9,255 research outputs found

    The effects of verbal cueing on implicit hand maps

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    The use of position sense to perceive the external spatial location of the body requires that immediate proprioceptive afferent signals be combined with stored representations of body size and shape. Longo and Haggard (2010) developed a method to isolate and measure this representation in which participants judge the location of several landmarks on their occluded hand. The relative location of judgments is used to construct a perceptual map of hand shape. Studies using this paradigm have revealed large, and highly stereotyped, distortions of the hand, which is represented as wider than it actually is and with shortened fingers. Previous studies using this paradigm have cued participants to respond by giving verbal labels of the knuckles and fingertips. A recent study has shown differential effects of verbal and tactile cueing of localisation judgments about bodily landmarks (Cardinali et al., 2011). The present study therefore investigated implicit hand maps measuring through localisation judgments made in response to verbal labels and tactile stimuli applied to the same landmarks. The characteristic set of distortions of hand size and shape were clearly apparent in both conditions, indicating that the distortions reported previously are not an artefact of the use of verbal cues. However, there were also differences in the magnitude of distortions between conditions, suggesting that the use of verbal cues may alter the representation of the body underlying position sense

    A simplified edge illumination set-up for quantitative phase contrast mammography with synchrotron radiation at clinical doses

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    This work presents the first study of x-ray phase contrast imaging based on a simple implementation of the edge illumination method (EIXPCi) in the field of mammography with synchrotron radiation. A simplified EIXPCi set-up was utilized to study a possible application in mammography at clinical doses. Moreover, through a novel algorithm capable of separating and quantifying absorption and phase perturbations of images acquired in EIXPCi modality, it is possible to extract quantitative information on breast images, allowing an accurate tissue identification. The study was carried out at the SYRMEP beamline of Elettra synchrotron radiation facility (Trieste, Italy), where a mastectomy specimen was investigated with the EIXPCi technique. The sample was exposed at three different energies suitable for mammography with synchrotron radiation in order to test the validity of the novel algorithm in extracting values of linear attenuation coefficients integrated over the sample thickness. It is demonstrated that the quantitative data are in good agreement with the theoretical values of linear attenuation coefficients calculated on the hypothesis of the breast with a given composition. The results are promising and encourage the current efforts to apply the method in mammography with synchrotron radiation

    No correlation between distorted body representations underlying tactile distance perception and position sense

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    Both tactile distance perception and position sense are believed to require that immediate afferent signals be referenced to a stored representation of body size and shape (the body model). For both of these abilities, recent studies have reported that the stored body representations involved are highly distorted, at least in the case of the hand, with the hand dorsum represented as wider and squatter than it actually is. Here, we investigated whether individual differences in the magnitude of these distortions are shared between tactile distance perception and position sense, as would be predicted by the hypothesis that a single distorted body model underlies both tasks. We used established tasks to measure distortions of the represented shape of the hand dorsum. Consistent with previous results, in both cases there were clear biases to overestimate distances oriented along the medio-lateral axis of the hand compared to the proximo- distal axis. Moreover, within each task there were clear split-half correlations, demonstrating that both tasks show consistent individual differences. Critically, however, there was no correlation between the magnitudes of distortion in the two tasks. This casts doubt on the proposal that a common body model underlies both tactile distance perception and position sense

    Light scattering observations of spin reversal excitations in the fractional quantum Hall regime

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    Resonant inelastic light scattering experiments access the low lying excitations of electron liquids in the fractional quantum Hall regime in the range 2/5ν1/32/5 \geq \nu \geq 1/3. Modes associated with changes in the charge and spin degrees of freedom are measured. Spectra of spin reversed excitations at filling factor ν1/3\nu \gtrsim 1/3 and at ν2/5\nu \lesssim 2/5 identify a structure of lowest spin-split Landau levels of composite fermions that is similar to that of electrons. Observations of spin wave excitations enable determinations of energies required to reverse spin. The spin reversal energies obtained from the spectra illustrate the significant residual interactions of composite fermions. At ν=1/3\nu = 1/3 energies of spin reversal modes are larger but relatively close to spin conserving excitations that are linked to activated transport. Predictions of composite fermion theory are in good quantitative agreement with experimental results.Comment: Submitted to special issue of Solid State Com

    Posture modulates implicit hand maps

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    Several forms of somatosensation require that afferent signals be informed by stored representations of body size and shape. Recent results have revealed that position sense relies on a highly distorted body representation. Changes of internal hand posture produce plastic alterations of processing in somatosensory cortex. This study therefore investigated how such postural changes affect implicit body representations underlying position sense. Participants localized the knuckles and tips of each finger in external space in two postures: the fingers splayed (Apart posture) or pressed together (Together posture). Comparison of the relative locations of the judgments of each landmark were used to construct implicit maps of represented hand structure. Spreading the fingers apart produced increases in the implicit representation of hand size, with no apparent effect on hand shape. Thus, changes of internal hand posture produce rapid modulation of how the hand itself is represented, paralleling the known effects on somatosensory cortical processing

    The effects of immediate vision on implicit hand maps

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    Perceiving the external spatial location of the limbs using position sense requires that immediate proprioceptive afferent signals be combined with a stored body model specifying the size and shape of the body. Longo and Haggard (Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107:11727–11732, 2010) developed a method to isolate and measure this body model in the case of the hand in which participants judge the perceived location in external space of several landmarks on their occluded hand. The spatial layout of judgments of different landmarks is used to construct implicit hand maps, which can then be compared with actual hand shape. Studies using this paradigm have revealed that the body model of the hand is massively distorted, in a highly stereotyped way across individuals, with large underestimation of finger length and overestimation of hand width. Previous studies using this paradigm have allowed participants to see the locations of their judgments on the occluding board. Several previous studies have demonstrated that immediate vision, even when wholly non-informative, can alter processing of somatosensory signals and alter the reference frame in which they are localised. The present study therefore investigated whether immediate vision contributes to the distortions of implicit hand maps described previously. Participants judged the external spatial location of the tips and knuckles of their occluded left hand either while being able to see where they were pointing (as in previous studies) or while blindfolded. The characteristic distortions of implicit hand maps reported previously were clearly apparent in both conditions, demonstrating that the distortions are not an artefact of immediate vision. However, there were significant differences in the magnitude of distortions in the two conditions, suggesting that vision may modulate representations of body size and shape, even when entirely non-informative

    Understanding breast-cancer patients’ perceptions: Health information-seeking behaviour and passive information receipt

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    It is critical to understand patients’ information use from the patient perspective, especially when patients are from different cultures and levels of health literacy. A cross-sectional survey supplemented with interviews of breast cancer survivors including both Latina and non- Latina women was undertaken. Subjects were classified as active information seekers, passive information receivers, and/or users of information. Subjects were further classified by stage of information use, progressing from unawareness or awareness of available information to use or non-use of information to make health decisions. Information sources used and use patterns were examined. Most were active information seekers; many were also passive receivers. Healthcare providers remain the primary information source. Interpersonal communication was far more often cited than either the internet or traditional print and broadcast media. Important cross-cultural differences were found. This study provides insight into how patients use actively sought and passively received information. Despite dramatic growth of the internet and other new media, healthcare providers currently remain keys to health information. Findings may help develop more successful communication strategies when viewed in light of the National Cancer Institute’s ‘Making Health Communication Programs Work’ and the four stages it proposes. It is hoped that future work will focus on evidence-based methods to improve health communication, especially for vulnerable populations. A major lesson learned is the importance of understanding where patients decided to seek information outside the traditional provideroriented approach taken in many health education programmes

    Direct test of composite fermion model in quantum Hall systems

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    We show that neutron scattering and Raman scattering experiments can unambiguously determine a composite fermion parameter, viz., the effective number of Landau Levels filled by the composite fermions. For this purpose, one needs partially polarized or more preferably unpolarized quantum Hall states. We further find that spin correlation function acts as an order parameter in the spin transition.Comment: 18 page

    Degassing behavior of Mt. Etna volcano (Italy) during 2007-2008, inferred

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    Studies on volcanic degassing have recently shown the important role of volatile release from active volcanoes in understanding magmatic processes prior to eruptions. Here we present and discuss the evolution of magmatic degassing that preceded and accompanied the 2008 Mt. Etna eruption. We tracked the ascent of magma bodies by high-temporal resolution measurements of SO2 emission rates and discrete sampling of SO2/HCl and SO2/HF molar ratios in the crater plume, as well as by periodic measurement of soil CO2 emission rates. Our data suggest that the first signs of upward migration of gas-rich magma before the 2008 eruption were observed in June 2007, indicated by a strong increase in soil CO2 efflux followed by a slow declining trend in SO2 flux and halogens. This degassing behavior preceded the mid-August 2007 summit activity culminated with the September 4th paroxysmal event. Five months later, a new increase in both soil CO2 and SO2 emission rates occurred before the November 23rd paroxysm, to drop down in late December. In the following months, geochemical parameters showed high variability, characterized by isolated sudden increases occurred in early December 2007 and late March 2008. In early May soil CO2, SO2 emission rates and S/Cl molar ratio gradually increased. Crater degassing peaked on May 13th marking the onset of the eruption. Eruptive activity was accompanied by a general steady-state of SO2 flux characterized by two main degassing cycles. These cycles preceded explosive activity at the eruptive vents, indicating terminal new-arrival of deep gas-rich magma bodies in the shallow plumbing system of Mt Etna. Conversely, halogens described a slight increasing trend till the end of 2008. These observations suggest an impulsive syn-eruptive dynamics of magma transfer from depth to the surface. Differently from the SO2 emission rates, the S/Cl ratio and the soil CO2 efflux values showed an increasing trend from mid-April to mid-July 2008, indicating steady-increasing input of deeper, gas-rich magma. Since August, geochemical parameters decreased, suggesting that new magma has not arrived from depth. According to our interpretation, both the CO2 efflux and the S/Cl ratio increases observed in early November may indicate a new input of fresh magma form depth. Finally, the estimated volume of degassing magma showed substantial equilibrium between degassed and erupted magma suggesting an “eruptive” steady-state of the volcano

    Ex-vivo Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy: The First Application For Real-Time Pathologic Examination of Prostatic Tissue

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    Prostate cancer "real time" intra-operative pathological examination currently utilizes frozen section, despite the many inherent limitations of this procedure. Ex vivo Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy (FCM) is a novel technology, which provides fast microscopic fluorescence and reflectance tissue imaging. FCM has been proven beneficial in colorectal, breast, thyroid and skin lesions. However, it was never applied in urology. The aim of our study is to report the first application of FCM in the urologic field assessing its diagnostic accuracy for non-neoplastic and cancerous prostate tissue (prostatic adenocarcinoma) compared to the gold standard histopathological diagnoses.Objective: To report the first application of ex vivo fluorescence confocal microscopy (FCM) - a novel optical technology that is capable of providing fast microscopic imaging of unfixed tissue specimens- in the urological field assessing its diagnostic accuracy for non neoplastic and cancerous prostate tissue (prostatic adenocarcinoma) compared to the 'gold standard' histopathological diagnoses. Patients and methods: In all, 89 specimens from 13 patients with clinically localised prostate cancer were enrolled into the study. All patients underwent robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with fresh prostatic tissue biopsies taken at the end of each intervention using an 18-G biopsy punch. Specimens were randomly assigned to the three collaborating pathologists for evaluation. Intra- and inter-observer agreement was tested by the means of Cohen's κ. The diagnostic performance was evaluated on receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Results: The overall diagnostic agreement between FCM and histopathological diagnoses was substantial with a 91% correct diagnosis (κ = 0.75) and an area under the curve of 0.884 (95% confidence interval 0.840–0.920), 83.33% sensitivity, and 93.53% specificity. Conclusion: FCM seems to be a promising tool for enhanced specimens' reporting performance, given its simple application and very rapid microscopic image generation (<5 min/specimen). This technique may potentially be used for intraoperative pathological specimens' analysis