49 research outputs found

    A vedação ao bis in idem no regime sancionador da improbidade administrativa: uma análise garantista a partir das alterações promovidas pela Lei 14.230/2021

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.A presente monografia possui como temática central o novo sistema de repressão à improbidade administrativa introduzido pela Lei 14.230/2021, a qual promoveu substanciais modificações na Lei 8.429/1992, sobretudo no que tange à ampliação de garantias conferidas ao réu na ação judicial regida pela aludida normativa. Dentre as garantias consagradas pela Lei 14.230/2021 aos acusados de improbidade, optou-se por examinar destacadamente o ne bis in idem (que decorre do primado de que ninguém pode ser punido ou processado duas vezes pelo mesmo fato) e sua aplicabilidade entre as distintas facetas do direito punitivo brasileiro – delimitadas, para fins do presente trabalho, ao direito penal e direito administrativo sancionador, uma vez que ambos sancionam os atos ímprobos, conforme art. 37, § 4º da Constituição Federal de 1988. Assim, a problemática central da pesquisa pode ser sintetizada na seguinte pergunta: “A Lei 14.230/2021 favoreceu a garantia do ne bis in idem em detrimento da autonomia entre as instâncias penal e de improbidade administrativa?”. Nessa esteira, utilizou-se do método indutivo e de uma metodologia descritiva para identificar, a partir de revisão bibliográfica e legislativa, as manifestações implícitas e explícitas da vedação ao bis in idem na Lei 8.429/1992, e, sob esse prisma, questionar o caráter absoluto do princípio da autonomia nas instâncias, à luz da necessidade de se promover maiores limitações ao ius puniendi. Ao final, identificou-se o art. 21, § 4º da Lei 8.429/1992, incluído pela Lei 14.230/2021, como principal manifestação do ne bis in idem entre distintas instâncias punitivas no regime de improbidade administrativa e, concomitantemente, como relevante exteriorização do temperamento da independência entre as esferas jurídicas, movimento que tem ganhado força no direito brasileiro.The central theme of this undergraduate thesis is the new system of repression of administrative improbity introduced by Law 14.230/2021, which made substantial changes in Law 8.429/1992, especially regarding the expansion of the guarantees conferred to the defendant in the lawsuit covered by the aforementioned law. Among the guarantees provided by Law 14.230/2021 to those accused of improbity, we chose to examine, in particular, ne bis in idem (which derives from the primacy that no one can be punished or prosecuted twice for the same fact) and its applicability among the different facets of Brazilian punitive law - delimited, for purposes of this study, to criminal law and sanctioning administrative law, since both sanction improbity acts, according to art. 37, § 4 of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Thus, the central issue of the research can be summarized in the following question: "Did Law 14.230/2021 favor the guarantee of ne bis in idem to disregard the autonomy between the criminal and administrative improbity instances?". In this line, the inductive method and a descriptive methodology were used to identify, from a bibliographic and legislative review, the implicit and explicit manifestations of the prohibition of bis in idem in Law 8.429/1992, and, from this perspective, to examine the absolute character of the principle of autonomy in the instances, according to the need to promote greater limitations on the ius puniendi. At the end, it was identified the art. 21, § 4 of Law 8.429/1992, included by Law 14.230/2021, as the main manifestation of the ne bis in idem between distinct punitive instances in the administrative improbity regime and, concomitantly, as a relevant manifestation of the tempering of independence between the judicial bodies, a movement that has strengthened in Brazilian law

    O pré-requisito da confissão para o acordo de não persecução penal: reflexões sobre sua (des)necessidade e (in)compatibilidade com o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro

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    O presente artigo pretende investigar como o pré-requisito da confissão no acordo de não persecução penal está inserido no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro e quais são suas principais problemáticas. A exigência de uma confissão do delito para que possa haver a celebração do acordo vem gerando diversas polêmicas e discussões entre doutrinadores e operadores do direito, com questionamentos sobre sua constitucionalidade em face do princípio nemo tenetur se detegere — segundo o qual ninguém deve ser obrigado a produzir prova contra si mesmo. Nesse sentido, busca-se analisar não somente essa possível inconstitucionalidade, como também as implicações práticas do pré-requisito da confissão, a possibilidade de seu uso como meio de prova no processo judicial e sua improdutividade no curso da persecução penal. Constatou-se, ao fim, que não há necessidade de se manter a condição da confissão para a realização do instituto negocial, podendo esta ser descartada sem nenhum prejuízo ao investigado ou ao processo penal. O estudo se localiza no campo teórico do garantismo penal, de modo a preocupar-se com os direitos e garantias individuais do acusado diante de um instituto negocial ainda recente e discutível. O método utilizado é o dedutivo, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, doutrinária e jurisprudencial

    PROPERTIES OF TEAK WOOD INFECTED BY Ceratocystis fimbriata

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    In Brazil, the growth of Tectona grandis (teak) plantations is accompanied by an increased incidence of Ceratocystis wilt, a fungal disease that colonizes the vascular system of such tree. The objective of this work was to evaluate the properties of teak wood infected with Ceratocystis fimbriata at different radial positions. Ten 17-year-old trees (five infected and five healthy) were collected. A disk was removed from the base of each tree to determine Janka hardness, basic density, anatomical analysis, colorimetric parameters in the CIEL*a*b* system and sodium hydroxide solubility (NaOH). There were no significant differences for radial position and health for basic density and Janka hardness of the wood, with mean values of 0.488 g.cm3 and 58.66 MPa, respectively. The deposition of dark compounds was observed inside the parenchyma cells and fibers, as well as the formation of tyloses in the sapwood. Yellow pigment was predominant in the color formation of teak wood, which was influenced by radial position, with the sapwood being lighter. Regarding C. fimbriata infection, the color change was more evident in sapwood. Conversely, the NaOH solubility was lower for the sapwood attacked by the fungus. In conclusion, the changes in teak wood infected by C. fimbriata are visual and the anatomical structures do not deteriorate

    Seaweed-based Packaging Solutions

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    Introduction The use of single-use packaging materials has increased dramatically in recent decades in parallel with increasing trends in convenience and fast-food. Most of these packaging materials are made of non-biodegradable, petroleum-based polymers that have degradative impacts on the environment and contribute to the global plastic pollution crisis. Finding alternative packaging materials is an important step towards building a bio-based circular economy. Sustainable land-based macroalgae cultivation can provide a solution, as it eliminates land-use pressure on coastal areas, doesn’t interfere with recreational activities or agriculture, reduces seasonal limitations, allows for complete control over product quality, and ensures consistent quality and traceability. Here, we present the success story of land-based macroalgae production for sustainable packaging solutions in the food industry via the Mak-Pak and Mak-Pak Scale-Up projects. Materials and Methods An initial screening of local macroalgae species was conducted based on detailed knowledge of growth rates, seasonality, geographic range, edibility, iodine content, biochemical properties, bioactivity, robustness and ease of cultivation. Different combinations of selected macroalgae were tested to develop a biodegradable, edible packaging prototype that was rated by consumer tests. In a follow-up project, we are focusing on eliminating the biggest bottleneck: scaling-up biomass production. We have partnered with a local, innovative farmer to sustainably scale-up and optimize biomass production for our sustainable, biodegradable macroalgae-based packaging material for the food industry. Results Several species of suitable macroalgae were selected based on the screening protocol and a method for using different combinations of selected species is described in a patent application for the packaging prototype. The packaging prototype was positively reviewed in consumer tests, where the consumers were pleasantly surprised by the neutral taste and smell. We could also show that certain components of the macroalgae that are important for packaging functionality (e.g. antioxidant activity) could be optimized during land-based production in artificial seawater. Currently we are in the early stages of scaling-up production and selecting strains to optimize growth rates and robustness, where we can complete the life cycle of one selected species from single cells to mature gametophytes within 6 weeks. With controlled induction of reproduction, we can continually provide material for transplantation to large-scale systems. Discussion The Mak-Pak and Mak-Pak Scale-Up projects have been featured in numerous news articles, exhibitions, and podcasts throughout Germany, Europe and even New Zealand. Our experience has shown that there is a lot of public interest in macroalgae-based packaging solutions. Consumers have become aware of the plastic pollution crisis and are open to alternatives to plastic packaging. Consequently, we have recently seen rapid changes in packaging trends in the cosmetic and food industries. Here we show that it is possible to produce a biodegradable, edible packaging from macroalgae biomass for the food-industry. Not only is this a success story for sustainable aquaculture, but also for macroalgae cultivation in general. This project has increased public awareness of macroalgae and contributed to a dialogue about the diversity of products and services that macroalgae can provide as we strive towards a sustainable, circular economy. However, optimization of the raw material production as well as the packaging itself is still underway. Furthermore, limitations in the food-industry require that our raw material meets high quality standards. In other industries where the quality of the raw material is not a limiting factor, there is enormous potential for macroalgae-based packaging solutions

    Contribuição ao processo de identificação de madeiras utilizadas em edifícios históricos: Aplicação no “Casarão da Rua Sete de Setembro” em Cuiabá, MT

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    The preservation of buildings that make up Brazil's historical heritage, has historical and cultural importance. Wood, one of the most common building materials, is subject to deterioration. Thus, the correct identification of wood, through macroscopic and microscopic analysis, contributes to the conservation of the pieces, but also for an adequate replacement, if necessary. Therefore, this study aimed to identify and describe the anatomy of the wood used in the "Casarão da Rua Sete de Setembro", a historic building located in the Historical Center of Cuiabá, MT. For this purpose, we collected three wood samples from the building's window frames. We evaluated the following characteristics: degree of deterioration, organoleptic characteristics, basic density, and macro and microscopic anatomical analyses. The samples considered for evaluation were in an advanced degree of deterioration. Despite that, it was possible to identify and describe the anatomical characteristics of the evaluated wood, all identified as Handroanthus sp., Bignoniaceae family, known locally as ipê. Furthermore, the study contributes to the formation of a database of wood species used during the Brazilian colonial period in Cuiabá, MT. Keywords: Handroanthus. Deterioration. Wood anatomy. Iphan. Historic buildings.The preservation of buildings, which make up the Brazilian historical heritage, has historical and cultural importance. Wood, one of the most common building materials in these buildings, is subject to deterioration. Thus, the correct identification of the woods, through macroscopic and microscopic analyses, contributes both to the conservation of the pieces in use and also to an adequate replacement, if necessary. Thus, this study aimed to identify and describe anatomically the wood used in the construction of the historic building known as the “Casarão da Rua Sete de Setembro”, located in the Historic Center of Cuiabá, MT. Three wood samples were collected from the building's frames and the following characteristics were evaluated: degree of deterioration, organoleptic characteristics, basic density and macro and microscopic anatomical analyses. The evaluated samples had an advanced degree of deterioration. Despite this, it was possible to identify and describe the anatomical characteristics of the evaluated woods, all identified as Handroanthus sp., of the Bignoniaceae family, known locally as ipê. Furthermore, the study contributes to the formation of a database of timber species used during the Brazilian colonial period, in Cuiabá, MT. Keywords: Handroanthus. Deterioration. Wood anatomy. IPHAN. Historic buildings.A preservação de edificações, que compõem o patrimônio histórico brasileiro, tem importância histórica e cultural. A madeira, um dos materiais de construção mais comuns nessas construções, está sujeita à deterioração. Assim, a identificação correta das madeiras, por meio de análises macroscópicas e microscópicas, contribui tanto na conservação das peças em uso como também para uma substituição adequada, caso necessário. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever anatomicamente as madeiras utilizadas na construção da edificação histórica conhecida como o “Casarão da Rua Sete de Setembro”, localizada no Centro Histórico de Cuiabá, MT. Foram coletadas três amostras de madeira das esquadrias da edificação e as seguintes características foram avaliadas: grau de deterioração, características organolépticas, densidade básica e análises anatômicas macro e microscópicas. As amostras avaliadas estavam com um grau avançado de deterioração. Apesar disso, foi possível identificar e descrever as características anatômicas das madeiras avaliadas, todas identificadas como Handroanthus sp., da família Bignoniaceae, conhecida localmente como ipê. Ademais, o estudo contribui com a formação de um banco de dados das espécies madeireiras utilizadas durante o período colonial brasileiro, em Cuiabá, MT. Palavras Chave: Handroanthus. Deterioração. Anatomia da madeira. Iphan. Edificações históricas

    Nachhaltigen Verpackungslösung aus Makroalgen für den Lebensmittel-Handel

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    Haben Sie schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, dass Meeresalgen eine Lösung für die weltweite Plastikverschmutzungskrise bieten könnten? Die Verwendung von Einweg-Verpackungsmaterialien hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten parallel zu den zunehmenden Trends in Sachen Convenience und Fast-Food dramatisch zugenommen. Die meisten dieser Verpackungsmaterialien bestehen aus biologisch nicht abbaubaren, erdölbasierten Polymeren, die sich negativ auf die Umwelt auswirken und zur globalen Plastikverschmutzungskrise beitragen. Die Plastikverschmutzung in den Ozeanen zerstört die Ökosysteme und bedroht in der Folge unsere eigene Gesundheit, die Lebensmittelsicherheit und den Küstentourismus. Die Suche nach alternativen Verpackungsmaterialien ist ein wichtiger Schritt zum Aufbau einer biobasierten Kreislaufwirtschaft und zum Erreichen unserer Nachhaltigkeitsziele. Unsere Ozeane könnten eine Lösung in Form von Makroalgen bieten. Das Mak-Pak Scale-Up Projekt konzentriert sich auf die Skalierung und Optimierung der Produktion von Meeresalgen, um nachhaltiges, biologisch abbaubares und/oder essbares Verpackungsmaterial auf Makroalgenbasis für die Fast-Food-Industrie zu schaffen, das potenziell Einweg-Plastikverpackungen ersetzen könnte. Dieser Vortrag stellt das Mak-Pak Scale-Up Projekt vor, einschließlich des Hintergrunds, der wichtigsten Errungenschaften, der aktuellen Aktivitäten und der Zukunftspläne im Rahmen der UN-Nachhaltigkeitsziele und der Kreislaufwirtschaft

    Phylogenetic and morphological characterization of trypanosomes from Brazilian armoured catfishes and leeches reveal high species diversity, mixed infections and a new fish trypanosome species

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Several Trypanosoma species transmitted by leeches infect marine and freshwater fish worldwide. To date, all South American fish trypanosome species identified have been based on unreliable morphological parameters. We recently isolated and cultured trypanosomes from the Brazilian armoured catfishes Hypostomus luetkeni and H. affinis. Here, we report the first phylogenetic analyses of South American (Brazilian) trypanosomes isolated from fish, and from leeches removed from these fish. We also analysed morphologically and morphometrically the different forms of fish, leech and cultured trypanosomes.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud V7V8 SSU rRNA and gGAPDH sequences were used for phylogenetic analysis of Brazilian fish and leech trypanosomes. Trypanosomes from cultures, fish blood and leech samples were also characterized morphologically and morphometrically by light and electron microscopy.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud In blood smears from fish high trypanosome prevalence (90–100 %) and parasitemia (0.9-1.0x102) were observed. Phylogenetic relationships using SSU rRNA and gGAPDH showed that, despite relevant sequence divergence, all Brazilian fish (and derived cultures) and leech trypanosomes clustered together into a single clade. The Brazilian clade clustered with European, North American and African fish trypanosomes. Based on sequence analysis, we uncovered a new species of Brazilian fish trypanosome, Trypanosoma abeli n. sp. Trypanosoma abeli cultures contained pleomorphic epimastigotes, small trypomastigotes and rare sphaeromastigotes. Ultrastructural features of T. abeli included a cytostome-cytopharynx complex in epi- and trypomastigotes, a compact rod-like kinetoplast, lysosome-related organelles (LROs) and multivesicular bodies. Trypanosomes found in fish blood smears and leech samples were highly pleomorphic, in agreement with sequence data suggesting that catfishes and leeches often have mixed trypanosome infections.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud \ud Trypanosoma abeli n. sp. is the first trypanosome from South American fishes isolated in culture, positioned in phylogenetic trees and characterized at the ultrastructural level. Trypanosoma abeli n. sp. is highly prevalent in H. luetkeni and H. affinis armoured catfish from the Atlantic Forest biome, and in other catfish species from the Amazon and the Pantanal. Sequencing data suggested that Brazilian catfish often have mixed trypanosome infections, highlighting the importance of molecular characterization to identify trypanosome species in fishes and leeches.We are grateful to Mr. Alcir Pereira de Souza, Ms. Alessandra Simões de\ud Toledo Pereira and Mrs. Tereza da Silva Lemos for their valuable support\ud with the fieldwork, and to Dr. José Carlos Oliveira and Valter M. AzevedoSantos\ud for fish identification. DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analyses\ud done in USP were supported by grants from CNPq and CAPES to MMGT. ML\ud is a postdoctoral fellow funded by CNPq, BRF is a PhD student funded by\ud CAPES, CSR is PhD student funded by CNPq, and LH is postdoctoral fellow\ud funded by FAPERJ