302 research outputs found

    La caracterización de los ambientes de aprendizaje en la investigación didáctica. propuesta de una metodología basada en la aplicación del software atlas.TI.

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    Gran parte de la investigación educativa tiene como objetivo la evaluación de propuestas innovadoras frente a prácticas consideradas como convencionales. Una interpretación adecuada de sus resultados exige conocer en qué medida dichas propuestas determinan realmente la naturaleza de los ambientes de aprendizaje, proporcionando validez a la contrastación de las hipótesis formuladas. En esta comunicación se propone una metodología para caracterizar los ambientes de aprendizaje en contextos experimentales inspirada en la denominada Teoría Fundamentada, en la que se basa el software ATLAS. ti. , ampliamente utilizado en la investigación social. Más allá de este objetivo, se pretende ofrecer un instrumento alternativo para evaluar la influencia de los factores contextuales en el aprendizaje, desde una perspectiva centrada en las percepciones del alumnado

    La caracterización de los ambientes de aprendizaje en la investigación didáctica : propuesta de una metodología basada en la aplicación del software atlas.TI

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    Gran parte de la investigación educativa tiene como objetivo la evaluación de propuestas innovadoras frente a prácticas consideradas como convencionales. Una interpretación adecuada de sus resultados exige conocer en qué medida dichas propuestas determinan realmente la naturaleza de los ambientes de aprendizaje, proporcionando validez a la contrastación de las hipótesis formuladas. En esta comunicación se propone una metodología para caracterizar los ambientes de aprendizaje en contextos experimentales inspirada en la denominada Teoría Fundamentada, en la que se basa el software ATLAS.ti., ampliamente utilizado en la investigación social. Más allá de este objetivo, se pretende ofrecer un instrumento alternativo para evaluar la influencia de los factores contextuales en el aprendizaje, desde una perspectiva centrada en las percepciones del alumnado

    Gamificar una propuesta docente. Diseñando experiencias positivas de aprendizaje

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    Comunicación presentada en las XX Jornadas sobre la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática (JENUI), Oviedo, 9-11 julio 2014

    An Ontology for Formalizing and Automating the Strategic Planning Process

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    From late 1980s and early twenty-first century, the environment where the organizations develop and act, has become increasingly uncertain and complex. Under these conditions, organizations have detected the need to move towards a more participatory model to address and reduce the complexity, based on information and knowledge as core assets to reduce environmental uncertainty and thereby ensure better decision-making. This new form of governance involves changes in the Strategic Planning process that are aligned with the characteristics of the new organizational model. Ontologies, as theories of content that allow the formalization of processes and knowledge, are a key element in this context. The aim of this paper is to formally define an ontology that could be defined in the future using the Web Ontology Language (OWL) that meets the standards approved by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and that is used to formalize the process of SP, as well as the knowledge that is created and flows among the several participants in the process

    Seasonal and spatial variability of rainfall redistribution under Scots pine and Downy oak forests in Mediterranean conditions

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    The large degree of temporal and spatial variability of throughfall input patterns may lead to significant changes in the volume of water that reach the soil in each location, and beyond in the hydrological response of forested hillslopes. To explore the role of vegetation in the temporal and spatial redistribution of rainfall in Mediterranean climatic conditions two contrasted stands were monitored. One is a Downy oak forest (Quercus pubescens) and the other is a Scots pine forest (Pinus sylvestris), both are located in the Vallcebre research catchments (NE Spain, 42º 12¿N, 1º 49¿E). These plots are representative of Mediterranean mountain areas with spontaneous afforestation by Scots pine as a consequence of the abandonment of agricultural terraces, formerly covered by Downy oaks. The monitoring design of each plot consists of a set of 20 automatic rain recorders and 40 automatic soil moisture probes located below the canopy. 100 hemispheric photographs of the canopy were used to place the instruments at representative locations (in terms of canopy cover) within the plot. Bulk rainfall, stemflow and meteorological conditions above the forest cover are also automatically recorded. Canopy cover as well as biometric characteristics of the plots are also regularly measured. This work presents the first results describing the variability of throughfall beneath each forest stand and compares the persistence of temporal patterns among stands, and for the oaks stand among the leafed and the leafless period. Furthermore, canopy structure, rainfall characteristics and meteorological conditions of rainfall events are evaluated as main drivers of throughfall redistribution

    Dynamic capabilities, human resources and operating routines: a new product development approach

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explain the outcomes and role of dynamic capabilities (DCs). To explain the outcomes, the authors study the relationship between new product development (NPD) (an example of DCs) and metaflexibility. To explain the role of DCs, the authors study how human resources and operating routines moderate the role of DCs in achieving adaptation in the firm. Design/methodology/approach – Using data from 200 managers of Spanish firms, the authors apply regression analysis to test the moderating role of human resources and operating routines in the relationship between NPD and metaflexibility. Findings – The results demonstrate that highly qualified and committed workers enhance the effectiveness of NPD, while high frequency in repetition of operating routines significantly damages such effectiveness. Research limitations/implications – This study is limited to analysing a unique DC (NPD), but future research could explore contributions on other consolidated DCs (e.g. alliance management capability) and compare results. Also, the database on managerial perceptions rather than objective measures. Practical implications – Managers who must address environmental changes should connect generation of DCs to complementary functional strategies, especially human resources strategy. Originality/value – This paper suggests additional outcomes derived from DCs, such as metaflexibility. It attempts to understand the complex process by which DCs interact to modify operating routines in order to respond to environmental changes

    Spatial variability in the soil water content of a Mediterranean agroforestry system with high soil heterogeneity

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    Variability of soil water content is known to increase with the size of spatial domain in which measurements are taken. At field scale, heterogeneity in soil, vegetation, topography, water input volume and management affects, among other factors, hydrologic plot behaviour under different mean soil water contents. The present work studies how the spatial variability of soil water content (SWC) is affected by soil type (texture, percentage of stones and the combination of them) in a timber-orientated plantation of cherry tree (Prunus avium) under Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experimental design is a randomized block one with 3 blocks * 4 treatments, based on two factors: irrigation (6 plots irrigated versus 6 plots not irrigated) and soil management (6 plots tillaged versus 6 plots not tillaged). SWC is continuously measured at 25, 50 and 100 cm depth with FDR sensors, located at two positions in each treatment: under tree influence and 2.5 m apart. This study presents the results of the monitoring during 2012 of the 24 sensors located at the 25 cm depth. In each of the measurement point, texture and percentage of stones were measured. Sandy-loam, sandy-clay-loam and loam textures were found together with a percentage of stones ranging from 20 to 70 %. The results indicated that the relationship between the daily mean SWC and its standard deviation, a common procedure used to study spatial variability, changed with texture, percentage of stones and the estimation of field capacity from the combination of both. Temporal stability analysis of SWC showed a clear pattern related to field capacity, with the measurement points of the sandy-loam texture and the high percentage of stones showing the maximun negative diference with the global mean. The high range in the mean relative difference observed ( 75 %), could indicate that the studied plot may be considered as a good field-laboratory to extrapolate results at higher spatial scales. Furthermore, the pattern in the temporal stability of tree growth was clearly related to that one in SWC. Nevertheless, the treatments that represent the mean conditions in growth were not exactly the same than those in SWC, which could be attributable to other characteristics than soil

    Soil parameters and bioclimatic characteristics affecting essential oil composition of leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. from València (Spain)

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    [EN] The variability of the soils found in an area together with the diversity of the bioclimatic parameters will affect the chemical profile of plant species, in our case Pistacia lentiscus L. The aim of this work is to analyse the bioclimatic characteristics and soil parameters affecting the essential oil (EO) composition of the leaves of the Pistacia lentiscus L. growing in València (Spain). The EO compositions of dried leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. from five sampling sites with noticeable differences in soil and climate features were analysed by GC(MS) and GD(FID). The main bioclimatic and soil parameters were also determined in order to relate them to oil composition. ¿-pinene (2.8-39.2%), myrcene (0.6-59.3%), ß-phellandrene (0.0-42.8%), germacrene-D (3.9-20.4%) and terpinen-4-ol (0.2-19.0%) were found to be the major compounds showing a high variability. The five sampling sites presented well-defined bioclimatic and edaphic characteristics that could be related to specific EO profiles. The results suggested that the EO composition of P. lentiscus L. depends more on the edaphic factors interacting with bioclimate conditions than on the geographical origin itself. Some general trends could be established based on the results: the Calcaric Arenosol (Saler) with a high evapotranspiration index was associated with a high sesquiterpenic fraction, (germacrene-D and ß-caryophyllene, mainly). The Luvisol (Borrell and L¿Ull), with high amounts of ¿ + ß-pinene, were found to be related to sub-humid bioclimatic conditions and clayey and fertile soils (high CEC and OM levels). This last requirement was also observed to be related to the myrcene content, but with drier climatic conditions and calcareous soils (Haplic Calcisol) with high level of carbonates and active lime (Lliria). The rest of hydrocarbon monoterpene and oxygenated monoterpene (terpinen-4-ol, mainly) fractions could be related to a dry climate and non-calcareous and low fertility soils (Eutric Regosol, Segart). Given the most suitable composition related to specific and useful biological activities, new research of controlled environmental factors (soil features and bioclimatic conditions) should be conducted in order to define the best conditions to manage industrial crops of P. lentiscus L.Llinares Palacios, JV.; Llorens Molina, JA.; Mulet, J.; Vacas, S. (2021). Soil parameters and bioclimatic characteristics affecting essential oil composition of leaves of Pistacia lentiscus L. from València (Spain). Spanish Journal of Soil Science. 11(1):72-87. https://doi.org/10.3232/SJSS.2021.V11.N1.06S728711

    Business ecosystem embeddedness to enhance supply chain competence: the key role of external knowledge capacities

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business under Grant ECO2017-84138-P; FEDER/Junta de Andaluc~iaMinistry of Economy and Knowledge under grant A-SEJ-154-UGR18. The first author's research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under FPU Predoctoral Program [Grant Ref. FPU16/04712] and complementary mobility grant for short stays [Application number EST18/00138].Interest in business ecosystems has grown exponentially over the last decade. This article focuses on the operational benefits of business ecosystems by investigating how embeddedness in business ecosystems influences supply chain competence. Specifically, it considers the mediating effect of external knowledge capacities (i.e. absorptive, desorptive and connective capacity). Data from 271 European firms in business ecosystems was collected to test the paper’s hypotheses using regression analysis with bootstrapping. Results indicate that business ecosystem embeddedness does not in itself improve supply chain competence. Rather, the relationship is explained through (i) absorptive and desorptive capacity as direct mediators; and (ii) connective capacity, which enhances supply chain competence indirectly by improving external knowledge retention for absorptive and desorptive capacity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to demonstrate benefits of being embedded in business ecosystems other than in terms of innovation. Newly validated scales for business ecosystem embeddedness and connective capacity are provided.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Business ECO2017-84138-PSpanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities FPU16/04712 EST18/00138FEDER/Junta de AndaluciaMinistry of Economy and Knowledge A-SEJ-154-UGR1