1,212 research outputs found

    Robert Burton e a atemporalidade histórica como proposta utópica

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    Democritus to the Reader, o texto que abre The Anatomy of Melancholy (1621) de Robert Burton (1577-1640) é o objeto de atenção desta pesquisa que tem por principal foco o estudo da utopia como gênero literário -- um suposto gênero cunhado por Thomas More com sua Utopia. Democritus to the Reader é a introdução de um denso tratado sobre a melancolia, contudo, embora o assunto de Anatomy of Melancholy seja a melancolia, não deixa de conter em si um assunto variado, pois o diferencial de Robert Burton foi a forma de escrever e não o que escreveu propriamente. Entretanto, pode-se afirmar que esta introdução seja uma utopia? Enveredando-se por este complexo e polissêmico texto de Robert Burton, busca-se algo que revele não o extraordinário como se mitificou ser o período do Renascimento, mas minúcias ocultas que ajudem o pensador contemporâneo ligado às ciências humanas a melhor conhecer seu objeto de estudo: o homem e sua singularidade ao longo do processo histórico que, em suas inúmeras facetas, também proporcionou um gênero literário que instiga e insta o pesquisador constantemente

    Laugh and melancholy on Robert Burton's utopia

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    Orientador: Carlos Eduardo Ornelas BerrielDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a melancolia na obra de Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy. Sob a perspectiva de um clérigo inglês de Oxford que vive no século XVII sob a égide do rei Jaime I, a pergunta do melancólico Burton é justamente por que o homem é melancólico. Será uma disposição transitória, um hábito ou uma maldição sobre a humanidade? Por que os homens não entendem a melancolia como sua condição de mortais, decaídos, separados do Sagrado, e se voltam para Deus ao invés de propor reformas sociais ineficazes como as utopias tão usuais no Renascimento inglês? Focando a pesquisa no texto Democritus Junior to the Reader que abre a obra, sem, no entanto, deixar de percorrer todo seu extenso tratado sobre a melancolia, o presente trabalho inquieta-se e questiona junto com Robert Burton, dialoga com seus contemporâneos renascentistas, com pensadores clássicos que abordam temáticas sobre o homem, com pensadores atuais, e procura não respostas resolutas, mas o debate permanente entre literatura, filosofia, teologia, história e outras fontes de conhecimento que ajudaram o studia humanitatis e ainda hoje nos ajudam a aplacar nossa sede pelo mistério do saberAbstract: This work presents a study about melancholy on Robert Burton?s The Anatomy of Melancholy. Under a clergyman perspective from Oxford who lives in the XVII century on James I?s Kingdom, the melancholic Burton?s query is exactly why the man is melancholic. Is it a transitory disposition, a habit or a curse over humanity? Why men do not understand that melancholy is their mortal condition, that they are decayed, separated from the Sacred, and come back to God instead of proposing such ineffective social reforms like utopias as it was usual in the English Renaissance? Focusing the research on the text Democritus Junior to the Reader that opens his work, nevertheless not neglecting all his extense treatise about melancholy, this dissertation joins Burton and fidgets and requires, dialogues with his contemporaneous renaissance men, with classical thinkers who tell of themes about men, with current thinkers, and wants not resolute answers, but the permanent debate among Literature, Philosophy, Theology, History and others knowledge sources that guided the studia humanitatis and has been guiding us to assuage our thirst for knowledge that still is too mysteriousMestradoTeoria e Critica LiterariaMestre em Teoria e História Literári

    Effect of the thermal treatment on the chemical components, sorption, and shrinkage properties of Tectona grandis juvenile wood

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    The effect of thermal treatment on the chemical components, equilibrium moisture content (EMC), and shrinkage of teak juvenile wood was studied. Heartwood and sapwood samples were thermally-treated at 180 ºC and 200 ºC. Extractive, Klason lignin, holocellulose, and α-cellulose contents, as well as pH on untreated and thermally-treated woods, were determined. The EMC was reached at five relative humidity (RH) levels using saturated salt solutions: 86 % (KCl), 76 % (NaCl), 58 % (NaBr), 33 % (MgCl2), and 0 % (P2O5). Linear and volumetric shrinkages were calculated for all EMCs. The ratio of sorption (S), coefficient of shrinkage (h), and fiber saturation point (FSP) were also determined. Thermally-treated wood exhibited lower holocellulose and α-cellulose contents than untreated wood and increased acidity due to degradation of the hemicelluloses. The thermal treatment reduced the EMC of heartwood and sapwood. However, sapwood was more sensitive to RH variations than heartwood regardless of the treatment. Thermally-treated woods had higher hygroscopic and dimensional stabilities, and lower FSP than untreated wood. The thermal treatment did not affect radial shrinkage of the heartwood between 33 % and 86 % RH. Heartwood was more sensitive to the effect of the thermal treatment on shrinkage and degradation of cell wall polymers compared to sapwood

    O interesse acadêmico pela educação infantil no campus de Tocantinópolis-TO: uma pesquisa documental

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    ABSTRACT. Early childhood education corresponds to the first stage of the basic education system, whose purpose permeates the integral development of the child, which requires, among other things, the establishment of a broader and more effective academic debate about this stage. Thus, this study emerges with the objective of mapping the Course Completion Papers (TCCs) of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) that addressed this theme in the scope of their work. For this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the TCCs elaborated by the graduates of the courses offered by the campus of Tocantinópolis. The results indicate that in a universe of 159 papers available in the institution's Repository, only 12 addressed aspects related to Early Childhood Education, including from normative aspects to the pedagogical challenges of daily day care centers and preschools. It is concluded that the academic interest of these graduates is still configured from an incipient character, requiring a greater incentive on the part of the respective courses.ABSTRACT. Early childhood education corresponds to the first stage of the basic education system, whose purpose permeates the integral development of the child, which requires, among other things, the establishment of a broader and more effective academic debate about this stage. Thus, this study emerges with the objective of mapping the Course Completion Papers (TCCs) of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) that addressed this theme in the scope of their work. For this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the TCCs elaborated by the graduates of the courses offered by the campus of Tocantinópolis. The results indicate that in a universe of 159 papers available in the institution's Repository, only 12 addressed aspects related to Early Childhood Education, including from normative aspects to the pedagogical challenges of daily day care centers and preschools. It is concluded that the academic interest of these graduates is still configured from an incipient character, requiring a greater incentive on the part of the respective courses.RESUMEN. La educación infantil corresponde a la primera etapa del sistema de educación básica, cuya finalidad permea el desarrollo integral del niño, lo que requiere, entre otras cosas, el establecimiento de un debate académico más amplio y efectivo sobre esta etapa. Por lo tanto, este estudio surge con el objetivo de mapear los Documentos de Finalización de Cursos (TCC) de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins (UFT) que abordaron este tema en el ámbito de su trabajo. Para ello, se realizó una investigación documental, analizando los TCC elaborados por los egresados de los cursos ofrecidos por el campus de Tocantinópolis. Los resultados indican que en un universo de 159 artículos disponibles en el Repositorio de la institución, solo 12 abordaron aspectos relacionados con la Educación Infantil, incluyendo desde aspectos normativos hasta los desafíos pedagógicos de las guarderías y preescolares diarios. Se concluye que el interés académico de estos egresados aún se configura desde un carácter incipiente, requiriendo un mayor incentivo por parte de los respectivos cursos.ABSTRACT. Early childhood education corresponds to the first stage of the basic education system, whose purpose permeates the integral development of the child, which requires, among other things, the establishment of a broader and more effective academic debate about this stage. Thus, this study emerges with the objective of mapping the Course Completion Papers (TCCs) of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) that addressed this theme in the scope of their work. For this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the TCCs elaborated by the graduates of the courses offered by the campus of Tocantinópolis. The results indicate that in a universe of 159 papers available in the institution's Repository, only 12 addressed aspects related to Early Childhood Education, including from normative aspects to the pedagogical challenges of daily day care centers and preschools. It is concluded that the academic interest of these graduates is still configured from an incipient character, requiring a greater incentive on the part of the respective courses.A Educação Infantil corresponde a primeira etapa do sistema de educação básica, cuja finalidade perpassa pelo desenvolvimento integral da criança, o que requer, dentre outras coisas, o estabelecimento de um debate acadêmico mais amplo e efetivo a respeito da referida etapa. Dessa maneira, esse estudo emerge com o objetivo de mapear os Trabalhos de Conclusão de Curso (TCCs) da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (UFT) que abordaram tal temática no escopo do seu trabalho. Para tanto, realizou-se uma pesquisa de caráter documental, analisando os TCCs elaborados pelos egressos dos cursos ofertados pelo câmpus de Tocantinópolis. Os resultados indicam que em um universo de 159 trabalhos disponibilizados no Repositório da instituição, apenas 12 abordaram aspectos concernentes à Educação Infantil, incluindo desde os aspectos normativos até os desafios pedagógicos do cotidiano das creches e das pré-escolas. Conclui-se que o interesse acadêmico dos referidos egressos ainda configura-se a partir de um caráter incipiente, necessitando de um incentivo maior por parte dos respectivos cursos. Palavras-chave: educação infantil, pesquisa documental, interesse acadêmico.   The academic in early childhood education in Tocantinópolis-TO: a documental research         ABSTRACT. Early childhood education corresponds to the first stage of the basic education system, whose purpose permeates the integral development of the child, which requires, among other things, the establishment of a broader and more effective academic debate about this stage. Thus, this study emerges with the objective of mapping the Course Completion Papers (TCCs) of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) that addressed this theme in the scope of their work. For this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the TCCs elaborated by the graduates of the courses offered by the campus of Tocantinópolis. The results indicate that in a universe of 159 papers available in the institution's Repository, only 12 addressed aspects related to Early Childhood Education, including from normative aspects to the pedagogical challenges of daily day care centers and preschools. It is concluded that the academic interest of these graduates is still configured from an incipient character, requiring a greater incentive on the part of the respective courses. Keywords: early childhood education, documentary research, academic interest.   El interés académico en la educación infantil en el campus de Tocantinópolis-TO:  una investigación documental RESUMEN. La educación infantil corresponde a la primera etapa del sistema de educación básica, cuya finalidad permea el desarrollo integral del niño, lo que requiere, entre otras cosas, el establecimiento de un debate académico más amplio y efectivo sobre esta etapa. Por lo tanto, este estudio surge con el objetivo de mapear los Documentos de Finalización de Cursos (TCC) de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins (UFT) que abordaron este tema en el ámbito de su trabajo. Para ello, se realizó una investigación documental, analizando los TCC elaborados por los egresados de los cursos ofrecidos por el campus de Tocantinópolis. Los resultados indican que en un universo de 159 artículos disponibles en el Repositorio de la institución, solo 12 abordaron aspectos relacionados con la Educación Infantil, incluyendo desde aspectos normativos hasta los desafíos pedagógicos de las guarderías y preescolares diarios. Se concluye que el interés académico de estos egresados aún se configura desde un carácter incipiente, requiriendo un mayor incentivo por parte de los respectivos cursos. Palabras clave: educación infantil, investigación documental, interés académico.   The academic in early childhood education in Tocantinópolis-TO: a documental research   ABSTRACT. Early childhood education corresponds to the first stage of the basic education system, whose purpose permeates the integral development of the child, which requires, among other things, the establishment of a broader and more effective academic debate about this stage. Thus, this study emerges with the objective of mapping the Course Completion Papers (TCCs) of the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT) that addressed this theme in the scope of their work. For this, a documentary research was carried out, analyzing the TCCs elaborated by the graduates of the courses offered by the campus of Tocantinópolis. The results indicate that in a universe of 159 papers available in the institution's Repository, only 12 addressed aspects related to Early Childhood Education, including from normative aspects to the pedagogical challenges of daily day care centers and preschools. It is concluded that the academic interest of these graduates is still configured from an incipient character, requiring a greater incentive on the part of the respective courses. Keywords: early childhood education, documentary research, academic interest.   El interés académico en la educación infantil en el campus de Tocantinópolis-TO:  una investigación documental RESUMEN. La educación infantil corresponde a la primera etapa del sistema de educación básica, cuya finalidad permea el desarrollo integral del niño, lo que requiere, entre otras cosas, el establecimiento de un debate académico más amplio y efectivo sobre esta etapa. Por lo tanto, este estudio surge con el objetivo de mapear los Documentos de Finalización de Cursos (TCC) de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins (UFT) que abordaron este tema en el ámbito de su trabajo. Para ello, se realizó una investigación documental, analizando los TCC elaborados por los egresados de los cursos ofrecidos por el campus de Tocantinópolis. Los resultados indican que en un universo de 159 artículos disponibles en el Repositorio de la institución, solo 12 abordaron aspectos relacionados con la Educación Infantil, incluyendo desde aspectos normativos hasta los desafíos pedagógicos de las guarderías y preescolares diarios. Se concluye que el interés académico de estos egresados aún se configura desde un carácter incipiente, requiriendo un mayor incentivo por parte de los respectivos cursos. Palabras clave: educación infantil, investigación documental, interés académico


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    Com crescimento populacional acelerado nos centros urbanos e dificuldade para prover moradia digna, cidadãos ocuparam áreas de preservação ambiental. São assegurados constitucionalmente o direito fundamental à moradia e o direito fundamental ao meio ambiente ecologicamente equilibrado, princípios que eventualmente colidem, pelo quê abordaremos o balanceamento e racionalidade proposto por Alexy, face à necessidade ponderação em favor de um deles para solução do caso concreto. Será utilizado o método dedutivo e as técnicas da pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial, especialmente do STF, destacando a possibilidade de regularização fundiária em casos específicos

    The potential use of melatonin for preventing cisplatin ototoxicity : an insight for a clinical approach

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    Cisplatin, one of the most effective and potent anticancer drugs, is used in the treatment of a wide variety of both pediatric and adult malignancies. However, the chemotherapeutic use of cisplatin is limited by its serious side effects, such as nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity. Ototoxicity produced by cisplatin is usually persistent, depending on the age of the patient, the cumulative number of doses, the number of chemotherapy cycles, the history of noise exposure, and deteriorating renal function. The mechanism of the ototoxicity caused by cisplatin is based on the generation of reactive oxygen species, which interfere with the antioxidant protection of the organ of Corti. Thus, protecting the cochlea with antioxidants ameliorates ototoxicity from cisplatin. In this context, melatonin appears as a therapeutic option for preventing the ototoxic effects of cisplatin, since the research in the last decade has proven its ability to be both a direct free radical scavenger and indirect antioxidant. In this sense, some of the evidence suggesting that melatonin is efficient for combating cisplatin-induced ototoxicity is summarized and discussed in this paper

    Infrared spectroscopy of the surface of thermally-modified teak juvenile wood

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    During the thermal modification of the wood there is a decreasing gradient of temperature from the surface to its interior, therefore, the most severe chemical modifications occur on the surface. These chemical modifications directly affect the quality and durability of adhesives and coating. Therefore, this study investigated the chemical modification of the surface of thermally-modified teak juvenile wood. Heartwood and sapwood samples were treated at 180 and 200oC. Chemical analyses were performed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in reflectance mode with a microscope. Spectra showed an increase in cellulose crystallinity and a decrease in relative contents of hydroxyl groups, lignin and extractives – especially quinones, waxes and oils – following thermal modification. Extractive content of the heartwood was relatively higher than that of sapwood. Heartwood was more susceptible to thermal degradation than sapwood

    Ginástica na educação infantil

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    Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral identificar e analisar as pesquisas que relacionam a ginástica com o contexto da Educação Infantil (EI), publicadas nos Anais do FIGPT. Metodologia: trata-se de uma revisão sistemática da literatura que se propôs a verificar o número de publicações presentes no período compreendido entre os anos de 2001 a 2018 nos Anais do Fórum Internacional de Ginástica para Todos (FIGPT), considerando o tipo de estudo (pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa de campo ou relato de experiência), o tipo de ginástica, os principais objetivos e desfechos dos referidos estudos. Resultados e Discussão: Dos 560 resumos/artigos completos encontrados nos Anais do FIGPT que contiveram as palavras pesquisadas no título, que foram “Ginástica”, “Educação Infantil” e “Escola”, 16 se tratavam da Ginástica na EI no contexto Escolar e passaram a compor a amostra. Os estudos encontrados cujo tema é a EI, se concentram no período entre os anos de 2007 e 2018. Conclusão: A análise das publicações dos Anais de todas as edições do FIGPT realizadas até o ano 2018 revelou que a ginástica associada ao contexto da EI apresenta um crescente ao longo dos anos, compondo um quantitativo de 3% das publicações totais, caracterizadas por pesquisas cuja maioria é relato de experiência