3,517 research outputs found

    Using Social Networking Sites (SNS) for Environmental Scanning: An Analysis of Content Monitoring Tools.

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    In all market segments, social networking sites (SNS) have to be considered an element of value-adding for business, mainly through the possibility of promoting closer interactions between organisations and their customers. Despite this, the main concern is still what is being said on SNS. From this perspective, beyond the diversity of interaction patterns, there are several extra tools (the majority of which are available for free), which intend to aggregate the power of analysis to SNS users. Considering that microblogging platforms are the most widespread in the organisational context, the aim of this paper is to analyse the content monitoring tools available, in order to verify the possibility of utilising them as Environmental Scanning (ES) tools. In this way, it is intended to analyse the basis of ES, the main theories and techniques available, the relationship between ES and virtual environments, especially the internet, and content monitoring tools per se

    Como a energia eólica está contribuindo para o Brasil atingir os compromissos assumidos no Acordo de Paris

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    The Paris Agreement was signed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Brazil is committed to increasing renewable energy participation in the electrical matrix. This study aims to evaluate how wind energy fulfils the goals determined in the agreement. Through a systematic literature review, 10 relevant studies were identified and together with the analysis of data available in the National Energy Balance report from the Energy Research Company. Comparing the data obtained in the period with the established targets was possible. The success of policies for the sector in reaching the goals above was also evaluated. The results show that wind energy is the renewable source that most benefited from tax incentives and, thus, contributed to the expansion of the share of renewable energy in the Brazilian electrical matrix.The Paris Agreement was signed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Brazil is committed to increasing renewable energy participation in the electrical matrix. This study aims to evaluate how wind energy fulfils the goals determined in the agreement. Through a systematic literature review, 10 relevant studies were identified and together with the analysis of data available in the National Energy Balance report from the Energy Research Company. Comparing the data obtained in the period with the established targets was possible. The success of policies for the sector in reaching the goals above was also evaluated. The results show that wind energy is the renewable source that most benefited from tax incentives and, thus, contributed to the expansion of the share of renewable energy in the Brazilian electrical matrix.The Paris Agreement was signed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and Brazil is committed to increasing renewable energy participation in the electrical matrix. This study aims to evaluate how wind energy fulfils the goals determined in the agreement. Through a systematic literature review, 10 relevant studies were identified and together with the analysis of data available in the National Energy Balance report from the Energy Research Company. Comparing the data obtained in the period with the established targets was possible. The success of policies for the sector in reaching the goals above was also evaluated. The results show that wind energy is the renewable source that most benefited from tax incentives and, thus, contributed to the expansion of the share of renewable energy in the Brazilian electrical matrix.O Acordo de Paris foi assinado com o intuito de reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa. O Brasil se comprometeu a aumentar a participação em energias renováveis na matriz elétrica. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar como a energia eólica está contribuindo para o cumprimento das metas assumidas no acordo. Por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, foram identificados 10 estudos pertinentes e, juntamente com uma análise dos dados disponíveis no Relatório de Balanço Energético Nacional, da Empresa de Pesquisa Energética (EPE), foi possível comparar os dados obtidos no período com as metas estabelecidas e avaliar o sucesso das políticas para o setor no atingimento dos objetivos mencionados. Os resultados demostram que a energia eólica é a fonte renovável que mais se beneficiou dos incentivos ficais e, assim, contribuiu para a expansão da participação da energia renovável na matriz elétrica brasileira

    Effect of partial soil wetting on transpiration, vegetative growth and root system of young orange trees

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    The wetted area fraction is a factor critical to the success of drip irrigation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of partial soil wetting on transpiration, vegetative growth and root system of young orange trees. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse where plants were grown in 0.5 m3boxes internally divided into compartments. The wetting of 12 % of soil area was tested on two types of soil cultivated with ‘Valencia’ orange trees grafted onto Rangpur lime and ‘Swingle’ citrumelo rootstocks. Transpiration was determined in 40 plants. Water extraction and root density were evaluated in the compartments. Transpiration is reduced by restriction in wetted soil area, and such reduction is influenced by the number of days after the beginning of partial irrigation, atmospheric evaporative demand and plant phenological stage. Mean transpiration of plants with partial irrigation was equivalent to 84 % of the mean transpiration of plants with 100 % of wetted soil area in the period studied. However, after 156 days of imposing partial irrigation there was no difference in transpiration between treatments. Plant acclimation was caused by an increase in root concentration in the irrigated area. After a period of acclimation, if the entire root system is wetted, soil water extraction becomes proportional to the percentage of wetted area after a short period of time. Despite the reduction in transpiration, there was no difference between treatments with 12 % and 100 % of wetted soil area in terms of vegetative growth


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    Genetic divergence among population genotypes is useful for understanding the conservation of available genetic resources. The aim of this work was to evaluate the genetic divergence between the genotypes of jabuticaba tree in relation to the phenotypic characteristics of stem length and shoots analyzed in three productive cycles. The genotypes of jabuticaba tree came from the Fruteiras Nativas da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Dois Vizinhos. The genotypes had their origin in forest fragments of the Southwest Region of Paraná and the State of Minas Gerais. Genetic divergence was perform through analysis of variance (ANOVA), Mahalanobis distance, Tocher optimization cluster analysis and by the nearest neighbor method. The results obtained showed that the diversity among the genotypes was alter according to the analysis cycle, because in each one there were the formation of different groups by the methods used. Genotypes from Minas Gerais tended to remain in distinct groups, since it had low similarity with the others. The genotype 'Vitorino' had a high divergence among individuals from the same place

    Metodologia para medidas objetivas de qualidade de vídeo em sistemas de difusão de conteúdos audiovisuais

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2013.Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para a verificação da qualidade de vídeos em sistemas de difusão em massa. A metodologia proposta apresenta uma nova forma de medir a qualidade de vídeo de forma objetiva sem a utilização de referência para comparação entre as sequências de vídeo original e processada. As medidas no ambiente do usuário são feitas independentemente dos processamentos e da tecnologia da rede de distribuição. A medida da qualidade é feita por meio da inserção de marcas de testes nos vídeos, logo após a produção destes. O processamento e distribuição desses vídeos em um sistema de difusão em massa podem causar degradações que afetam as marcas inseridas. Os vídeos recebidos no ambiente do usuário são captados por meio de uma câmera de vídeo disponível em conjunto com o terminal, que identifica a marca inserida anteriormente à distribuição. Esta captura é feita pelo sistema óptico do ambiente do usuário após uma calibração do sistema. As marcas recebidas passam por um processamento de uma função de qualidade que tem como resultado um valor numérico indicando a qualidade deste vídeo. Como resultados da metodologia, são apresentadas comparações com sistemas de medição de qualidade de vídeo de referência completa utilizados em testes por organismos de padronização. As comparações com os sistemas VQM (Video Quality Metrics) e SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) foram feitas utilizando várias sequências de vídeo de testes, onde foi alcançada uma correlação estatística maior que 80% entre as medidas de qualidade resultantes da nova metodologia e as desses sistemas de referência. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work presents a method for verifying the quality of videos on mass broadcasting systems. The proposed method presents a new way of measuring the objective video quality without reference. The measurements in the user’s environment are made regardless of the processing and the broadcasting network technology. A quality measure is made by the insertion of test marks on videos, immediately after the content production. The processing and distribution of these videos on a mass broadcasting system can cause degradations that affect the inserted marks. The video received in the user’s environment is captured by a video camera available along with the video terminal. The captured video should identify the mark inserted before the distribution. This capture is made by the optical system in the user environment after a system calibration. The mark is decoded by the processing of a quality function which results in a numerical value indicating the quality of the video. The results of video quality metrics using this methodology were compared to stan- dardized full reference metrics, VQM (Video Quality Metrics) and SSIM (Structural Similarity), and the linear correlation between this proposed new metrics and the other two metrics was greater than 80%, indicating convergence between these metrics

    Application of Visual Project Management to build a pro-sustainability design tool

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    The article aims to present the application of Visual Project Management in the construction of a pro-sustainability project tool with an emphasis on the mitigation of solid textile waste. This is the Zero Waste Tool for Apparel Design (ZWTAD). The construction of the tool took place in two stages: (I) initially, based on the use of the visual panel of the Orientation Guide for Project Development; and (II), then, under the application of the structural elements (premises, requirements and usability principles) of Visual Project Management. Therefore, methodologically, this article can be understood as applied, descriptive, bibliographic and qualitative research. It is inferred that the development of the ZWTAD can constitute a case of Visual Project Management, however, for now, it is still an incomplete visual model.The article aims to present the application of Visual Project Management in the construction of a pro-sustainability project tool with an emphasis on the mitigation of solid textile waste. This is the Zero Waste Tool for Apparel Design (ZWTAD). The construction of the tool took place in two stages: (I) initially, based on the use of the visual panel of the Orientation Guide for Project Development; and (II), then, under the application of the structural elements (premises, requirements and usability principles) of Visual Project Management. Therefore, methodologically, this article can be understood as applied, descriptive, bibliographic and qualitative research. It is inferred that the development of the ZWTAD can constitute a case of Visual Project Management, however, for now, it is still an incomplete visual model

    Positive and negative aspects of emergency remote teaching in the perception of teachers in Brazil / Aspectos positivos e negativos do ensino remoto de emergência (ERE) na percepção de docentes da rede pública da Paraíba

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    The pandemic due to the new coronavirus transformed people's lives. In order to mitigate the impact of the virus dissemination, schools and universities were closed. And to minimize the impact on the educational environment, the presential classes were replaced by distance education. The problem of this article refers to the identification of aspects positive and negative resulting from the emergency remote teaching (ERT). Thus, this article aims to conduct an exploratory research on the ERT, through interviews with teachers of the public education of Paraiba, Brazil. The methodological procedure was subdivided into three stages: definition of the sample; development of script and conducting interviews with 15 teachers; and compilation of information and Content Analysis, according to Bardin (2011). Some positive aspects of remote teaching were mentioned: more time with the family and flexibility to perform the activities anywhere. Among the negative aspects identified: the process of readaptation to ERT and the absence of organizational support. According to the present study, it can be concluded that the ERT was important to keep the educational process active and brought positive impacts on the quality of life of teachers. However, the ERT increased the workload and negatively impacted the teachers' quality of life

    Comparison of the efficacy of transforaminal and interlaminar radicular block techniques for treating lumbar disk hernia

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    AbstractObjectiveTo compare the interlaminar and transforaminal block techniques with regard to the state of pain and presence or absence of complications.MethodThis was a randomized double-blind prospective study of descriptive and comparative nature, on 40 patients of both sexes who presented lumbar sciatic pain due to central-lateral or foraminal disk hernias. The patients had failed to respond to 20 physiotherapy sessions, but did not present instability, as diagnosed in dynamic radiographic examinations. The type of block to be used was determined by means of a draw: transforaminal (group 1; 20 patients) or interlaminar (group 2; 20 patients).ResultsForty patients were evaluated (17 males), with a mean age of 49 years. There was a significant improvement in the state of pain in all patients who underwent radicular block using both techniques, although the transforaminal technique presented better results than the interlaminar technique.ConclusionBoth techniques were effective for pain relief and presented low complication rates, but the transforaminal technique was more effective than the interlaminar technique

    Contemporary Design in Quarantine: a Critical Review of Design Responses to Covid-19 Crisis

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    The following article aims to analyze Brazilian and international cases of design responses to the COVID-19 pandemic related crises. It initiates with reflections about the social and political roles of design, emphasizing the importance of social innovation, design activism, and transition design to contemporary design. The methodological approach adopted is qualitative and quantitative with assessment and selection of data based on the bibliographic, desk, and documentary research methods. The result of 113 mapped cases is presented by graphic synthesis and discussed through the bibliographic research