65 research outputs found

    Os encontros que compõem o ofício de pesquisar

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    Disponible an anglès i portuguèsThis paper discusses ethical and political dimensions of research, which is taken as social practice. To perform this research, with two teams in different regions of Brazil (Northeast and Southeast), building a truly collaborative work was an imperative task. The work process is problematized in a research involving women activists of two Brazilian social movements. The research process is discussed in four specific encouters. The first concerns the process of co-elaborating the project and the challenges of gathering distinct research interests. The second focuses on the daily challenges of staff in working with the theme of death, but also the synergy needed to work remotely. The third encounter discusses the relationship between researchers and participants, highlighting ethical and political dilemmas. The fourth and final encounter to be discussed the constraints posed by working with the theme of death, echoing among the participants and another researchers.Este trabalho tem por objetivo discutir as dimensões éticas e políticas da pesquisa, tomada como prática social. Problematiza-se o processo de trabalho em uma pesquisa que envolveu militantes do Movimento Nacional das Cidadãs Posithivas (MNCP) e do Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras Rurais do Sertão Central de Pernambuco (MMTR-Sertão Central PE), desenvolvida em duas universidades brasileiras. O processo de construção da pesquisa é discutido em quatro encontros específicos. O primeiro diz respeito ao processo de elaboração conjunta do projeto e os desafios de fazer convergir interesses de pesquisa. O segundo focaliza os desafios cotidianos da equipe no trabalho com o tema da morte, mas também a sinergia necessária para o trabalho à distância. O terceiro encontro toca na relação entre as participantes da pesquisa, sejam elas pesquisadoras ou militantes, situando dilemasético-políticos aí experimentados. O quarto e último encontro a ser discutido diz dos estranhamentos com relação ao tema da morte, ecoando entre pesquisadas e interlocutores/as acadêmicos

    Intermitências da morte: redefinições do ser humano na difusão da morte cerebral como fato médico

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    This paper presents different definitions of brain death, as part of the process of sketching the construction of brain death as a medical fact. Since its publication at the end of the 1960s in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the definition of brain death has drawn both adherents and opponents. In order to be deployed in statutory texts, in the early 1980s, the definition was reshaped and consolidated as whole-brain death. In the course of that process, other definitions had been offered as alternatives to the whole-brain death, such as brainstem death and higher brain death. Since each definition was supposed to provide a 'good' definition of death, it was linked with a specific conception of "human being". Different conceptions of human being were articulated with the redefinitions of death that were proposed between the 1960's and the 1990's. In some of these conceptions, location in the brain or in the organism as whole is fundamental; in others, the presence of "personhood", "personal identity" or "full moral standing".Este artigo apresenta diferentes definições de morte cerebral, resgatando parte do processo de sua construção como fato médico. Desde o final dos anos 1960, quando foi publicada em importante veículo de divulgação científica da comunidade médica, o Journal of the American Medical Association, a definição de morte cerebral suscitou adesões e contraposições. De modo a se afirmar em textos estatutários, a definição foi ganhando novos contornos, sendo consolidada como whole-brain death no alvorecer dos anos 1980. Compondo esse processo, outras definições vão sendo oferecidas como alternativas para a whole-brain death. As definições de brainstem death e a higher brain death ganham destaque nesse processo histórico de construções de argumentos. Para alcançar o status de "boa" definição, cada uma delas se apoiou em específicas delimitações de "ser humano". Nessas redefinições da morte que se desenrolam entre os anos 1960 e 1990, concepções de ser humano afirmavam-se pela localização no cérebro ou no organismo como um todo, ou pela presença da "pessoalidade", da "identidade pessoal" ou de "estabilidade moral"

    Itinerários Terapêuticos Percorridos por Pessoas que Tentaram Suicídio

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    n this research, were analysed the therapeutic itineraries of patients from the Unified Health System who attempted suicide. An analysis of interviews produced with ten patients who attempted suicide and with six health network references were performed. The results indicated the presence of loneliness and helplessness in patients; indicated adequate reception by health professionals; emphasized about a non-identification of patients with mental health units to which they are sent; indicate the non-follow-up of cases in primary care; and showed that therapeutic pathways surpassed biomedical practices. This study demonstrates the need for specific public policies which articulate the multisectoral network of services and non-technical life support itineraries for those people.Esta pesquisa analisou itinerários terapêuticos de usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde que tentaram suicídio. Foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo das entrevistas feitas com dez usuários que tentaram suicídio e seis referências técnicas da rede de saúde. Os resultados apontaram a presença de solidão e desamparo nos usuários; indicaram acolhimento adequado realizado pelos profissionais de saúde; ressaltaram a não identificação dos usuários com os serviços de saúde mental para os quais foram encaminhados; assinalaram o não seguimento dos casos na atenção primária e mostraram que os caminhos terapêuticos ultrapassaram as práticas biomédicas. Este estudo aponta a necessidade de políticas públicas específicas para esse público, que articulem a rede intersetorial de serviços e itinerários não técnicos de apoio à vida

    Experiences with breast cancer: A study between Brazilian and German women

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    Abstract Objective This study aimed to identify the experiences of women from two different countries, through the discovery and treatments of breast neoplasms, highlighting the phenomenon based on relationships with socio-cultural aspects. Method The Grounded Theory was the theoretical and methodological tool for data collection and analysis, in this qualitative research of which 15 Brazilian women (35-65 years old) and 12 German women (50-81 years old) participated, all in treatment for breast cancer. Results The results revealed differences in obtaining the diagnosis – in Brazil mostly sought from selfexamination, and in Germany, for complying with the invitation letter for mammography. The disease’s disclosure pointed out that cancer’s stigmas are more significant among German women than Brazilian women. Conclusion Differences between prescribed treatments reveal that Brazilian women receive more chemotherapies, and German women, radiotherapies. Finally, it is considered that some women’s attitudes bring gains and decrease suffering, while others, losses, and stigmatization

    Narrativas posithivas: vulnerabilidade de mulheres ao hiv/aids em relações heterossexuais de conjugalidade

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    The aim of this paper is to present a research on the vulnerability to HIV / AIDS in narratives of women who have become HIV positive in heterosexual conjugality relationships. The research had a qualitative design, and was guided by methodological principles of narrative inquiry, combining strategies of data production: critical bibliographical research; participant observation; narrative interviews; and field notes. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed with the support of qualitative data analysis software (ATLAS.ti), articulating the tools of narrative analysis in the thematic, structural and dialogical-performative perspectives. The results demonstrate that narratives are rich sources of data on vulnerabilities classified as individual, social and programmatic in government sources and academic literature. These vulnerabilities permeate the daily lives of women in conjugal relationships and have against the backdrop of gender inequalities.El objetivo de este artículo es presentar una investigación sobre la vulnerabilidad al VIH / sida en narrativas de mujeres que se han vuelto seropositivas en relaciones heterosexuales de conyugalidad. De alcance cualitativo, el estudio se guió por principios metodológicos de la investigación narrativa, combinando estrategias de producción de datos: investigación bibliográfica crítica; observación participante;entrevistas narrativas; y diario de campo. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas y analizadas con apoyo de un software de análisis de datos cualitativos (ATLAS.ti), articulando herramientas de análisis de narrativas en las perspectivas temática, estructural y dialógica y de performatividad. Los resultados demuestran que lasnarrativas son excelentes fuentes de datos sobre las vulnerabilidades clasificadas como individuales, sociales y programáticas en fuentes gubernamentales y en la literatura académica. Estas vulnerabilidades permean el cotidiano de las mujeres en relaciones de conyugalidad y tienen como telón de fondo las desigualdades degénero.Cet article vise à présenter une recherche sur la vulnérabilité au VIH/SIDA à partir de récits de femmes devenues séropositives dans le cadre de relations hétérosexuelles de conjugalité. Sous une approche qualitative, l’investigation a été guidée par les principes méthodologiques de la recherche narrative, associéeaux suivantes stratégies de production de données: recherche bibliographique critique; observation participante; entretiens narratifs et carnet de terrain. Les entretiens ont été transcrits et analysés à l'aide d'un logiciel d'analyse de données qualitatives (ATLAS.ti), les outils d'analyse narrative étant articulés sous les perspectives thématique, structurelle et dialogique-performative. Les résultats mettent en évidence les récits comme des riches sources de données concernant les vulnérabilités classées comme individuelles, sociales et programmatiques, d’après des documents gouvernementaux et la littérature académique. Ces vulnérabilités liées aux relations conjugales imprègnent la vie quotidienne des femmes, tout enétant fondées sur les inégalités entre les genres.O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma pesquisa sobre a vulnerabilidade ao HIV/aids em narrativas de mulheres que se tornaram soropositivas em relações heterossexuais de conjugalidade. De escopo qualitativo, a pesquisa guiou-se por princípios metodológicos da pesquisa narrativa, combinando-se estratégias de produção de dados: pesquisa bibliográfica crítica; observação participante; entrevistas narrativas; e diário de campo. As entrevistas foram transcritas e analisadas com apoio de um software de análise de dados qualitativos (ATLAS.ti), articulando-se ferramentas de análise de narrativas nas perspectivas temática, estrutural e dialógico-performativa. Os resultados demonstram que as narrativas são ricas fontes de dados sobre as vulnerabilidades classificadas como individuais, sociais e programáticas em fontes governamentais e na literatura acadêmica. Estas vulnerabilidades permeiam o cotidiano das mulheres em relações de conjugalidade e têm como pano de fundo as desigualdades de gênero

    Violence device in hate speeches concerning Brazilian demonstrations

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    A proposta deste trabalho é descrever o dispositivo da violência através da análise dos discursos de ódio produzidos e proliferados em torno das manifestações ocorridas entre os anos de 2013 e 2016 no Brasil, apresentando como método a cartografia. O material de análise são recortes jornalísticos de duas imprensas brasileiras sobre as manifestações e comentários de reportagem por leitores. A aposta é a de que o texto potencialize outras leituras sobre a violência, sobre o cenário político-econômico brasileiro e sobre a emergência dos discursos de ódio, neste contexto.La propuesta de este trabajo es la de describir el dispositivo de la violencia, a través del análisis de los discursos de odio producidos en torno a las manifestaciones ocurridas entre los años 2013 y 2016 en Brasil, presentando como método la cartografía. El material de análisis son recortes periodísticos de dos diarios brasileños sobre las manifestaciones y comentarios del reportaje por los lectores. La apuesta es que el texto potencie otras lecturas sobre la violencia, sobre el escenario político-económico brasileño y sobre la emergencia de los discursos de odio, en este contexto.The purpose of this paper is to describe the mechanism of violence, through the analysis of the hate speech produced and proliferated around the demonstrations that occurred between the years of 2013 and 2016 in Brazil, presenting cartography as a method. The material of analysis are newspaper clippings of two Brazilian presses on the demonstrations and comments from readers. The bet is that the text will encourage other readings about violence, the Brazilian political-economic scenario and the emergence of hate speech in this context

    O dispositivo de violência nos discursos de ódio em torno das manifestações brasileiras

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    La propuesta de este trabajo es la de describir el dispositivo de la violencia, a través del análisis de los discursos de odio producidos en torno a las manifestaciones ocurridas entre los años 2013 y 2016 en Brasil, presentando como método la cartografía. El material de análisis son recortes periodísticos de dos diarios brasileños sobre las manifestaciones y comentarios del reportaje por los lectores. La apuesta es que el texto potencie otras lecturas sobre la violencia, sobre el escenario político-económico brasileño y sobre la emergencia de los discursos de odio, en este contexto

    Moho depths beneath the European Alps: a homogeneously processed map and receiver functions database

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    We use seismic waveform data from the AlpArray Seismic Network and three other temporary seismic networks, to perform receiver function (RF) calculations and time-to-depth migration to update the knowledge of the Moho discontinuity beneath the broader European Alps. In particular, we set up a homogeneous processing scheme to compute RFs using the time-domain iterative deconvolution method and apply consistent quality control to yield 112 205 high-quality RFs. We then perform time-to-depth migration in a newly implemented 3D spherical coordinate system using a European-scale reference P and S wave velocity model. This approach, together with the dense data coverage, provide us with a 3D migrated volume, from which we present migrated profiles that reflect the first-order crustal thickness structure. We create a detailed Moho map by manually picking the discontinuity in a set of orthogonal profiles covering the entire area. We make the RF dataset, the software for the entire processing workflow, as well as the Moho map, openly available; these open-access datasets and results will allow other researchers to build on the current study

    Participação de mulheres na saúde pública: narrativas de conselheiras municipais de saúde de Belo Horizonte

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    This paper presents a research that aimed to understand women's participation in public health policy, trough oral history interviews with health of Belo Horizonte. The focus of the research was women’s experience of social participation facing the decision-making processes in health. As methodological strategies, besides reviewing the literature on women’s participation in struggles for health, interviews were conducted, based on the contributions of oral history. Eight health counselors were involved in the study. The interviews with the counselors were held in two specific moments. At first, we worked with unstructured interviews, favoring an open mode of storytelling. In the second moment, a new interview with each counselor was performed, producing an effect of partial return of data to the interviewees. Social participation, as narrated by the women interviewed is engendered in their life histories, revealing the singular processes of the experience of participation, but at the same time, allowing us to understand their positions on the National Health System and the municipal health council. The data expose the ambiguities and potentialities of the council as a space for mobilization for health, but also as a mode of subjectivity and citizenship building