing the sentences in the text. there were about 15 sentences to deal with. The task consists of classifying each word or phrase into its function and to transform the sentence pattern, such as from positive into negative and interrogative. The students did it cooperatively in groups as they had some discussion with their mates. However, each student wrote their own work on a piece of paper. The task is to be submitted individuallly. The students associated their work with others’ and with the teacher’s comments in associating step. The teacher gave them time to do peer correction with another group. After that, he led a whole class discussion to negotiate for the best answers. He gave the students time to correct their work, based on the feedback. The last step is communicating. The teacher invited the students to mention what the text tells them about. the students were supposed to mention any details of the events in the text. This was aimed to review thei understanding about the text after analyzing each of the sentences.                     The 39 students of X IPA 3 had four recount texts as the learning materials, all of which use simple past and past continuous tense and tell plausible events to the students. The titles of the texts are “Camping”, given in the first meeting, “My Grandpa’s Birthday” and “Holiday in Gunung Penanggungan”, given in the second meeting, and “My Holiday was Fantastic”, for the last meeting.                 After the implementation ended, the teacher passed the close-structured questionnaire to each student. There were 38 students as the respondents. Most of the students stated that grammar is difficult but important to learn. They also stated that the tasks helped them to pass the learning indicators and to progress learning simple past and past continuous tense from the first to the second meeting, and from the second to the third meeting.   Discussion                 The implementation was done by the teacher in five steps. The teacher led the class to have observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating in the three meetings. The teacher did, as what Vacca (1981) suggests, managing the class to do the task in groups. He also told the class to report their work individually. He conducted some discussions with the whole class about the work to do some correction. The teacher even made use of the three activity kinds offered by Vacca (1981), individual, small-group discussion, and whole class work. The other thing was that the teacher gave additional scores for whoever participating in the class discussion. That was a creative way of conducting a class, which Oller (1983) stated could maintain high student interest. Analyzing stage, according to Bloom (1956), has three previous stages of cognition, those are know, comprehend, and apply. The teacher had conducted activities for the three cognition process before he asked the students to do the analyzing task. The activities were reading the text for knowledge stage, observing the text for understanding the meaning, and observing simple past and past continuous sentences in the text while also questioning how events are described in recount text and how the text used in Indonesian for application process. The class had done the work of analyzing simple past and past continuous sentences in the recount texts given, which inferred that they had also successfully passed the first four stages of cognition process on the topic. More importantly, the teacher had implemented more than one concept of learning for his teaching program. He utilized taxonomy of Bloom (1956) and scientific approach, outlined by the government for the 2013 English teaching Curriculum, which includes steps of observing, questioning, exploring, associating, and communicating, together with Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) approach.   The teaching implementation had gained the students’ responses. Most of them agreed that the tasks given enabled them to progress learning about simple past and past continuous tense in recount text from meeting to meeting. It was likely the transformation drills that enabled the students to analyze simple past and past continuous sentences in the recount texts given well, as what Stevick (1982) noted. The task of classifying words or phrases in the sentences was aimed to help the students more aware of parts of speech used and therefore to transform the sentences from positive into negative and interrogative. The teacher got benefits combining taxonomy of Bloom (1956) with the learning steps outlined in the most recent English teaching curriculum, the Curriculum of 2013 in the implementation. On the other hand, the students did respond positively toward the approach of TBLT, that they were helped to achieve the learning goal through doing the tasks.   Gratitudes The researchers is in much debt for this study accomplishment. They would like to thank to the school on which this study was conducted. They also would like to thank to State University of Surabaya for allowing this study published. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Conclusion Regarding to the research questions, there are two things to be concluded: The implementation did run well. There were five steps of learning outlined in the 2013 Curriculum, known as scientific approach, implemented with the learning objective from know to analyze. TBLT approach is useful to enable the students to analyze simple past and past continuous tense in recount text. The students’ responses toward the implementation, in the highest amount, were positive. They said that they could attempt to understand, identify, classify, and transform simple past


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    Nama Mahasiswa : NIP : 0871010064 Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 24 Juni 1990 Program Studi : Strata 1 (S1) Judul Skripsi : TINJAUAN YURIDIS PEMBELIAN BARANG MELALUI TOKO ONLINE DI INDONESIA DENGAN E-COMMERCE YANG TIDAK SESUAI PESANAN ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelian barang melalui e-commerce yang tidak sesuai dengan pesanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis, yang sumberdatanya diperoleh dari peraturan peundang-undangan dengan teori-teori hukum yang menjadi obyek penelitian. Analisa data menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perjanjian dalam transaksi e-commerce dapat dikatakan sah apabila kedua belah pihak mencapai kata sepakat mengenai apa yang telah diperjanjikan. Dalam hal ini, hak-hak konsumen yang wajib dilindungi berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Pada transaksi jual beli melalui media internet ada beberapa tahapan diantaranya penerimaan, pembayaran dan pengiriman. Proses inilah pelaku usaha dan konsumen harus melaksanakan kewajibannya masing-masing. Jika barang yang dibeli sudah diterima oleh konsumen, maka perjanjian antara kedua belah pihak tersebut dapat dikatakan selesai. Dan jika terjadi sengketa, maka penyelesaian sengketa transaksi elektronik didasarkan atas kesepakatan kedua belah pihak mengenai pilihan hukum dan lembaga yang menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi. Kata kunci : Transaksi e-commerce, perlindungan konsumen, upaya huku


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    UNIVERSITAS PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL “VETERAN JAWA TIMUR FAKULTAS HUKUM Nama Mahasiswa : Lian Lufi Ulan Sari NIP : 0871010064 Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Surabaya, 24 Juni 1990 Program Studi : Strata 1 (S1) Judul Skripsi : TINJAUAN YURIDIS PEMBELIAN BARANG MELALUI TOKO ONLINE DI INDONESIA DENGAN E-COMMERCE YANG TIDAK SESUAI PESANAN ABSTRAKSI Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pembelian barang melalui e-commerce yang tidak sesuai dengan pesanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis, yang sumberdatanya diperoleh dari peraturan peundang-undangan dengan teori-teori hukum yang menjadi obyek penelitian. Analisa data menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa perjanjian dalam transaksi e-commerce dapat dikatakan sah apabila kedua belah pihak mencapai kata sepakat mengenai apa yang telah diperjanjikan. Dalam hal ini, hak-hak konsumen yang wajib dilindungi berdasarkan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen. Pada transaksi jual beli melalui media internet ada beberapa tahapan diantaranya penerimaan, pembayaran dan pengiriman. Proses inilah pelaku usaha dan konsumen harus melaksanakan kewajibannya masing-masing. Jika barang yang dibeli sudah diterima oleh konsumen, maka perjanjian antara kedua belah pihak tersebut dapat dikatakan selesai. Dan jika terjadi sengketa, maka penyelesaian sengketa transaksi elektronik didasarkan atas kesepakatan kedua belah pihak mengenai pilihan hukum dan lembaga yang menyelesaikan permasalahan yang terjadi. Kata kunci : Transaksi e-commerce, perlindungan konsumen, upaya huku
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