139 research outputs found

    Análisis e investigación en ataques de vulnerabilidades con Nessus

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    En esta memoria vamos a estudiar la herramienta Nessus, su demonio NESSUSD y los diferentes escaneos que esta nos permite. Para ello, vamos a desarrollar un procedimiento para la gestión de vulnerabilidades encontradas en varios equipos que componen una red. Usaremos la herramienta Nessus para realizar varios tipos de escaneos que nos servirán para detectar todas las vulnerabilidades de cada equipo. Una vez detectadas las vulnerabilidades, estudiaremos los resultados e intentaremos explotar y poner solución a todas aquellas que sea posible. Por último, volveremos a realizar escaneos para corroborar que la maquina ya no tiene dichas vulnerabilidades.In this report we are going to study the Nessus tool, its NESSUSD daemon and the different scans that it allows us to perform. To do so, we are going to develop a procedure for the management of vulnerabilities found in several computers that make up a network. We will use the Nessus tool to perform several types of scans that will help us to detect all the vulnerabilities of each computer. Once the vulnerabilities have been detected, we will study the results and try to exploit and solve as many of them as possible. Finally, we will run scans again to corroborate that the machine no longer has these vulnerabilities.Grado en Ingeniería de Computadore

    Herramienta para la enseñanza de la deducción natural

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    En el presente artículo se presenta una herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza de la lógica, en concreto para el aprendizaje de la técnica de inferencia de la Deducción Natural. ADN (Asistente para la Deducción Natural) es un programa, ejecutado vía web, que supervisa y comprueba que las fórmulas lógicas introducidas están sintácticamente bien construidas (fbf) y que la secuencia obtenida (pasos de la deducción) es correcta. También dispone de otras herramientas de soporte: árbol sintáctico, aconsejador, ayuda en línea, información detallada de errores, ..

    Explorando ChatGPT para la educación: su potencial en la redacción

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    La irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías basadas en IA transformará el sector educativo al ofrecer herramientas que personalizan el aprendizaje, automatizan tareas rutinarias del profesorado y potencian evaluaciones adaptativas. Aunque prometedoras, estas oportunidades conllevan riesgos potenciales como la aceleración de la desinformación, la pérdida de habilidades interpersonales y la vulneración de la privacidad. Este estudio examina si con ayuda de la IA se pueden generar mejores documentos académicos. Para ello, se ha diseñado un experimento con estudiantes de primer año del ciclo formativo Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Multiplataforma utilizando la herramienta ChatGPT. Los resultados revelan que una interacción reflexiva con la IA mejora significativamente los ensayos. Estos hallazgos sugieren que el profesorado replantee los mecanismos de evaluación para mejorar el aprendizaje del alumnado

    Reflexiones desde la Geografía en torno a las prácticas de extensión. La experiencia del agua en El Algodonal

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    Con este artículo queremos compartir una serie de reflexiones y experiencias que se fueron dando a medida que desarrollábamos el proyecto de extensión denominado “Gestión Social del Agua con los chicos de El Algodonal” en una comunidad de las Sierras Chicas de la provincia de Córdoba.Si bien se comenzó el proyecto con un marco conceptual definido, fue la propia práctica y los procesos de reflexión permanente con los miembros de la comunidad,lo que nos permitió fortalecer el marco teórico y mediar los aspectos generales que siempre supone este tipo de texto, con las particularidades siempre situadas de las prácticas, conocimientos y necesidades de las comunidades.En este sentido, encontramos que algunas de las prácticas y desarrollos teóricos conceptuales específicos de la geografía poseían mayor potencial para su articulación con la práctica extensionista. Atendiendo a que en torno al agua se articulan tanto cuestiones físico-naturales como socio-económico-culturales, se tomó la idea de espacio como construcción social. Abordamos los conceptos de territorio y lugar que hacen referencia a una forma específica de conceptualizar la articulación entre el espacio y las relaciones sociales. De esta forma pudimos redefinir el concepto de cuenca hidrográfica sin que la misma quedara reducida a las variables físico naturales

    Prevalence, associated factors and reasons for sickness presenteeism : a cross-sectional nationally representative study of salaried workers in Spain, 2016

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    The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of sickness presenteeism (SP), its associated factors and the reasons given for SP episodes, among the overall salaried population and excluding the 'healthy' workers. Population-based cross-sectional study. Salaried population in Spain. Data were obtained from the third Spanish Psychosocial Risks Survey (2016), carried out between October and December 2016, n=1615. Self-reported episodes of SP and their reasons. 23.0% (95% CI 19.2 to 26.8) of the workers exhibit SP, whereas among those manifesting having had some health problem in the preceding year, the figure was 53.0% (95% CI 46.9 to 59.1). The factors associated with SP when we study all workers are age, seniority, salary structure, working more than 48 hours, the contribution of worker's wage to the total household income and downsizing; factors among the 'unhealthy' workers are working more than 48 hours and not having a contract. The most common reason for SP is 'did not want to burden my colleagues', 45.7% (95% CI 37.3 to 54.4), whereas 'I could not afford it for economic reasons' ranked third, 35.9% (29.4% to 42.9%), and 27.5% (21.3% to 34.6%) of the workers report 'worried about being laid off' as a reason for going to work despite being ill. The estimated frequency of SP in Spain is lower than certain other countries, such as the Scandinavian countries. The factors associated vary depending on the population analysed (all workers or excluding 'healthy' workers). The reason 'I was worried about being laid off' was much more common than the estimates for Sweden or Norway

    Towards an Iterative Design for Serious Games

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    The design and development of Serious Games is a complex task, including a considerable risk of failure. Many attempts end up in non-fun, non-engaging games that fail to meet the purpose of improving education. Many different proposals have been published in the form of design frameworks, with the aim of helping practitioners succeed. Although these frameworks define and explain relevant concepts and guidelines, there is lack of focus in iterative methodologies. These methodologies have proven valuable in other areas on engineering and are also used by commercial game designers. This work proposes the introduction of iterative design for Serious Games and presents an early stage methodology, along with an example of the core mechanic of a game and a prototype for learning the concept of slope of a line.This research has been internally funded by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia de Conocimiento from the University of Alicante, project GRE20-17-C

    Aspects of higher-curvature gravities with covariant derivatives

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    We study various aspects of higher-curvature theories of gravity built from contractions of the metric, the Riemann tensor and the covariant derivative, L(gab,Rabcd,a)\mathcal{L}(g^{ab},R_{abcd},\nabla_a). We characterise the linearized spectrum of these theories and compute the modified Newton potential in the general case. Then, we present the first examples of Generalized Quasi-topological (GQT) gravities involving covariant derivatives of the Riemann tensor. We argue that they always have second-order equations on maximally symmetric backgrounds. Focusing on four spacetime dimensions, we find new densities of that type involving eight and ten derivatives of the metric. In the latter case, we find new modifications of the Schwarzschild black hole. These display thermodynamic properties which depart from the ones of polynomial GQT black holes. In particular, the relation between the temperature and the mass of small black holes, TM1/3T\sim M^{1/3}, which universally holds for general polynomial GQT modifications of Einstein gravity, gets modified in the presence of the new density with covariant derivatives to TM3T\sim M^{3}. Finally, we consider brane-world gravities induced by Einstein gravity in the AdS bulk. We show that the effective quadratic action for the brane-world theory involving arbitrary high-order terms in the action can be written explicitly in a closed form in terms of Bessel functions. We use this result to compute the propagator of metric perturbations on the brane and its pole structure in various dimensions, always finding infinite towers of ghost modes, as well as tachyons and more exotic modes in some cases.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures; v2: typos fixed, references adde

    Top-down model fitting for hand pose recovery in sequences of depth images

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    State-of-the-art approaches on hand pose estimation from depth images have reported promising results under quite controlled considerations. In this paper we propose a two-step pipeline for recovering the hand pose from a sequence of depth images. The pipeline has been designed to deal with images taken from any viewpoint and exhibiting a high degree of finger occlusion. In a first step we initialize the hand pose using a part-based model, fitting a set of hand components in the depth images. In a second step we consider temporal data and estimate the parameters of a trained bilinear model consisting of shape and trajectory bases. We evaluate our approach on a new created synthetic hand dataset along with NYU and MSRA real datasets. Results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the most recent pose recovering approaches, including those based on CNNs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Heuristic for extractive agent flow rate in extractive distillation

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    Distillation is the most widely used separation process for liquids separation in the industry. Even when the volatilities of the mixture are not favorable, then enhanced distillation is used. Extractive distillation is the enhanced distillation most widely used that consists in introducing a large flow rate of a third compound called extractive agent with a high boiling point that it is collected at the column bottoms and recovered in another column and reused again. Some heuristics are available for distillation column design, e.g. the optimum reflux is around 1.2 to 1.35 times the minimum reflux (or 1.1-1.2 times for refrigerated systems). Unfortunately, there is not a similar heuristic to determine the optimum extractive agent flow rate. Based on a literature review of rigorous simulations of extractive distillation processes, a heuristic is proposed that indicates that the optimum extractive distillation flow rate is which provides a Distillation Sequence Efficiency at 78 % of its maximum value. The maximum value is calculated assuming infinite flow rate of extractive agent. The Distillation Sequence Efficiency is a shortcut method available for distillation columns sequencing

    The role of virtual motor rehabilitation: a quantitative analysis between acute and chronic patients with acquired brain injury

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    "(c) 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works."Acquired brain injury (ABI) is one of the main problems of disability and death in the world. Its incidence and survival rate are increasing annually. Thus, the number of chronic ABI patients is gradually growing. Traditionally, rehabilitation programs are applied to postacute and acute patients, but recent publications determine that chronic patients may benefit from rehabilitation. Also, in the last few years, the potential of virtual rehabilitation (VR) systems has been demonstrated. However, until now, no previous studies have been carried out to compare the evolution of chronic patients with acute patients in a VR program. To perform this study, we developed a VR system for ABI patients. The system, vestibular virtual rehabilitation (V2R), was designed with clinical specialists. V2R has been tested with 21 people ranging in age from 18 to 80 years old that were classified in two groups: chronic patients and acute patients. The results demonstrate a similar recovery for chronic and acute patients during the intervention period. Also, the results showed that chronic patients stop their improvement when they finish their training. This conclusion encourages us to direct our developments toward VR systems that can be easily integrated at home, allowing chronic patients to have a permanent VR training program.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia Spain: Projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), "CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII," and the Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Conselleria de Educacion, 2008-157).Albiol Pérez, S.; Gil-Gómez, J.; Llorens Rodríguez, R.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Colomer Font, C. (2014). The role of virtual motor rehabilitation: a quantitative analysis between acute and chronic patients with acquired brain injury. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 18(1):391-398. https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2013.2272101S39139818