472 research outputs found

    Are microtargeted campaign messages more negative and diverse? An analysis of Facebook Ads in European election campaigns

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    Concerns about the use of online political microtargeting (OPM) by campaigners have arisen since the Cambridge Analytica scandal hit the international political arena. In addition to providing conceptual clarity on OPM and explore the use of such techniques in Europe, this paper seeks to empirically disentangle the differing behaviours of campaigners when they message citizens through microtargeted rather than non-targeted campaigning. More precisely, I hypothesise that campaigners use negative campaigning and are more diverse in terms of topics when they use OPM. To investigate whether these expectations hold true, I use text-as-data techniques to analyse an original dataset of 4,091 political Facebook Ads during the last national elections in Austria, Italy, Germany and Sweden. Results show that while microtargeted ads might indeed be more thematically diverse, there does not seem to be a significant difference to non-microtargeted ads in terms of negativity. In conclusion, I discuss the implications of these findings for microtargeted campaigns and how future research could be conducted

    Analisis de rentabilidad de la produccion de leche en la Unidad de Produccion "Las Palmeras" en la Comarca Las Lajas del municipio de Camoapa, periodo de julio a diciembre 2020

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    El presente estudio tiene la finalidad de analizar la rentabilidad de la producción de leche en la Unidad Productiva” Las palmeras” en la comarca Las Lajas del municipio de Camoapa en el departamento de Boaco. La investigación es cuantitativa no experimental, basada en la contabilización de los ingresos y costos de producción por un período de 06 meses para determinar la rentabilidad del sistema a través del indicador ROI (Rentabilidad sobre la inversión). Las variables evaluadas fueron: Ingresos, derivados de la venta de leche producida en el período; los costos de producción, que consideró los materiales (alimentos y medicamentos), mano de obra directa y costos indirectos de producción, que incluye la depreciación del activo biológico; y, por último, el Retorno de la Inversión (ROI) para medir la rentabilidad. Los ingresos reportados en el presente estudio se derivaron de la venta de leche producida en la unidad productiva por un período de 6 meses, siendo 37.21 córdobas por vaca/día; los costos de producción resultado de contabilizar los costos de los materiales (alimentos y medicina), mano de obra directa y costos indirectos de producción fue de 49.84 córdobas por vaca/día. La unidad de producción “Las palmeras” posee una rentabilidad sobre la inversión del 48.7% 0sea que por cada córdoba invertid se recuperó y se obtuvo C$ 0.487 (cero punto cuarenta y ocho con siete centavos) de rentabilidad

    Microscopy: advances in scientific research and education

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    Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive Sperctroscopy (EDS) are two analysis techniques that are widely used to study all kinds of solid samples, from inorganic to biological. They are used to determine morphological features of interest at a micron and sub-micron level as well as to study the chemical composition of the samples in terms of the amount of each element present. Although these analytical techniques are “routine work” in many research areas, it is not the case of the dental area, mainly because the lack of this equipment in the dental research institutes and in dental schools. Therefore, in this chapter we show the SEM/EDS techniques applied to human dental samples when irradiated with a laser Er:YAG to prevent caries. The intention of this work is to show step by step this analysis showing the key variables to consider when working with this type of biological samples. We explain the SEM conditions to obtain satisfactory images especially when it is important to follow a sequence of steps of a treatment in-vitro that changes the morphological structure of the teeth surface. Also, we discuss the EDS analysis to semiquantitatively determine the elements and their abundance in the dental samples

    TWEAK promotes peritoneal inflammation

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is complicated by peritonitis episodes that cause loss of mesothelium and eventually sclerosing peritonitis. An improved understanding of the molecular contributors to peritoneal injury and defense may increase the therapeutic armamentarium to optimize peritoneal defenses while minimizing peritoneal injury. There is no information on the expression and function of the cytokine TWEAK and its receptor Fn14 during peritoneal injury. Fn14 expression and soluble TWEAK levels were measured in human PD peritoneal effluent cells or fluids with or without peritonitis. Fn14 expression was also analyzed in peritoneal biopsies from PD patients. Actions of intraperitoneal TWEAK were studied in mice in vivo. sTWEAK levels were increased in peritoneal effluent in PD peritonitis. Effluent sTWEAK levels correlated with the number of peritoneal macrophages (r = 0.491, p = 0.002). Potential TWEAK targets that express the receptor Fn14 include mesothelial cells and macrophages, as demonstrated by flow cytometry of peritoneal effluents and by analysis of peritoneal biopsies. Peritoneal biopsy Fn14 correlated with mesothelial injury, fibrosis and inflammation, suggesting a potential deleterious effect of TWEAK/Fn14. In this regard, intraperitoneal TWEAK administration to mice promoted peritoneal inflammation characterized by increased peritoneal effluent MCP-1, Fn14 and Gr1+ macrophages, increased mesothelial Fn14, MCP-1 and CCL21 expression and submesothelial tissue macrophage recruitment. Taken together these data suggest that the TWEAK/Fn14 system may promote inflammation and tissue injury during peritonitis and PD.This work was supported by FIS PS09/00447, PI08/1564, PI10/00234, MS12/03262, FEDER funds ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN/RD06/0016, RD12/0021, Comunidad de Madrid (Fibroteam S2010/BMD-2321, S2010/BMD-2378). Programa Intensificación Actividad Investigadora (ISCIII/Agencia Laı´n-Entralgo/CM) to AO, Programa Estabilizacio´n Investigadores to LB-C, Miguel Servet to ABS, Sara Borrell to BS, MDSN. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties of Carbosilane Dendrimers Functionalized with Polyphenolic Moieties

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    A new family of polyphenolic carbosilane dendrimers functionalized with ferulic, caffeic, and gallic acids has been obtained through a straightforward amidation reaction. Their antioxidant activity has been studied by different techniques such as DPPH (2,2 '-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay, FRAP assay (ferric reducing antioxidant power), and cyclic voltammetry. The antioxidant analysis showed that polyphenolic dendrimers exhibited higher activities than free polyphenols in all cases. The first-generation dendrimer decorated with gallic acid stood out as the best antioxidant compound, displaying a correlation between the number of hydroxyl groups in the polyphenol structure and the antioxidant activity of the compounds. Moreover, the antibacterial capacity of these new systems has been screened against Gram-positive (+) and Gram-negative (-) bacteria, and we observed that polyphenolic dendrimers functionalized with caffeic and gallic acids were capable of decreasing bacterial growth. In contrast, ferulic carbosilane dendrimers and free polyphenols showed no effect, establishing a correlation between antioxidant activity and antibacterial capacity. Finally, a viability assay in human skin fibroblasts cells (HFF-1) allowed for corroborating the nontoxicity of the polyphenolic dendrimers at their active antibacterial concentration.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La ManchaComunidad de Madri

    Exploring the Interactions of Ruthenium (II) carbosilane metallodendrimers and precursors with model cell membranes through a dual spin label spin probe technique using EPR

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    Dendrimers exhibit unique interactions with cell membranes, arising from their nanometric size and high surface area. To a great extent, these interactions define their biological activity and can be reported in situ by spin-labelling techniques. Schiff-base carbosilane ruthenium (II) metallodendrimers are promising antitumor agents with a mechanism of action yet to explore. In order to study their in situ interactions with model cell membranes occurring at a molecular level, namely cetyltrimethylammonium bromide micelles (CTAB) and lecithin liposomes (LEC), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was selected. Both a spin probe, 4-(N,N-dimethyl-N-dodecyl)ammonium-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl bromide (CAT12), able to enter the model membranes, and a spin label, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) covalently attached at newly synthesized heterofunctional dendrimers, were used to provide complementary information on the dendrimer-membrane interactions. The computer-aided EPR analysis demonstrated a good agreement between the results obtained for the spin probe and spin label experiments. Both points of view suggested the partial insertion of the dendrimer surface groups into the surfactant aggregates, mainly CTAB micelles, and the occurrence of both polar and hydrophobic interactions, while dendrimer-LEC interactions involved more polar interactions between surface groups. We found out that subtle changes in the dendrimer structure greatly modified their interacting abilities and, subsequently, their anticancer activity


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    Skin manifestations have been reported in up to 20% of cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection, including morbilliform rash (22%), pernio-like acral lesions (18%), urticaria (16%), and macular erythema (13%). It is believed that in the case of SARS-CoV-2 infection, the mechanism involved is an inflammatory response that generates immune dysregulation, vascular congestion, vasculitis, vascular thrombosis, or neoangiogenesis. This case study, present the case of a patient with no previous history of urticarial reactions, autoimmune diseases, or exposure to medications who develops generalized urticaria lasting more than 24 hours and who was diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR with a nasopharyngeal swab. We suggest in this patient vasculitic urticaria as a manifestation of SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Latin America Climate-Smart Villages AR4D sites: 2019 Inventory

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    Inventory of CSA practices evaluated and/or implemented across Latin America’s Climate-Smart Villages in 2019

    A predictive model and risk factors for case fatality of covid-19

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    This study aimed to create an individualized analysis model of the risk of intensive care unit (ICU) admission or death for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients as a tool for the rapid clinical management of hospitalized patients in order to achieve a resilience of medical resources. This is an observational, analytical, retrospective cohort study with longitudinal follow-up. Data were collected from the medical records of 3489 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 using RT-qPCR in the period of highest community transmission recorded in Europe to date: February–June 2020. The study was carried out in in two health areas of hospital care in the Madrid region: the central area of the Madrid capital (Hospitales de Madrid del Grupo HM Hospitales (CH-HM), n = 1931) and the metropolitan area of Madrid (Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias (MH-HUPA) n = 1558). By using a regression model, we observed how the different patient variables had unequal importance. Among all the analyzed variables, basal oxygen saturation was found to have the highest relative importance with a value of 20.3%, followed by age (17.7%), lymphocyte/leukocyte ratio (14.4%), CRP value (12.5%), comorbidities (12.5%), and leukocyte count (8.9%). Three levels of risk of ICU/death were established: low-risk level (20%). At the high-risk level, 13% needed ICU admission, 29% died, and 37% had an ICU–death outcome. This predictive model allowed us to individualize the risk for worse outcome for hospitalized patients affected by COVID-19