28 research outputs found

    Vehicle route optimization system with stochastic demands including predictive models

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    [ES] Durante los últimos años se ha producido un incremento en el número de ciudades que están incorporando nuevos sistemas basados en el concepto conocido como Internet de las Cosas o Internet of Things (IoT) para, por un lado, obtener nuevos datos acerca de la ciudad y, por otro, a partir de estos, ofrecer nuevos servicios y optimizar el consumo energético. Estas ciudades se mueven hacia un paradigma de ciudad inteligente o Smart City, cuyo principal objetivo es conseguir ciudades más sostenibles y que constituyan un mejor lugar donde vivir. Entre todas las aplicaciones que han surgido para Smart Cities, cabe destacar las destinadas a la logística inteligente, que buscan el ahorro y la eficiencia energética en el transporte realizado por las flotas de vehículos. Unido a esto, nuevos sensores han emergido para llevar a cabo proyectos que incorporen el concepto de IoT y la conexión de cualquier objeto de la vida diaria a Internet. Estos sensores o nodos se agrupan en las conocidas como Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) o redes inalámbricas de sensores. Dichas redes pueden desplegarse tanto en entornos rurales como en urbanos y suponen la infraestructura básica para la toma de datos en aplicaciones para Smart Cities. En la presente tesis se realiza una investigación sobre el uso indicado de los sensores junto con las WSN para la toma de datos en sistemas de recogida de desechos. Asimismo, el procesamiento de los datos obtenidos por dichas redes y la extracción de patrones que permitan modelar su comportamiento ofrecen una valiosa información que puede emplearse más tarde para mejorar otros sistemas, como, por ejemplo, sistemas de optimización de rutas de vehículos. En este trabajo de tesis se aborda la utilización de modelos de predicción para predecir la demanda y que esta información pueda proporcionarse a otros sistemas para su posterior uso. Por último, los datos obtenidos a través de una red de sensores y la información extraída gracias a los modelos de predicción habilitan la inclusión de nuevos métodos de optimización de rutas de vehículos en un sistema de recogida inteligente de desechos o Smart Waste Collection System en inglés. La optimización de las rutas de vehículos en este tipo de sistemas se formula en la literatura como un problema de rutas de vehículos o Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), en el que generalmente sus parámetros son de naturaleza estocástica, pero con frecuencia son tratados de forma determinista. En esta tesis se aborda la resolución de problemas VRP que incluyan incertidumbre en la demanda de sus clientes. Para ello, se emplean nuevas metodologías propuestas en la literatura como Simheuristics y se propone incluir modelos de predicción con el fin de obtener mejores resultados.[EN]In recent years there has been an increase in the number of cities that are incorporating new systems based on the concept known as the Internet of Things (IoT) to, on the one hand, obtain new data about the city and, on the other hand, from these, offer new services and optimize energy consumption. These cities are moving towards an intelligent city paradigm called Smart City, whose main objective is to achieve more intelligent and sustainable cities that constitute a better place to live. Among all the applications that have arisen for Smart Cities, it is worth highlighting those aimed at intelligent logistics, which seek savings and energy efficiency in transport performed by vehicle fleets. Along with this, new sensors have emerged to carry out projects that incorporate the concept of IoT and the connection of an object of daily life to the Internet. These sensors or nodes are grouped into what are known as Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). These networks can be deployed in both rural and urban environments and provide the essential infrastructure for data collection in applications for Smart Cities. In the present thesis, a research is conducted on the indicated use of the sensors together with the WSN for the data collection in waste collection systems. Likewise, the processing of the data obtained by these networks and the extraction of patterns that allow modelling their behaviour offer valuable information which can be used later to improve other systems such as routing optimization systems. This thesis work deals with the use of prediction models to predict demand and then provide this information to other systems for later use. Finally, the data obtained through a network of sensors and the information extracted through predictive models enable the inclusion of new methods of vehicle routing optimization in an intelligent waste collection system or Smart Waste Collection System. The optimization of vehicle routes in this type of system is formulated in the literature as a Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), in which its parameters are generally stochastic in nature, but are treated deterministically. This thesis deals with the resolution of VRP problems that include uncertainty in the demand of their customers. To this end, new methodologies in the literature such as Simheuristics are used and, in this work, modifications are proposed including prediction models in their use in order to obtain better results

    Desarrollo de una aplicación para medir el impacto del programa de "Recreos Residuos Cero" en centros de educación primaria y secundaria

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    Trabajo de Fin de Máster del Máster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas, curso 2020-2021[ES] El presente Trabajo de Fin de Máster busca incorporar conceptos de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible (EDS) mediante contenidos en una unidad didáctica y mediante el desarrollo de una aplicación destinada a la recopilación de datos para medir el impacto de programas de centro destinados a la reducción de consumo de plásticos en los almuerzos y meriendas del alumnado. Por un lado, se presenta una unidad didáctica para la asignatura de Tecnología de cuarto curso de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en el itinerario de Enseñanzas Aplicadas. Esta unidad didáctica se enmarca en el Bloque 4 “Control y Robótica” y está orientada al desarrollo de un proyecto en el que se construya una papelera de reciclaje con automatismos. Se describen las distintas sesiones para su construcción y se busca que el reciclaje y el desarrollo sostenible sean el hilo conductor de toda la unidad didáctica. Por otro lado, este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación destinada a medir el impacto de una iniciativa de reducción de residuos plásticos en las meriendas de los alumnos en los recreos. Esta iniciativa está originada por el colectivo Teachers for Future e incluye actualmente 650 centros tanto de enseñanza infantil y primaria, como secundaria. Se presentan las primeras pruebas de la aplicación para recopilar datos sobre el consumo de plásticos con un número reducido de centros a lo largo de un mes. Tras las pruebas realizadas se presenta una aplicación funcional para llevar a cabo un estudio a mayor escala durante el siguiente curso académico.[EN] This Master's Thesis seeks to incorporate concepts of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through content in a didactic unit and by developing an application for the data collection in order to measure the impact of school programmes aimed at reducing the consumption of plastics in school recesses. On the one hand, a didactic unit is presented for the subject of Technology in the fourth grade of Secondary School in the itinerary of applied education. This didactic unit is part of Block 4 “Control and Robotics” and is focused on the development of a project in which an automated recycling bin is built. The different sessions for its construction are developed and the goal is recycling and sustainable development to be the underlying theme of the whole didactic unit. On the other hand, this work presents the development of an application to measure the impact of an initiative to reduce plastic waste in students' recess meals. This initiative is originated by the Teachers for Future collective and currently involves 650 schools in pre-school, primary and secondary education. The first trials are presented with a small number of schools over a one-month period for testing and using the application to collect data on plastic consumption in different schools. After the tests, a functional application is ready to be applied to a larger study during the following academic year

    Mobility Integration of ERP Systems

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    Nowadays a lot of enterprises work with ERP systems. It usefulness is generally used in office environments and different enterprises which offer this software are developing mobile applications. These mobile applications work with their own system and they don’t usually work in other platforms. Currently any mobile application can communicate with more than one ERP system because each one has its own communications methods. This article presents a system that expect unify the communication between different ERP systems and allows mobile applications to communicate with them in a homogeneous way

    Edge Face Recognition System Based on One-Shot Augmented Learning

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    There is growing concern among users of computer systems about how their data is handled. In this sense, IT (Information Technology) professionals are not unaware of this problem and are looking for solutions to meet the requirements and concerns of their users. During the last few years, various techniques and technologies have emerged that allow us to answer to the problem posed by users. Technologies such as edge computing and techniques such as one-shot learning and data augmentation enable progress in this regard. Thus, in this article, we propose the creation of a system that makes use of these techniques and technologies to solve the problem of face recognition and form a low-cost security system. The results obtained show that the combination of these techniques is effective in most of the face detection algorithms and allows an effective solution to the problem raised

    Monitoring and analysis of vital signs of a patient through a multi-agent application system

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    In the medical environment, the clinical study of the most basic vital signs of a patient represents the simplest and most effective way to detect and monitor health problems. There are many diseases that can be diagnosed and controlled through regular monitoring of these medical data. The purpose of this study is to develop a monitoring and tracking system for the various vital signs of a patient. In particular, this work focuses on the design of a multi-agent architecture composed of virtual organizations with capabilities to integrate different medical sensors on an open, low-cost hardware platform. This system integrates hardware and software elements needed for the routine measurement of vital signs, performed by the patient or caregiver without having to go to a medical center

    Monitoring and analysis of vital signs of a patient through a multi-agent application system

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    In the medical environment, the clinical study of the most basic vital signs of a patient represents the simplest and most effective way to detect and monitor health problems. There are many diseases that can be diagnosed and controlled through regular monitoring of these medical data. The purpose of this study is to develop a monitoring and tracking system for the various vital signs of a patient. In particular, this work focuses on the design of a multi-agent architecture composed of virtual organizations with capabilities to integrate different medical sensors on an open, low-cost hardware platform. This system integrates hardware and software elements needed for the routine measurement of vital signs, performed by the patient or caregiver without having to go to a medical center