271 research outputs found

    Área de vida e uso do espaço por Alouatta caraya (Humboldt, 1812) em ilha e continente do Alto Rio Paraná /

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    Orientador: Fernando C.PassosDissertaçăo (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Cięncias Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduaçăo em Zoologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/02/2006Inclui bibliografia e anexosÁrea de concentraçăo: Zoologi

    Padrão de atividade, hábito alimentar, área de vida e uso do espaço do mico-leão-de-cara-preta (Leontopithecus Caissara Lorini e Persson 1990) (Primates, Callitrichidae) no Parque Nacional do Superagui, Guaraqueçaba, Estado do Paraná.

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    Resumo: O conhecimento sobre a ecologia e comportamento de uma espécie é a base para sua conservação. Pouco ainda se conhece a respeito destes parâmetros para o ico-leão-da-carapreta, Leontopithecus caissara Lorini & Persson 1990, criticamente ameaçado de extinção. O presente trabalho focou em estudos ecológicos comportamentais de dois grupos presentes no Parque Nacional de Superagui 25o27’37,84’’S, 48o14’28,56’’O), no sul da Ilha de Superagui, município de Guaraqueçaba, no Estado do Paraná. Assim, o objetivo geral desse trabalho foi trazer dados a respeito do padrão de atividades, hábito alimentar, área de vida e uso do espaço. A amostragem do grupo 1 ocorreu de maio de 2008 a junho de 2009 e do grupo 2 de outubro de 2009 a março de 2010 com 3 a 4 dias completos e parciais de observação por mês. O primeiro capítulo analisa o hábito alimentar dos micos-leões onde é registrado o uso de 57 espécies vegetais (48 novos registros desde os últimos estudos) e mostra a importância de Syagrus romanzoffiana para os animais, classificada como espécie-chave. O segundo capítulo trata do orçamento temporal diário da espécie, onde é descrito o padrão de atividades grupal anual e ao longo das estações. Como as outras espécies do gênero os animais mostraram-se bastante ativos e como o esperado, os períodos de atividades variaram de acordo com o fotoperíodo e temperaturas diárias. A distribuição do tempo nas diferentes atividades observadas neste trabalho está dentro dos limites encontrados para o gênero. No último capítulo a área de vida e o modo de uso do espaço de ambos os grupos são analisados de forma geral e sazonal. São obtidos os menores valores de área de vida até então registrados para a espécie ( X = 70 ha), sendo estimada uma densidade populacional de 0,08 e 0,07 ind./ha pelos diferentes métodos, relatando um possível aumento na densidade da região insular desde as últimas pesquisas. O uso do espaço esteve ligado diretamente a lugares para descanso, disponibilidade e abundância de recursos alimentares, de aspectos sociais, e ainda, à disposição espacial dos principais recursos buscados. O estudo da seleção de habitat mostrou também utilização de diferentes classes vegetacionais. Pretende-se, assim, trazer dados detalhados a respeito da ecologia e comportamento da espécie alvo de estudo, para assim contribuir e reformular novos planos de conservação para a mesma

    De uma bailarina para um andançarino : investigações do gesto na obra “Co Ês”, de Rui Moreira

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    O presente estudo apresenta o caminho trilhado durante a pesquisa denominada De uma Bailarina para um Andançarino: investigações do gesto na obra “Co Ês”, de Rui Moreira. A pesquisa é dividida em três pilares básicos: o fazer da artista/professora/pesquisadora; o estudo do gesto; e a investigação do gesto do artista Rui Moreira na composição “Co Ês”. Foi necessário, a princípio, observar o que emergia nos gestos da pesquisadora e, dessa prática inicial, surgiu o conceito de olhar para dentro. Dos experimentos dançantes e das escritas poéticas da autora deste estudo emergiram as histórias dos gestos de dança de uma bailarina. O processo de criação, com o objetivo de dar corpo à pesquisa, acirrou a busca por conceitos acerca do gesto na dança. Os aportes teóricos que dizem respeito à gestualidade instigaram a percepção e a elaboração do tema central da pesquisa: os gestos do artista Rui Moreira e suas implicações envolvendo as noções de coletividade e de ancestralidade. Por meio de uma entrevista e de uma posterior troca de cartas, percebe-se que o conjunto desses procedimentos possibilitou esboçar análises dos gestos do bailarino Rui Moreira na obra “Co Ês” sob a perspectiva de uma bailarina.The present study reveals the path taken during the research called From a Dancer to an Andançarino: investigations about the gesture in the work “Co Ês”, by Rui Moreira. The research is divided into three basic pillars: the creative process as an artist, a teacher and a researcher; the study of gesture; and the investigation of Rui Moreira’s gesture in the artistic composition “Co Ês”. It was necessary, at first, to observe what emerged in the researcher's gestures and, from this initial practice, the concept of looking inside emerged. From the dancing experiments and the poetic writings of the author of this study, the stories of the dance gestures developed by a ballerina were made possible. The creation process, with the objective of embodying the research, intensified the search for concepts about gesture in dance. Theoretical contributions regarding gestures instigated the perception and elaboration of the central theme of the research: the gestures of the artist Rui Moreira and their implications involving the notions of collectivity and ancestry. Through an interview and a subsequent exchange of letters, the set of these procedures made it possible to sketch analyzes of the gestures of the dancer Rui Moreira in the work “Co Ês” from the perspective of a dancer

    Epidemiological Profile of Patients with Cutaneous Melanoma in a Region of Southern Brazil

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    Cutaneous melanoma (CM) is responsible for 75% of deaths from malignant skin cancer. The incidence of CM in the southern region of Brazil, particularly in the western region of Santa Catarina, is possibly higher than estimated. In this study, the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with CM treated in the western region of Santa Catarina was examined. A cross-sectional study was performed with patients diagnosed with CM from January 2002 to December 2009, from 78 counties of the western region of the state of Santa Catarina. Data were collected using a protocol adapted from the Brazilian Melanoma Group and 503 patients were evaluated. The incidence and prevalence of CM found in this region are much higher than those found elsewhere in the country. This fact is most likely due to the phenotypic characteristics of the population and the high incidence of UV radiation in this region due to its location in southern Brazil, as is the case in the countries of Oceania

    secondary results of a randomized phase III trial (SAKK 10/94)

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    Background To analyze the impact of weight loss before and during chemoradiation on survival outcomes in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer. Methods From 07/1994-07/2000 a total of 224 patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck were randomized to either hyperfractionated radiation therapy alone or the same radiation therapy combined with two cycles of concomitant cisplatin. The primary endpoint was time to any treatment failure (TTF); secondary endpoints were locoregional recurrence-free survival (LRRFS), distant metastasis-free survival (DMFS) and overall survival (OS). Patient weight was measured 6 months before treatment, at treatment start and treatment end. Results The proportion of patients with >5% weight loss was 32% before, and 51% during treatment, and the proportion of patients with >10% weight loss was 12% before, and 17% during treatment. After a median follow-up of 9.5 years (range, 0.1 – 15.4 years) weight loss before treatment was associated with decreased TTF, LRRFS, DMFS, cancer specific survival and OS in a multivariable analysis. However, weight loss during treatment was not associated with survival outcomes. Conclusions Weight loss before and during chemoradiation was commonly observed. Weight loss before but not during treatment was associated with worse survival

    Nucleosome acidic patch-targeting binuclear ruthenium compounds induce aberrant chromatin condensation

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    © 2017 The Author(s). The 'acidic patch' is a highly electronegative cleft on the histone H2A-H2B dimer in the nucleosome. It is a fundamental motif for protein binding and chromatin dynamics, but the cellular impact of targeting this potentially therapeutic site with exogenous molecules remains unclear. Here, we characterize a family of binuclear ruthenium compounds that selectively target the nucleosome acidic patch, generating intra-nucleosomal H2A-H2B cross-links as well as inter-nucleosomal cross-links. In contrast to cisplatin or the progenitor RAPTA-C anticancer drugs, the binuclear agents neither arrest specific cell cycle phases nor elicit DNA damage response, but rather induce an irreversible, anomalous state of condensed chromatin that ultimately results in apoptosis. In vitro, the compounds induce misfolding of chromatin fibre and block the binding of the regulator of chromatin condensation 1 (RCC1) acidic patch-binding protein. This family of chromatin-modifying molecules has potential for applications in drug development and as tools for chromatin research

    Coristoma ósseo mesentérico em uma porca

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    Background: Osseous choristomas represent the production of osseous tissue in abnormal regions, such as subcutaneous, fibrous or perivascular tissues, skeletal muscle and skin. These structures have been found in humans, dogs (lungs and dura mater), horses (large intestines) and cattle (lungs and mesenteric lymph nodes). They were also found in the mesenteric region and thoracic cavity of sows and piglets. The aim of this paper was to describe the macro and microscopic lesions found in a sow which died suddenly by a rare mesenteric osseous choristoma.Case: A lactating sow, parity four, from the Swine Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, showed appetite loss, hyperthermia (41.5ºC) and sudden death. The animal was submitted to necropsy at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, UFRGS. On external examination, the sow showed conjunctival and perioral cyanosis, proximal colon region with a firm structure with approximately 3.0 cm length in mesenteric area. Moreover, the colon was ruptured and fibrin deposition and intestinal content in abdominal cavity were observed. Fragments of organs were collected in 10% formalin, routinely processed for histology and colored with hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E). Histologically, it was found bone trabeculae with osteoid, periosteum, spaces with osteocids and endochondral ossification with bone marrow composed by adipose tissue and intense proliferation of conjunctive stroma. The mesenteric lymph nodes showed intense lymphoid hyperplasia with multifocal centrilobular necrosis. There was fibrin in serosa of colon, acute peri-spleen and acute fibrinopurulent perihepatitis.Discussion: Macroscopic and microscopic findings were consistent with mesenteric osseous choristoma. This condition is unusual in domestic animals, however it has been already described in pigs. Osseous choristoma could be related to previous mesenteric torsions, which could occur in growing phase, causing inflammation and hemorrhage, stimulating its generation. These structures may cause lesions in adjacent organs. The abrupt movements of the sow or intestinal peristalsis could have broken the bone, raising two tips, which in contact with the colon, ruptured it. Because of this, shedding of intestinal content was observed, which resulted in an acute peritonitis and sudden death of the animal. The annual mortality rates of sows (natural deaths or euthanasia) varies from 4.0 to 6.0%, but may be variable. Sow sudden deaths represent 17.5% of all sows and boars deaths, and gilts, pregnant and lactating sows are more susceptible. The most common causes of sow sudden death are gastrointestinal problems, such as ulcer, enteritis, torsions and ruptures; pneumonia; urinary infections, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis; heart failure; dystocia, and septicemia. However, one third of sudden death causes are not identified. The necropsy is the only way to identify the cause of death, through observation of macroscopic lesions and subsequent laboratory tests. Better knowledge of causes is important to establish control measures and possibly reduce culling of swine females. The causes of sudden death in sows should be better understood. Case reports of mesenteric osseous choristomas are rare in pigs, however it is not possible to assert if its occurrence is low, since few sudden deaths in sows are investigated

    Mesenteric osseous choristoma in a sow

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    Background: Osseous choristomas represent the production of osseous tissue in abnormal regions, such as subcutaneous, fibrous or perivascular tissues, skeletal muscle and skin. These structures have been found in humans, dogs (lungs and dura mater), horses (large intestines) and cattle (lungs and mesenteric lymph nodes). They were also found in the mesenteric region and thoracic cavity of sows and piglets. The aim of this paper was to describe the macro and microscopic lesions found in a sow which died suddenly by a rare mesenteric osseous choristoma. Case: A lactating sow, parity four, from the Swine Department of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil, showed appetite loss, hyperthermia (41.5ºC) and sudden death. The animal was submitted to necropsy at the Department of Veterinary Pathology, UFRGS. On external examination, the sow showed conjunctival and perioral cyanosis, proximal colon region with a firm structure with approximately 3.0 cm length in mesenteric area. Moreover, the colon was ruptured and fibrin deposition and intestinal content in abdominal cavity were observed. Fragments of organs were collected in 10% formalin, routinely processed for histology and colored with hematoxylin and eosin stain (H&E). Histologically, it was found bone trabeculae with osteoid, periosteum, spaces with osteocids and endochondral ossification with bone marrow composed by adipose tissue and intense proliferation of conjunctive stroma. The mesenteric lymph nodes showed intense lymphoid hyperplasia with multifocal centrilobular necrosis. There was fibrin in serosa of colon, acute peri-spleen and acute fibrinopurulent perihepatitis. Discussion: Macroscopic and microscopic findings were consistent with mesenteric osseous choristoma. This condition is unusual in domestic animals, however it has been already described in pigs. Osseous choristoma could be related to previous mesenteric torsions, which could occur in growing phase, causing inflammation and hemorrhage, stimulating its generation. These structures may cause lesions in adjacent organs. The abrupt movements of the sow or intestinal peristalsis could have broken the bone, raising two tips, which in contact with the colon, ruptured it. Because of this, shedding of intestinal content was observed, which resulted in an acute peritonitis and sudden death of the animal. The annual mortality rates of sows (natural deaths or euthanasia) varies from 4.0 to 6.0%, but may be variable. Sow sudden deaths represent 17.5% of all sows and boars deaths, and gilts, pregnant and lactating sows are more susceptible. The most common causes of sow sudden death are gastrointestinal problems, such as ulcer, enteritis, torsions and ruptures; pneumonia; urinary infections, such as cystitis and pyelonephritis; heart failure; dystocia, and septicemia. However, one third of sudden death causes are not identified. The necropsy is the only way to identify the cause of death, through observation of macroscopic lesions and subsequent laboratory tests. Better knowledge of causes is important to establish control measures and possibly reduce culling of swine females. The causes of sudden death in sows should be better understood. Case reports of mesenteric osseous choristomas are rare in pigs, however it is not possible to assert if its occurrence is low, since few sudden deaths in sows are investigated