9 research outputs found

    Multi-faced neuroprotectice effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 in an Alzheimer mouse model

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    There has been no extensive characterization of the effects of Ginsenoside Rg1, a pharmacological active component purified from the nature product ginseng, in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. The well-characterized transgenic Alzheimer disease (AD) mice over expressing amyloid precursor protein (APP)/Aβ (Tg mAPP) and nontransgenic (nonTg) littermates at age of 6 and 9 months were treated with Rg 1 for three months via intraperitoneal injection. Mice were then evaluated for changes in amyloid pathology, neuropathology and behavior. Tg mAPP treated with Rg1 showed a significant reduction of cerebral Aβ levels, reversal of certain neuropathological changes, and preservation of spatial learning and memory, as compared to vehicle-treated mice. Rg1 treatment inhibited activity of γ-secretase in both Tg mAPP mice and B103-APP cells, indicating the involvement of Rg1 in APP regulation pathway. Furthermore, administration of Rg1 enhanced PKA/CREB pathway activation in mAPP mice and in cultured cortical neurons exposed to Aβ or glutamate-mediated synaptic stress. Most importantly, the beneficial effects on attenuation of cerebral Aβ accumulation, improvement in neuropathological and behavioral changes can be extended to the aged mAPP mice, even to 12–13 months old mice that had extensive amyloid pathology and severe neuropathological and cognitive malfunction. These studies indicate that Rg1 has profound multi-faced and neuroprotective effects in an AD mouse model. Rg1 induces neuroprotection through ameliorating amyloid pathology, modulating APP process, improving cognition, and activating PKA/CREB signaling. These findings provide a new perspective for the treatment of AD and demonstrate potential for a new class of drugs for AD treatment

    Multi-faced neuroprotectice effects of Ginsenoside Rg1 in an Alzheimer mouse model

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    There has been no extensive characterization of the effects of Ginsenoside Rg1, a pharmacological active component purified from the nature product ginseng, in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model. The well-characterized transgenic Alzheimer disease (AD) mice over expressing amyloid precursor protein (APP)/Aβ (Tg mAPP) and nontransgenic (nonTg) littermates at age of 6 and 9 months were treated with Rg 1 for three months via intraperitoneal injection. Mice were then evaluated for changes in amyloid pathology, neuropathology and behavior. Tg mAPP treated with Rg1 showed a significant reduction of cerebral Aβ levels, reversal of certain neuropathological changes, and preservation of spatial learning and memory, as compared to vehicle-treated mice. Rg1 treatment inhibited activity of γ-secretase in both Tg mAPP mice and B103-APP cells, indicating the involvement of Rg1 in APP regulation pathway. Furthermore, administration of Rg1 enhanced PKA/CREB pathway activation in mAPP mice and in cultured cortical neurons exposed to Aβ or glutamate-mediated synaptic stress. Most importantly, the beneficial effects on attenuation of cerebral Aβ accumulation, improvement in neuropathological and behavioral changes can be extended to the aged mAPP mice, even to 12–13 months old mice that had extensive amyloid pathology and severe neuropathological and cognitive malfunction. These studies indicate that Rg1 has profound multi-faced and neuroprotective effects in an AD mouse model. Rg1 induces neuroprotection through ameliorating amyloid pathology, modulating APP process, improving cognition, and activating PKA/CREB signaling. These findings provide a new perspective for the treatment of AD and demonstrate potential for a new class of drugs for AD treatment

    Evolutionary Analysis of TCGA Data Using Over- and Under- Mutated Genes Identify Key Molecular Pathways and Cellular Functions in Lung Cancer Subtypes

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    We identify critical conserved and mutated genes through a theoretical model linking a gene’s fitness contribution to its observed mutational frequency in a clinical cohort. “Passenger” gene mutations do not alter fitness and have mutational frequencies determined by gene size and the mutation rate. Driver mutations, which increase fitness (and proliferation), are observed more frequently than expected. Non-synonymous mutations in essential genes reduce fitness and are eliminated by natural selection resulting in lower prevalence than expected. We apply this “evolutionary triage” principle to TCGA data from EGFR-mutant, KRAS-mutant, and NEK (non-EGFR/KRAS) lung adenocarcinomas. We find frequent overlap of evolutionarily selected non-synonymous gene mutations among the subtypes suggesting enrichment for adaptations to common local tissue selection forces. Overlap of conserved genes in the LUAD subtypes is rare suggesting negative evolutionary selection is strongly dependent on initiating mutational events during carcinogenesis. Highly expressed genes are more likely to be conserved and significant changes in expression (>20% increased/decreased) are common in genes with evolutionarily selected mutations but not in conserved genes. EGFR-mut cancers have fewer average mutations (89) than KRAS-mut (228) and NEK (313). Subtype-specific variation in conserved and mutated genes identify critical molecular components in cell signaling, extracellular matrix remodeling, and membrane transporters. These findings demonstrate subtype-specific patterns of co-adaptations between the defining driver mutation and somatically conserved genes as well as novel insights into epigenetic versus genetic contributions to cancer evolution

    RAGE-dependent signaling in microglia contributes to neuroinflammation, Aβ accumulation, and impaired learning/memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

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    Microglia are critical for amyloid-β peptide (Aβ)-mediated neuronal perturbation relevant to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis. We demonstrate that overexpression of receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) in imbroglio exaggerates neuroinflammation, as evidenced by increased proinflammatory mediator production, Aβ accumulation, impaired learning/memory, and neurotoxicity in an Aβ-rich environment. Transgenic (Tg) mice expressing human mutant APP (mAPP) in neurons and RAGE in microglia displayed enhanced IL-1β and TNF-α production, increased infiltration of microglia and astrocytes, accumulation of Aβ, reduced acetylcholine esterase (AChE) activity, and accelerated deterioration of spatial learning/memory. Notably, introduction of a signal transduction-defective mutant RAGE (DN-RAGE) to microglia attenuates deterioration induced by Aβ. These findings indicate that RAGE signaling in microglia contributes to the pathogenesis of an inflammatory response that ultimately impairs neuronal function and directly affects amyloid accumulation. We conclude that blockade of microglial RAGE may have a beneficial effect on Aβ-mediated neuronal perturbation relevant to AD pathogenesis.—Fang, F., Lue, L.-F., Yan, S., Xu, H., Luddy, J. S., Chen, D., Walker, D. G., Stern, D. M., Yan, S., Schmidt, A. M., Chen, J. X., Yan, S. S. RAGE-dependent signaling in microglia contributes to neuroinflammation, Aβ accumulation, and impaired learning/memory in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease

    RAGE potentiates Aβ-induced perturbation of neuronal function in transgenic mice

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    Receptor for Advanced Glycation Endproducts (RAGE), a multiligand receptor in the immunoglobulin superfamily, functions as a signal-transducing cell surface acceptor for amyloid-beta peptide (Aβ). In view of increased neuronal expression of RAGE in Alzheimer's disease, a murine model was developed to assess the impact of RAGE in an Aβ-rich environment, employing transgenics (Tgs) with targeted neuronal overexpression of RAGE and mutant amyloid precursor protein (APP). Double Tgs (mutant APP (mAPP)/RAGE) displayed early abnormalities in spatial learning/memory, accompanied by altered activation of markers of synaptic plasticity and exaggerated neuropathologic findings, before such changes were found in mAPP mice. In contrast, Tg mice bearing a dominant-negative RAGE construct targeted to neurons crossed with mAPP animals displayed preservation of spatial learning/memory and diminished neuropathologic changes. These data indicate that RAGE is a cofactor for Aβ-induced neuronal perturbation in a model of Alzheimer's-type pathology, and suggest its potential as a therapeutic target to ameliorate cellular dysfunction