10,327 research outputs found

    Minimal exact balancedness

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    To verify whether a transferable utility game is exact, one has to check a linear inequalityfor each exact balanced collection of coalitions. This paper studies the structure andproperties of the class of exact balanced collections. Comparing the definition of exactbalanced collections with the definition of balanced collections, the weight vector of abalanced collection must be positive whereas the weight vector for an exact balancedcollection may contain one negative weight. We investigate minimal exact balanced collections, and show that only these collections are needed to obtain exactness. The relation between minimality of an exact balanced collection and uniqueness of the corresponding weight vector is analyzed. We show how the class of minimal exact balanced collections can be partitioned into three basic types each of which can be systematically generated.operations research and management science;

    Analytical evaluation of the impact of broad specification fuels on high bypass turbofan engine combustors

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    The impact of the use of broad specification fuels on the design, performance durability, emissions and operational characteristics of combustors for commercial aircraft gas turbine engines was assessed. Single stage, vorbix and lean premixed prevaporized combustors, in the JT9D and an advanced energy efficient engine cycle were evaluated when operating on Jet A and ERBS (Experimental Referee Broad Specification) fuels. Design modifications, based on criteria evolved from a literature survey, were introduced and their effectiveness at offsetting projected deficiencies resulting from the use of ERBS was estimated. The results indicate that the use of a broad specification fuel such as ERBS, will necessitate significant technology improvements and redesign if deteriorated performance, durability and emissions are to be avoided. Higher radiant heat loads are projected to seriously compromise liner life while the reduced thermal stability of ERBS will require revisions to the engine-airframe fuel system to reduce the thermal stress on the fuel. Smoke and emissions output are projected to increase with the use of broad specification fuels. While the basic geometry of the single stage and vorbix combustors are compatible with the use of ERBS, extensive redesign of the front end of the lean premixed prevaporized burner will be required to achieve satisfactory operation and optimum emissions

    The Errant Evolution of Termination of Transfer Rights and the Derivative Works Exception

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    Cloud microphysics and aerosol indirect effects in the global climate model ECHAM5-HAM

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    The double-moment cloud microphysics scheme from ECHAM4 has been coupled to the size-resolved aerosol scheme ECHAM5-HAM. ECHAM5-HAM predicts the aerosol mass and number concentrations and the aerosol mixing state. This results in a much better agreement with observed vertical profiles of the black carbon and aerosol mass mixing ratios than with the previous version ECHAM4, where only the different aerosol mass mixing ratios were predicted. Also, the simulated liquid, ice and total water content and the cloud droplet and ice crystal number concentrations as a function of temperature in stratiform mixed-phase clouds between 0 and –35°C agree much better with aircraft observations in the ECHAM5 simulations. ECHAM5 performs better because more realistic aerosol concentrations are available for cloud droplet nucleation and because the Bergeron-Findeisen process is parameterized as being more efficient. The total anthropogenic aerosol effect includes the direct, semi-direct and indirect effects and is defined as the difference in the top-of-the-atmosphere net radiation between present-day and pre-industrial times. It amounts to –1.8 W m^−2 in ECHAM5, when a relative humidity dependent cloud cover scheme and present-day aerosol emissions representative for the year 2000 are used. It is larger when either a statistical cloud cover scheme or a different aerosol emission inventory are employed

    End-Cretaceous marine mass extinction not caused by productivity collapse

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    An asteroid impact at the end of the Cretaceous caused mass extinction, but extinction mechanisms are not well-understood. The collapse of sea surface to sea floor carbon isotope gradients has been interpreted as reflecting a global collapse of primary productivity (Strangelove Ocean) or export productivity (Living Ocean), which caused mass extinction higher in the marine food chain. Phytoplankton-dependent benthic foraminifera on the deep-sea floor, however, did not suffer significant extinction, suggesting that export productivity persisted at a level sufficient to support their populations. We compare benthic foraminiferal records with benthic and bulk stable carbon isotope records from the Pacific, Southeast Atlantic, and Southern Oceans. We conclude that end-Cretaceous decrease in export productivity was moderate, regional, and insufficient to explain marine mass extinction. A transient episode of surface ocean acidification may have been the main cause of extinction of calcifying plankton and ammonites, and recovery of productivity may have been as fast in the oceans as on land

    Influence of future air pollution mitigation strategies on total aerosol radiative forcing

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    We apply different aerosol and aerosol precursor emission scenarios reflecting possible future control strategies for air pollution in the ECHAM5-HAM model, and simulate the resulting effect on the Earth's radiation budget. We use two opposing future mitigation strategies for the year 2030: one in which emission reduction legislation decided in countries throughout the world are effectively implemented (current legislation; CLE 2030) and one in which all technical options for emission reductions are being implemented independent of their cost (maximum feasible reduction; MFR 2030). We consider the direct, semi-direct and indirect radiative effects of aerosols. The total anthropogenic aerosol radiative forcing defined as the difference in the top-of-the-atmosphere radiation between 2000 and pre-industrial times amounts to -2.00 W/m2. In the future this negative global annual mean aerosol radiative forcing will only slightly change (+0.02 W/m2) under the "current legislation" scenario. Regionally, the effects are much larger: e.g. over Eastern Europe radiative forcing would increase by +1.50 W/m2 because of successful aerosol reduction policies, whereas over South Asia it would decrease by -1.10 W/m2 because of further growth of emissions. A "maximum feasible reduction" of aerosols and their precursors would lead to an increase of the global annual mean aerosol radiative forcing by +1.13 W/m2. Hence, in the latter case, the present day negative anthropogenic aerosol forcing could be more than halved by 2030 because of aerosol reduction policies and climate change thereafter will be to a larger extent be controlled by greenhouse gas emissions. We combined these two opposing future mitigation strategies for a number of experiments focusing on different sectors and regions. In addition, we performed sensitivity studies to estimate the importance of future changes in oxidant concentrations and the importance of the aerosol microphysical coupling within the range of expected future changes. For changes in oxidant concentrations caused by future air pollution mitigation, we do not find a significant effect for the global annual mean radiative aerosol forcing. In the extreme case of only abating SO2 or carbonaceous emissions to a maximum feasible extent, we find deviations from additivity for the radiative forcing over anthropogenic source regions up to 10% compared to an experiment abating both at the same time

    Image transmission through a stable paraxial cavity

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    We study the transmission of a monochromatic "image" through a paraxial cavity. Using the formalism of self-transform functions, we show that a transverse degenerate cavity transmits the self-transform part of the image, with respect to the field transformation over one round-trip of the cavity. This formalism gives a new insight on the understanding of the behavior of a transverse degenerate cavity, complementary to the transverse mode picture. An experiment of image transmission through a hemiconfocal cavity show the interest of this approach.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Functionality of the LEP tune meters with 3rd generation DSPs

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    The LEP tune meters have been upgraded by replacing the original Motorola 68020 processor cards by Texas Instruments TSM320C30 Digital Signal Processor cards with floating point arithmetic and by creating an optional connection to a more sensitive beam position monitor. This upgrade has lead to a considerable increase in speed and accuracy. The new instrument can generate a continuous real time display of the beam motion in the frequency domain which is well suited to monitor dynamic phenomena occurring during injection and acceleration of the LEP collider. The dynamic phenomena can also be stored for off line analysis. The paper describes the functionality of the instrument in terms of user interface and covers some aspects of code debugging and process synchronization for DSP's connected to the standard control system of an accelerator

    The Q-Loop: a Function Driven Feedback System for the Betatron Tunes During the LEP Energy Ramp

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    In normal operation LEP is ramped from injection energy, typically 22 GeV, to energies of over 90 GeV where physics taking takes place. Effective control of the betatron during the ramp is essential t o ensure good transmission of stored current. The LEP Q-loop is a feedback system used to control the tunes during the energy ramp. By following a pre-programmed tune function it provides a means of avoiding dangerous resonances and thus beam loss. The basic components the Q-loop will be described, and operational results presented. Emphasis will be given to the problems encountered and the solut ions found