1,164 research outputs found

    OAR@UM and open access in Malta : five years on

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    The paper looks at the development of Open Access (OA) in the smallest EU member state of Malta over the course of the past five years. Aside from providing a chronological overview of key activities undertaken within the above specified period with the goal of putting the underlying theoretical principles of OA into practice, it places an emphasis on OAR@UM, the University of Malta (UM) Institutional Repository (IR) as the backbone of OA in Maltese Islands. The paper provides a direct link between the technological expansion of the IR and its growing importance to the local and worldwide academic community, while pinpointing and discussing the key aspects of its success and identifying the possible future course of local OA solutions.peer-reviewe

    Particle size of solid ash

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá možnými způsoby analýzy velikosti tuhých částic popelovin a jejich vlivem na prostředí. První polovina práce je věnována spalování, vzniku popela a palivům, které jsou běžně užívány pro výrobu energie. Druhá polovina práce je věnována praktické analýze tuhých částic různých vzorků popela a jejich následnému vyhodnocení.This bachelor thesis deals with possible ways of analyzing the size of solid particles of ash and their effect on the environment. The first half is devoted to combustion, ash formation and fuels, which are commonly used for energy production. The second half is devoted to a practical analysis of solid particles of different ash samples and their subsequent evaluation.

    Program Planning through a Visual Novel-style Game

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    The contents of this resource include Mellissa Lochmanʻs final paper on conducting a usability study on Program Planning through a visual novel-style game. Her presentation slides for TCC 2020 is also included within this resource.This paper describes an instructional design project that conducted a usability study to evaluate an online training instruction for program planning through the use of a visual-novel style game. Program planning is described as an effective way to define, outline, and manage an organization’s events and evaluate their outcomes. Within the University of Hawaiʻi - West Oʻahu Student Life Office, many of the student organizations use program planning to promote events and conduct meetings that incorporate the use of resources, activities, outcomes, etc. Consequently, students within these organizations must take a training course before heading an event or developing a program. An online visual novel style game was developed to provide student board members a way to access this training in their own time. A usability test was used to evaluate the online training for navigation, efficiency, and user satisfaction. Data from the usability test supported the potential likelihood that the training would be a great tool in addition to the already face-to-face instruction, but would still need further development prior to being implemented

    Promoting an academic library: Outreach department at the University of Malta Library

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    The presentation provides a brief overview of the history of marketing, promotion and outreach of the University of Malta Library and in detail discusses the activities carried out by the contemporary Outreach Department. Particular emphasis is put on the promotion of the Library services and interaction with students and staff of the University

    The Will to Walk Upright: The Prague Autumn 1989

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    Contextual Factors in Risk and Prevention Research

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    This paper reviews how cascading levels of contextual influences, starting with family factors and extending to neighborhood and school factors, can affect children’s behavioral and emotional development. The ability of contextual factors to trigger or to attenuate children’s underlying temperament and biological risk factors is emphasized. Recognition of the powerful effects of an array of contextual factors on children’s development has clear implications for preventive interventions as well. Intervention research can explore the effects of multicomponent interventions directed at children’s family and peer contextual influences, can examine how contextual factors predict children’s responsivity to interventions, and can examine how contextual factors have effects on how, and how well, interventions are delivered in the real worlds of schools and community agencies

    Like an Ever-Flowing Stream: The Uprising of Hope in Central Europe

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    Ocena globalnego wpływu żywności i napojów z turystyki na środowisko

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    Tourism harms the environment in many ways and agriculture is of particular importance because of a wide range of negative impacts, the specific spatial conditionality of tourists' consumption, and the change in their eating habits during travel. Despite the urgency of previous research, the environmental requirements of tourist consumption have not yet been quantified. The main aim of the paper is thus quantify in the long term the total amount of food consumed in international tourism and assess its environmental impacts: land use, water requirements, and emitted emissions. Furthermore, we deal with the projection of these impacts associated with meat consumption up to 2050. The investigation uses long-term secondary data on the number of tourists, national diets, and environmental requirements of foodstuffs. According to our research, 15.6 million tonnes of food was consumed globally in 2010 and this amount increased to 24.5 in 2019. Due to COVID-19, the amount decreased by 72%. Although vegetal foodstuffs account for a larger share of the total, the environmental requirements are primarily associated with animal foodstuffs. Compared to daily at-home eating, tourists’ consumption patterns, e.g., higher preference for meat or whole grains, increase the environmental requirements by more than 10%. This research serves destination management bodies and concludes that the food environmental impacts should be the subject of adequate measures that would mitigate them and would make tourism more sustainable.Turystyka szkodzi środowisku na wiele sposobów, a rolnictwo ma szczególne znaczenie ze względu na szeroki zakres negatywnych oddziaływań, specyficzną przestrzenną uwarunkowaność konsumpcji turystów i zmianę ich nawyków żywieniowych w trakcie podróży. Wymagania środowiskowe związane z konsumpcją turystyczną nie zostały jeszcze określone ilościowo. Głównym celem artykułu jest zatem określenie ilościowe w dłuższej perspektywie całkowitej ilości żywności spożywanej w turystyce międzynarodowej oraz ocena jej wpływu na środowisko: użytkowanie gruntów, zapotrzebowanie na wodę i emitowane emisje. Ponadto zajmujemy się projekcją tych skutków związanych ze spożyciem mięsa do roku 2050. W badaniu wykorzystano długoterminowe dane wtórne dotyczące liczby turystów, diety poszczególnych krajów oraz wymagań środowiskowych artykułów spożywczych. Z naszych badań wynika, że w 2010 roku na świecie skonsumowano 15,6 mln ton żywności, a w 2019 roku ilość ta wzrosła do 24,5. W związku z COVID-19 ilość ta spadła o 72%. Chociaż roślinne środki spożywcze stanowią większą część całości, wymagania środowiskowe dotyczą przede wszystkim środków spożywczych pochodzenia zwierzęcego. W porównaniu z codziennym jedzeniem w domu, wzorce konsumpcji turystów, np. większa preferencja dla mięsa lub produktów pełnoziarnistych, zwiększają wymagania środowiskowe o ponad 10%. Badanie to służy organom zarządzającym miejscami docelowymi i stwierdza, że wpływ żywności na środowisko powinien być przedmiotem odpowiednich środków, które mogłyby je złagodzić i uczynić turystykę bardziej zrównoważoną