10 research outputs found

    Inovação: uma análise do papel da agência USP de inovação na geração de propriedade intelectual e nos depósitos de patentes da Universidade de São Paulo

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    The concurrency intensification among the companies that act at the market, both at national and international sphere, has been intensified lately as consequence of commercial and economic liberalization occurred at the nineties years. Companies' technologic innovation has been understood as the essential factor for the maintenance of their activities and for the increase and development of their countries. In this context, the patents, mainly the academic ones, have acquired notoriety at the establishment of public policies in an environment characterized by these innovations. Knowing these patents importance, this article searched to deepen the theoretical discussions in terms of the investigation of USP Agency of Innovation role over the creation of intellectual property and over the patents deposits of Universidade de São Paulo. With this purpose, it has been adopted as methodology a formulation of the kind of descripted exploratory research, through a detailed interview with the general director of USP Agency of Innovation. The data obtained during this interview were analyzed by means of qualitative technics of contents analysis, what has enable a detailed description of the USP Agency of Innovation at the intellectual property generation and at the patents deposits effected by Universidade de São Paulo in the Brazilian context after its establishment.A concorrência entre as empresas que atuam no mercado, tanto no âmbito nacional como internacional, vem se intensificando nos últimos anos, em consequência da liberalização comercial e econômica ocorrida na década de 1990. A inovação tecnológica nas empresas tem se configurado como fator fundamental para a manutenção de suas atividades e para o crescimento e desenvolvimento do país. Nesse contexto, as patentes, principalmente as acadêmicas, têm ganhado notoriedade no estabelecimento de políticas públicas em um ambiente caracterizado por essas inovações. Sabendo da importância das patentes, este artigo buscou aprofundar as discussões teóricas no que concerne à investigação do papel da Agência USP de Inovação na geração de propriedade intelectual e nos depósitos de patentes da Universidade de São Paulo. Para tanto, adotou-se como metodologia uma formulação do tipo pesquisa exploratória descritiva, por meio de uma entrevista em profundidade com o diretor geral da Agência USP de Inovação. Os dados coletados na entrevista foram analisados por meio de técnicas qualitativas de análise de conteúdo, permitindo fazer uma descrição detalhada sobre o papel da Agência USP de Inovação na geração de propriedade intelectual e nos depósitos de patentes realizados pela Universidade de São Paulo no contexto brasileiro após a sua criação

    Competências para inovar em pequenas e médias empresas tecnológicas

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    A pesquisa descrita neste artigo teve por objetivo geral identificar e avaliar as competências para inovar de PMEs de base tecnológica dos setores de atividade aeronáutico, automobilístico e químico do Vale do Paraíba Paulista. Para tanto, o estudo foi exploratório-descritivo e utilizou uma proposta de instrumento de coleta de dados quantitativos sob forma de escala proposto por François et al. (1999). Uma fase de pesquisa qualitativa complementar também foi realizada com o emprego de entrevistas semi-estruradas e análise de conteúdo. Os resultados permitem dizer que os instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizados auxiliam a traçar um quadro útil e claro das competências para inovar de PMEs de base tecnológica. As PMEs da amostra apresentam interesse e atividades ligadas às competências para inovar estudadas; contudo, podem promover melhorias dessas competências. Algumas recomendações para tanto são apresentadas na conclusão do artigo. Os resultados sugerem que, em futuras pesquisas, a compreensão em maior profundidade das competências para inovar das PMEs de base tecnológica demanda a consideração mais detalhada do nível de desenvolvimento dessas empresas, de sua disponibilidade de recursos, do quão refinada e profissionalizada é sua administração e do nível de complexidade tecnológica de suas atividades, entre outros aspectos.The research described in this article aimed at identifying and assessing the skills of SMEs to innovate within technology-based industries, such as the aerospace, automobile and chemical industries, in Vale do Paraíba Paulista. The study was exploratory and descriptive and used a draft instrument to collect quantitative data in the form of the scale proposed by François et al. (1999). A complementary qualitative research phase was also performed with the use of semi-structured interviews and content analysis. The results allow us to say that the instruments used to collect data helped to map out a clear framework of innovation skills that might be of use to technology-based SMEs. Activities related to studying innovation skills were observed in the SMEs in the sample, however, these skills can be improved upon. Some recommendations are presented in the conclusion of the article. The results suggest, for future research topics, construction of an in-depth understanding of innovation skills for technology-based SMEs, to demand more detailed consideration of the level of development of these industries; the availability of resources, of how this refines and professionalizes its administration; and the level of technological complexity of its activities, among others

    The Insertion of the Tool Balanced Scorecard in the Strategic Planning of a Growing Company: A Case Study in the Company Metadil Metalúrgica Indústria e Comércio Ltda

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    The aim of this study was to analyze how the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) can assist in the building the strategic planning of a small growing company, in order to achieve its strategic targets. For this purpose, it was carried out a study in a small company of the furniture segment, with a view to identify the benefits derived from the use of BSC at the organization. The following departments were analyzed: Human Resources, Marketing/Customers, Finances, and Production, and identified as BSC perspectives, they assisted in meeting the strategic targets of the company. In this study, it was adopted the qualitative methodology, with exploratory and descriptive nature, through case study. By the close analysis of BSC use, it was noticed, that there should be greater interaction among the different areas, with effective acting from HR area, regarding improvement in the company learning and growth, such as training and motivation programs; at the Production section, indicators were created in order to meet the increasing demand; concerning Marketing/Customers section, it was identified, through indicators at customers perspective, their real needs, in order to keep them satisfied with products and services; and, regarding to Finances, indicators were created to manage the investments and the minimization of production costs

    Sports Mega-Events Compared To Small Events: Reflections Considering The Brazilian Recent Reality

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    O artigo tem por objetivo oferecer aos definidores de política pública, aos governantes e aos mais diversos grupos de interesse da população brasileira conhecimentos comparativos úteis para que opinem, decidam e ajam a respeito de mega e pequenos eventos, facilitando ainda a pesquisa bibliográfica de estudantes e pesquisadores. A literatura mostra que os efeitos de um megaevento são um tema controverso. No Brasil, sede da Copa das Confederações em 2013, da Copa do Mundo em 2014 e dos Jogos Olímpicos em 2016, ainda há um importante questionamento sobre se o país, tão carente de melhorias em áreas como saúde e educação, deveria sediar megaeventos como esses. Soma-se a isso o questionamento se não seria melhor priorizar pequenos eventos nos países em geral. Os governantes e empresas interessadas na realização de megaeventos frequentemente superestimam seus efeitos positivos para a sociedade anfitriã, enquanto a literatura especializada considera que o saldo dos efeitos reais não é necessariamente positivo e, mais, tende a ser negativo. Com base nisso, desenvolveu-se e tornou-se forte a linha de entendimento de que os pequenos eventos são mais benéficos, têm maiores possibilidades de sucesso e maior potencial de efeito socioeconômico positivo – sendo assim recomendáveis no lugar de megaeventos para os países em geral, o que inclui o Brasil.The objectives of this article are (1) providing public policymakers, politicians, and others with useful comparative knowledge so they can better support their opinions, decisions, and actions concerning mega- and small events, besides (2) facilitating bibliographical research for students and researchers. The literature shows that the impacts of mega-events are a controversial topic. In Brazil, host of the 2013 Confederations Cup, 2014 FIFA World Cup, and 2016 Olympic Games, there is still some relevant discussion as to whether the country, already in need for improvements in priority areas such as health and education, should host mega-events of that sort. Another discussion concerns whether it would not be better to prioritize small (and not mega-) events in different countries as a whole. Politicians and companies that are interested in mega-events frequently overestimate their positive impacts on the hosting society, whereas the specialized literature considers that the balance of the real impacts is not necessarily positive, and even tends to be negative. Based on that, a understanding emerged and became strong in the literature in the sense that small events are more beneficial, have more chance to succeed, and have greater positive social-economic impact – being, thus, recommended in the place of mega-events for countries in general. Research topics are suggested in the end of the article

    Validation of a yellow fever vaccine model using data from primary vaccination in children and adults, re-vaccination and dose-response in adults and studies with immunocompromised individuals

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    Background: An effective yellow fever (YF) vaccine has been available since 1937. Nevertheless, questions regarding its use remain poorly understood, such as the ideal dose to confer immunity against the disease, the need for a booster dose, the optimal immunisation schedule for immunocompetent, immunosuppressed, and pediatric populations, among other issues. This work aims to demonstrate that computational tools can be used to simulate different scenarios regarding YF vaccination and the immune response of individuals to this vaccine, thus assisting the response of some of these open questions. Results: This work presents the computational results obtained by a mathematical model of the human immune response to vaccination against YF. Five scenarios were simulated: primovaccination in adults and children, booster dose in adult individuals, vaccination of individuals with autoimmune diseases under immunomodulatory therapy, and the immune response to different vaccine doses. Where data were available, the model was able to quantitatively replicate the levels of antibodies obtained experimentally. In addition, for those scenarios where data were not available, it was possible to qualitatively reproduce the immune response behaviours described in the literature. Conclusions: Our simulations show that the minimum dose to confer immunity against YF is half of the reference dose. The results also suggest that immunological immaturity in children limits the induction and persistence of long-lived plasma cells are related to the antibody decay observed experimentally. Finally, the decay observed in the antibody level after ten years suggests that a booster dose is necessary to keep immunity against YF

    Engineering a Glutamate-Based Artificial Synapse

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    Neural interfaces are electronic devices that interact with the nervous system and are powerful tools in the fields of neuroscience and neurology. Most neural interfaces consist of microelectrode arrays that interact with single cells or different nervous tissues and are widely used from in vitro to in vivo and clinical settings, but their seamless integration with the nervous system from an electrochemical, physiological, and mechanical perspective is still a challenge. A seamless integration comprises not only material improvements but a complete functional integration in which artificial neuromodulation can be perceived as natural behavior by the nervous system. To achieve this interaction with the nervous system at a synaptic level, That is an electronic device that can adapt its behavior according to the feedback from nearby neurons. In other words, a class of devices capable of emulating neurons’ behavior is called neuromorphic devices. The project is focused on engineering a glutamatergic artificial synapse exploiting organic electrochemical transistors (OECT) as a neuromorphic device. The device is fabricated by means of typical microfabrication techniques (e.g., spin coating, reactive ion etching, electrodeposition), and the glutamate enzyme is then immobilized on the surface of the OECT to investigate glutamate detection as well as the neuromorphic response. This work is part of a wider interdisciplinary project called Neurohybrid Synapse Array for Functional Electronic and Chemical Interaction with Neural Tissue (NeuroWin), which aims to couple the resulting artificial synapse with flexible microelectrode arrays (MEAs) to allow the combination of neurotransmitter sensing and voltage measurements on the same implantable device, thus resulting in a glutamatergic biohybrid synapse. This high-gain, high-risk project will certainly contribute to the development of a new class of in vitro platforms that could be further exploited for the study of neurodegenerative diseases and the implementation of smart adaptive implantable interfaces

    Expectations of FINEP and São Paulo Anjos Agents Concerning the Use of Venture Capital in Technology-based Small and Medium Enterprises

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    This work aims at providing a better understanding of the relations of venture capital agents with entrepreneurs of small- and medium-sized technology-based firms by studying their expectations. The study used qualitative, multiple-case research method, predominantly following the precepts of Eisenhardt (1989). Data collection was done through analysis of documents and semi-structured in-depth interviews with FINEP and São Paulo Angels (SPA) agents. Data analysis followed intra-and inter-case steps (Miles and Huberman, 1994). The results indicate that FINEP agents’ expectations for entrepreneurs who benefit from venture capital are compliance with deadlines established, development of the items specified in the approved project (prototype, product, etc.), generation of innovations that benefit society, and development of business management knowledge and practice. SPA agents’ expectations are that entrepreneurs have high motivation and passion in relation to the business, work ethically and according to the law, and maintain a very good relationship with SPA agents to achieve solid results


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    Incubadoras de empresas podem ser estratégicos mecanismos para os processos de inovação e desenvolvimento econômico de países, estados, municípios e empresas. Houve ao longo da primeira década de 2000 um crescimento no número de incubadoras de empresas no Brasil, porém, na segunda década, verificou-se queda nestes números, diversas encerraram suas atividades e muitas vêm enfrentando dificuldades financeiras. Em relação às incubadoras de base tecnológica (IEBT´s), estudos questionam sobre a efetividade do seu modelo de gestão e processo de incubação. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de negócios para IEBT´s que contribua para sua autossustentabilidade com base nas experiências de incubadoras portuguesas. A metodologia empregada foi a qualitativa, utilizando estudos de casos múltiplos em incubadoras de empresas portuguesas. Propõe-se a utilização do Modelo de Negócios para IEBTs - MONIBTEC, elaborado com base no CANVAS (OSTERWALDER; PIGNEUR; 2011), adaptado à realidade das IEBT´s brasileiras. Suas variáveis foram aferidas e elaboradas junto aos gestores de incubadoras envolvidos no processo de incubação. Principais conclusões: sugere-se que uma IEBT, ao criar e estruturar seu modelo de negócios, analise o perfil empreendedor da região para alinhar suas atividades ao seu público; possua uma equipe de gestão profissionalizada e menos paternalista; reveja sua estrutura de custos; identique formas de participação societária junto aos incubados; e identifique novas formas de apoio aos empreendedores. Palavras-chave: Incubadoras de empresas. Incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica. Modelo de negócios para incubadoras de empresas de base tecnológica. Abstract Business incubators can be mechanisms for strategic innovation processes and economic development of countries, states, towns, and companies. Throughout the first decade of the 2000s, there was an increase in the number of business incubators in Brazil. However, in the second decade, there has been drop in these numbers, with many of them closing down, and many others facing financial difficulties. Studies on technology-based incubators have questioned the effectiveness of their management model and incubation process. The aim of this study is to propose a business model for technology-based incubators that will contribute to their selfsustainability, based on the experiences of Portuguese incubators. A qualitative methodology was used, as well as multiple case studies of Portuguese business incubators. The use of the Business Model for Technologybased Incubator – MONIBTEC was proposed, created based on CANVAS (OSTERWALDER; PIGNEUR; 2011), and adapted to the reality of the Brazilian technology-based incubators. Their variables were measured and elaborated by the actors directly involved in the process of company incubation – the incubator managers. Main conclusions: it is suggested that a technology-based incubator, when it creates and structures its business model, should analyze the entrepreneurial profile of the region, in order to align its activities with its public; it should also have a professionally trained, less paternalistic management team; review its cost structure; identify forms of equity interest with the incubators; and identify new ways to support entrepreneurs. Keywords: Business incubators. Technological basis business incubators. Business model for technology-based business incubators

    Sports mega-events compared to small events: reflections considering the brazilian recent reality

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    Made available in DSpace on 2019-09-12T16:57:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2016The objectives of this article are (1) providing public policymakers, politicians, and others with useful comparative knowledge so they can better support their opinions, decisions, and actions concerning mega-and small events, besides (2) facilitating bibliographical research for students and researchers. The literature shows that the impacts of mega-events are a controversial topic. In Brazil, host of the 2013 Confederations Cup, 2014 FIFA World Cup, and 2016 Olympic Games, there is still some relevant discussion as to whether the country, already in need for improvements in priority areas such as health and education, should host mega-events of that sort. Another discussion concerns whether it would not be better to prioritize small (and not mega-) events in different countries as a whole. Politicians and companies that are interested in mega-events frequently overestimate their positive impacts on the hosting society, whereas the specialized literature considers that the balance of the real impacts is not necessarily positive, and even tends to be negative. Based on that, a understanding emerged and became strong in the literature in the sense that small events are more beneficial, have more chance to succeed, and have greater positive social-economic impact -being, thus, recommended in the place of mega-events for countries in general. Research topics are suggested in the end of the article.[Lima, Edmilson] HEC Montreal, Adm, Montreal, PQ, Canada[Tavares Maia, Tatiane Silva; Lobosco, Antonio; de Moraes, Marcela Barbosa] Univ Nove de Julho UNINOVE, Adm, Sao Paulo, Brazil[Tavares Maia, Tatiane Silva] Univ Fed Mato Grosso Sul UFMS, Campo Grande, Brazil[Lobosco, Antonio] Univ Nove de Julho, Sao Paulo, Brazil[de Moraes, Marcela Barbosa] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau) , Planejamento & Desenvolvimento Reg[de Moraes, Marcela Barbosa] Universidade de Taubaté (Unitau) , Gestao & Desenvolvimento Re