2,209 research outputs found

    Integración territorial de palestina caldas A través de los macroproyectos de Importancia regional

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    El desarrollo de estrategias y mecanismos para la integración territorial es de gran importancia para el municipio de Palestina y otros similares que ostentan la categoría más baja dentro de la clasificación municipal, condicionada por algunas características de desarticulación física y funcional en el territorio. Asimismo, es relevante y extrapolable a otros municipios que han sido objeto de la implantación de macroproyectos de importancia regional, sin la planeación adecuada, ni una articulación al contexto y a las características municipales. La primera contribución de esta investigación consiste en la elaboración de la caracterización regional del territorio y de la unidad de análisis, desde las dimensiones del desarrollo y sus atributos, estableciendo los desequilibrios en la ocupación del territorio, pero también sus potencialidades y oportunidades de desarrollo. Posteriormente se establecen los escenarios prospectivos posibles para el territorio analizado, desde la espacialización de los determinantes de ordenamiento territorial que en la actualidad orientan los usos del suelo y su confrontación con las perspectivas generales de desarrollo y se determinan los escenarios propuestos, los cuales simulan una forma de ocupación de las áreas de expansión de la microrregión, considerando las oportunidades, posibilidades y limitantes que genera el establecimiento de los macroproyectos. Seguidamente se establecen las líneas de acción derivadas de los escenarios prospectivos y la construcción de los macroproyectos con incidencia subregional, micro-regionaly municipal, en los modelos de ocupación territoriales, desequilibrios regionales, usos del suelo, conectividad vial, reconversión de usos y solución de déficits, recuperación de áreas ambientalmente sensibles, relocalización de asentamientos y en la articulación modal, entre otros factores. Por último se formulan los lineamientos de política y objetivos que permitirán el desarrollo de un proyecto de ciudad, dirigidos a influir profundamente en la red urbano regional, promoviendo la adopción de los modelos de desarrollo sostenible, endógeno, local y regional, enfoques que originen de manera específica y en forma complementaria, modelos centrados en logros cualitativos como la urbanización compacta, variada, multipolar, equilibrada, limpia y eficiente energéticamente.AbstractDeveloping strategies and mechanisms for regional integration is of great importance to the municipality of Palestina and other similar municipalities which hold the lowest category in the municipal influenced classification becaue of some physical and functional disruption characteristics in the territory. It is also relevant and applicable to other municipalities where large scale projects of regional importance, have been implementing without either proper planning or an articulation with the context and municipal characteristics. The first contribution of this research is the development of the regional characterization of the territory and the unit of analysis, from the dimensions of development and its attributes, and setting the imbalances in land use, but also its potential and development opportunities. Subsequently, the possible prospective scenarios  or the analyzed area are established from the spatial determinants of land that currently guide land use and its confrontation with the overall development perspectives and the proposed scenarios are determined, which simulate a form of occupation of the mirco-region expansion areas, considering the opportunities, possibilities and constraints generated by the establishment of the macro projects. Afterwards, the lines of action arising from the prospectivescenarios and the construction of the macroprojects with a sub-regional, microregional and municipal impact in the models of territorial occupation, regional imbalance, land use, road connectivity, use conversion and deficits solution, recovery of environmentally sensitive areas, relocation of settlements and modal articulation, among other factors, are established. Finally, the policy guidelines and objectives which allow the development of a city project are formulated, directed to influence profoundly the regional urban network, promoting the adoption of sustainable development models, endogenous, local and regional approaches that originate in an specific and complementary way originate, qualitative achievement centered models such as, varied, multi-polar, balanced, clean and energy efficient compact urbanization. El desarrollo de estrategias y mecanismos para la integración territorial es de gran importancia para el municipio de Palestina y otros similares que ostentan la categoría más baja dentro de la clasificación municipal, condicionada por algunas características de desarticulación física y funcional en el territorio. Asimismo, es relevante y extrapolable a otros municipios que han sido objeto de la implantación de macroproyectos de importancia regional, sin la planeación adecuada, ni una articulación al contexto y a las características municipales. La primera contribución de esta investigación consiste en la elaboración de la caracterización regional del territorio y de la unidad de análisis, desde las dimensiones del desarrollo y sus atributos, estableciendo los desequilibrios en la ocupación del territorio, pero también sus potencialidades y oportunidades de desarrollo. Posteriormente se establecen los escenarios prospectivos posibles para el territorio analizado, desde la espacialización de los determinantes de ordenamiento territorial que en la actualidad orientan los usos del suelo y su confrontación con las perspectivas generales de desarrollo y se determinan los escenarios propuestos, los cuales simulan una forma de ocupación de las áreas de expansión de la microrregión, considerando las oportunidades, posibilidades y limitantes que genera el establecimiento de los macroproyectos. Seguidamente se establecen las líneas de acción derivadas de los escenarios prospectivos y la construcción de los macroproyectos con incidencia subregional, micro-regionaly municipal, en los modelos de ocupación territoriales, desequilibrios regionales, usos del suelo, conectividad vial, reconversión de usos y solución de déficits, recuperación de áreas ambientalmente sensibles, relocalización de asentamientos y en la articulación modal, entre otros factores. Por último se formulan los lineamientos de política y objetivos que permitirán el desarrollo de un proyecto de ciudad, dirigidos a influir profundamente en la red urbano regional, promoviendo la adopción de los modelos de desarrollo sostenible, endógeno, local y regional, enfoques que originen de manera específica y en forma complementaria, modelos centrados en logros cualitativos como la urbanización compacta, variada, multipolar, equilibrada, limpia y eficiente energéticamente.AbstractDeveloping strategies and mechanisms for regional integration is of great importance to the municipality of Palestina and other similar municipalities which hold the lowest category in the municipal influenced classification becaue of some physical and functional disruption characteristics in the territory. It is also relevant and applicable to other municipalities where large scale projects of regional importance, have been implementing without either proper planning or an articulation with the context and municipal characteristics. The first contribution of this research is the development of the regional characterization of the territory and the unit of analysis, from the dimensions of development and its attributes, and setting the imbalances in land use, but also its potential and development opportunities. Subsequently, the possible prospective scenarios  or the analyzed area are established from the spatial determinants of land that currently guide land use and its confrontation with the overall development perspectives and the proposed scenarios are determined, which simulate a form of occupation of the mirco-region expansion areas, considering the opportunities, possibilities and constraints generated by the establishment of the macro projects. Afterwards, the lines of action arising from the prospectivescenarios and the construction of the macroprojects with a sub-regional, microregional and municipal impact in the models of territorial occupation, regional imbalance, land use, road connectivity, use conversion and deficits solution, recovery of environmentally sensitive areas, relocation of settlements and modal articulation, among other factors, are established. Finally, the policy guidelines and objectives which allow the development of a city project are formulated, directed to influence profoundly the regional urban network, promoting the adoption of sustainable development models, endogenous, local and regional approaches that originate in an specific and complementary way originate, qualitative achievement centered models such as, varied, multi-polar, balanced, clean and energy efficient compact urbanization.

    The top-quark mass in SU(5)xU(1) supergravity

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    We show that the currently experimentally preferred values of the top-quark mass (\ie, 130\lsim m_t\lsim180\GeV) are naturally understood in the context of string models, where the top-quark Yukawa coupling at the string scale is generically given by λt=O(g)\lambda_t={\cal O}(g), with gg the unified gauge coupling. A detailed study of the Yukawa sector of SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity shows that the ratio of the bottom-quark to tau-lepton Yukawa couplings at the string scale is required to be in the range 0.7\lsim\lambda_b/\lambda_\tau\lsim1, depending on the values of mtm_t and mbm_b. This result is consistent with SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) symmetry, which does {\em not} require the equality of these Yukawa couplings in the unbroken symmetry phase of the theory. As a means of possibly predicting the value of mtm_t, we propose a procedure whereby the size of the allowed parameter space is determined as a function of mtm_t, since all sparticle and Higgs-boson masses and couplings depend non-trivially on mtm_t. At present, no significant preference for particular values of mtm_t in SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity is observed, except that high-precision LEP data requires m_t\lsim180\GeV.Comment: latex, 10 pages, 4 figures (included), CERN-TH.7138/94, CTP-TAMU-05/9

    Intratumor genetic heterogeneity and clonal evolution to decode endometrial cancer progression

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    Endometrial cancer; Clonal evolution; MutationCáncer endometrial; Evolución clonal; MutaciónCàncer d'endometri; Evolució clonal; MutacióAnalyzing different tumor regions by next generation sequencing allows the assessment of intratumor genetic heterogeneity (ITGH), a phenomenon that has been studied widely in some tumor types but has been less well explored in endometrial carcinoma (EC). In this study, we sought to characterize the spatial and temporal heterogeneity of 9 different ECs using whole-exome sequencing, and by performing targeted sequencing validation of the 42 primary tumor regions and 30 metastatic samples analyzed. In addition, copy number alterations of serous carcinomas were assessed by comparative genomic hybridization arrays. From the somatic mutations, identified by whole-exome sequencing, 532 were validated by targeted sequencing. Based on these data, the phylogenetic tree reconstructed for each case allowed us to establish the tumors’ evolution and correlate this to tumor progression, prognosis, and the presence of recurrent disease. Moreover, we studied the genetic landscape of an ambiguous EC and the molecular profile obtained was used to guide the selection of a potential personalized therapy for this patient, which was subsequently validated by preclinical testing in patient-derived xenograft models. Overall, our study reveals the impact of analyzing different tumor regions to decipher the ITGH in ECs, which could help make the best treatment decision.We thank all those at the Translational Research Laboratory of the MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid for their invaluable help with this study. Tissue samples were obtained with the support of the MD Anderson Foundation Biobank (record number B.0000745, ISCIII National Biobank Record), the “Xarxa Catalana de Bancs de Tumors” and “Plataforma de Biobancos” ISCIII (PT13/0010/0014, B.000609). This study has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation (PID2019-104644RB-I00 (GMB), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII, CIBERONC, CB16/12/00295 - GMB-, CB16/12/00328 -EC, AGM- and CB16/12/00231 -XMG- [all partly supported by FEDER funds]) and by the AECC Scientific Foundation (FC_AECC PROYE19036MOR -GMB- and Coordinated groups 2018 -XMG, AGM, GMB-). SO is funded by an AECC-postdoctoral grant (2020). JSR-F and BW are funded in part by the Breast Cancer Research Foundation and in part by the NIH/NCI P50 CA247749 01 grant. Research reported in this publication was supported in part by a Cancer Center Support Grant of the NIH/NCI (Grant No. P30CA008748; MSK). We thank the Eurofins Megalab laboratory for helping us to perform the analysis of DNA HPV detection

    Studying the Properties of PVdF-HFP Based Lithium Polymer Electrolytes Using non-ionic Surfactants as Plasticizers

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    [EN] In this study, two different non-ionic surfactants have been evaluated as a plasticizer in lithium polymer electrolytes and compared with an organic carbonate-based plasticizer. To that end, non-ionic surfactants with different molecular weight and structure have been selected (Triton? X-100 and Brij?L23) and compared with organic carbonates (EC:DEC1:1) as plasticizers in lithium polymer electrolytes. The effect of the plasticizer content, salt content and surfactant characteristics on properties such as ionic conductivity, thermal stability and electrochemical stability of lithium polymer electrolytes has been studied. The results obtained show that the non-ionic surfactants studied as plasticizers (Triton? X-100 and Brij?L23) give lithium polymer electrolytes with higher thermal and electrochemical stability than organic carbonates, thus making them promising plasticizers for lithium polymer electrolytes, especially for high voltage lithium-ion batteries. Surfactant structure could influence the ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolytes, with the linear surfactants being more suitable for this application.This research was funded by the Centro de Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial-CDTI (ALMAGRID Project-CER-20191006) and by the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad EmpresarialIVACE-FEDER (MATER Project-IMDEEA/2019/48)Zubizarreta Saenz De Zaitegui, L.; Gil Agustí, MT.; Espinosa-López, JC.; García Pellicer, M.; Quijano-Lopez, A. (2021). Studying the Properties of PVdF-HFP Based Lithium Polymer Electrolytes Using non-ionic Surfactants as Plasticizers. Materiale Plastice. 58(1):237-247. https://doi.org/10.37358/mp.21.1.5463S23724758

    Effects of different undersizing site preparations on implant stability

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    As immediate loading protocols are becoming more frequent, the primary stability of implants has become an essential criterion for the osseointegration of dental implants. Based on this, the objective of this study was to understand the influence of different undersized surgical preparation sites on the insertion torque (IT) and implant stability quotient (ISQ). Four different site-preparation protocols were performed on fresh humid type III bovine bone: one control, the standard protocol recommended by the manufacturer (P1), and three variations of undersized techniques (P2, P3 and P4). The implant used was VEGA by Klockner Implant System. The sample size was n = 40 for each of the four groups. A torquemeter was used to measure the IT, and the ISQ was measured with a Penguin RFA. Both variables showed a tendency to increase as the preparation technique was reduced, although not all the values were statistically significant (p < 0.05) when comparing with the standard preparation. The preparations without a cortical drill, P2 and P4, showed better results than those with a cortical drill. Given the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that reducing the implant preparation can increase both the IT and ISQ. Removing the cortical drill is an effective method for increasing implant stability, although it should be used carefully

    Heat shock protein 70 and CHIP promote Nox4 ubiquitination and degradation within the losartan antioxidative effect in proximal tubule cells

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    Background: Angiotensin II/Angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) effects are dependent on ROS production stimulated by NADPH oxidase activation. Hsp70 regulates a diverse set of signaling pathways through their interactions with proteins. CHIP is a E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets proteins for polyubiquitination and degradation. Aim: We study whether Hsp70/CHIP contribute to the negative regulation of Nox4 after AT1R blockage. Methods/Results: Primary culture of proximal tubule epithelial cells (PTCs) from SHR and WKY were stimulated with Angiotensin II (AII) or treated with Losartan (L) or Losartan plus Angiotensin II (L+AII). Losartan decreased AT1R and Nox4 while enhancing caveolin-1 and Hsp70 protein expression in SHR PTCs. Immunoprecipitation and immunofluorescence proved interaction and colocalization of increased Hsp70/CHIP with decreased Nox4 in SHR PTCs (L) vs (All). Hsp72 knockdown resulted in enhanced Nox4 protein levels, NADPH oxidase activity and ROS generation in (L+AII) revealing that Losartan was unable to abrogate AII effects on Nox4 expression and oxidative activity. Moreover, MG132 exposed PTCs (L) demostrated blocked ubiquitinated Nox4 degradation and increased colocalization of Nox4/Ubiquitin by inmunofluorescence. Conversely, Hsp72 depletion reduced Nox4/Ubiquitin colocalization causing Nox4 upregulation due to proteosomal degradation inhibition, although Losartan treatment. Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that Hsp70 and CHIP mediates the ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of Nox4 as part ofthe antioxidative effect of Losartan in SHR.Fil: Costantino, Valeria Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Gil Lorenzo, Andrea Fernanda. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Lopez Appiolaza, Carlos Martìn. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Cacciamani, Valeria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Patológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Benardon, María Eugenia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Patológica; ArgentinaFil: Bocanegra, María Victoria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Garramuño, Patricia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Cátedra de Fisiología Patológica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; Argentin

    Attachment-based compassion therapy and adapted mindfulness-based stress reduction for the treatment of depressive, anxious and adjustment disorders in mental health settings: A randomised controlled clinical trial protocol

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    Introduction Depressive, anxiety and adjustment disorders are highly prevalent among mental health outpatients. The lack of funding for mental health problems produces inefficient results and a high burden of disease. New cost-effective group interventions aimed at treating these symptoms might be an appropriate solution to reduce the healthcare burden in mental health units. Mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have shown significant reductions in anxious, depressive and adjustment symptomatology. Recent research highlights the influence of compassion as a key mechanism of change. However, MBIs only address compassion implicitly, whereas compassion-based protocols consider it a core aspect of psychotherapy. In this randomised controlled trial, we hypothesise that the provision of attachment-based compassion therapy (ABCT), which is a compassion-based protocol, will be more effective than mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), which is a conventional MBI programme, for the treatment of depressive, anxious and adaptive symptoms in patients in mental health settings. Methods and analysis Approximately 90 patients suffering from depressive, anxious or adjustment disorders recruited from Spanish mental health settings will be randomised to receive 8 weekly 2 hours group sessions of ABCT, 8 weekly 2.5 hours group sessions of adapted MBSR (with no full-day silent retreat) or treatment as usual (TAU), with a 1:1:1 allocation rate. Patients in the ABCT and adapted MBSR groups will also receive TAU. The main outcome will be general affective distress measured by means of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21'' at post-test as primary endpoint. Other outcomes will be quality of life, mindfulness, self-compassion and the use of healthcare services. There will be a 6-month follow-up assessment. Intention-to-treat analysis will be conducted using linear mixed models. Per-protocol and secondary outcome analyses will be performed. A data monitoring committee comprising the trial manager, the ABCT and MBSR teachers and an independent clinical psychologist will monitor for possible negative side effects. Ethics and dissemination Approval was obtained from the Ethics Committee of the General University Hospital of Castellón, Spain. The results will be submitted to peer-reviewed specialised journals, and brief reports will be sent to participants on request

    Status of the superworld: from theory to experiment

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    Review to appear in Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. Contents: {1}Introduction}{1} {2}High precision LEP data and convergence of couplings: physics is not Euclidean geometry}{2} {3}Interconnections between the measured quantities due to Unification}{7} {4}The origin of MSUSYM_{SUSY} and why it should be abandoned: masses and spectra are needed}{13} {5}The new step forward: Supergravity}{21} {6}The SU(5) Supergravity Model}{22} {7}SU(5)xU(1) Supergravity}{32} {8}Detailed calculations for the Tevatron}{47} {9}Detailed calculations for LEP}{48} {10}Detailed calculations for HERA}{53} {11}Detailed calculations for Underground Labs and Underwater facilities}{55} {12}Detailed calculations for indirect experimental detection}{65} {13}The problem of mass and mtm_t}{73} {14}Conclusions}{77}Comment: 90 pages, 41 figures (not included), latex. Send requests for hard copies to "[email protected]". CERN-TH.7136/94, CTP-TAMU-80/9

    Patient-Derived Xenograft Models for Endometrial Cancer Research

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    Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common malignancy of the genital tract among women in developed countries. Recently, a molecular classification of EC has been performed providing a system that, in conjunction with histological observations, reliably improves EC classification and enhances patient management. Patient-derived xenograft models (PDX) represent nowadays a promising tool for translational research, since they closely resemble patient tumour features and retain molecular and histological features. In EC, PDX models have already been used, mainly as an individualized approach to evaluate the efficacy of novel therapies and to identify treatment-response biomarkers; however, their uses in more global or holistic approaches are still missing. As a collaborative effort within the ENITEC network, here we describe one of the most extensive EC PDX cohorts developed from primary tumour andmetastasis covering all EC subtypes. Ourmodels are histologically andmolecularly characterized and represent an excellent reservoir of EC tumour samples for translational research. This review compiles the information on current methods of EC PDX generation and their utility and provides new perspectives for the exploitation of these valuable tools in order to increase the success ratio for translating results to clinical practice.This work was supported by CIBERONC (CB16/12/00328), the “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional” FEDER (RTC-2015-3821-1), Grups consolidats de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2017 SGR-1661) and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/02043; PI17/02071). An AGAUR grant funded CL-G (2018FI_B_00573), and a PERIS grant funded EC (SLT002/16/00315) from Generalitat de Catalunya. The present work has been also funded by the “Fonds National de la Recherche du Luxembourg” (FNR) via the PEARL-CPIL program to BD and an AFR grant to AL (PDR 2013-2, Project Reference 6835664)

    On the concentration and size distribution of sub-micron aerosol in the Galápagos Islands

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    During the CHARLEX campaign in the Galápagos Islands, a Scanning Particle Mobility Sizer was deployed on San Cristobal Island in July-August 2011 to carry out size-resolved measurements of the concentration of submicron aerosols. To our knowledge these are the first measurements of aerosol concentrations in this unique environment. The particles with marine origin displayed a tri-modal number size distribution with peak diameters of 0.016 μm, 0.050 μm and 0.174 μm and a cloud-processed intermodal minimum at 0.093 μm. The mean total aerosol number concentration for the marine contribution was 470 ± 160 cm. A low particle concentration of 70 ± 50 cm for the nucleation size range was measured, but no evidence of new particle production in the atmospheric marine boundary layer (MBL) was observed. The concentration of the Aitken size mode was found to be related to aerosol entrainment from the free troposphere off the coast of Chile followed by transport within the MBL to the Galápagos Islands. Cloud processing may activate the particles in the Aitken size range, growing through 'in-cloud' sulphate production and increasing the particle concentration in the accumulation size range. The 0.093 μm cloud processed minima suggests that the critical supersaturation at which the particle is activated to a cloud droplet is in the 0.14-0.21% range. The daytime marine particle background concentration was influenced by human activity around the sampling site, as well as by new particle formation triggered by biogenic emissions from the vegetation cover of the island's semiarid lowlands. Effective CCN formation may play a role in the formation and properties of the stratus clouds, which permanently cover the top of the windward side of the islands and establish one of their characteristic climatic bands.Peer Reviewe