656 research outputs found

    An Exploratory Study Of The American Middle-Class Moral And Ethical Values Found In The John Newbery Medal Books.

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    It was the purpose of this study to collect data concerning the presence of that content in the Newbery Medal Award winning books which may influence children’s learning of American middle-class moral and ethical values. The investigator used the process of content analysis to gather data for answering the following questions: (1) Are American middle-class moral and ethical values present in this chosen list of books?; (2) If such value content is present, to what degree of frequency and intensity has it been found?; (3) What variations, if any, can be measured in the presence, frequency, and intensity of these values as they have been treated in five-year spans during the forty-five year period studied?; and (4) Is there evidence of trending in the data collected from this forty-five year period

    A Mini Look at Some Maxi Ideas

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    Time and again I have listened to busy teachers complaining that they don\u27t have time to read the many current articles on IQ, open classrooms, class organization, learning theory, motivation, and use of traditional material which appear in professional literature. Therefore, I would like to consolidate many of these sources into one article which will give the reader some indication of the trends which seem to be taking place concerning these things

    Teaching Methods Utilizing a Field Theory Viewpoint in the Elementary Reading Program

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    The trend in reading instruction during the past few years, has strongly focused on the whole child, his individuality, his feelings, beliefs, and goals as well as his cognitive abilities. All of these constitute the child\u27s life space and are the parts of the whole that teachers must deal with. Consistent with this learning theory, the teacher\u27s role has changed. Teaching now consists of the promotion and enrichment of the interactive learning process between the child and his environment. The teaching environment of the reading program is most important to the young reader\u27s success. The acceleration of the reading process depends on the ability of the teacher to create an environment that both challenges and facilitates this interaction

    Fouling assemblages associated with estuarine artificial reefs in new South Wales, Australia

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    Estudos prévios que examinaram a dinâmica de sucessão em recifes artificiais foram focalizados nas comunidades de peixes, e sempre ignoraram o papel exercido pelos organismos incrustantes sobre a estruturação das comunidades associadas aos recifes artificiais. O presente estudo tem por objetivo registrar o desenvolvimento das assembléias epibióticas em três sistemas de recifes artificiais estuarinos com desenho específico (Reef Ball®) localizados em Macquarie Lake, Botany Bay e Bacia de St Georges em New South Wales, Australia. O recrutamento nos recifes artificiais foi relativamente rápido e a maioria dos táxons identificados durante o período dos dois anos de estudo já pode ser observada no primeiro ano. Os recifes de Macquarie Lake e da Bacia de St Georges foram caracterizados por baixa diversidade, sendo registrado o número máximo de seis táxons; em contraste, nos recifes de Botany Bay foram observados dezesseis taxa. Os resultados indicaram que não houve diferença significativa na porcentagem de cobertura dos grupos taxonômicos, tanto na Bacia de St Georges quanto em Macquarie Lake. Por sua vez, as porcentagens de cobertura das espécies nos recifes de Botany Bay mostraram diferenças significativas dentro do complexo recifal. A análise da estrutura das assembléias, quando se considera a idade do recife, indicou a ocorrência de padrões discretos entre os estuários, havendo em geral uma redução da porcentagem de cobertura das algas filamentosas formadoras de tufos (AFT) com o aumento da idade recifal. As diferenças nas condições ambientais e físicas (turbidez, fluxo de água, ação das ondas e proximidade do recife natural) existentes entre estuários e recifes artificiais, podem ter contribuído para as variações observadas nas assembléias incrustantes em Botany Bay.Previous studies examining the dynamics of succession on artificial reefs have predominantly focussed on fish communities and largely ignored the role of fouling assemblages in explaining the patterns of community structure associated with artificial reefs. The objective of this study was to record the development of epibiotic assemblages on three "design specific" (Reef Ball®) estuarine artificial reefs systems located in Lake Macquarie, Botany Bay and St Georges Basin in New South Wales, Australia. Recruitment to the artificial reefs was relatively rapid with the majority of taxa identified over the two-year study period observed within the first year post-deployment. The artificial reefs in Lake Macquarie and St Georges Basin were characterised by low diversity with four and nine taxa recorded respectively in contrast to the sixteen taxa observed on the Botany Bay reefs. Results indicated no significant differences in percentage cover of taxa among reefs in either St Georges Basin or Lake Macquarie. In contrast, comparisons between individual Botany Bay reefs identified significant differences in the percentage cover of species between artificial reefs. Analysis of assemblage structure with reef age indicated discrete patterns among estuaries with an overall reduction in the percentage cover of filamentous turfing algae (FTA) identified for all reef systems with an increase in reef age. Variations in environmental and physical conditions (turbidity, water flow, wave action and proximity to naturally occurring reef) may have contributed to the observed differences in fouling assemblages between estuaries and between artificial reefs within Botany Bay

    A comparison of methods for estimating fish assemblages associated with estuarine artificial reefs

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    O monitoramento biológico da comunidade associada a substratos artificiais permite a tomada de decisões corretas em relação ao uso e o papel dos novos habitats no manejo de recursos pesqueiros. Apesar da enorme aplicação das técnicas de censo visual no estudo da ictiofauna em recifes artificiais, os erros relativos de cada metodologia ainda não foram analisados. Estimativas de abundância de peixes obtidas através de censos visuais subaquáticos (CVS) em seis recifes artificias assentados em ambientes estuarinos, foram comparadas com a abundância relativa estimada através de técnicas de monitoramento remoto com vídeo subaquático (MRVS) e isca para atração dos animais. Os resultados combinados de ambas as técnicas descreveram melhor as espécies associadas aos recifes artificiais de regiões estuarinas. Entretanto, a diferença no número de espécies identificadas e a freqüência de detecção entre ambas as técnicas foram devidas principalmente aos nichos ocupados e ao comportamento específico de cada espécie. A técnica de CVS estimou melhores as espécies raras e crípticas associadas aos recifes. A técnica de MRVS estimou uma proporção menor de espécies, mas foi capaz de identificar mais frequentemente e com mais precisão as espécies recreacionais tais como Acanthopagrus australis, Pagrus auratus e Rhabdosargus sarba. Índices de correlação de abundância de espécies "permanentes" revelaram interações específicas que podem representar uma fonte de erro associada às observações com vídeo remoto.Monitoring strategies which adequately represent the entire community associated with artificial structures will enable more informed decisions regarding the broader effects of artificial structures and their role in the management of fisheries resources. Despite the widespread application of a range of in situ visual monitoring methodologies used in the assessment of artificial structures, the relative biases associated with each method have not been critically examined and remain poorly understood. Estimates of fish abundance on six estuarine artificial reefs carried out by divers using underwater visual census techniques (UVC) were compared with estimates of relative abundance determined by baited remote underwater video (BRUV). It was found that when combined, both methods provided a more comprehensive description of the species associated with estuarine artificial reefs. However, the difference in the number of species detected and the frequency of detection varied between methods. Results indicated that the differences in rates of detection between UVC and BRUV methodologies were primarily related to the ecological niche and behaviour of the species in question. UVC provided better estimates of the rare or cryptic reef associated species. BRUV sampled a smaller proportion of species overall but did identify key recreational species such as Acanthopagrus australis, Pagrus auratus and Rhabdosargus sarba with increased frequency. Correlation of abundance indices for species classified as "permanent" identified interspecific interactions that may act as a source of bias associated with BRUV observations

    Colonization and community development of fish assemblages associated with estuarine artificial reefs

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    A despeito da longa história do desenvolvimento de estruturas artificiais nos estuários de NSW, não existem estudos que apresentem uma avaliação global sobre os efeitos obtidos com o estabelecimento dessas estruturas. No presente trabalho abordamos a efetividade dos recifes artificiais estuarinos como iniciativa para aumento da pesca; descrevemos a diversidade e abundância das espécies a eles associadas; descrevemos os padrões de colonização e o desenvolvimento das comunidades associadas a um recife artificial colocado no Lago Macquaire, extensa lagoa de barreira situada na costa sudeste da Australia. Seis recifes artificiais (formando um único grupo), construídos a partir de unidades artificiais (Reef Balls®), foram lançados em Dezembro de 2005 e amostrados seis vezes a cada estação do ano, durante dois anos, utilizando video subaquático remoto (BRUV). A colonização dentro do grupo de recifes ocorreu de maneira relativamente rápida, sendo que a maioria das espécies identificadas nos dois anos de estudo foi observada durante o primeiro ano de amostragem. Um total de 27 espécies pertencentes a 17 famílias foram identificadas. As espécies chave do processo de colonização foram Pelates sexlineatus (Teraponidae), Acanthopagrus australis (Sparidae), Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and Rhabdosargus sarba (Sparidea). A riqueza de espécies mostrou evidência de sazonalidade, enquanto a diversidade aumentou significativamente com o aumento da idade do recife. A composição da assembléia de peixes permaneceu relativamente estável após o primeiro ano de amostragem, com poucos padrões identificáveis relativos à estrutura. Durante o segundo ano tornou-se evidente a formação de grupos por idade, padrão primariamente ocasionado pelo decréscimo na abundância de P. sexlineatus; por sua vez este decréscimo mostrou ser resultado da natureza isolada do recife artificial e dos efeitos interdependentes de abundância e predação.Despite the long history of the development of artificial structures in NSW estuaries there are no studies that provide any comprehensive scientific evaluation of post-deployment goals. We assessed the effectiveness of estuarine artificial reefs as a fisheries enhancement initiative; described the diversity and abundance of species associated with them, and detailed the patterns of colonization and community development associated with an artificial reef deployment in Lake Macquarie, a large coastal barrier lagoon on the southeast coast of Australia. Six artificial reefs (one artificial reef group), constructed from artificial reef units (Reef Balls®), were deployed in December 2005 and sampled six times per season over two years using baited remote underwater video (BRUV). Colonization of the artificial reef group was relatively rapid with the majority of species identified over the two-year study period observed within the first year post-deployment. Overall, 27 species from 17 families were identified. Key colonising species included Pelates sexlineatus (Terapontidae), Acanthopagrus australis (Sparidae), Pagrus auratus (Sparidae) and Rhabdosargus sarba (Sparidae). Species richness showed evidence of potential seasonal fluctuations, being higher in warm water months (Summer/Autumn), and lower in the colder water months (Winter/Spring), while species diversity increased significantly with reef age. Fish assemblage composition remained relatively stable after the first year of sampling, with few discernible patterns in assemblage structure evident after the first year. Distinct separation in reef age groupings was evident during the second year of sampling; a pattern primarily driven by a decrease in abundance of P. sexlineatus, a result of the isolated nature of the artificial reefs and the interrelated effects of density dependence and predation

    A comparison of methods for estimating fish assemblages associated with estuarine artificial reefs

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    Monitoring strategies which adequately represent the entire community associated with artificial structures will enable more informed decisions regarding the broader effects of artificial structures and their role in the management of fisheries resources. Despite the widespread application of a range of in situ visual monitoring methodologies used in the assessment of artificial structures, the relative biases associated with each method have not been critically examined and remain poorly understood. Estimates of fish abundance on six estuarine artificial reefs carried out by divers using underwater visual census techniques (UVC) were compared with estimates of relative abundance determined by baited remote underwater video (BRUV). It was found that when combined, both methods provided a more comprehensive description of the species associated with estuarine artificial reefs. However, the difference in the number of species detected and the frequency of detection varied between methods. Results indicated that the differences in rates of detection between UVC and BRUV methodologies were primarily related to the ecological niche and behaviour of the species in question. UVC provided better estimates of the rare or cryptic reef associated species. BRUV sampled a smaller proportion of species overall but did identify key recreational species such as Acanthopagrus australis, Pagrus auratus and Rhabdosargus sarba with increased frequency. Correlation of abundance indices for species classified as "permanent" identified interspecific interactions that may act as a source of bias associated with BRUV observations.O monitoramento biológico da comunidade associada a substratos artificiais permite a tomada de decisões corretas em relação ao uso e o papel dos novos habitats no manejo de recursos pesqueiros. Apesar da enorme aplicação das técnicas de censo visual no estudo da ictiofauna em recifes artificiais, os erros relativos de cada metodologia ainda não foram analisados. Estimativas de abundância de peixes obtidas através de censos visuais subaquáticos (CVS) em seis recifes artificias assentados em ambientes estuarinos, foram comparadas com a abundância relativa estimada através de técnicas de monitoramento remoto com vídeo subaquático (MRVS) e isca para atração dos animais. Os resultados combinados de ambas as técnicas descreveram melhor as espécies associadas aos recifes artificiais de regiões estuarinas. Entretanto, a diferença no número de espécies identificadas e a freqüência de detecção entre ambas as técnicas foram devidas principalmente aos nichos ocupados e ao comportamento específico de cada espécie. A técnica de CVS estimou melhores as espécies raras e crípticas associadas aos recifes. A técnica de MRVS estimou uma proporção menor de espécies, mas foi capaz de identificar mais frequentemente e com mais precisão as espécies recreacionais tais como Acanthopagrus australis, Pagrus auratus e Rhabdosargus sarba. Índices de correlação de abundância de espécies "permanentes" revelaram interações específicas que podem representar uma fonte de erro associada às observações com vídeo remoto

    The impact of trammel nets as an MPA soft bottom monitoring method

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    With the global increase of marine protected area (MPA) implementation, the need for monitoring and the evaluation of their effectiveness becomes ever more important. Currently there is a severe lack of information about the protection effects of soft-substrate ecosystems. While many different methods have been established for the monitoring of hard-substrate ecosystems, most of these minimally invasive methods prove ineffective for soft- bottom habitats. Information and quantification of the impact of monitoring methods is needed to provide decision makers with the necessary knowledge to choose appropriate and feasible monitoring methods. In this study we quantify the impact of experimental trammel net fishing as a monitoring method of the soft-substrate demersal fish community using the Arrábida MPA (Portugal) as a case study. Over the 14 biannual sampling campaigns (between 2010 and 2019) 21,873 individuals and 5.61 tonnes of fish were caught. The gear is highly effective with an average catch per unit effort higher than reported for commercial fisheries in adjacent areas. When excluding the pelagic species, mortality rates are 41.2% and 30.4% in numbers and biomass, respectively. Most of the dead individuals belong to small, non-protected species with relatively little commercial value while MPA conservation target groups such as Soleidae and Rajidae have high survival rates. Due to its low size- and species-selectivity and the high survival rate of protected valuable species, the trammel net experimental fishing proved to be an effective monitoring method for soft-substrate demersal fish communities. Given their relatively low impact on the local ecosystem experimental trammel nets are a good alternative for areas where nonextractive methods are not effective. Nevertheless, quantification of the impact of other monitoring methods is necessary to enable the determination of the methods with the lowest mortality and impact for future softsubstrate MPA monitoring.LIFE06 NAT/P/000192 FCT: UID/Multi/04326/2020; DL 57/2016/CP1361/CT0036; European Maritime and Fisheries Fund INFORBIOMARES: POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000047info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio