309 research outputs found

    Management of natural resources through automatic cartographic inventory

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Significant results of the ARNICA program (February - December 1973) were: (1) The quantitative processing of ERTS-1 data was developed along two lines: the study of geological structures and lineaments of Spanish Catalonia, and the phytogeographical study of the forest region of the Landes of Gascony (France). In both cases it is shown that the ERTS-1 imagery can be used in establishing zonings of equal quantitative interpretation value. (2) In keeping with the operational transfer program proposed in previous reports between exploration of the imagery and charting of the object, a precise data processing method was developed, concerning more particularly the selection of digital equidensity samples computer display and rigorous referencing

    Nitrogen dynamics in the shallow groundwater of a riparian wetland zone of the Garonne, SW France: nitrate inputs, bacterial densities, organic matter supply and denitrification measurements

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    This study highlights the role of interactions between surface and sub-surface water of the riparian zone of a large river (the Garonne, SW France). Information is given about the role of surface water in supplying Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC ) to the riparian zone for nitrate removal processes. The densities of bacteria (up to 3.3106 cell m L-1) in groundwater are strongly conditioned by the water moving during flood events. Total bacterial densities in groundwater were related to surface water bacterial densities. In sediment, total bacteria are attached mainly to fine particles (90 % in the fraction < 1 mm). Spatial variations in organic carbon and nitrate content in groundwater at the site studied are correlated with exchanges between the groundwater and the river, from the upstream to the downstream part of the meander. Total bacterial densities, nitrate and decressing organic carbon concentrations follow the same pattern. These results suggest that, in this kind of riparian wetland, nitrate from alluvial groundwater influenced by agricultural practices may be denitrified by bacteria in the presence of organic carbon from river surface water

    A Cross Cultural Perspective of Adherence for Racial/Ethnic Minority Women with HIV, Living in the United States

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    HIV persists as a global public health tragedy, as more than 36 million lives have been lost to HIV/AIDS. A diagnosis of HIV can be treated as a chronic disease, for those who adhere to their medication regimens and other health recommendations. However, for racial/ethnic minorities living in the United States, many of whom face a multitude of barriers, adherence to medications and medical appointments can be a challenge. For racial/ethnic minority women, specifically, gender roles, HIV stigma, racism, inconsistent access to healthcare, financial and food insecurity are just a few of the barriers they experience, which may interfere with their ability to adhere to medical treatment. For immigrant women, low language literacy, which is linked to health literacy, may further exacerbate these lives where staff and services provide culturally and linguistically competent services. This paper reports parts of a larger mixed-methods inquiry. The goal is part of larger study to develop an intervention for racial/ethnic minority women with HIV, living in the Southeastern region of the United States

    SURFATM-NH3: a model combining the surface energy balance and bi-directional exchanges of ammonia applied at the field scale

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    A new biophysical model SURFATM-NH3, simulating the ammonia (NH&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;) exchange between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere is presented. SURFATM-NH3 consists of two coupled models: (i) an energy budget model and (ii) a pollutant exchange model, which distinguish the soil and plant exchange processes. The model describes the exchanges in terms of adsorption to leaf cuticles and bi-directional transport through leaf stomata and soil. The results of the model are compared with the flux measurements over grassland during the GRAMINAE Integrated Experiment at Braunschweig, Germany. The dataset of GRAMINAE allows the model to be tested in various meteorological and agronomic conditions: prior to cutting, after cutting and then after the application of mineral fertilizer. The whole comparison shows close agreement between model and measurements for energy budget and ammonia fluxes. The major controls on the ground and plant emission potential are the physicochemical parameters for liquid-gas exchanges which are integrated in the compensation points for live leaves, litter and the soil surface. Modelled fluxes are highly sensitive to soil and plant surface temperatures, highlighting the importance of accurate estimates of these terms. The model suggests that the net flux depends not only on the foliar (stomatal) compensation point but also that of leaf litter. SURFATM-NH3 represents a comprehensive approach to studying pollutant exchanges and its link with plant and soil functioning. It also provides a simplified generalised approach (SVAT model) applicable for atmospheric transport models

    Sexual risk reduction among Zambian couples

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    Zambia has over 1 million HIV infections nationwide and an urban prevalence rate of 23%. This study compared the impact of maleinvolvement in multiple and single session risk reduction interventions among inconsistent condom users in Zambia and the role ofserostatus among HIV-seropositive and serodiscordant couples. Couples (N=392) were randomised into intervention arms. Amonginconsistent condom users at baseline (N=83), condom use increased in both conditions and this increase was maintained over a 12-month period. At 12 months, seronegative men in the multiple session condition increased sexual barrier (male and female condoms)use in comparison with those in the single session condition (F=16.13, p=0.001) while seropositive individuals increased sexualbarrier use regardless of condition. Results illustrate the importance of both single and multiple session risk reduction counsellingamong seronegative men in serodiscordant couples in Zambia, and highlight the differing perception of risk between seropositiveand serodiscordant persons.Keywords: HIV, men, women, Africa, high-risk behaviour, behavioural intervention

    Reference procedures for the measurement of gaseous emissions from livestock houses and stores of animal manure.

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    In the ten years before the EMILI 2012 symposium, gaseous losses from animal farms became increasingly important in the m edia. The paradox of this tendency was the great number of publications, scientific or not, even though the emissions of most animal farms had never been measured. Therefor e, the development of reference tools to measure greenhouse gas and ammonia emissio ns was important. Such tools allow recognition and remuneration of the best pract ices and equipment. Accordingly, ADEME funded an international project associating several research and development organizations involved with the animal production chain. The project proposed an initial set of 18 procedures to measure ammonia and greenho use gas emissions from animal houses and manure stores. These were adapted to the diversity of animal farms found throughout the world. Some methods were compared duri ng a ?building? and a ?liquid manure? experiment. Results showed a high difference among methods (ca. 80%), much higher than the estimated uncertainty. Associat ing independent emission measurements, together with a mass balance of the system, is necessary for the reliability of further results. However, previously published references lack uncertainty estimates of measurements that conform to GUM 2008. In the coming years, this is one of the major concerns for measuring emission factor s. Uncertainty estimates should depend on the measurand (temporal: hourly, per batch, yearly; spatial: animal, house, national) and include the uncertainties associated with system representativity and temporal interpolation.Edited by Mélynda Hassouna and Nadine Guingand

    Intercomparison of eddy-covariance software for urban tall-tower sites

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    Long-term tall-tower eddy-covariance (EC) measurements have been recently established in three European pilot cities as part of the ICOS-Cities project. We conducted a comparison of EC software to ensure a reliable generation of interoperable flux estimates, which is the prerequisite for avoiding methodological biases and improving the comparability of the results. We analyzed datasets covering 5 months collected from EC tall-tower installations located in urbanized areas of Munich, Zurich, and Paris. Fluxes of sensible heat, latent heat, and CO2 were calculated using three software packages (i.e., TK3, EddyPro, and eddy4R) to assess the uncertainty of flux estimations attributed to differences in implemented postprocessing schemes. A very good agreement on the mean values and standard deviations was found across all three sites, which can probably be attributed to a uniform instrumentation, data acquisition, and preprocessing. The overall comparison of final flux time series products showed a good but not yet perfect agreement among the three software packages. TK3 and EddyPro both calculated fluxes with low-frequency spectral correction, resulting in better agreement than between TK3 and the eddy4R workflow with disabled low-frequency spectral treatment. These observed flux discrepancies indicate the crucial role of treating low-frequency spectral loss in flux estimation for tall-tower EC systems.</p
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