220 research outputs found

    Differentiability of functions in the Zygmund class

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    We prove that the Hausdorff dimension of the set of points where a function in the Zygmund class in the euclidean space has bounded divided differences, is bigger or equal to 1. A similar result for functions in the Small Zygmund class is also proved and an example is constructed to show that these results are sharp

    “Shikonin inhibits microglia activation and reduces CFA-induced mechanical hyperalgesia in an animal model of pain”

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    Shikonin is an ointment produced from Lithospermun erythrorhizon which has been used in traditional medicine both in Europe and Asia for wound healing and is associated with anti-inflammatory properties. The goal of this work is to assess the analgesic properties of Shikonin in the CFA-induced inflammation model of pain. Rats were subjected to inflammation of the hind paw by CFA injection with a preventive injection of Shikonin and compared to either a control group or to a CFA-inflamed group with the vehicle drug solution. Inflammation of the hind paw by CFA was assessed by measurement of the dorsal to plantar diameter. Mechanical thresholds were established by means of the Von Frey filaments which are calibrated filaments that exert a defined force. Finally, the spinal cord of the studied animals was extracted to analyse the microglia population through immunohistochemistry using the specific marker Iba-1. Our results show that Shikonin reduces the paw oedema caused by CFA inflammation. Subsequently, there is a concomitant restoration of the mechanical thresholds reduced by CFA hind paw injection. Additionally, spinal microglia is activated after CFA-induced inflammation. Our results show that microglia is inhibited by Shikonin and has concomitant restoration of the mechanical thresholds. Our findings demonstrate for the first time that Shikonin inhibits microglia morphological changes and thereby ameliorates pain-like behaviour elicited by mechanical stimulationThis work was supported by the Universidad Europea de Madrid (Grant number: 2020/UEM38). We would like to specially thank to Dr Arenillas, Hospital Universitario de Getafe (Spain) for his support and advice in animal welfar

    A Simplified Modeling Approach of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines for Dynamic Simulations

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    Currently, floating offshore wind is experiencing rapid development towards a commercial scale. However, the research to design new control strategies requires numerical models of low computational cost accounting for the most relevant dynamics. In this paper, a reduced linear time-domain model is presented and validated. The model represents the main floating offshore wind turbine dynamics with four planar degrees of freedom: surge, heave, pitch, first tower foreaft deflection, and rotor speed to account for rotor dynamics. The model relies on multibody and modal theories to develop the equation of motion. Aerodynamic loads are calculated using the wind turbine power performance curves obtained in a preprocessing step. Hydrodynamic loads are precomputed using a panel code solver and the mooring forces are obtained using a look-up table for different system displacements. Without any adjustment, the model accurately predicts the system motions for coupled stochastic wind–wave conditions when it is compared against OpenFAST, with errors below 10% for all the considered load cases. The largest errors occur due to the transient effects during the simulation runtime. The model aims to be used in the early design stages as a dynamic simulation tool in time and frequency domains to validate preliminary designs. Moreover, it could also be used as a control design model due to its simplicity and low modeling order.The work was funded by the Basque Government through the BIKAINTEK PhD support program (grant No. 48-AF-W2-2019-00010

    Modelling Cost-Effectiveness of Biologic Treatments Based on Disease Activity Scores for the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Spain

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    Background. The objective of this simulation model was to assess the cost-effectiveness of different biological treatment strategies based on levels of disease activity in Spain, in patients with moderate to severe active RA and an insufficient response to at least one anti-TNF agent. Methods. Clinically meaningful effectiveness criteria were defined using DAS28 scores: remission and Low Disease Activity State (LDAS) thresholds. Monte-Carlo simulations were conducted to assess cost-effectiveness over 2 years of four biological sequential strategies composed of anti-TNF agents (adalimumab, infliximab), abatacept or rituximab, in patients with moderate to severe active RA and an insufficient response to etanercept as first biological agent. Results. The sequential strategy including etanercept, abatacept and adalimumab appeared more efficacious over 2 years (102 days in LDAS) compared to the same sequence including rituximab as second biological option (82 days in LDAS). Cost-effectiveness ratios showed lower costs per day in LDAS with abatacept (427 €) compared to rituximab as second biological option (508 €). All comparisons were confirmed when using remission criteria. Conclusion. Model results suggest that in patients with an insufficient response to anti-TNF agents, the biological sequences including abatacept appear more efficacious and cost-effective than similar sequences including rituximab or cycled anti-TNF agents

    Identificación policial por perfil étnico en España. Informe sobre experiencias y actitudes en relación con las actuaciones policiales

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    El objeto de este estudio es el análisis de los datos de dos encuestas realizadas por Metroscopia con el apoyo de Open Society Foundations, en el que se presentan los datos y las conclusiones sobre las experiencias de las paradas, registros e identi caciones policiales en España. Se ha constatado que, del alto número de identi caciones que reali- zan las fuerzas y cuerpos de seguridad en España frente a otros países, una proporción muy alta se dirige hacia individuos de minorías étnicas y de extranjeros migrantes de determinadas nacionalidades en compa- ración con la representatividad de su presencia en nuestro país. Esto es, se usa el per l étnico o la selección étnica en las identi caciones utili- zando generalizaciones basadas en la etnia, la raza, el origen nacional o la religión, en lugar de en pruebas objetivas o en el comportamiento individual, como elemento determinante (aunque no sea el único), para aplicar el Derecho y/o en investigaciones sobre quién ha participado en actividades delictivas o que puedan serlo. No existen datos o ciales detallados por apariencia étnica o naciona- lidad de las personas a las que se les ha solicitado la documentación en la calle o se les ha trasladado a comisaría por la sospecha de que han come- tido un delito, una falta o han quebrantado una norma administrativa. Esta situación ha sido denunciada y se encuentra bien documentada en informes y estudios realizados por ONG y entidades de la sociedad civil, además de por informes de organismos internaciones y del propio Defensor del Pueblo de España. La propia Dirección General de la Policía ha asumido implícita- mente que se estaban produciendo estas prácticas, por medio de una Circular con fecha 16 de mayo de 2012, la no 2/2012 sobre identi cación de ciudadanos en la que se prohíben los cupos de identi cación o deten- ción de extranjeros y las actuaciones masivas o indiscriminadas basadas únicamente en criterios étnicos. Estas prácticas son un hecho habitual, extendido y cotidiano que se encubre dentro de la actuación discrecional de la policía, en ocasiones justi cado como necesario para la efectividad policial, e impune porque resulta difícil de probar. En la primera parte del informe se muestra por qué la identi ca- ción por per l étnico resulta una práctica discriminatoria y contraria al ordenamiento jurídico nacional e internacional. También cómo esto se acentúa si va unido a un contexto de discriminación institucional. En este apartado también se vinculará la realización de estas prácticas con las teorías procedimentales de la justicia, de manera que se desarrollará el concepto de con anza en la policía con el de legitimidad y los aspec- tos de cooperación con la justicia y el Derecho. Se describe de qué forma se puede probar jurídicamente la discri- minación de las prácticas policiales de identi cación por per l étnico, principalmente a partir de las experiencias en Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, la información con la que se cuenta para ello y una referencia a la obligación de los Estados de recopilar información estadística sobre estas cuestiones. Se concluye este apartado con la información de la que se dispone en la actualidad y la necesidad de corroborar estas hipótesis a través de las encuestas como las que aquí se presentan. Los cuatro capítulos siguientes tratan de presentar los resultados de la encuesta a partir de los ejes de una teoría de justicia procedimental, incorporando datos e informes elaborados por otras fuentes que nos permiten matizar, entender o evidenciar el fenómeno con otra perspec- tiva, pero reforzando, en cualquier caso, los resultados. En primer lugar se veri ca, en el capítulo tercero, si existe un trato desproporcionado en las paradas, registros e identi caciones basadas en per l racial y étnico. En el capítulo cuarto, se valora la efectividad policial utilizando el per l étnico. A continuación, en el capítulo quinto, se estudia el impacto del encuentro policial en dos vertientes. Por una parte, tomando en conside- ración las percepciones que tienen los individuos de los encuentros con la policía. Por otra, valorando la calidad y satisfacción hacia la actuación policial. En el último capítulo se examinarán los efectos de las paradas policiales en la con anza, la legitimidad y la voluntad de cooperación con la policía. En la parte nal se presentan las conclusiones y algunas recomendaciones a partir del análisis realizado

    Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Fresh Produce

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    15 p.Fresh vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, but microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables is a serious concern to human health, not only for the presence of foodborne pathogens but because they can be a vehicle for the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This work aimed to investigate the importance of fresh produce in the transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae. A total of 174 samples of vegetables (117) and farm environment (57) were analysed to determine enterobacterial contamination and presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Enterobacterial counts above the detection limit were found in 82.9% vegetable samples and 36.8% environmental samples. The average count was 4.2 log cfu/g or mL, with a maximum value of 6.2 log cfu/g in a parsley sample. Leafy vegetables showed statistically significant higher mean counts than other vegetables. A total of 15 ESBL-producing isolates were obtained from vegetables (14) and water (1) samples and were identified as Serratia fonticola (11) and Rahnella aquatilis (4). Five isolates of S. fonticola were considered multi-drug resistant. Even though their implication in human infections is rare, they can become an environmental reservoir of antibiotic-resistance genes that can be further disseminated along the food chainS

    Instrumental and affective influences on public trust and police legitimacy in Spain

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    Two approaches to the nature and sources of public trust and police legitimacy can be distinguished: the instrumental and the affective. On the rst account, people trust in police when they judge it effective in enforcing the law and ghting crime; and they hold police more legitimate when they believe these things to be true. On the second account, trust and legitimacy are bound up with relational concerns about the quality of police behavior, and expressive factors relating to the perceived ability of communities and police to maintain and reproduce social cohesion and order. Studies in Anglophone contexts tend to conclude that this 'affective' account provides greater explanatory power. This paper explores these ideas in a new context. Using data from a nation- wide survey conducted in Spain we examine: (a) the relative strength of instrumental or affective predictors of trust; and (b) whether trust in police fairness is a more or less important predictor of legitimacy than trust in police effectiveness. Adding to the weight of international evidence concerning the ways people think about and experience policing, evidence for the primacy of the affective account is presented