652 research outputs found

    Strong, omnidirectional radar backscatter from subwavelength, 3D printed metacubes

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IET via the DOI in this recordMetallic metacubes formed of six metal plate faces connected via a metal jack are shown to backscatter microwave radiation extremely powerfully. Experimental radar scattering cross-section (RCS) data from three-dimensional (3D) printed samples agrees very well with numerical model predictions, showing a monostatic RCS of 15 times the geometric cross-section. The principal resonance of the metacubes demonstrates near-complete independence of the incident angle or polarisation of the radiation, making the metacube an omnidirectional scatterer. The metacubes are fabricated via additive manufacturing from metal-coated polymer, and are extremely lightweight, making them excellent candidates for improving the radar return signals from small objects such as drones and cubesats.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC

    A method for identifying genetic heterogeneity within phenotypically defined disease subgroups.

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    Many common diseases show wide phenotypic variation. We present a statistical method for determining whether phenotypically defined subgroups of disease cases represent different genetic architectures, in which disease-associated variants have different effect sizes in two subgroups. Our method models the genome-wide distributions of genetic association statistics with mixture Gaussians. We apply a global test without requiring explicit identification of disease-associated variants, thus maximizing power in comparison to standard variant-by-variant subgroup analysis. Where evidence for genetic subgrouping is found, we present methods for post hoc identification of the contributing genetic variants. We demonstrate the method on a range of simulated and test data sets, for which expected results are already known. We investigate subgroups of individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) defined by autoantibody positivity, establishing evidence for differential genetic architecture with positivity for thyroid-peroxidase-specific antibody, driven generally by variants in known T1D-associated genomic regions.We acknowledge the help of the Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory Data Service for access and quality control procedures on the data sets used in this study. The JDRF/Wellcome Trust Diabetes and Inflammation Laboratory is in receipt of a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (107212; J.A.T.) and receives funding from the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. J.L. is funded by the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre and is on the Wellcome Trust PhD program in Mathematical Genomics and Medicine at the University of Cambridge. C.W. is funded by the MRC (grant MC_UP_1302/5). We thank M. Simmonds, S. Gough, J. Franklyn, and O. Brand for sharing their AITD genetic association data set and all patients with AITD and control subjects for participating in this study. The AITD UK national collection was funded by the Wellcome Trust. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    MUC4 and MUC5AC are highly specific tumour-associated mucins in biliary tract cancer

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    Alterations in epithelial mucin expression are associated with carcinogenesis, but there are few data in biliary tract cancer (BTC). In pancreatic malignancy, MUC4 is a diagnostic and prognostic tumour marker, whereas MUC5AC has been proposed as a sensitive serological marker for BTC. We assessed MUC4 and MUC5AC expression in (i) prospectively collected bile and serum specimens from 72 patients with biliary obstruction (39 BTC) by real-time reverse transcriptase–PCR (qPCR) and western blot analysis, and (ii) 79 archived biliary tissues (69 BTC) by immunohistochemistry. In bile, MUC4 protein was detected in 27% of BTC and 29% of primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) cases, but not in other benign and malignant biliary diseases (P<0.01 and P=0.06). qPCR revealed a 1.9-fold increased MUC4 mRNA expression in BTC patients' bile compared with benign disease. In archived tissues, MUC4 protein was detected in 37% of BTC but in none of the benign samples (P=0.03). In serum, MUC5AC was found exclusively in BTC and PSC sera (44% and 13%, respectively; P<0.001 for BTC vs non-BTC) and correlated negatively with BTC survival. Biliary MUC4 and serum MUC5AC are highly specific tumour-associated mucins that may be useful in the diagnosis and formulation of therapeutic strategies in BTC

    Tumour Suppressive Function and Modulation of Programmed Cell Death 4 (PDCD4) in Ovarian Cancer

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    Background: Programmed cell death 4 (PDCD4), originally identified as the neoplastic transformation inhibitor, was attenuated in various cancer types. Our previous study demonstrated a continuous down-regulation of PDCD4 expression in the sequence of normal-borderline-malignant ovarian tissue samples and a significant correlation of PDCD4 expression with disease-free survival. The objective of the current study was to further investigate the function and modulation of PDCD4 in ovarian cancer cells. Principal Findings: We demonstrated that ectopic PDCD4 expression significantly inhibited cell proliferation by inducing cell cycle arrest at G1 stage and up-regulation of cell cycle inhibitors of p27 and p21. Cell migration and invasion were also inhibited by PDCD4. PDCD4 over-expressing cells exhibited elevated phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and inhibited protein kinase B (p-Akt). In addition, the expression of PDCD4 was up-regulated and it was exported to the cytoplasm upon serum withdrawal treatment, but it was rapidly depleted via proteasomal degradation upon serum re-administration. Treatment of a phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) inhibitor prevented the degradation of PDCD4, indicating the involvement of PI3K-Akt pathway in the modulation of PDCD4. Conclusion: PDCD4 may play a critical function in arresting cell cycle progression at key checkpoint, thus inhibiting cell proliferation, as well as suppressing tumour metastasis. The PI3K-Akt pathway was implied to be involved in the regulatio

    Identification of multiple integrin β1 homologs in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    BACKGROUND: Integrins comprise a large family of α,β heterodimeric, transmembrane cell adhesion receptors that mediate diverse essential biological functions. Higher vertebrates possess a single β1 gene, and the β1 subunit associates with a large number of α subunits to form the major class of extracellular matrix (ECM) receptors. Despite the fact that the zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a rapidly emerging model organism of choice for developmental biology and for models of human disease, little is currently known about β1 integrin sequences and functions in this organism. RESULTS: Using RT-PCR, complete coding sequences of zebrafish β1 paralogs were obtained from zebrafish embryos or adult tissues. The results show that zebrafish possess two β1 paralogs (β1–1 and β1–2) that have a high degree of identity to other vertebrate β1 subunits. In addition, a third, more divergent, β1 paralog is present (β1–3), which may have altered ligand-binding properties. Zebrafish also have other divergent β1-like transcripts, which are C-terminally truncated forms lacking the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. Together with β1–3 these truncated forms comprise a novel group of β1 paralogs, all of which have a mutation in the ADMIDAS cation-binding site. Phylogenetic and genomic analyses indicate that the duplication that gave rise to β1–1 and β1–2 occurred after the divergence of the tetrapod and fish lineages, while a subsequent duplication of the ancestor of β1–2 may have given rise to β1–3 and an ancestral truncated paralog. A very recent tandem duplication of the truncated β1 paralogs appears to have taken place. The different zebrafish β1 paralogs have varied patterns of temporal expression during development. β1–1 and β1–2 are ubiquitously expressed in adult tissues, whereas the other β1 paralogs generally show more restricted patterns of expression. CONCLUSION: Zebrafish have a large set of integrin β1 paralogs. β1–1 and β1–2 may share the roles of the solitary β1 subunit found in other vertebrates, whereas β1–3 and the truncated β1 paralogs may have acquired novel functions

    Aligned nanofibres made of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) grafted to hyaluronan for potential healthcare applications

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    In this work, a hybrid copolymer consisting of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) grafted to hyaluronic acid (HA) was synthesised and characterised. Once formed, the P(3HB)-g-HA copolymer was soluble in water allowing a green electrospinning process. The diameters of nanofibres can be tailored by simply varying the Mw of polymer. The optimization of the process allowed to produce fibres of average diameter in the range of 100-150 nm and low polydispersity. The hydrophobic modification has not only increased the fibre diameter, but also the obtained layers were homogenous. At the nanoscale, the hybrid copolymer exhibited an unusual hairy topography. Moreover, the hardness and tensile properties of the hybrid were found to be superior compared to fibres made of unmodified HA. Particularly, this reinforcement was achieved at the longitudinal direction. Additionally, this work reports the use in the composition of a water-soluble copolymer containing photo cross-linkable moieties to produce insoluble materials post-electrospinning. The derivatives as well as their nanofibrous mats retain the biocompatibility of the natural polymers used for the fabrication

    3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an X-ray laser

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    We report the 3D structure determination of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) by X-ray single particle imaging (SPI). Around 10 million diffraction patterns from gold nanoparticles were measured in less than 100 hours of beam time, more than 100 times the amount of data in any single prior SPI experiment, using the new capabilities of the European X-ray free electron laser which allow measurements of 1500 frames per second. A classification and structural sorting method was developed to disentangle the heterogeneity of the particles and to obtain a resolution of better than 3 nm. With these new experimental and analytical developments, we have entered a new era for the SPI method and the path towards close-to-atomic resolution imaging of biomolecules is apparent

    Dual Triumphalist Heritage Narrative And The Sungai Buloh Leprosy Settlement

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    Unlike other heritage movements in Malaysia, which are largely ethnicbased and culture obsessed (Cartier 1996; Worden 2001), the preservation movement of the Sungai Bulah Leprosy Settlement (SBLS thereafter), also widely referred to as the "Valley of Hope", 1 is concerned with the conservation of a site that is associated with a socially stigmatised disease. Built at a jungle fringe in Selangor in 1930, SBLS was constructed as a place for the treatment, and forced isolation from wider society, of people suffering from leprosy. Although leprosy knows no racial boundaries as people of any background can be afflicted with the disease, nearly eighty per cent of the patients admitted to SBLS have been ethnic Chinese. Of the rest, about fifteen per cent were ethnic Malays with ethnic Indians making up five per cent. Former patients who were cured but left with differing degrees of disfigurement and disability are also residents of the SBLS today.2 SBLS's population reached its peal<. with 2400 people in 1958, but today their number is just slightly over one hundred (JoshuaRaghavar 1983; Wong and Phang 2006)

    Developing an objective indicator of fatigue: An alternative mobile version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (m-PVT)

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    Approximately 20% of the working population report symptoms of feeling fatigued at work. The aim of the study was to investigate whether an alternative mobile version of the ‘gold standard’ Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) could be used to provide an objective indicator of fatigue in staff working in applied safety critical settings such as train driving, hospital staffs, emergency services, law enforcements, etc., using different mobile devices. 26 participants mean age 20 years completed a 25-min reaction time study using an alternative mobile version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (m-PVT) that was implemented on either an Apple iPhone 6s Plus or a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4. Participants attended two sessions: a morning and an afternoon session held on two consecutive days counterbalanced. It was found that the iPhone 6s Plus generated both mean speed responses (1/RTs) and mean reaction times (RTs) that were comparable to those observed in the literature while the Galaxy Tab 4 generated significantly lower 1/RTs and slower RTs than those found with the iPhone 6s Plus. Furthermore, it was also found that the iPhone 6s Plus was sensitive enough to detect lower mean speed of responses (1/RTs) and significantly slower mean reaction times (RTs) after 10-min on the m-PVT. In contrast, it was also found that the Galaxy Tab 4 generated mean number of lapses that were significant after 5-min on the m-PVT. These findings seem to indicate that the m-PVT could be used to provide an objective indicator of fatigue in staff working in applied safety critical settings such as train driving, hospital staffs, emergency services, law enforcements, etc