504 research outputs found

    Estilos de amor en mujeres matratadas

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    Continuando con la línea de investigación que llevamos a cabo sobre los estilos de amor en la pareja, presentamos en este estudio una investigación realizada por nosotras con mujeres maltratadas para pasar a continuación a compararla con el grupo de Mujeres casadas o de unión estable. Se han investigado en ambos grupos las dimensiones del Apego, los tipos de amor y el grado de Satisfacción que tenían en sus relaciones de pareja. El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido, pues, averiguar la diferencia entre los dos grupos de mujeres en la influencia de las variables: dimensiones del apego, tipos de amor y ajuste matrimonial en los dos grupos, para compararlos después. Este estudio nos ayuda no sólo a comprender mejor las consecuencias de la violencia en las mujeres maltratadas sino a intervenir psicológicamente con ellas al detectar los factores emocionales que ayudan en la reconstrucción de la autoestima. Los resultados nos muestran también aspectos que ayudan a las relaciones de pareja y a la obtención de una relación más armoniosa. Destacamos que los celos, la obsesión y posesión están muy presentes en las mujeres victimas de violencia y esos sentimientos llevan a una satisfacción ilusoria. Señalamos la necesidad de educar a la sociedad en las primeras relaciones de parejas, destruyendo las ideas y creencias erróneas que prevalecen en nuestra sociedad sobre que “quién ama debe sentir celos”.Continuing our line of investigation on the styles of love between marriages, we present in this study an investigation with women victims of domestic violence and then compare it the group of women married or in stable union. Was investigated in both groups the dimensions of attachment, the styles of love and the marital satisfaction. The objective of this investigacion was to determine the difference between the two groups of women in the influence of variables: dimensions of attachment, styles of love and marital adjustment. With this study we better understand the consequences of violence on women victims of abuse and also the psychological intervention with them to detect the emotional factors that help to reconstruction of self-esteem. The results show us aspects for the obtaining of a more harmonious relationship. We emphasize that jealousy, obsession and possession are very present in women victims of violence and these feelings have an illusory satisfaction. We emphasize the need to educate society since the first relationships, remove the erroneous ideas and beliefs that are present in our society on that “who loves to be jealous

    El apego en la satisfacción marital

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    La importancia del apego es tal en el desarrollo del ser humano, que hemos pretendido en esteestudio investigar el apego adulto y los estilos de amor con relación a la satisfacción en pareja. El estudio ha sido realizado con parejas de nacionalidad española, portuguesa y brasileña. El objetivo es conocer cómo correlacionan las variables: dimensiones del apego, tipos de amor y satisfacción en la pareja. Pretendemos averiguar qué combinación de estilos configuran mayor éxito en la satisfacción. Para medir estas variables, hemos utilizado una adaptación de las escalas tanto en español como en portugués. Para las dimensiones del apego ha sido utilizada la escala Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas, ECR (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. y Shaver, P. R., 1998). Para medir los tipos de amor ha sido utilizada la Escala del Amor, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986). Y para averiguar la satisfacción de la pareja, ha sido utilizado la Escala de Ajuste Diádico, DAS (Spanier, 1976). En los resultados obtenidos, la satisfacción de la pareja está entre la mayor puntuación en Ansiedad y menor puntuación en Evitación – Apego Preocupado. Los estilos de amor que poseen una correlación positiva con la satisfacción marital son el amor Ágape seguido de Eros. Concluyendo que para tener una buena satisfacción marital debe tener un modelo positivo del otro y un modelo negativo del self (modelo del self de los autores Bartholomew, Kwong y Hart, 2001), en que la pareja debe preocuparse del bienestar del otro (Estilo de Amor Ágape, del autor Lee, 1988).As the attachment is very important in the development of the human being, that in this study to was investigated the adult attachment and the styles of love with relation to the satisfaction in the relationship. This study has been realized by relationship of Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian nationality. The objective was to know how they correlate the variables: attachment-related, styles of love and satisfaction in the romantic relationship. And to check which combination of variables they were a better success in the satisfaction in the romantic relationship. To measure of the variables, was used Spanish an Portuguese versions of the Scales. To measure the dimensions of the attachment-related was used of the Experiences in Close Relationships, ECR (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. y Shaver, P. R.,1998). To measure the styles of love was be used the Love Attitudes Scale, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986). And to mensure the satisfaction in the romantic relationship was used Dyadic Adjusment Scale, DAS (Spanier, 1976). The satisfaction of relationship was be bigger punctuation in Attachment Anxiety and small punctuation in Attachment Avoidance. The styles of love with positive correlation with the marital satisfaction are the love Agape and Eros. Conclusion, that to have a good marital satisfaction must have a positive model of other one and a negative model of the self (Model of the self of the authors Bartholomew, Kwong y Hart, 2001). And it is necessary to worry with the well-being of pair (Style of Love, the author Lee, 1988)

    Los tipos de amor y las dimensiones de apego en las mujeres víctimas del maltrato

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    En este estudio se ha investigado dos grupos de Mujeres. Un grupo de Mujeres que han sufrido Violencia Doméstica y otro grupo de Mujeres casadas o de unión estable. Se investigado las dimensiones del Apego, los tipos de amor estipulados por Lee, y el grado de Satisfacción que tenían en sus relaciones de pareja. El apego adulto se ha realizado por la línea del sistema comportamental, de clasificación dimensional: ansiedad versus evitación. La investigación se llevó a cabo en tres países, Brasil, España y Portugal. El objetivo ha sido averiguar la diferencia entre los dos grupos de mujeres la influencia de las variables: dimensiones del apego, tipos de amor y el Ajustamiento Matrimonial. Creemos que este estudio nos has ayudado a comprender mejor las consecuencias de la violencia en esas mujeres y detectamos más factores emocionales para ayudar tanto en la reconstrucción de la auto-estima cuanto al incentivo de más proyectos de prevención. Para medir las variables ha sido utilizado una adaptación española y una portuguesa de las escalas. Para las dimensiones del apego ha sido utilizada la escala Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas, (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. y Shaver, P. R., 1998, adaptación española de Alonso-Arbiol y otros, 2007 y portuguesa de Moreira, J. M, y otros. 2006). Para medir los tipos de amor ha sido utilizado La Escala del Amor, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986, adaptación española de Zubieta, E. 2001 y portuguesa de Andrade, A., Garcia, A. 2009). Y para averiguar el Ajustamiento Matrimonial, ha sido utilizado la Escala de Ajuste Diádico, DAS (Spanier, 1976, adaptación española de Carrasco, C., 1996, y portuguesa de Gomez, R., Leal, I, 2008). Los resultados nos muestran algunos aspectos que ayudan a las relaciones de pareja obtener una relación más armoniosa. Destacamos que los celos, la obsesión y posesión están muy presentes en las mujeres víctimas de violencia y esos sentimientos llevan a una satisfacción ilusoria. Hay una gran necesidad de educar la sociedad desde las primeras relaciones de parejas, con las ideas y creencias erróneas sobre el amor “siento celos porque amo”. El estilo de amor cambia a partir de los años de Eros a Ágape en parejas estables, ya en parejas con violencia predomina el amor Mania y Storge. Las dimensiones de apego Ansiedad presentan en las parejas estables y la dimensión Evitación en las mujeres maltratadas.This investigation was conducted in two groups of women. A group of women who have suffered domestic violence and another group of married women who do not suffer violence. Was investigated the two dimensions of attachment: Anxiety and Avoidance. To correlate was also investigated the Styles of Love stipulated for Lee, and the Satisfaction of their relationships. The research was conducted in three countries: Brazil, Spain and Portugal. The objective was to determine the difference between the two groups, the variables: Dimensions of Attachment, Styles of Love and Marriage Adjustment. We believe that this study has helped us better understand the consequence of domestic violence, and detected more emotional factors to help rebuild self-esteem and encourage more projects to prevent domestic violence. To measure of the variables was used Spanish and Portuguese versions of the Scales. To measure the Dimensions of Attachment was used of the Experiences in Close Relationships, ECR (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. and Shaver, P. R., 1998, Spanish adaptation of Alonso-Arbiol y otros, 2007 and Portuguese adaptation of Moreira, J. M, y otros. 2006). To measure the Styles of Love was be used the Love Attitudes Scale, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986, Spanish adaptation of Zubieta, E. 2001 and Portuguese adaptation of Andrade, A., Garcia, A. 2009). And to measure the Marital adjustment was used Dyadic Adjusment Scale, DAS (Spanier, 1976, Spanish adaptation of Carrasco, C., 1996, and Portuguese adaptation of Gomez, R., Leal, I, 2008). The results show some aspects that help the partner get a more harmonious relationship. We emphasize that jealousy, obsession and possession are very present in women victims of domestic violence and these feelings do women have an illusory satisfaction of love. There is a great need to educate society from the early loving relationships, because the ideas and erroneous beliefs about love, such as "I feel jealous because I love." The Style of Love changes with the duration of the relationship, in Stable love relationship, starts with Eros and over the years changed to Agape. In women who have suffered domestic violence predominates Mania and Storge love. The dimensions of Attachment Anxiety present in women who have a stable relationship and the dimensions of Attachment Avoidance in battered women

    Uncertainty Reduction Via Parameter Design of A Fast Digital Integrator for Magnetic Field Measurement

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    At European Centre of Nuclear Research (CERN), within the new Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project, measurements of magnetic flux with uncertainty of 10 ppm at a few of decades of Hz for several minutes are required. With this aim, a new Fast Digital Integrator (FDI) has been developed in cooperation with University of Sannio, Italy [1]. This paper deals with the final design tuning for achieving target uncertainty by means of experimental statistical parameter design

    Optimal integration of hydrogen-based energy storage systems in photovoltaic microgrids: a techno-economic assessment

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    The feasibility and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen-based microgrids in facilities, such as public buildings and small- and medium-sized enterprises, provided by photovoltaic (PV) plants and characterized by low electric demand during weekends, were investigated in this paper. Starting from the experience of the microgrid being built at the Renewable Energy Facility of Sardegna Ricerche (Italy), which, among various energy production and storage systems, includes a hydrogen storage system, a modeling of the hydrogen-based microgrid was developed. The model was used to analyze the expected performance of the microgrid considering different load profiles and equipment sizes. Finally, the microgrid cost-effectiveness was evaluated using a preliminary economic analysis. The results demonstrate that an effective design can be achieved with a PV system sized for an annual energy production 20% higher than the annual energy requested by the user and a hydrogen generator size 60% of the PV nominal power size. This configuration leads to a self-sufficiency rate of about 80% and, without public grants, a levelized cost of energy comparable with the cost of electricity in Italy can be achieved with a reduction of at least 25–40% of the current initial costs charged for the whole plant, depending on the load profile shape

    Molecular mechanisms of helicobacter pylori pathogenesis

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    Helicobacter pylori infects 50% of mankind. The vast majority of H. pylori infection occurs in the developing countries where up to 80% of the middle-aged adults may be infected. Bacterial infection causes an inflammatory response that proceeds through a series of intermediated stages of precancerous lesions (gastritis, atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, and dysplasia). Among infected individuals, approximately 10% develops severe gastric lesions such as peptic ulcer disease, 1-3% progresses to gastric cancer (GC) with a low 5-year survival rate, and 0.1% develops mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT). GC is one of the most common cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide. In this review, we have summarized the most recent papers about molecular mechanisms of H. pylori pathogenesis. The main important steps of H. pylori infection such as adhesion, entry in epithelial gastric cells, activation of intracellular pathways until epigenetic modifications have been described

    El apego en la satisfacción marital

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    La importancia del apego es tal en el desarrollo del ser humano, que hemos pretendido en esteestudio investigar el apego adulto y los estilos de amor con relación a la satisfacción en pareja. El estudio ha sido realizado con parejas de nacionalidad española, portuguesa y brasileña. El objetivo es conocer cómo correlacionan las variables: dimensiones del apego, tipos de amor y satisfacción en la pareja. Pretendemos averiguar qué combinación de estilos configuran mayor éxito en la satisfacción. Para medir estas variables, hemos utilizado una adaptación de las escalas tanto en español como en portugués. Para las dimensiones del apego ha sido utilizada la escala Experiencias en Relaciones Cercanas, ECR (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. y Shaver, P. R., 1998). Para medir los tipos de amor ha sido utilizada la Escala del Amor, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986). Y para averiguar la satisfacción de la pareja, ha sido utilizado la Escala de Ajuste Diádico, DAS (Spanier, 1976). En los resultados obtenidos, la satisfacción de la pareja está entre la mayor puntuación en Ansiedad y menor puntuación en Evitación – Apego Preocupado. Los estilos de amor que poseen una correlación positiva con la satisfacción marital son el amor Ágape seguido de Eros. Concluyendo que para tener una buena satisfacción marital debe tener un modelo positivo del otro y un modelo negativo del self (modelo del self de los autores Bartholomew, Kwong y Hart, 2001), en que la pareja debe preocuparse del bienestar del otro (Estilo de Amor Ágape, del autor Lee, 1988).As the attachment is very important in the development of the human being, that in this study to was investigated the adult attachment and the styles of love with relation to the satisfaction in the relationship. This study has been realized by relationship of Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian nationality. The objective was to know how they correlate the variables: attachment-related, styles of love and satisfaction in the romantic relationship. And to check which combination of variables they were a better success in the satisfaction in the romantic relationship. To measure of the variables, was used Spanish an Portuguese versions of the Scales. To measure the dimensions of the attachment-related was used of the Experiences in Close Relationships, ECR (Brennan, K. A., Clark, C. L. y Shaver, P. R.,1998). To measure the styles of love was be used the Love Attitudes Scale, LAS (Hendrick y Hendrick, 1986). And to mensure the satisfaction in the romantic relationship was used Dyadic Adjusment Scale, DAS (Spanier, 1976). The satisfaction of relationship was be bigger punctuation in Attachment Anxiety and small punctuation in Attachment Avoidance. The styles of love with positive correlation with the marital satisfaction are the love Agape and Eros. Conclusion, that to have a good marital satisfaction must have a positive model of other one and a negative model of the self (Model of the self of the authors Bartholomew, Kwong y Hart, 2001). And it is necessary to worry with the well-being of pair (Style of Love, the author Lee, 1988)