4,561 research outputs found

    Strategi Guru Mata Pelajaran IPS dalam Mengembangkan Kualitas Pembelajaran melalui Pemanfaatan Sumber Belajar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui strategi guru IPS dalam mengembangkan kualitas pembelajaran melalui pemanfaatan sumber belajar di SMP Negeri 11 Seluma. Metode penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian field research dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini berfokus pada strategi guru IPS dalam meningkatkan kualitas belajar melalui penggunaan materi pembelajaran. Strategi ini termasuk menerapkan lingkungan belajar terstruktur, menggunakan media yang jelas dan menarik, memfasilitasi interaksi, dan menerapkan struktur pembelajaran yang efektif. Studi ini juga menekankan pentingnya motivasi guru, peran metode pengajaran, dan peran bahan pengajaran. Temuan menunjukkan Simpulan penelitian bahwa menerapkan strategi ini dapat menyebabkan hasil belajar yang lebih baik, peningkatan motivasi, dan kinerja siswa yang lebih bagus.   Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pembelajaran, Strategi Guru, Sumber Belajar. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pilates Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Pada Primary Dysmenorrhea

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    Latar Belakang: Beberapa wanita pasti pernah mengalami rasa sakit pada saat menstruasi. Nyeri pada saat menstruasi dalam istilah kedokterannya disebut dysmenorrhea. Berdasarkan ada tidaknya kelainan atau sebab, nyeri haid dapat dibagi menjadi Primary dysmenorrhea dan Secondary dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea didefinisikan sebagai menstruasi yang menyakitkan pada wanita dengan anatomi panggul normal, biasanya dimulai saat remaja. Hal ini ditandai dengan nyeri panggul yang dimulai sesaat sebelum atau pada awal menstruasi dan berlangsung satu sampai tiga hari. Upaya untuk mengatasi primary dysmenorrhea membutuhkan penanganan yang terintergrasi dan menyeluruh, karena secara umum dapat mengganggu aktivitas sehari-hari. Salah satu cara untuk mengatasinya dengan latihan pilates yang menekankan keseimbangan tubuh melalui kekuatan inti. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh pilates terhadap intensitas nyeri pada primary dysmenorrhea di Kost putri Nur Arief, Makam Haji - Sukoharjo Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah Quasi Eksperimental, dengan desain penelitian Pre and Post Test With Control Group Design. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Jumlah sampel 30 orang yang terdiri dari 15 orang kelompok perlakuan dan 15 orang kelompok kontrol. Pilates diberikan 3 kali dalam seminggu selama 4 minggu. Pengukuran nyeri menggunakan Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Analisa data menggunakan uji wilcoxon sedangkan uji beda pengaruh dua kelompok menggunakan uji mannwhitney. Hasil Penelitian: Berdasarkan pengujian statistik didapatkan hasil yang signifikan dengan nilai P adalah 0.001 dimana p < 0.05 yang berarti Ha diterima. Artinya ada pengaruh pilates terhadap intensitas nyeri pada primary dysmenorrhea. Kesimpulan: latihan pilates terbukti memberikan pengaruh terhadap intensitas nyeri pada primary dysmenorrhea


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    Neste estudo, analisamos a poesia de Costa Andrade2, poeta angolano que testemunhou dĂ©cadas de repressĂŁo brutal do colonialismo e da guerra pĂłs-independĂȘncia em Angola. O tema central Ă© que a linguagem poĂ©tica de Costa Andrade Ă© um elemento de resistĂȘncia, “nĂŁo existe no ar” (CARPEAUX, 1978 p. 10) e “acentua o espaço” (FERREIRA, 1977, p. 36), com motivaçÔes sociopolĂ­ticas e a busca da identidade e liberdade do povo angolano. 


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    By focusing on the work of the North-American poet Walt Whitman and the work of the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, the essay discusses the genesis and the development of the American epic-lyric, taking into account formal and thematic similarities and contrasts between both poetic productions.Focalizando a obra do poeta norte-americano Walt Whitman e a obra do poeta chileno Pablo Neruda, o ensaio discute a gĂȘnese e o desenvolvimento do Ă©pico-lĂ­rico americano, a partir do levantamento de similaridades e de contrastes formais e temĂĄticos entre ambas as produçÔes poĂ©ticas

    Risk factors that may signify a propensity to the use of drugs in students at a public university

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    Introduction: We sought to evaluate the risk factors that may increase the propensity to use licit and illicit drugs among students at a public university. Methods: The project involved students (n = 268) enrolled in the first and fourth years of courses in the areas of the social and biological sciences at a public university. Data collection was conducted by means of self-administered, semistructured questionnaires, based on such standardized assessment instruments as Audit, Assist, Cage and Duse. Collected data were analyzed quantitatively by calculating the percentages and evaluating the data in terms of categories of risk, classifying them by age, gender, religion, schooling, use (before or after entering university) and contexts of use. By means of this survey the researchers were able to correlate the use of drugs to the risk factors that might increase the students’ propensity to use these substances. Results: The results revealed a high proportion of current drug-using students, but showed no significant differences between the first and fourth year students as regards contexts of use. However, 67% of students regarded the university environment as encouraging the use of drugs. Students pointed to such major risk factors as friends’ and fellow-students’ influence, university parties, excessive curiosity and desire to experiment. Conclusion: Due to the high rate of drug use among university students, by the determination of the risk factors related to the university environment and also knowing that the process of addiction is one of growing chemical dependence, the importance of the development and implementation of public health policies at all levels, especially in terms of approaches and specific interventions addressing this population, should be noted

    Challenges and opportunities in mobile e-coaching

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    Background: Mobile e-health technologies have proven to provide tailored assessment, intervention, and coaching capabilities for various usage scenarios. Thanks to their spread and adoption, smartphones are one of the most important carriers for such applications.Problem: However, the process of design, realization, evaluation, and implementation of these e-health solutions is wicked and challenging, requiring multiple stakeholders and expertise.Method: Here, we present a tailorable intervention and interaction e-health solution that allows rapid prototyping, development, and evaluation of e-health interventions at scale. This platform allows researchers and clinicians to develop ecological momentary assessment, just-in-time adaptive interventions, ecological momentary intervention, cohort studies, and e-coaching and personalized interventions quickly, with no-code, and in a scalable way.Result: The Twente Intervention and Interaction Instrument (TIIM) has been used by over 320 researchers in the last decade. We present the ecosystem and synthesize the main scientific output from clinical and research studies in different fields.Discussion: The importance of mobile e-coaching for prediction, management, and prevention of adverse health outcomes is increasing. A profound e-health development strategyand strategic, technical, and operational investments are needed to prototype, develop, implement, and evaluate e-health solutions. TIIM ecosystem has proven to support these processes. This paper ends with the main research opportunities in mobile coaching, including intervention mechanisms, fine-grained monitoring, and inclusion of objective biomarker data

    A small molecule tubulin depolymerizing agent identified by a phenotypic drug discovery approach

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    In the scenario of drug discovery, numerous in vitro testing initiatives had been established. Thus far, no general methodology is reputable and literature on this hot topic is scarce. In this respect, we propose a strategy based on a Phenotypic Drug Discovery approach. Within our program directed at the discovery of new antitumor agents, we have focused our attention on compounds that disturb the cell cycle. Our strategy relies on the use of a set of biological assays organized in a modular fashion. Herein, we exemplified this strategy with a family of propargylic enol ether derivatives. Using different assays in sequential stages and in a stepwise manner, our studies allowed us to understand the bioactivity of this family of compounds and led us to identify tubulin as the main molecular target.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Editorial: Sleep, vigilance & disruptive behaviors

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    The Frontiers in Psychiatry Research Theme of Sleep, vigilance, and disruptive behaviors has two aims: first, to promote the understanding of the connections between vigilance and disruptive daytime behavior in the context of sleep deprivation and, second, to explore how naturalistic observations and pattern recognition can play a role in furthering our understanding of these connections. . .

    Molecular docking studies of the interaction between propargylic enol ethers and human DNA topoisomerase IIα

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    Having identified a novel human DNA topoisomerase IIa (TOP2) catalytic inhibitor from a small and structure-focused library of propargylic enol ethers, we decided to analyze if the chirality of these compounds plays a determinant role in their antiproliferative activity. In this study, we describe for the first time the synthesis of the corresponding enantiomers and the biological evaluation against a panel of representative human solid tumor cell lines. Experimental results show that chirality does not influence the reported antiproliferative activity of these compounds. Docking studies of corresponding enantiomers against TOP2 reinforce the finding that the biological effect is not chiral-dependent and that these family of compounds seem to act as TOP2 catalytic inhibitors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
