4,082 research outputs found


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    International audienceThe sale of account books concerned three Parisian booksellers in the XIXth century: Bailleul, Renard, and Guillaumin. From this collection, we calculate the editorial risk of this specialty between 1823 and 1850. With an average duration of 25.7 years the flow of these books was very slow, but it returned the profitable company. The technical conditions of time required an average mattering edition to cover cost prices and high overheads.La vente de livres comptables a concerné trois libraires parisiens au XIXe siècle : Bailleul, Renard et Guillaumin. A partir de ce fonds, nous calculons le risque éditorial de cette spécialité entre 1823 et 1850. Avec une durée moyenne de 25,7 années, l’écoulement de ces livres était très lent. Mais il rendait l’entreprise rentable. Les conditions techniques de l’époque exigeaient un tirage moyen important pour couvrir des prix de revient et des frais généraux élevés

    Large deviations in quantum lattice systems: one-phase region

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    We give large deviation upper bounds, and discuss lower bounds, for the Gibbs-KMS state of a system of quantum spins or an interacting Fermi gas on the lattice. We cover general interactions and general observables, both in the high temperature regime and in dimension one.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX 2

    DeepProposals: Hunting Objects and Actions by Cascading Deep Convolutional Layers

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    In this paper, a new method for generating object and action proposals in images and videos is proposed. It builds on activations of different convolutional layers of a pretrained CNN, combining the localization accuracy of the early layers with the high informative-ness (and hence recall) of the later layers. To this end, we build an inverse cascade that, going backward from the later to the earlier convolutional layers of the CNN, selects the most promising locations and refines them in a coarse-to-fine manner. The method is efficient, because i) it re-uses the same features extracted for detection, ii) it aggregates features using integral images, and iii) it avoids a dense evaluation of the proposals thanks to the use of the inverse coarse-to-fine cascade. The method is also accurate. We show that our DeepProposals outperform most of the previously proposed object proposal and action proposal approaches and, when plugged into a CNN-based object detector, produce state-of-the-art detection performance.Comment: 15 page

    The contribution of weathering of the main Alpine rivers on the global carbon cycle

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    On geological time-scales the carbon fluxes from the solid Earth to the atmosphere mainly result from volcanism and metamorphic-decarbonation processes, whereas the carbon fluxes from atmosphere to solid Earth mainly depend on weathering of silicates and carbonates, biogenic precipitation and removal of CaCO3 in the oceans and volcanic gases – seawater interactions. Quantifying each contribution is critical. In this work, we estimate the atmospheric CO2 uptake by weathering in the Alps, using results of the study of the dissolved loads transported by 33 main Alpine rivers. The chemical composition of river water in unpolluted areas is a good indicator of surface weathering processes (Garrels and Mackenzie, 1971; Drever, 1982; Meybeck, 1984; Tardy, 1986; Berner and Berner, 1987; Probst et al., 1994). The dissolved load of streams originates from atmospheric input, pollution, evaporite dissolution, and weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks, and the application of mass balance calculations allows quantification of the different contributions. In this work, we applied the MEGA (Major Element Geochemical Approach) geochemical code (Amiotte Suchet, 1995; Amiotte Suchet and Probst, 1996) to the chemical compositions of the selected rivers in order to quantify the atmospheric CO2 consumed by weathering in Alpine region. The drainage basins of the main Alpine rivers were sampled near the basin outlets during dry and flood seasons. The application of the MEGA geochemical consisted in several steps. First, we subtracted the rain contribution in river waters knowing the X/Cl (X = Na, K, Mg, Ca) ratios of the rain. Next, we considered that all (Na+K) came from silicate weathering. The average molar ratio Rsil = (Na+K)/(Ca+Mg) for rivers draining silicate terrains was estimated from unpolluted French stream waters draining small monolithological basins (Meybeck, 1986; 1987). For the purpose, we prepared a simplified geo-lithological map of Alps according to the lithological classification of Meybeck (1986, 1987). Then for each basin we computed Rsil weighted average considering the surface and the mean precipitation for the surface area of each lithology. Lastly, we estimated the (Ca+Mg) originating from carbonate weathering as the remaining cations after silicate correction. Depending on time-scales of the phenomena (shorter than about 1 million year i.e. correlated to the short term carbon cycle, or longer than about 1 million years i.e. correlated to the long-term carbon cycle), we considered different equations for the quantification of the atmospheric CO2 consumed by weathering (Huh, 2010). The results show the net predominance of carbonate weathering on fixing atmospheric CO2 and that, considering the long-term carbon cycle, the amount of atmospheric CO2 uptake by weathering is about one order of magnitude lower than considering the short-term carbon cycle. Moreover, considering the short-term carbon cycle, the mean CO2 consumed by Alpine basins is of the same order of magnitude of the mean CO2 consumed by weathering by the 60 largest rivers of the world estimated by Gaillardet et al. (1999)

    Marine aerobic biofilm as biocathode catalyst

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    Stainless steel electrodes were immersed in open seawater and polarized for some days at − 200 mV vs. Ag/AgCl. The current increase indicated the formation of biofilms that catalysed the electrochemical reduction of oxygen. These wild, electrochemically active (EA) biofilms were scraped, resuspended in seawater and used as the inoculum in closed 0.5 L electrochemical reactors. This procedure allowed marine biofilms that are able to catalyse oxygen reduction to be formed in small, closed small vessels for the first time. Potential polarisation during biofilm formation was required to obtain EA biofilms and the roughness of the surface favoured high current values. The low availability of nutrients was shown to be a main limitation. Using an open reactor continuously fed with filtered seawater multiplied the current density by a factor of around 20, up to 60 µA/cm2, which was higher than the current density provided in open seawater by the initial wild biofilm. These high values were attributed to continuous feeding with the nutrients contained in seawater and to suppression of the indigenous microbial species that compete with EA strains in natural open environments. Pure isolates were extracted from the wild biofilms and checked for EA properties. Of more than thirty different species tested, only Winogradskyella poriferorum and Acinetobacter johsonii gave current densities of respectively 7% and 3% of the current obtained with the wild biofilm used as inoculum. Current densities obtained with pure cultures were lower than those obtained with wild biofilms. It is suspected that synergetic effects occur in whole biofilms or/and that wild strains may be more efficient than the cultured isolates

    Wild yellow dung fly females may not select sperm based on dung pat microclimate but could nevertheless benefit from polyandry

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    Molecular techniques have substantially improved our knowledge of postcopulatory sexual selection. Nevertheless, studies examining sperm utilization in natural populations of nonsocial insects are rare, support for sperm selection (biased use of stored sperm, e.g. to match offspring genotypes to prevailing environmental conditions) is elusive, and its relevance within natural populations unknown. We performed an oviposition site choice experiment in the field where female yellow dung flies Scathophaga stercoraria could deposit eggs into three different microenvironments on a dung pat (the east-west ridge, north- or south-exposed side), and genotyped the offspring and sperm remaining in storage after oviposition. Females exhibited plasticity in the number of eggs deposited according to pat age. Additionally, temperature strongly influenced egg placement: the warmer the temperature, the higher the proportion of eggs laid into the north-exposed side of dung. The number of ejaculates in storage differed amongst spermathecae, and females stored sperm from more males than fathered their offspring (2.11 sires vs. 2.84 males within sperm stores). Mean last male paternity was 83.4%, roughly matching previous laboratory estimates. Importantly, we found no evidence that females selectively lay eggs of different genotypes, by biasing paternity towards certain males, depending on offspring's microclimate. Thus, while we show female choice over number of eggs and where these are deposited, there was no evidence for sperm selection. We further revealed positive effects of multiple mating on total number of offspring and proportion of offspring emerging from the dung. We argue that the integration of field studies and laboratory experiments is essential to promote our understanding of polyandry and cryptic female choic

    Resonant search for the X17 boson at PADME

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    We discuss the experimental reach of the Frascati PADME experiment in searching for new light bosons via their resonant production in positron annihilation on fixed target atomic electrons. A scan in the mass range around 17 MeV will thoroughly probe the particle physics interpretation of the anomaly observed by the ATOMKI nuclear physics experiment. In particular, for the case of a spin-1 boson, the viable parameter space can be fully covered in a few months of data taking.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures and 1 tabl

    A Review of Milestones in the History of GUI Prototyping Tools

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    International audiencePrototyping is one of the core activities of User-Centered Design (UCD) processes and an integral component of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research. Nonetheless, for many years, prototyping was synonym of paper-based mock-ups and only more recently we can say that dedicated tools for supporting prototyping activities really reach the market. In this paper we propose to analyze the evolution of prototyping tools proposed by the academic community to support research activities and prototyping tools that are aimed and improve the development process of commercial user interfaces. Thus, this paper presents a review of past and current graphical user interface prototyping tools, in order to set up the state of the art in this field, observing fundamental milestones of features over time. For that, we have screened publications presented since 1988 in some of the main HCI conferences and 113 commercial tools available on the web. The results enable a brief comparison of characteristics present in both academic and commercial tools, how they have evolved and what are the gaps that can provide insights for future research and development

    Le renouveau du marché des livres de commerce à Paris en 1802

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    L’analyse des catalogues des éditeurs du commerce est en train d’émerger dans l’histoire économique et gestionnaire. Une liste publiée sous le Consulat dormait dans un annuaire destiné aux négociants d’exportation. Établie par un libraire reconnu, elle a trouvé sa place en tête de l’ouvrage signé par un spécialiste du commerce européen. Nous étudions cette bibliographie comme le témoignage d’un moment charnière du marché du livre de commerce : celui où il renaît après la tourmente révolutionnaire.The analysis of the catalogs of trade publishers is emerging in economic and managerial history. A list published under the French Consulate was in a directory for export traders. Established by a recognized bookseller, it found its place at the top of the book signed by a European trade specialist. We study this bibliography as the testimony of a pivotal moment in the market of account books: the one where it is reborn after the revolutionary turmoil

    Left ventricular heart failure and pulmonary hypertension

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    In patients with left ventricular heart failure (HF), the development of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and right ventricular (RV) dysfunction are frequent and have important impact on disease progression, morbidity, and mortality, and therefore warrant clinical attention. Pulmonary hypertension related to left heart disease (LHD) by far represents the most common form of PH, accounting for 65–80% of cases. The proper distinction between pulmonary arterial hypertension and PH-LHD may be challenging, yet it has direct therapeutic consequences. Despite recent advances in the pathophysiological understanding and clinical assessment, and adjustments in the haemodynamic definitions and classification of PH-LHD, the haemodynamic interrelations in combined post- and pre-capillary PH are complex, definitions and prognostic significance of haemodynamic variables characterizing the degree of pre-capillary PH in LHD remain suboptimal, and there are currently no evidence-based recommendations for the management of PH-LHD. Here, we highlight the prevalence and significance of PH and RV dysfunction in patients with both HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) and HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), and provide insights into the complex pathophysiology of cardiopulmonary interaction in LHD, which may lead to the evolution from a ‘left ventricular phenotype’ to a ‘right ventricular phenotype’ across the natural history of HF. Furthermore, we propose to better define the individual phenotype of PH by integrating the clinical context, non-invasive assessment, and invasive haemodynamic variables in a structured diagnostic work-up. Finally, we challenge current definitions and diagnostic short falls, and discuss gaps in evidence, therapeutic options and the necessity for future developments in this context