32 research outputs found

    La argumentación a favor del trabajo sexual y sus implicaciones éticas

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    Cómo deben actuar los Estados democráticos modernos ante la práctica de la prostitución constituye actualmente una cuestión polémica. Dentro del movimiento feminista la forma de resolver este problema ha generado una brecha que parece difícil de resolver. Las partidarias de que los gobiernos regularicen la prostitución como una relación laboral más justifican su postura con argumentos que consideran sólidos jurídicamente y neutrales desde el punto de vista ético.Afirman que las razones dadas para prohibir la prostitución y para no considerarla una actividad laboral son razones morales. A su vez, sostienen que los Estados democráticos de derecho no tienen como función el imponer creencias éticas a sus ciudadanos sino salvaguardar los derechos de los mismos, en especial elderecho a la libertad individual. En el trabajo recojo los argumentos esgrimidos a favor y en contra de que la prostitución deba regularizarse como un trabajo y muestro cómo el razonamiento de las representantes del feminismo a favor del trabajo sexual está construido sobre una teoría ética que se presupone comoválida y que, por lo tanto, no es objeto de discusión. Sostengo que la forma más adecuada de llegar a un consenso sobre este tema sería plantear abiertamente y de forma previa al debate político y jurídico, una reflexión ética sobre qué postulados y que concepción moral de la sexualidad nos parecen más valiosos para tratar este complejo problema

    Predictors of Response to Exclusive Enteral Nutrition in Newly Diagnosed Crohn´s Disease in Children: PRESENCE Study from SEGHNP

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    Exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) has been shown to be more effective than corticosteroids in achieving mucosal healing in children with Crohn´s disease (CD) without the adverse effects of these drugs. The aims of this study were to determine the efficacy of EEN in terms of inducing clinical remission in children newly diagnosed with CD, to describe the predictive factors of response to EEN and the need for treatment with biological agents during the first 12 months of the disease. We conducted an observational retrospective multicentre study that included paediatric patients newly diagnosed with CD between 2014–2016 who underwent EEN. Two hundred and twenty-two patients (140 males) from 35 paediatric centres were included, with a mean age at diagnosis of 11.6 ± 2.5 years. The median EEN duration was 8 weeks (IQR 6.6–8.5), and 184 of the patients (83%) achieved clinical remission (weighted paediatric Crohn’s Disease activity index [wPCDAI] 15 mg/L and ileal involvement tended to respond better to EEN. EEN administered for 6–8 weeks is effective for inducing clinical remission. Due to the high response rate in our series, EEN should be used as the first-line therapy in luminal paediatric Crohn’s disease regardless of the location of disease and disease activityS

    Coeducation versus single-sex education in Spain : does the election between these models have a repercussion on the transmission of the democratic value of gender equality at school?

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    This study aims to address, from a legal-constitutional and gender perspective, a political and scholarly legal debate that is currently at the forefront in Spain concerning two opposing educational models: coeducation versus single-sex education. It will be explained the terms of the debate now concerning single-sex education in Spain, related more to the recruitment stage than to a different pedagogical model or curriculum to be given. While this debate has been wide spread in the Anglo-American context, it has nevertheless not been developed extensively in the Spanish legal scholarly literature nor in the political sphere. Even so, as will be shown, some relevant studies have been undertaken regarding the issue of defending one or the other model and adopting a certain position with regard to the suitability or not of supporting single-sex schools with public funds. In this paper it will be examined who defends or rejects single-sex or coeducation in the legal scholarship and political debate and on what grounds. The main question I will attempt to answer in these pages is the following: does the election between these models in Spain have a repercussion on the transmission and achievement of constitutional/democratic values, such as the real and effective equality between men and women

    La igualdad real y efectiva desde la perspectiva del género en la jurisprudencia del tribunal constitucional federal alemán y el tribunal constitucional español

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    The proposal of these paper is to offer a comparative view of the german and spanish Constitucionals Courts doctrine, in the interpretation of gender equality and the non sex-discrimination principle, and to analise how, through their doctrines, they contribute to obtain the equality of treatment between women and men.Este trabajo aborda el estudio comparado del tratamiento de la jurisprudencia constitucional de España y Alemania del derecho a la igualdad y principio de no discriminación por razón de sexo y analiza cómo contribuye la doctrina constitucional en la consecución de la Igualdad real y efectiva entre mujeres y hombres en todos los ámbitos de la vida