1,438 research outputs found

    Law, Power, and Knowledge

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    In America the law has been a great source of civic education. Law as litigation, law as case and controversy, law as dynamic local process between contending parties where obligations are made clear and conflicts are defined by lawyers and judges, law advancing by successive approximations has made our society aware of its problems. Individual citizens learned their political responsibilities from laws and. in obeying statutes, came to believe in their provisions

    Law vs. Public Policy: A Critical Exploration

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    President v. Congress: What the Two-Party Duopoly Has Done to the American Separation of Powers

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    President v. Congress: What the Two-Party Duopoly Has Done to the American Separation of Powers

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    Thermal variability induces sex-specific morphometric changes in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    In nature, organisms are exposed to variable environmental conditions that impact their performance and fitness. Despite the ubiquity of environmental variability, substantial knowledge gaps in our understanding of organismal responses to nonconstant thermal regimes remain. In the present study, using zebrafish (Danio rerio) as a model organism, we applied geometric morphometric methods to examine how challenging but ecologically realistic diel thermal fluctuations experienced during different life stages influence adult body shape, size, and condition. Zebrafish were exposed to either thermal fluctuations (22–32°C) or a static optimal temperature (27°C) sharing the same thermal mean during an early period spanning embryonic and larval ontogeny (days 0–30), a later period spanning juvenile and adult ontogeny (days 31–210), or a combination of both. We found that body shape, size, and condition were affected by thermal variability, but these plasticity-mediated changes were dependent on the timing of ontogenetic exposure. Notably, after experiencing fluctuating temperatures during early ontogeny, females displayed a deeper abdomen while males displayed an elongated caudal peduncle region. Moreover, males displayed beneficial acclimation of body condition under lifelong fluctuating temperature exposure, whereas females did not. The present study, using ecologically realistic thermal regimes, provides insight into the timing of environmental experiences that generate phenotypic variation in zebrafish.publishedVersio


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    Od svih sloboda za koje je vođena borba u hladnome ratu, slobodno je poduzeće u konačnici počelo biti dostatnim za stjecanje i svih drugih sloboda. Zadaća političke znanosti sada bi bila razotkriti slaba i nesigurna “sidrišna” mjesta ekonomske ideologije i razviti jedan pristup primjereniji realitetima našega vremena. Naš je novi milenij korporacijski milenij, a to je u vladajućem modelu bilo interpretirano kao da je riječ o mileniju privatnih i slobodnih (to jest, nereguliranih) tržišta. Pokazuje se da svaka teorija sposobna za razumijevanje korporativnih problema mora biti teorija političke ekonomije. Prvi dio ovog članka identicificira šest neizostavnih prethodnih pretpostavki koje mora imati homo economicus da bi stvorio neko tržište ili na njega došao. Drugi dio postavlja problem u globalnom kontekstu, identificirajući tri razvojna kolosijeka – makro, mezo i mikro. Njihovo postojanje onemogućuje čisto ekonomsku teoriju globalizacije. Treći dio opisuje distinktivnu politologiju svakoga od tri kolosijeka, pokazujući još konkluzivnije da je politička ekonomija jedini pristup s kompetencijom za bavljenje novim korporativnim milenijem. U zaključku, autor argumentira da politička ekonomija jest i treba biti nova politička znanost kakvu ova nova era i zahtijeva.Of all the freedoms for which the cold war was fought, free eterprise was deemed sufficient for acquisition of all other freedoms. The task of political science should now be to expose the loose and insecure moorings of economic ideology and to develop an approach more appropriate to the realities of our time. Our new millennium is a corporate millenium that has been interpreted in the hegemonic model to mean private and free (that is, unregulated) markets. However, any theory capable of incorporating the corporation has to be one of political economy. The first section of this article identifies six state-provided assumptions homo economicus has to be able to make prior to making or entering a market, without which homo economicus stays home. The second section puts the issue in a global context by identifying three developmental tracks – macro, meso, and micro. Their existence denies the possibility of a pure economic theory of globalization. The third section describes the distinctive politics of each of the three tracks, demonstrating still more conslusively that political economy is the only approach competent to deal with the new corporate millenium. In conclusion, the autor argues that political economy is and should be the new political science that this new era requires

    La imagen personal y corporal en la transición Escuela Media-Universidad

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    El cuerpo y la imagen corporal intervienen en el desarrollo psicológico desde el momento en que se configura la identidad personal y social de los sujetos, en un proceso de diferenciación de la persona como un individuo separado, que sintetiza y unifica la diversidad de sus experiencias en el mundo (Carballo y Bonilla, 2000). En nuestro trabajo de diagnóstico psicopedagógico del alumno ingresante a la Universidad Juan Agustín Maza de Mendoza nos propusimos profundizar en aspectos no sólo también en la imagen personal y corporal de los estudiantes. Objetivos Explorar la vivencia de la imagen personal y corporal de los estudiantes en momentos de transición de la educación secundaria a la Universidad y considerando esta particular etapa evolutiva

    Power, norms and institutional change in the European Union: the protection of the free movement of goods

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    How do institutions of the European Union change? Using an institutionalist approach, this article highlights the interplay between power, cognitive limits, and the normative order that underpins institutional settings and assesses their impact upon the process of institutional change. Empirical evidence from recent attempts to reinforce the protection of the free movement of goods in the EU suggests that, under conditions of uncertainty, actors with ambiguous preferences assess attempts at institutional change on the basis of the historically defined normative order which holds a given institutional structure together. Hence, path dependent and incremental change occurs even when more ambitious and functionally superior proposals are on offer

    The Cool and Deliberate Sense of the Community : \u3cem\u3eThe Federalist\u3c/em\u3e on Congress

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    The American civic canon holds that the Constitution creates three branches of government that are both separate and “equal.” Publius’s essays on Congress cast serious doubt on this supposition, at least with respect to the extent of each branch’s influence on the workings of the national regime. It is no mistake that both the Constitution and The Federalist treat Congress as the first branch of government. It is “justly regarded” as such, Louis Fisher says, primarily because of the appropriations power elucidated in Federalist 58. The Federalist understands Congress, George W. Carey writes, “to be the heart of the proposed system.” Even the doubts and concerns that Publius expresses about Congress reflect regard for its authority. Federalist 51, for example, acknowledges that the legislature “necessarily predominates” (Fed. 51, 350) in a republic, but it also seeks a remedy for the “inconveniency” this poses to the separation of powers. Institutionally, Congress has the power both to constitute and discipline the other branches, which have no comparable authority over it. Even when defending executive energy, Publius describes it as secondary to legislative deliberation. The centrality of the legislative branch is demonstrable not only institutionally but also theoretically, for it is here that Publius places his greatest hopes for solving one of his most fundamental problems: the reconciliation of a government with sufficient authority and energy on the one hand, with the preservation of both public and personal liberty, on the other – a concern that Hamilton and Madison respectively expressed in Federalist 1 and 37