319 research outputs found

    Chemical and biological approaches to enhance the bacteriophage as a probe in molecular recognition

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    The aim of the work presented in this thesis was to explore the structural and molecular features of a filamentous bacteriophage for incorporation in biosensing platforms. To tune the bacteriophage surface as a scaffold for molecular recognition, chemical and biological protocols aimed at controlling and enhancing its intrinsic properties were developed. A key part of the work was aimed at anchoring bacteriophage particles by one-end to surfaces, and on labelling its viral capsid with dyes, antibodies and DNA molecules. The tolerance of the bacteriophage for modifications, as well its simplicity and robustness, makes it an attractive probe for biosensors. Furthermore, the filamentous structure of the bacteriophage was demonstrated to be a valuable feature in both microscopy- and spectroscopy-based biosensors. The ability of the bacteriophage to align under flow was considered as a simple, yet efficient approach for the detection of wall shear stress and pathogenic bacteria. A novel method to detect wall shear stress (WSS) was developed by using a fluorescently decorated bacteriophage particle anchored by one-end to a surface. The response of this filamentous nanosensor to flow variations was tracked under a microscope, and gave valuable information on the shear flow of a fluid passing over a surface. Using a custom-made analysis tool and an algorithm, we were able to derive the wall shear stress on the point of attachment of the nanosensor, using endothelial cells as a model system. The proof-of-concept to this work highlighted how a simple bacteriophage construct can be use as a nanosensor for imaging and mapping flow. Linear dichroism (LD) spectroscopy also explores the high aspect ratio of the filamentous bacteriophage. Linear Diagnostics Ltd., a startup company in Birmingham, exploits the natural LD properties of the bacteriophage and integrated it with a biosensing platform targeting pathogenic bacteria. The work reported in this thesis mainly focused on developing alternative approaches that could improve the biosensor sensitivity and simplicity, by modifying the bacteriophage scaffold, further demonstrating its versatility

    Intervenções de enfermagem destinadas ao cuidador informal da pessoa em cuidados paliativos: uma scoping review

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    Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em EnfermagemSer cuidador informal de uma pessoa em cuidados paliativos pressupõe um desafio enorme para o mesmo, implicando uma mudança das suas rotinas, prioridades e a forma como vêem a vida, no geral. Todas as consequências que advertem desta situação relacionam-se com o desgaste físico, emocional e social do cuidador informal. Deste modo, o presente estudo tem como principal objetivo mapear a evidência disponível para identificar as intervenções de enfermagem direcionadas ao cuidador informal da pessoa em situação paliativa. Para tal, realizou-se uma scoping review recorrendo às bases de dados Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (via EBSCO), National Library of Medicine (via PUBMED) e Medline (via EBSCO), tendo em conta os seguintes descritores em saúde: nursing, nursing care, caregiver e palliative care. Para a realização deste projeto atendeu-se à aplicação de filtros, tais como: documentos em texto integral, de acesso gratuito, publicados nos últimos cincam anos e nos idiomas português e inglês. No total, inicialmente, foram encontrados 190 artigos, tendo sido selecionados apenas seis para integrarem esta scoping review. Concluiu-se que, as intervenções de enfermagem destinadas aos cuidadores informais da pessoa em cuidados paliativos estão agrupadas da seguinte forma: apoio emocional, físico e social; e educação para a saúde. Todas as intervenções realizadas, por enfermeiros, aos cuidadores estão direcionadas para o auxílio do mesmo, tendo em conta todas as consequências da drástica mudança nas suas vidas.Being an informal caregiver of a person that is in palliative care foresees an enormous challenge: implies a change of routine, priorities, and the way they face life itself. The consequences that come from this situation relate with the physical, emotional and social exhaustion of the informal caregiver. Thus, the present study has the main goal of map the available evidence to identify the nursing interventions directed to the informal caregiver of the person in palliative care. For that, a scoping review was done using Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (via EBSCO), National Library of Medicine (via PUBMED) and Medline (via EBSCO) databases, following the next health descriptors: nursing, nursing care, caregiver and palliative care. Filters were applied in the research made for completion of this project, such as: documents with full text, of free access, published in the last five years and in both Portuguese and English. In total, initially, 190 articles were found, being selected only six to be part of this scoping review. In conclusion, the nursing interventions destined to the informal caregivers of the person in palliative care are grouped like this: emotional, physical and social support; and health education. All the interventions done, by nurses, to the caregivers are directed to the help of the caregiver, taking into account all of the consequences of this drastic change in their lives.N/

    Compulsive buying disorder: a review and a Case Vignette

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    OBJETIVO: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo foi descrito pela primeira vez como uma síndrome psiquiátrica no começo do século XX. Sua classificação permanece incerta e os investigadores têm debatido uma correlação potencial com transtornos do humor, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo e transtornos do impulso. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma revisão de transtorno do comprar compulsivo e um relato de caso. MÉTODO: Duas bases de dados foram investigadas (Medline e PsycINFO) em busca de artigos publicados nos últimos 40 anos. Os unitermos selecionados foram "oniomania" e "compras compulsivas". Outros artigos relevantes também foram identificados por meio das listas de referências. RESULTADOS: O transtorno do comprar compulsivo é uma condição crônica e prevalente encontrada ao redor do mundo, que divide características comuns com transtornos do controle do impulso. Em amostras clínicas, mulheres perfazem mais de 80% dos sujeitos. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, mas mecanismos neurobiológicos e genéticos têm sido propostos. O transtorno apresenta altas taxas de comorbidade com transtornos do humor, abuso de substâncias, transtornos alimentares e transtornos do controle do impulso. CONCLUSÃO: As recomendações terapêuticas derivadas da literatura e da experiência clínica sugerem que compradores compulsivos podem se beneficiar de intervenções psicossociais. Modelos de intervenção cognitivo-comportamental de grupo parecem promissores. Ensaios farmacológicos relatam resultados conflitantes. A identificação e o tratamento das comorbidades psiquiátricas são também um aspecto chave do tratamento. Para determinar a validade do transtorno do comprar compulsivo, os futuros trabalhos devem enfocar os achados psicopatológicos e neurobiológicos específicos à síndrome.OBJECTIVE: Compulsive buying disorder was first described as a psychiatric syndrome in the early twentieth century. Its classification remains elusive, and investigators have debated its potential relationship to mood, substance use, obsessive-compulsive, and impulse control disorders. The objective of this study is to present a review of compulsive buying disorder and present a case vignette. METHOD: Two databases were reviewed (Medline and PsycINFO) in search for articles published in the last 40 years. Selected terms included oniomania, compulsive buying, and compulsive shopping. Other relevant articles were also identified through reference lists. RESULTS: Compulsive buying disorder is a prevalent and chronic condition that is found worldwide, sharing commonalities with impulse control disorders. In clinical samples, women make up more than 80% of subjects. Its etiology is unknown, but neurobiologic and genetic mechanisms have been proposed. The disorder is highly comorbid with mood, substance use, eating and impulse control disorders. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment recommendations derived from the literature and clinical experience suggest that problem shoppers can benefit from psychosocial interventions. Cognitive-behavioral group models appear promising. Medication trials have reported mixed results. The identification and treatment of psychiatric comorbidity is also a key aspect of treatment. In order to determine the validity of compulsive buying disorder, future work should focus on psychopathology and neurobiological findings unique to the syndrome

    Jogo patológico em mulheres: uma revisão

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    Pathological gambling was only recently recognized as a psychiatric disorder (DSM-III, APA, 1980). Most studies of pathological gambling include only male subjects. Despite the paucity of information, it is likely that at least one-third of pathological gamblers are women. The objective of this article is to review clinical and epidemiological characteristics of female gamblers as compared to their male counterparts. MEDLINE and PsycINFO were searched for investigational studies and reviews of the past 10 years on clinical (sociodemographic, course and progression, psychiatric comorbidities, genetics, and personality) and epidemiological aspects of female gamblers. Other relevant articles were also selected from reference lists. It is concluded that the current literature indicates some common characteristics in female and male gamblers, but it also indicates the possibility that each gender may carry etiopathogenic differences that when better understood should lead to improved treatment and prevention strategies.Ainda que jogos de azar e os problemas a eles relacionados sejam antigos para a humanidade, o Jogo Patológico, como alteração do comportamento humano, somente passou a ser reconhecido oficialmente como transtorno psiquiátrico a partir de sua inclusão na 3ª Edição do Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais (APA,1980). A maioria dos estudos sobre jogadores patológicos tem como base uma população eminentemente masculina. Entretanto, estima-se que pelo menos um terço dos indivíduos que recebem este diagnóstico sejam mulheres. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar características clínicas e epidemiológicas de jogadoras comparadas a jogadores. As bases de dados MEDLINE e PsycINFO foram consultadas a respeito de estudos sobre Jogo Patológico publicados nos últimos dez anos, com especial enfoque para características clínicas (dados sócio-demográficos, curso e evolução, comorbidade psiquiátrica, genética e personalidade) e epidemiologia. Artigos relevantes publicados anteriormente ao período escolhido de revisão foram selecionados a partir da lista original de referências. Os autores concluem que a literatura atual indica que jogadoras e jogadores apresentam semelhanças, mas carreiam possíveis diferenças etiopatogênicas cujo esclarecimento deverá aprimorar as estratégias de tratamento e prevenção

    Pessoas com deficiência em Angola na narrativa familiar : coragens e lutas por reconhecimento

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Estudos Avançados Multidisciplinares, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento, Sociedade e Cooperação Internacional, 2018.Esta tese analisa as vivências de famílias angolanas que têm filhos e/ou filhas com deficiência. Busca-se compreender as experiências de vida, as tensões, os limites e as motivações que constituem perspectivas à luta social por reconhecimento. Esta análise se dá a partir das reflexões da teoria do reconhecimento, de Axel Honneth, nas suas relações e dimensões afetivas, jurídicas e de solidariedade. A escolha da análise a partir das narrativas familiares foi determinada por um conjunto de relações interligadas, quais sejam: a construção dos primeiros laços afetivos entre familiares e seus/as filhos e filhas com deficiência; as experiências das famílias e das pessoas com deficiência quanto ao acesso e à permanência no sistema educacional angolano; as considerações das mulheres-mães sobre a atuação e responsabilidade nas relações de cuidado e as implicações desse cuidado atreladas às questões de gênero, vulnerabilidade, dependência. A pesquisa de campo realizada de julho a dezembro de 2016 em Angola se inscreve no âmbito de uma investigação qualitativa por meio da observação direta. Foram utilizadas como técnicas de pesquisa a entrevista em profundidade, a pesquisa documental e a observação da realidade cotidiana para a produção de dados qualitativos. Desse modo, a pesquisa analisou as vivências de 27 famílias provenientes das seguintes cidades: Luanda (província Luanda), Moçâmedes (província Namibe), Saurimo (província Lunda-Sul), Lubango (província Huíla), Cabinda (província Cabinda) e Benguela (província Benguela). Ainda, foram realizadas entrevistas com 04 gestores/as da área do ensino especial. Na esfera dos afetos, foi possível observar que o sentimento de medo e o desconhecimento gerados diante da notícia de que seus filhos e filhas possuíam deficiência não os privou do cuidado. Ao contrário, esses sentimentos, quando compreendidos, estabeleceram um vínculo afetivo e de proteção física e emocional que se constituiu na força motriz para a busca de alternativas, sejam elas na área da saúde e/ou educação. No âmbito educacional são descritas as lutas por acesso e permanência na escola, em diferentes contextos de (in)exclusão escolar e reconhecimento de direito, em suas perspectivas. Contudo, as análises decorrentes desses dois fatores não possuíram a pretensão de aferir o mérito do sistema educacional de ensino angolano, nem mesmo o caráter qualitativo do ensino regular ou do ensino especial, mas buscou refletir, a partir da vivência cotidiana das famílias, suas trajetórias, desafios e sentimentos diante do processo de escolarização de seus filhos e filhas. Ao compartilharem suas histórias de vidas, foi possível destacar que as famílias manifestaram sentimentos de injustiças diante da deficiência de seus filhos e filhas permeados por um contexto social de privação e exclusão social. As lutas resultantes dessas experiências são conjeturadas nas narrativas familiares como uma linguagem comum, porém individualizadas, o que desfavorece a luta por reconhecimento em esferas que poderiam ser reclamadas na luta social como forma de resistência e ampliação das relações de reconhecimento.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).This thesis analyzes the experiences of Angolan families who have children with disabilities. It seeks to understand life experiences, tensions, limits and motivations that constitute perspectives for the social struggle for recognition. This analysis is based on Axel Honneth's theory of recognition, in his relations and affective dimensions, legal and of solidarity. The choice of this analysis as of the family narratives was determined by a set of interrelated relationships, such as, the construction of the first affective bonds among family members and their children with disabilities, the experiences of families and people with disabilities in terms of access to and permanence in the Angolan educational system, the considerations of mother-women on the performance and responsibility in care relationships and the implications of this care due to gender issues, vulnerability and dependence. This field research was conducted from July to December, in 2016, in Angola as part of a qualitative research throughout direct observation. The interviews were used in depth, documentary research and daily reality observation for the production of qualitative data. Thus, the research analyzed the experiences of 27 families from the following cities: Luanda (province of Luanda), Moçâmedes (province of Namibe), Saurimo (province of Lunda Sul), Lubango (province of Huíla), Cabinda (province of Cabinda) and Benguela Benguela province). In addition, interviews were conducted with 04 managers from the special education area. In the sphere of the affections it was possible to observe that the feeling of fear and the unfamiliarity generated by the diagnosis that their children had deficiency did not deprive them of the caring and care. Instead these feelings, when understood, established an affective bond and physical and emotional protection that was the driving force for the search of alternatives, in the area of health and/or education. In the educational context, the struggles for access and permanence in school, in different contexts of (in)exclusion from school and recognition of thier rights, in their perspectives, are described. However, the analysis of these two factors did not have the pretension of assessing the merits of the Angolan educational system, nor even the qualitative nature of regular or special education, but sought to reflect from the daily experience of families, their trajectories, challenges and feelings before the process of their children schooling. By sharing their life histories, it was possible to emphasize that families expressed feelings of injustice facing the deficiency of their children permeated by a social context of deprivation and social exclusion. The struggles resulting from these experiences are conjectured in family narratives as a common but individualized language, which distorts the struggle for recognition in spheres that could be claimed in the social struggle as a form of resistance and broadening of relationships of recognition


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    O presente artigo investiga a possibilidade de aplicar o instituto da mediação no mandado de injunção, utilizando o método dedutivo, partindo de teorias e conceitos amplos para testar a viabilidade da oferta, e o indutivo, a par da legislação e da jurisprudência, para concluir sobre a praxis no seu manejo. O objetivo é tecer análise crítica, sob os influxos da teoria do processo como instituto constitucional de garantia e à luz da inclusão do cidadão como sujeito da construção compartilhada dos provimentos judiciais, para indicar, também, alguma atenuação à obstacularização do acesso à justiça pela ineficiência estatal

    Contribution of Epithelial Apoptosis and Subepithelial Immune Responses in Campylobacter jejuni-Induced Barrier Disruption

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a widespread zoonotic pathogen and the leading bacterial cause of foodborne gastroenteritis in humans. Previous infection studies showed disruption of intercellular contacts, induction of epithelial apoptosis, and immune activation, all three contributing to intestinal barrier dysfunction leading to diarrhea. The present study aims to determine the impact of subepithelial immune cells on intestinal barrier dysfunction during Campylobacter jejuni infection and the underlying pathological mechanisms. Infection was performed in a co-culture of confluent monolayers of the human colon cell line HT-29/B6-GR/MR and THP-1 immune cells. Twenty-two hours after infection, transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) was decreased by 58 ± 6% compared to controls. The infection resulted in an increase in permeability for fluorescein (332 Da; 4.5-fold) and for FITC-dextran (4 kDa; 3.5-fold), respectively. In contrast, incubation of the co-culture with the pan-caspase inhibitor Q-VD-OPh during the infection resulted in a complete recovery of the decrease in TER and a normalization of flux values. Fluorescence microscopy showed apoptotic fragmentation in infected cell monolayers resulting in a 5-fold increase of the apoptotic ratio, accompanied by an increased caspase-3 cleavage and caspase-3/7 activity, which both were not present after Q-VD-OPh treatment. Western blot analysis revealed increased claudin-1 and claudin-2 protein expression. Inhibition of apoptosis induction did not normalize these tight junction changes. TNFα concentration was increased during the infection in the co-culture. In conclusion, Campylobacter jejuni infection and the consequent subepithelial immune activation cause intestinal barrier dysfunction mainly through caspase-3-dependent epithelial apoptosis. Concomitant tight junction changes were caspase-independent. Anti-apoptotic and immune-modulatory substances appear to be promising agents for treatment of campylobacteriosis

    Academic and life satisfaction in Portuguese and Mozambican college students : a comparative study

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    Publicado em "ICERI2010 Proceedings, ISBN 978-84-614-2439-9"The social-cognitive model of well-being [1] has become an important framework to study satisfaction and adjustment in specific life contexts and in overall life [1] [2]. Taking into consideration this integrative perspective, this paper aims to understand and compare the process of academic satisfaction in European and Mozambican Portuguese speaking college students, and to draw implications for psycho educational interventions and research in those contexts. We present and discuss the results of the assessment of self-efficacy, goal progress, environmental supports, academic adjustment, positive affect and overall life satisfaction dimensions (AAQ; Academic Adjustment Questionnaire [1]), conducted with 305 students attending one public university and one public polytechnic institute in Portugal, and with 465 students attending one public university in Mozambique. A first study of the instrument in Portugal with higher education students [3] revealed values of internal consistency for the seven scales ranging between 0,75 and 0,88 (M =0, 84, SD = 5,00). In this study, the range of internal consistency coefficients (Cronbach alpha) were between 0,52 and 0,78 (M =0,67, SD = 9,5) for the Portuguese sample, and between 0,65 and 0,83 (M =0,75, SD = 5,4) for the African Mozambican sample. Moreover, in the Portuguese sample, positive correlations were registered between the dimensions of academic adjustment, positive affect and satisfaction with life in general. In the Mozambican sample, in turn, in general, moderate and positive correlations were obtained, statistically significant between all the dimensions of the academic adjustment that were evaluated. An analysis of the mean tells us that, in both samples, students tend to have moderate values on the dimensions of the academic adjustment model. The comparison test of means reveals significant differences between the two countries in the overall dimensions of academic adjustment, with the exception of the scale factors to stimulate the academic adjustment. Specifically, the Portuguese students obtain the highest values in the dimensions of self-confidence, overall adjustment, and satisfaction with life. The Mozambican students registered higher results on self- confidence to face academic barriers and progress in their academic goals. The results obtained also evidence that students from both countries perceive they have a support system and incentives in the academic and classroom environments. This is a dimension that is directly and indirectly correlated with academic adjustment, in both samples, which suggests the importance of socio-cognitive dimensions of adjustment to college