24 research outputs found

    Avaliação de Impactos Ambientais : um estudo na operação do Porto de Ita jaí

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    A necessidade de um melhor gerenciamento das questões ambientais, envolvendo o uso de instrumentos de gestão existentes, vem sendo assunto de variados estudos, principalmente no que tange a avaliação de impactos ambientais, sugerida na norma ISO 14001. Entretanto, o tema não está totalmente incorporado em algumas áreas, como no setor portuário. Sendo assim, o presente estudo avalia aspectos e impactos ambientais envolvidos dentro das atividades produtivas para o caso específico das operações do Porto de Itajaí. Dentro da concretização do estudo, buscou-se um referencial teórico abrangente e fez-se um levantamento das principais metodologias envolvidas nas avaliações de aspectos e impactos no âmbito de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental, tendo como escolha o uso do método SGADA, que, dentre alguns critérios de adaptação e compatibilidade foi aquele que melhor se enquadrou com o problema proposto. A aplicação do método foi direcionada à atividade operacional do porto, com o intuito de obter-se uma avaliação de significância de cada aspecto e impacto ambiental gerado. Os resultados mais expressivos dentro da operação do porto apontam para a contaminação da água envolvendo a utilização de efluentes líquidos oleosos e a potencialidade de acidentes gerados por incêndios, embora este último possa ser amenizado através de programas e ações emergenciais implantadas. De modo específico, os resultados de caráter mais grave no Porto. Em geral, o estudo permitiu inferir que a avaliação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais, além de identificar os pontos de mais cuidado e atenção dentro da organização, possibilita que suas atividades e áreas sejam aperfeiçoadas, visando menor (ou nenhum) dano ao ambiente inserido

    Tecnologias e sistemas de tratamento para os dejetos da suinocultura

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    A suinocultura caracteriza-se como uma atividade de alto impacto ambiental, devido a grande quantidade de dejetos com alta carga de poluentes, lançados no meio ambiente. No entanto, existem diversas tecnologias, e sistemas de tratamento, com a capacidade de reduzir o poder poluente dos dejetos da suinocultura. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar as principais tecnologias e sistemas de tratamentos para os dejetos da suinocultura, presentes em publicações brasileiras. Os resultados obtidos nestas publicações apresentaram-se de certa forma satisfatórios em relação à redução da carga de poluentes dos efluentes da suinocultura. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre o comportamento da redução dos poluentes em função de parâmetros dimensionais e temporais das tecnologias ou dos sistemas de tratamento. Tal desconhecimento dificulta o dimensionamento de sistemas de tratamento, desconsiderando a relação existente entre investimento e redução do poder poluente dos dejetos. Dentro deste contexto, a modelagem e otimização de sistemas pode ser uma ferramenta muito útil para o dimensionamento de tecnologias e sistemas de tratamento de dejetos de suínos

    An analysis of the literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management: paving the way for future studies

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    The area of disaster management has become increasingly prominent in a context of frequent political, religious change and conflict, and within it, the field of knowledge on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management (HLSCM) has attracted attention from a variety of stakeholders, such as scholars, practitioners and policy makers. Consequently, humanitarian logistics and supply chain research has seen a significant increase in the quantity of works emerging, particularly journal articles. In this context, we aim to systematize the selected contemporary literature on humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. After identifying the relevant literature on Scopus and Web of Science, we chart a systematization of this body of knowledge by applying a system of codes and classifications to it. Based on research gaps found, we propose an original research agenda for further developing the humanitarian logistics and supply chain management field, as suggested avenues for future research

    Toward greener supply chains: is there a role for the new ISO 50001 approach to energy and carbon management?

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    © 2016, The Author(s). Considering the increased interest of stakeholders in climate change and a low-carbon economy, this article has investigated and identified several contributions of the ISO 50001 in support of the adoption of green supply chain management (GSCM). In this context, energy efficiency and reduced CO 2 emissions are critical. Therefore, the proposal for and the requirements of ISO 50001 can generate useful insights on how to structure green and low-carbon supply chains, hence helping to address the challenges posed by climate change

    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics' resources: focus on curated databases

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    The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (www.isb-sib.ch) provides world-class bioinformatics databases, software tools, services and training to the international life science community in academia and industry. These solutions allow life scientists to turn the exponentially growing amount of data into knowledge. Here, we provide an overview of SIB's resources and competence areas, with a strong focus on curated databases and SIB's most popular and widely used resources. In particular, SIB's Bioinformatics resource portal ExPASy features over 150 resources, including UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, ENZYME, PROSITE, neXtProt, STRING, UniCarbKB, SugarBindDB, SwissRegulon, EPD, arrayMap, Bgee, SWISS-MODEL Repository, OMA, OrthoDB and other databases, which are briefly described in this article

    Enivironmental management in project oriented companies

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    Public procurement is an important segment of economy and its efficiency significantlly influences both performance of companies as well as macroeconomic indicators of national achievement. Within the structure of public procurement in Croatia, works contracts have 21.13% share in total number of contracts concluded, representing 35.94% of total contracted value (Ministry of economy, 2012:11). Because of the importance of works contracts, starting research question of this paper are methods of efficient works contracts management and their application and results in Croatia. Authors have used an interdisciplinary approach: based on the relevant literature review and by using analysis as an adequate scientific research method for thesubject, both macroeconomic and microeconomic elements of the problem have been covered. Paper studies general Cohesion Policy goals, public procurement system in Croatia and repercussions of public procurement on civil engineeringbusiness. At the microeconomic level, case study of a randomly selected company was used to analyse works contracts management from the business aspect and ultimately prove dependence of construction business on public procurement procedures. In conclusion, research results have shown goodcompliance of Croatian public procurement system with EU legislation and its functionality. Nevertheless, they have also indicated the need of fostering efficiency through administrative capacity strengthening. Regarding business, it has been proven that construction companies\u27 management must be in continuous compliance with ongoing public procurement procedures in order to ensure existence and competitive performance of a company

    Environmental Management in Project Oriented Companies Within Construction Sector

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    Construction sector activities are predominantly project-oriented, and production processes are being executed on a temporary production (construction) site. Contemporary view of the sector includes, in addition to achievement of traditional goals, requirements related to environment, such as resource efficiency, emission control and preservation of biodiversity. For this purpose, the paper proposes an extended concept of quality and its comprehensive management in construction to the field of sustainability. Next, the existing body of knowledge is examined in order to identify specific measures to be used in the implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) into the contracting organisation as well as into the construction project. Challenges associated with project oriented production are identified and discussed, and special emphasis is placed to the role of the organisational culture in this process. Environmental Management Project System (EMPS) is developed and proposed to be used within the construction project. For a given construction project, the EMPS can be supplemented by an Environmental Impact Assessment if required