3,883 research outputs found


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    A comunicação institucional na STI (Superintendência de Tecnologia da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia) é analisada nesse estudo de caso, em diálogo com os avanços das tecnologias digitais e as mudanças consequentes nas organizações. De modo particular, diante da transparência e compromissos sociais destacados nas instituições públicas, a comunicação ganha ares de obrigatoriedade e de estratégia de sobrevivência. A despeito da realidade que intensificou as relações multissetoriais e a interação com dezenas de milhares de usuários, a comunicação interna é destacada nesse artigo, cujo instrumento de pesquisa utiliza um questionário/entrevista aplicado aos funcionários do setor. Questões objetivas e discursivas favorecem as análises quantitativa e qualitativa. Estudos mais amplos respaldam a vinculação do tema com a realidade de uma sociedade em rede . Conclui-se que a comunicação é de fundamental importância para o setor de TI da UFBA, crença respaldada pela própria equipe da STI, fortalecida por ações de motivação e de canais de interação

    Metabolic Syndrome Patient Compliance with Drug Treatment

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    OBJECTIVES: 1) To evaluate the compliance with drug treatment in patients with metabolic syndrome. 2) To determine association between access to and use of medicines, as well as the level of knowledge of cardiovascular risk factors and compliance. INTRODUCTION: Low compliance has been one of the greatest challenges for the successful treatment of chronic diseases. Although this issue has been widely studied in patients with isolated hypertension, diabetes and dyslipidemia, compliance studies involving patients with these concomitant diseases or with metabolic syndrome diagnosis are scarce. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study involving patients who have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome according to the IDF criteria. Patients were being treated in a Health-Medical School Center bound to the Public Brazilian Healthcare System. This study was conducted in two phases. Phase I was characterized by analyzing medical records and Phase II involved interviewing the patients. A variation of the Morisky-Green Test was used to evaluate compliance. Compliance was the dependent variable and the independent variables included access to medicines, the use of medicines and the level of knowledge concerning cardiovascular risk factors. RESULTS: Two hundred and forty-three patients were identified as being eligible for Phase II, and 75 were included in the study. The average level of compliance was 5.44 points (standard deviation of 0.68), on a scale ranging from 1.00 to 6.00 points. There was no statistically meaningful association between independent variables and compliance. The level of patient knowledge of diet and dyslipidemia was considered to be low. CONCLUSIONS: Patients involved in this study exhibited a high level of compliance with drug treatment. Further research is needed to better elucidate the compliance behavior of patients who have been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome

    Effects of demand shocks in the Brazilian economy : new production and value added multipliers

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    Assuming that the traditional input-output multipliers lead to a misinterpretation of macroeconomic concepts for multisectoral analysis of a given economy, the aim of this article is to calculate the new multipliers of variation in the final demand on the production and value added by the sectors of the Brazilian economy in the period between 1995 and 2009. Using the Euclidean distance method proposed in Amaral et al (2012) and data from input-output tables, the main results showed that: a) the structural change effect was more important than the scale effect, both for the production and for the value added, although it was less important for the latter; b) Brazil is still a major exporter of unprocessed products which will generate jobs, income and taxes abroad, depriving the country of this important benefit; c) the main key sectors were Agricultural (1), Mining (2), Steel industry (4), Chemistry (11), Food industry (16) and some service sectors, such as Public Utilities (18), Trade, (20) Transportation (21), Communication (22), Public administration (24) and Other services (25), revealing the gain in importance of these activities in the national economy.This paper was prepared during a post doc program of Antonio Carlos Moretto and Rossana Lott Rodrigues in UECE, a research center supported by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia). These authors acknowledge the financial support of the State University of Londrina, Brazil, during the post doc

    Structural changes and external vulnerabilities in the brazilian economy : 1995-2009

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    From the 1990s, the reorientation of the development model, which switched from protective of industrial sector to intensifier of the trade liberalization process, brought the need for reorganization of large productive sectors of the Brazilian economy, were openly forced to face global competitors, within the established international conditions. Thus, during the 1990s, the Brazilian economy experienced a period of fast and deep changes, combining the process of intensification of trade liberalization with a view of industrial and technological policy which combines sectoral and systemic dimension, with privatization of important sectors of the economy (such as electricity and telecommunications sectors), and a stabilization program (Real Plan), based on a fixed exchange rate, with important effects on the whole economy. This article aims to assess the evolution of external vulnerability and structural changes in terms of generating value added in the Brazilian economy in the period 1995-2009, subdivided into three sub-periods, namely 1995-2000, 2000-2005 and 2005 -2009, by means of a novel treatment of the inter-sectoral output multipliers. The data base was the annual input-output matrices from Brazil for 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2009, structured into 42 sectors. The main results indicated a very satisfactory behavior of the national economy over time, with a predominance of positive gains in the ability to generate value added and lower imports of intermediate inputs by the most technologically advanced industries and by services, and fewer losses and greater external dependence for the minority of sectors, particularly in recent years

    A leitura como resgate da formação humanista em Nietzsche

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    Este artigo é uma reflexão sobre a crítica de Nietzsche ao sistema educacional da Alemanha durante século XIX. Neste estudo, será apresentada a concepção nietzscheana sobre as tendências que minam a educação e impedem a formação de indivíduos aptos a desenvolverem suas potencialidades. Após essa descrição, pretende-se, nesse texto, discorrer sobre a leitura como atividade filosófica para a formação humanista, bem como refletir sobre nossas práticas pedagógicas que envolvem a leitura


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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar e demonstrar os custos de produção e de rentabilidade no cultivo do milho safrinha, tendo como meio utilizado a contabilidade, em especial a de custo, sob o enfoque gerencial, para assim auxiliar no controle e ajudar nas tomadas de decisão. Para realização da pesquisa foi utilizado o método de estudo caso, numa pequena propriedade no município de Itaporã, situado na região Sul de Mato Grosso do Sul, foram coletados dados, analisadas as operações realizadas e acompanhamento das atividades. Após estudos dos conceitos e analises dos dados coletados foram feitos os cálculos necessários propiciando assim informações para o resultado da pesquisa e auxilio ao gestor na tomada de decisão acerca da atividade. Concluindo que o milho apresenta viabilidade e rentabilidade levando em consideração que no período da cultura que é em uma época considerada marginal para maioria das culturas, constituindo mais uma alternativa de receita para o produtor. This study aims to examine and demonstrate the cost of production and profitability in the cultivation of maize small crop with the means used the accounts, particularly that of cost, under the managerial approach, thus assisting in the control and assist in the acquisition of decision. For realization of the research method was used to study the case, a small property in the municipality of Itaporã, located in the southern region of Mato Grosso do Sul, data were collected, analyzed the operations and monitoring activities. After studies of the concepts and analysis of the data collected were made the calculations required thereby providing information to the search result and help the manager in decision-making about the activity. Concluding that the corn shows viability and profitability taking into consideration that in the period of culture which is a time considered marginal for most crops, providing yet another alternative of revenue for the producer.custo de produção, milho safrinha, pequena propriedade, agricultura familiar, Cost of production, corn Small crop, small property, family farming, Crop Production/Industries,

    Relationship between abnormal earnings persistence, industry structure, and market share in Brazilian public firms

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    In this study, Ohlson's Linear Information Dynamic (LID) is analyzed and the effect of other information on the abnormal earnings series is evaluated. The hypothesis that industry structure and market share have significant effects on abnormal earnings in the following period is tested, with Ohlson's LID persistence maintained. The results confirm the premise of LID in a sample of Brazilian public firms, considering all the statistical models. The hypothesis regarding market share is rejected as its effect on the degree of abnormal earnings persistence has no informational content, either directly or jointly. Finally, the results confirm that different industries affect abnormal earnings persistence differently. In view of these results, the research hypotheses are partially rejected. It is concluded that (a) industry contains other information that can impact abnormal earnings for the following period and (b) market share (in isolation and together with industry concentration) does not imply differentiated impacts on firms' abnormal earnings for the following period, and therefore do not reflect the presence of other information in Ohlson's Model (1995)

    El estrés de los enfermeros que actúan en una unidad de terapia intensiva

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    The present study aimed to identify the presence of stress in nurses working in intensive care units, the stressing agents and symptoms associated to the nurses' perceptions of stress, and to assess the correlation between the occurrence of stress, sources of stress, and symptoms shown by the nurses. Seventy-five nurses took part in the study. the data were collected from questionnaires, analyzed with the Pearson correlation coefficients, and adjusted by general linear models. the study showed the presence of stress related to work dissatisfaction, activities regarded as critical situations in intensive care units, symptoms related to cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal disorders. the conclusion is that stress is present in nurses' activities in intensive care units, related to characteristics of the health area itself, causing dissatisfaction and stress-related symptoms.O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar a presença de estresse em enfermeiros que trabalham em unidades de terapia intensiva, identificar os agentes estressores e sintomas associados à percepção do enfermeiro ao estresse e avaliar a correlação entre a presença de estresse, fontes de estresse e sintomas apresentados pelos enfermeiros. Setenta e cinco enfermeiros participaram do estudo. Os dados foram obtidos por questionário. A analise foi realizada através do uso de coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e ajustados modelos lineares generalizados. O estudo mostrou a presença de estresse correlacionado à insatisfação com o trabalho, atividades consideradas como situações críticas em unidade de terapia intensiva, os sintomas relacionados às alterações cardiovasculares, aparelho digestivo e músculo-esquelético. A compreensão final é que o estresse está presente na atividade do enfermeiro em unidade de terapia intensiva, correlacionado com fatores pertinentes ao setor, gerando insatisfação com a profissão e sintomas ligados ao estresse.Hosp Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Stress in nurses working in intensive care units

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivos identificar a presença de estresse em enfermeiros que trabalham em unidades de terapia intensiva, identificar os agentes estressores e sintomas associados à percepção do enfermeiro ao estresse e avaliar a correlação entre a presença de estresse, fontes de estresse e sintomas apresentados pelos enfermeiros. Setenta e cinco enfermeiros participaram do estudo. Os dados foram obtidos por questionário. A analise foi realizada através do uso de coeficientes de correlação de Pearson e ajustados modelos lineares generalizados. O estudo mostrou a presença de estresse correlacionado à insatisfação com o trabalho, atividades consideradas como situações críticas em unidade de terapia intensiva, os sintomas relacionados às alterações cardiovasculares, aparelho digestivo e músculo-esquelético. A compreensão final é que o estresse está presente na atividade do enfermeiro em unidade de terapia intensiva, correlacionado com fatores pertinentes ao setor, gerando insatisfação com a profissão e sintomas ligados ao estresse.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos: identificar la presencia de estrés en enfermeros que trabajan en unidades de terapia intensiva; identificar a los agentes estresantes y a los síntomas asociados al estrés, según la percepción del enfermero; y, evaluar la correlación entre la presencia del estrés, las fuentes del estrés y los síntomas presentados por los enfermeros. Setenta y cinco enfermeros participaron del estudio. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de cuestionarios. El análisis fue realizado utilizando los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson y ajustando con modelos lineales generalizados. El estudio mostró la presencia de estrés correlacionado a: la insatisfacción en el trabajo; a las actividades consideradas como situaciones críticas en unidad de terapia intensiva; a los síntomas relacionados con alteraciones cardiovasculares; al aparato digestivo y a los músculos del esqueleto. La conclusión del estudio es que el estrés está presente en la actividad del enfermero en las unidades de terapia intensiva y está correlacionado a factores pertinentes al sector, generando insatisfacción con la profesión y presentando síntomas correlacionados al estrés.The present study aimed to identify the presence of stress in nurses working in intensive care units, the stressing agents and symptoms associated to the nurses' perceptions of stress, and to assess the correlation between the occurrence of stress, sources of stress, and symptoms shown by the nurses. Seventy-five nurses took part in the study. The data were collected from questionnaires, analyzed with the Pearson correlation coefficients, and adjusted by general linear models. The study showed the presence of stress related to work dissatisfaction, activities regarded as critical situations in intensive care units, symptoms related to cardiovascular, digestive and musculoskeletal disorders. The conclusion is that stress is present in nurses' activities in intensive care units, related to characteristics of the health area itself, causing dissatisfaction and stress-related symptoms