301 research outputs found

    Generic dynamics of 4-dimensional C2 Hamiltonian systems

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    We study the dynamical behaviour of Hamiltonian flows defined on 4-dimensional compact symplectic manifolds. We find the existence of a C2-residual set of Hamiltonians for which every regular energy surface is either Anosov or it is in the closure of energy surfaces with zero Lyapunov exponents a.e. This is in the spirit of the Bochi-Mane dichotomy for area-preserving diffeomorphisms on compact surfaces and its continuous-time version for 3-dimensional volume-preserving flows

    Conformational study of erythritol and threitol in the gas state by density functional theory calculations

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    Density functional theory calculations using the B3LYP functional and the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set were carried out on the isolated molecules of erythritol and L-threitol. For the meso isomer, a relatively large number of conformers have to be considered to describe the gas state structure. The lowest energy conformer is characterized by the establishment of a strong intramolecular H-bond between the two terminal hydroxyl groups, giving rise to a seven-membered ring and two additional weaker H-bonds between vicinal OH groups. In the case of L-threitol, two conformers are predominant in the gas state, and both are stabilized by the formation of a cyclic system of four intramolecular hydrogen bonds involving all OH groups. The conformational stability in both diastereomers is discussed in terms of the electronic energy and of the Gibbs energy. The weighted mean enthalpy of both diastereomers in the gas state at 298.15 K was obtained from the thermodynamic data and Boltzmann populations of the low-energy conformers.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TFF-4F31PT7-3/1/ae9dae05894f1bf2f4865221eb1b29b

    Blood flow of bubbles moving in microchannels with bifurcations

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    The gas embolism is a well-known phenomenon. Previous studies have been performed to understand the formation, the behavior and the influence of air bubbles in microcirculation. This study aims to investigate the flow of bubbles in a microchannel network with bifurcations. For that purpose, a microchannel network was fabricated by soft lithography. The working fluids used were composed by sheep red blood cells (RBCs) suspended in dextran 40 and two different hematocrits were studied, 5% and 10%. The in vitro blood flow was analyzed for a flow rate of lO ~-tllmin, by using an inverted microscope and a high-speed camera. It was possible to visualize the formation of the bubbles and their behavior along the network. The results show that the passage of air bubbles influences the cells local concentration, since a higher concentration of cells was seen upstream to the bubble and lower concentrations downstream to the bubble.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal, under the strategic grants UID/EMS/04077/2019, UID/EEA/04436/2019 and UID/EMS/00532/2019. The authors are also grateful for the partial funding of FCT through the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016861 (ref: PTDC/QEQ-FIT/4287/2014), NORTE-01-0145- FEDER-029394, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171, funded by COMPETE2020, NOR1E2020, PORTUGAL2020, and FEDER. D. Bento acknowledges the PhD scholarship SFRH/BD/911921 2012 granted by FCT.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Earthquakes in central Italy in 2016: comparison between Norcia and Amatrice

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    Trabalho apresentado em 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE), 18-21 june 2018, Thessaloniki, GreeceIn this paper lessons are extracted from the comparison between the very different consequences that a set of earthquakes had on the neighbouring towns of Amatrice and Norcia during the 2016 central Italy earthquake sequence. The paper initially describes the prevention programs implemented in Amatrice and Norcia starting from the reconstruction after the 1860 Norcia earthquake. The earthquake intensities in Amatrice and Norcia during the 2016 Central Italy events were considering accelerometric recordings of the Italian Strong Motion Network. In the same municipalities, the damage has been assessed through site visits and analysis of the results of the post-earthquake safety assessment performed after the events. It was found that the differences in damage were essentially due to the strengthening of most houses in Norcia done during the previous decades. This is also likely to lead to a much faster recover of the economy and livelihood in Norcia, as Amatrice needs to be entirely rebuilt.N/

    Análise morfométrica de tecido muscular de coelhos submetido a ultra-som pulsado e contínuo de 1 MHz I

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    Visando estabelecer uma relação entre os efeitos do ultra-som e a variação da área da célula muscular, este estudo analisou os efeitos do ultra-som (US) de 1 MHz, pulsado e contínuo, utilizado com a intensidade máxima de 3 W/cm2, em tecido muscular sadio do músculo vasto lateral de coelhos (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) machos adultos. Utilizaram-se dois grupos, cada um com 5 coelhos, sendo um para o US pulsado e o outro para o US contínuo. Utilizou-se a coxa esquerda dos coelhos como antímero experimental, sendo a direita o controle. Em ambos os grupos foram realizadas 10 sessões consecutivas de US de 1 MHz, com intensidade de 3 W / c m 2 / durante 12 minutos. Ao término das 10 sessões os coelhos foram sacrificados, retirando-se o músculo vasto lateral, bilateralmente, para preparação das lâminas, que foram analisadas histomorfometricamente. Consideraram-se sempre 10 célulasmusculares em cada extremidade da lâmina analisada - superior, inferior,direita e esquerda. Obtiveram-se assim 40 células analisadas, em cadaantímero de cada coelho. Pela análise estatística (teste t-Student) da média das áreas destas células, verificou-se que não houve diferençasignificativa entre o antímero experimental e o controle em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que, com a metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa, o US não produz efeitos morfométricos no tecido muscular sadio de coelhos.In order to seek a relation between applied ultrasound (US) and variation of muscle cell area, this study analysed the effects of 1 MHz US, in pulsed and continuous mode, at the maximum intensity of 3 W/cm2, in healthy muscle tissue of adult male rabbits' (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) vast lateral muscle. Rabbits' left thighs were tested in the experiment, the right ones being taken as control. Two groups of 5 rabbits each were formed, one for pulsed U S and the other for continuous US. In both groups were applied 10 consecutive sessions of 1 MHz US with intensity of 3 W/cm2 during 12 minutes. At the end of the 10 sessions the rabbits were sacrificed and both thighs lateral muscles were excised, prepared and fixed to slides for microscopic analysis of the cells area. Ten cells were considered at each slide sector (upper, lower, right and left), thus a total of 40 cells were analysed from each thigh. The mean area of cells for each slide sector was compared to control thigh cells area by means of t-Student test. No statistical I ly significant differences were found between the two sides in both groups, leading to the conclusion that, with the described methodology, US does not produce any effect in the cell size of rabbits healthy muscles

    Small pelagics in a changing ocean : Biological responses of sardine early stages to warming

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    Small pelagic fishes are known to respond rapidly to changes in ocean climate. In this study, we evaluate the effects of future environmental warming (+2°C) during the early ontogeny of the European sardine, Sardina pilchardus. Warming reduced the survival of 30-day-old larvae by half. Length at hatching increased with temperature as expected, but no significant effect was observed on the length and growth at 30 days post-hatching. Warming did not significantly affect the thermal tolerance of sardine larvae, even though the mean lethal temperature increased by 1°C. In the warm conditions, sardine larvae showed signs of thermal stress, indicated by a pronounced increase in larval metabolism (Q 10 = 7.9) and a 45% increase in the heat shock response. Lipid peroxidation was not significantly affected by the higher temperature, even though the mean value doubled. Warming did not affect the time larvae spent swimming, but decreased by 36% the frequency of prey attacks. Given the key role of these small pelagics in the trophic dynamics off the Western Iberian upwelling ecosystem, the negative effects of warming on the early stages may have important implications for fish recruitment and ecosystem structure.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
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