3,980 research outputs found

    Lawrence Friedman, historiador nord-americà

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    L'historiador Lawrence M. Friedman (Chicago, 1930) és un dels principals experts en l'evolució del dret als Estats Units. Ha rebut diverses distincions. Entre les seves nombroses publicacions, destaquen A History of American Law (1973), The Horizontal Society (1999) o American Law in the 20th Century (2003). Els seus escrits han esdevingut textos de referència en el camp de la història legal. Ha estat professor a les facultats de Dret de la Universitat de Wisconsin (EUA) i de la Universitat de Saint Louis (EUA). Actualment, és professor de la Universitat de Stanford (EUA), on treballa a la Facultat de Dret, al Departament d'Història i al Departament de Ciència Política. Va visitar Barcelona per participar al Primer Fòrum de l'Associació Internacional de Sociologia i, el 8 de setembre, va pronunciar una conferència a la Facultat de Dret de la UAB.El historiador Lawrence M. Friedman (Chicago, 1930) es uno de los principales expertos en la evolución del derecho en los Estados Unidos. Ha recibido diversas distinciones. Entre sus numerosas publicaciones, destacan History of American Law (1973), The Horizontal Society (1999) o American Law in the 20th Century (2003). Sus escritos se han convertido en textos de referencia en el campo de la historia legal. Ha sido profesor en las facultades de Derecho de la Universidad de Wisconsin (EE.UU.) y de la Universidad de Saint Louis (EE.UU.). Actualmente, es profesor de la Universidad de Stanford (EE.UU.), donde trabaja en la Facultad de Derecho, en el Departamento de Historia y en el Departamento de Ciencia Política. Visitó Barcelona para participar en el Primer Foro de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología y, el 8 de septiembre, pronunció una conferencia en la Facultad de Derecho de la UAB.Historian Lawrence M. Friedman (Chicago, 1930) is one of the main experts in the evolution of law in the United States. He has received numerous prizes and is author of several works, including History of American Law (1973), The Horizontal Society (1999) and American Law in the 20th Century (2003). His works have become a reference in the field of legal history. He was professor at the University of Wisconsin Law School and at Saint Louis University School of Law before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 1968, where he is currently professor of law at the Stanford University Department of History and the Department of Political Science. During his visit to Barcelona he participated in the First ISA Forum of Sociology and gave a conference at the UAB Faculty of Law on 8 September

    Manel Esteller

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    Manel Esteller estudia les alteracions genètiques de les malalties. Ha participat en el desenvolupament de fàrmacs per tractar el càncer i de noves tecnologies per a la investigació en aquest àmbit.Manel Esteller estudia las alteraciones genéticas de las enfermedades. Ha participado en el desarrollo de fármacos para tratar el cáncer y de nuevas tecnologías para la investigación en este ámbito

    An extended version of the Cayley-Hamilton-Ziebur Theorem

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    The aim of this paper is to prove a Cayley-Hamilton-Ziebur Theorem for non-autonomous semilinear matrix differential equations. Moreover, we show the applicability of results like these to ODE theory.Comment: 10 page

    A construção do pensamento complexo num grupo de pesquisa em educação: primeiros passos

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    O presente trabalho busca analisar a constituição e dinâmica de dois grupos de pesquisa da UFSCar/CNPq- “Formação de Professores, Ambientalização Curricular e Educação em Ciências” e “Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Educação Científica” - à luz da teoria dos grupos operativos de Pichon-Rivière e da teoria da complexidade. Para isso foram realizadas análises qualitativas das gravações em áudio dos encontros dos grupos e dos resumos das atividades dos mesmos. A partir das análises observaram- se aproximações entre a dinâmica do grupo de pesquisa com algumas características específicasdos grupos operativos na perspectiva Pichoniana. Na relação com o paradigma da complexidade, a principal dificuldade do grupo foi o rompimento com paradigmas anteriores, porém também pode-se observar aproximações e avanços do grupo com a construção do pensamento complexo

    Concepções alternativas dos alunos sobre ligação metálica

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    Nesse estudo investigou-se as concepções alternativas de alunos de uma disciplina do curso de licenciatura em química sobre a temática ligação metálica. A investigação foi realizada através da aplicação de um questionário que envolveu aspectos microscópico, macroscópico e representacional do conhecimento químico sobre ligação metálica. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os alunos apresentaram ideias diferentes daquelas aceitas pela comunidade científica e algumas dessas ideias foram similares às encontradas em estudos internacionais sobre esse tema em níveis distintos de escolaridade

    Effectiveness of intensive physiotherapy for gait improvement in stroke: systematic review

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    Introduction: Stroke is one of the leading causes of functional disability worldwide. Approximately 80% of post-stroke subjects have motor changes. Improvement of gait pattern is one of the main objectives of physiotherapists intervention in these cases. The real challenge in the recovery of gait after stroke is to understand how the remaining neural networks can be modified, to be able to provide response strategies that compensate for the function of the affected structures. There is evidence that intensive training, including physiotherapy, positively influences neuroplasticity, improving mobility, pattern and gait velocity in post-stroke recovery. Objectives: Review and analyze in a systematic way the experimental studies (RCT) that evaluate the effects of Intensive Physiotherapy on gait improvement in poststroke subjects. Methodology: Were only included all RCT performed in humans, without any specific age, that had a clinical diagnosis of stroke at any stage of evolution, with sensorimotor deficits and functional gait changes. The databases used were: Pubmed, PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database) and CENTRAL (Cochrane Center Register of Controlled Trials). Results: After the application of the criteria, there were 4 final studies that were included in the systematic review. 3 of the studies obtained a score of 8 on the PEDro scale and 1 obtained a score of 4. The fact that there is clinical and methodological heterogeneity in the studies evaluated, supports the realization of the current systematic narrative review, without meta-analysis. Discussion: Although the results obtained in the 4 studies are promising, it is important to note that the significant improvements that have been found, should be carefully considered since pilot studies with small samples, such as these, are not designed to test differences between groups, in terms of the effectiveness of the intervention applied. Conclusion: Intensive Physiotherapy seems to be safe and applicable in post-stroke subjects and there are indications that it is effective in improving gait, namely speed, travelled distance and spatiotemporal parameters. However, there is a need to develop more RCTs with larger samples and that evaluate the longterm resultsN/

    Effect of Salinity on UVA-Vis Light Driven Photo-Fenton Process at Acidic and Circumneutral pH

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    In the present work, the treatment of a mixture of six emerging pollutants (acetamiprid, acetaminophen, caffeine, amoxicillin, clofibric acid and carbamazepine) by means of photo-Fenton process has been studied, using simulated sunlight as an irradiation source. Removal of these pollutants has been investigated in three different aqueous matrices distinguished by the amount of chlorides (distilled water, 1 g L-1 of NaCl and 30 g L-1 of NaCl) at a pH of 2.8 and 5.0. Interestingly, the presence of 1 g L-1 was able to slightly accelerate the pollutants removal at pH = 5, although the reverse was true at pH = 2.8. This is attributed to the pH-dependent interference of chlorides on photo-Fenton process, that is more acute in an acidic medium. As a matter of fact, the fastest reaction was obtained at pH = 3.5, in agreement with literature results. Monitoring of hydrogen peroxide consumption and iron in solution indicates that interference with chlorides is due to changes in the interaction between iron and the peroxide, rather than a scavenging effect of chloride for hydroxyl radicals. Experiments were also carried out with real seawater and showed higher inhibition than in the NaCl experiments, probably due to the effect of different dissolved salts present in natural water

    Development and validation of psoriatic arthritis switch quality assessment tool (PASQAL)-an outcomes measurement tool to assess the quality of biologic switch decisions in psoriatic arthritis

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    Background: Switching between biologic therapies is a recommended strategy for Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) patients that show an insufficient response or adverse events. Although the choice of the subsequent biologic may be dependent on many factors, assessing the quality of the switch decision is of utmost relevance. Objectives: To develop and validate two outcomes measurement tools (for patients with peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes) that address the quality of treatment decisions in PsA regarding the switch of biologic therapies in clinical practice. Methods: A Task Force and an Expert Panel were specifically assembled for this purpose. The Psoriatic Arthritis Switch Quality Assessment tool (PASQAL) de-velopment comprised a modified-Delphi method in a four-step procedure: 1) literature search and experts' opinion collection about quality indicators for PsA management; 2) Delphi design to address the development of the measurement tool; 3) three Delphi questionnaire rounds; 4) final consensus meeting. This phase resulted in the definition of two measurement tools, one to evaluate the quality of biologic switch in peripheral (pPASQAL) and another one in axial PsA (axPASQAL). For the validation of PASQAL, 12 experienced rheumatologists were asked to evaluate and classify the biologic switch of 80 clinical cases (40 with predominant peripheral and 40 with predominant axial PsA). Clinical judgement was defined to be the "gold standard" against which the performance of PASQAL was assessed. The results were used to assess tools' performance (sensitivity/specificity analysis) and the agreement between the tools and the gold standard (Cohen's kappa). Results: PASQAL consists of 6 domains (joint disease activity, dactylitis, enthesis, physical function, quality of life, and skin and nail manifestations), respective instruments and thresholds. The classification of the biologic switch was divided into three quality levels: "Good", based on treat-to-target thresholds; "Mode-rate", based on improvement from baseline; and the remaining as "Insufficient". pPASQAL was found to be highly sensitive (92%) with the "Good" quality level and specific (97%) with the "Insufficient" quality le vel. Whilst axPASQAL showed overall higher sensitivity and specificity for all quality levels, as well as a higher level of agreement between the tool and the gold standard than pPASQAL (k=0.87 vs k=0.71). Conclusion: PASQAL was developed and showed good criterion validity for the evaluation of the quality of switch in both peripheral and axial PsA phenotypes. These tools may be used in research as well as in clinical practice, to support rheumatologists in making more informed therapeutic decisions.publishersversionpublishe