659 research outputs found

    Framing democracy as response to neoliberalism in Dutch education

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    Purpose: This paper aims to understand the debate about what constitutes good education in the Netherlands. The meaning of the concept of democracy in these public debates is divergent and rather diffuse. If teachers, citizens, advisory councils, and the Dutch government agree that democracy ought to be anchored in future education, we first and foremost need to understand its meaning within these current debates.  Approach: In this study we conducted a frame analysis of eleven key documents from three relevant domains. The diagnostic frame shows that on the whole the authors of these documents view ‘neoliberalism’ and a ‘culture of measurement’ as undermining forces in education.  Findings: The prognostic frame shows that all authors frame democracy as a prognosis, but with four different meanings: 1) democracy as organizational structure, 2) democracy as governmental policy, 2) democracy as knowledge and skill, and 4) democracy as a practice. We argue that these can be interpreted as four dimensions of a democratic solution, constructed as a response to neoliberal tendencies in Dutch education

    Kanban tool applied on monitoring and control of flow of requests on a software factory

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    Durante el desarrollo del presente artículo se presentan los antecedentes y principios del modelo Kanban con el fin de diseñar una metodología de administración visual que responda a las problemáticas originadas en una fábrica de software de gran dimensión, utilizando principios del Lean Manufacturing en conjunto con buenas prácticas de modelos de desarrollo de software y de prestación de servicios de tecnología, en la búsqueda de la eficiencia, la disminución de inventarios y la eliminación de desperdicios con lo cual se logre una generación de valor de forma oportuna en los procesos del cliente. Por lo tanto se revisaron las lecciones aprendidas de servicios anteriormente prestados por la organización y los lineamientos establecidos en el acuerdo del servicio, lo cual incluye los procesos y responsabilidades para la atención de solicitudes, buscando cumplir con los tiempos definidos por el cliente, con los criterios de aceptación pactados y respetando la prioridad o urgencia de las necesidades que se originen, resaltando como factor de éxito la cultura enfocada hacia el mejoramiento continuo que se desarrolle dentro de los equipos de trabajo, influenciando a otras partes interesadas que afecten la conformidad del resultado del proceso.This article present a background and basic principles of Kanban model to reach goal of design a methodology applied in a software factory using Lean Manufacturing together with good practices of software development models and technology services, in the search for efficiency, inventory reduction and waste destruction with which a value generation is recorded in a timely manner in customer processes. Therefore, review the lessons learned from subsequent services provided by the organization and the guidelines established in the service agreement, which includes the processes and standards for the attention of requests, seeking to comply with the times controlled by the client, with the acceptance criteria agreed upon and respecting the priority or urgency of the needs that arise, highlighting as a factor of success the culture focused on continuous improvement that is generated within the work teams participating in the service, influencing other related parties that affect the conformity of the result of the process.Especializació

    The Availability of Water in Chile: A Regional View from a Geographical Perspective

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    Chile is famous for being the longest country in the world from north to south. It means it ranges from polar to desert conditions, water being one of the main limiting factors. In fact, Chile stores a high amount of water (695 mm y−1), but people are not located in the regions where water is more abundant (e.g. in the south). This territorial imbalance is accompanied both by a global context of climate change in which water will be presumably scarcer and by the effects of the current economic activities that are progressively more demanding in water consumption. In this work, we have compared both the current and future availabilities of water for the different regions of Chile in order to provide relevant and useful information on the water balance for land planners. The Metropolitan and Valparaíso regions (Mediterranean climate) along Antofagasta, Atacama, and Tarapacá regions (desert climate) showed the lowest mean values of water availability from 1970 to 2000 (<125 m3 person y−1). In addition, both the optimistic and pessimistic projections for 2050 forecast a significant increase in the aridity of these two central regions, where the crucial axis between the two most important cities (Santiago and Valparaíso) is located

    Estimation of soil mobilization rates by a rainy period and intense tillage practices in vineyards—A case study in the Maule region (Chile)

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    Winemaking in Chile is a long tradition that is recognized around the world. It is especially important in the Maule region where more than 40% of the total wine in the country is produced. However, there is a lack of studies related to soil erosion in vineyards in Chile, especially considering the extreme rainfall events that occur in the country. This research estimates soil erosion mobilization rates before and after a rainy season between April 2020 and May 2020 using the "improved stock unearthing method" on two inter-row plots in a vineyard located in the Maule region of Chile. This method relies on the graft union as a bioindicator for assessing soil surface-level changes. Maps of the soil surface were obtained to show how soil depletion and accumulation points within the inter-row areas could be detected. It has been estimated that a total soil mobilization of 85.7 and 130 Mg ha yr(-1) had occurred in the inter-row areas 1 and 2, respectively, since the establishment of the plantation. However, a single rain event mobilized soil at rates of 5.5 and 3.5 Mg ha yr(-1), respectively, in the inter-row areas 1 and 2. We have demonstrated that erosive processes present in the study area exceed the rates of soil formation and the tolerable rates of erosion on a global scale. The results allow re-thinking of agricultural practices and management of soil systems to improve the sustainability of conventional Chilean vineyards and their soils.Universidad de Granada/CBUAComunidad de MadridBBVA Foundatio

    Localización óptima de estaciones de medición de humedad del suelo mediante clasificaciones del relieve a partir de modelos digitales del terreno

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    Las formas del relieve están directamente relacionadas con los procesos ambientales que sobre ellas se desarrollan, como los hidrológicos. Para estudiar estos procesos se utilizan numerosas técnicas, como la instalación de estaciones de medición de la humedad del suelo, las cuales tienen un alto coste, tanto instrumental como asociado a su montaje. A partir de Modelos Digitales del Terreno (MDT) se han realizado una serie de análisis espaciales para obtener clasificaciones geomorfométricas de las formas del relieve. Estas clasificaciones han permitido la delimitación de áreas que pueden diferenciarse por tener una humedad edáfica distinta y por desarrollar procesos hidrológicos diferentes, según el tipo de unidad geomorfométrica que representen. De esta forma se ha facilitado la selección de zonas para la instalación de las estaciones. Los resultados se han corroborado con trabajo de campo. Esta técnica se presenta como una herramienta eficaz para la obtención de la localización potencial de zonas con distinta humedad edáfica según su posición en las áreas de estudio, lo que permite reducir el tiempo y costes asociados al trabajo de campo, y permite delimitar de antemano las áreas óptimas para la instalación de las estaciones.Landforms are directly related to environmental processes that are developed on them, such as hydrology. To study these processes many techniques are used, as installation of monitoring stations for soil moisture, which have a high cost associated with both instrumental and assembly. From Digital Terrain Models (DTM) spatial analyses have been conducted in order to obtain geomorphometric landform classifications. These classifications have allowed the delimitation of areas of different soil moisture content and hydrological processes, according to the type of geomormophetric units. This has facilitated the selection of sites for the installation of soil moisture monitoring stations. Results have been verified by fieldwork. This technique appears as an effective tool for obtaining the potential location of different soil moisture content areas reducing time and economical costs associated with fieldwork and allow defining in advance the optimal areas for soil moisture monitoring installation

    Training Data Set Assessment for Decision-Making in a Multiagent Landmine Detection Platform

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    Real-world problems such as landmine detection require multiple sources of information to reduce the uncertainty of decision-making. A novel approach to solve these problems includes distributed systems, as presented in this work based on hardware and software multi-agent systems. To achieve a high rate of landmine detection, we evaluate the performance of a trained system over the distribution of samples between training and validation sets. Additionally, a general explanation of the data set is provided, presenting the samples gathered by a cooperative multi-agent system developed for detecting improvised explosive devices. The results show that input samples affect the performance of the output decisions, and a decision-making system can be less sensitive to sensor noise with intelligent systems obtained from a diverse and suitably organised training set

    Creación de una empresa de asesoría financiera

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    Trabajo de investigaciónSe evidencia que la mayoría de personas de nuestro país no posee los conocimientos necesarios para tomar decisiones financieras y presentan un alto nivel de desconocimiento en temas básicos de finanzas, por tal motivo se realizó esta investigación orientado a crear una empresa de asesoría financiera para la población de estrato 2 y 3, ya que no existe alguna empresa que asesore finanzas personales a esta población.OBJETIVO GENERAL OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 1. ESTUDIO MERCADO 2. ESTUDIO TECNICO 3. ESTUDIO AMBIENTAL 4. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXOS – TABLAS Y FIGURASEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Opinions on the Orchard of the Lower Segura River: A Changing Space under Great Human Pressure

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    What makes the Lower Segura River (southeast of Spain) unique is the existence of a densely populated and entropized territory around a smallholder agricultural activity that for centuries has shaped the so-called “Segura Orchard.” In recent years, there has been widespread occupation due to the construction of secondary residences, which has clearly changed the rural appearance, sometimes creating an image more typical of disorderly residential urbanization than of an inhabited agricultural territory. The objective of this paper is to determine the attitude and position of the resident population regarding the situation and future prospects that are envisioned for this area. In this paper, we have conducted a personal and open interview as a technique to collect the information. If we are not capable of generating sustainable socio-economic activity, we will not be able to preserve, protect and transcend what we still know as an orchard. This spatial structure is undoubtedly singular and complex, and after a process of loss of identity and alteration of traditional uses, it requires an intervention that tends to organize it and protect the important territorial heritage that it still preserves.This research was funded by the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT 11161097) granted by the Government of Chile. Authors also thanks to Instituto de Geografía of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile for its economic support

    Changes in Land Management of Iberian Rangelands and Grasslands in the Last 60 Years and their Effect on Vegetation

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    Rangelands and grasslands occupy now more than 3 million ha in the Iberian Peninsula representing one of the most valuable ecosystems. They are particularly interesting due to their great geographical spread and heterogeneity in land management. Significant changes have been undergone in the last 60 years affecting vegetation. The main goal in this study was to compile existing information about the changes in the Iberian rangelands and grasslands, their geographical distribution, typologies, main characteristics as well as past and recent land management based on a thorough bibliographical review and serious research. This has been subdivided into five large groups according to climate and human drivers: (1) Mediterranean rangelands and steppes, (2) oceanic grasslands, (3) mountainous meadows, (4) semi-arid steppes and (5) Portuguese rangelands and grasslands. Two milestones over the past 60 years were remarkable as main driving forces: rural exodus in the 1960s and 1970s and Spain and Portugal joining the European Union in 1986. They have provoked both processes of intensification and extensification at the same time on different scales. Many farms have been progressively fragmented using wire fences, and the numbers of livestock have been significantly increased. Land abandonment and grazing exclusion have provoked a large shrub encroachment of species such as Retama sphaerocarpa or Cistus ladanifer