306 research outputs found

    Constraining the total aerosol indirect effect in the LMDZ and ECHAM4 GCMs using MODIS satellite data

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    Aerosol indirect effects are considered to be the most uncertain yet important anthropogenic forcing of climate change. The goal of the present study is to reduce this uncertainty by constraining two different general circulation models (LMDZ and ECHAM4) with satellite data. We build a statistical relationship between cloud droplet number concentration and the optical depth of the fine aerosol mode as a measure of the aerosol indirect effect using MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite data, and constrain the model parameterizations to match this relationship. We include here “empirical” formulations for the cloud albedo effect as well as parameterizations of the cloud lifetime effect. When fitting the model parameterizations to the satellite data, consistently in both models, the radiative forcing by the combined aerosol indirect effect is reduced considerably, down to −0.5 and −0.3Wm−2, for LMDZ and ECHAM4, respectively

    Dust ice nuclei effects on cirrus clouds

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    In order to study aerosol–cloud interactions in cirrus clouds, we apply a new multiple-mode ice microphysical scheme to the general circulation model ECHAM5-HAM. The multiple-mode ice microphysical scheme allows for analysis of the competition between homogeneous freezing of solution droplets, deposition nucleation of pure dust particles, and immersion freezing of coated dust particles and pre-existing ice. We base the freezing efficiencies of coated and pure dust particles on the most recent laboratory data. The effect of pre-existing ice, which has been neglected in previous ice nucleation parameterizations, is to deplete water vapour by depositional growth and thus prevent homogeneous and heterogeneous freezing from occurring

    Augustins dogmatische formulierung der trinitatslehre und die theologischen voraussetzungen seines ansatzes zur erkenntnis dertrinitat

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    This thesis is based on a careful reading and analysis of St. Augustine's "De Trinitate". Concentrating on the interpretation of essential passages much more than on the evaluation and discussion of secondary material, it deals with St. Augustines doctrine of the trinity with regard to the following two aspects: On the one hand, it tries to understand St. Augustine's attempt to formulate the doctrine of the trinity as it was presented to him in the orthodox teaching of his church (i.e. the Nicene Creed). His main problems were how to relate unity and trinity in God to each other as well as how to combine the innertrinitarian and the extratrinitarian aspect. The author comes to the conclusion that the contents of St. Augustin's teaching is drawn from the extratrinitarian aspect, i.e. from the way how God reveals himself to man in the course of the history of salvation, much more than one would generally think of a theologian of the Western Church (Ch. 2). On the other hand, looking at the second half of "De Trinitate" (book VIII-XV), the thesis considers the important fact that St. Augustine did not only want to formulate a dogmatical issue but also to show the possibility of man to understand, and thus draw nearer to, the trinity in a personal and existential act of knowing. To explain this, some main lines of St. Augustine's theology had to be considered in their relation to this topic: his teaching of God as the supreme being and creator of the world (Ch. 3), his teaching of man as the supreme of God's creatures, as "imago dei", and as the sinner who is unconsciously dependent on God's preserving grace (Ch. 4), and, finally, some aspects of his christology (Ch, 5), These two parts of the thesis are preceded by an introductory chapter (Ch, 1) which looks at St. Augustine from the point of view of his biography, of the history of doctrine, and of his philosophical and theological preconditions

    Impact of Saharan dust on North Atlantic marine stratocumulus clouds: importance of the semidirect effect

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    One component of aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI) involves dust and marine stratocumulus clouds (MSc). Few observational studies have focused on dust–MSc interactions, and thus this effect remains poorly quantified. We use observations from multiple sensors in the NASA A-Train satellite constellation from 2004 to 2012 to obtain estimates of the aerosol–cloud radiative effect, including its uncertainty, of dust aerosol influencing Atlantic MSc off the coast of northern Africa between 45° W and 15° E and between 0 and 35° N. To calculate the aerosol–cloud radiative effect, we use two methods following Quaas et al. (2008) (Method 1) and Chen et al. (2014) (Method 2). These two methods yield similar results of −1.5 ± 1.4 and −1.5 ± 1.6 W m−2, respectively, for the annual mean aerosol–cloud radiative effect. Thus, Saharan dust modifies MSc in a way that acts to cool the planet. There is a strong seasonal variation, with the aerosol–cloud radiative effect switching from significantly negative during the boreal summer to weakly positive during boreal winter. Method 1 (Method 2) yields −3.8 ± 2.5 (−4.3 ± 4.1) during summer and 1 ± 2.9 (0.6 ± 1) W m−2 during winter. In Method 1, the aerosol–cloud radiative effect can be decomposed into two terms, one representing the first aerosol indirect effect and the second representing the combination of the second aerosol indirect effect and the semidirect effect (i.e., changes in liquid water path and cloud fraction in response to changes in absorbing aerosols and local heating). The first aerosol indirect effect is relatively small, varying from −0.7 ± 0.6 in summer to 0.1 ± 0.5 W m−2 in winter. The second term, however, dominates the overall radiative effect, varying from −3.2 ± 2.5 in summer to 0.9 ± 2.9 W m−2 during winter. Studies show that the semidirect effect can result in a negative (i.e., absorbing aerosol lies above low clouds like MSc) or positive (i.e., absorbing aerosol lies within low clouds) aerosol–cloud radiative effect. The semipermanent MSc are low and confined within the boundary layer. CALIPSO shows that 61.8 ± 12.6 % of Saharan dust resides above North Atlantic MSc during summer for our study area. This is consistent with a relatively weak first aerosol indirect effect and also suggests the second aerosol indirect effect plus semidirect effect (the second term in Method 1) is dominated by the semidirect effect. In contrast, the percentage of Saharan dust above North Atlantic MSc in winter is 11.9 ± 10.9 %, which is much lower than in summer. CALIPSO also shows that 88.3 ± 8.5 % of dust resides below 2.2 km the winter average of MSc top height. During summer, however, there are two peaks, with 35.6 ± 13 % below 1.9 km (summer average of MSc top height) and 44.4 ± 9.2 % between 2 and 4 km. Because the aerosol–cloud radiative effect is positive during winter, and is also dominated by the second term, this again supports the importance of the semidirect effect. We conclude that Saharan dust–MSc interactions off the coast of northern Africa are likely dominated by the semidirect effect.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    IceCloudNet: Cirrus and mixed-phase cloud prediction from SEVIRI input learned from sparse supervision

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    Clouds containing ice particles play a crucial role in the climate system. Yet they remain a source of great uncertainty in climate models and future climate projections. In this work, we create a new observational constraint of regime-dependent ice microphysical properties at the spatio-temporal coverage of geostationary satellite instruments and the quality of active satellite retrievals. We achieve this by training a convolutional neural network on three years of SEVIRI and DARDAR data sets. This work will enable novel research to improve ice cloud process understanding and hence, reduce uncertainties in a changing climate and help assess geoengineering methods for cirrus clouds.Comment: A Preprint. Submitted to Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning: workshop at NeurIPS 202