718 research outputs found

    Operating Speed models for heavy vehicles on tangents of Spanish two-lane rural roads

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    Road safety is one of the most important public health concern in our society. In Spain, the most of the traffic accidents involving a heavy vehicle occur on two-lane rural roads. Current consistency models only rely on the analysis of the operating speed profile for passenger cars due to the few speed models available for heavy vehicles. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyze and model the free flow speed developed by heavy vehicles on tangents of two-lane rural roads. Thus, this research presents new speed models for estimating heavy vehicle speeds on tangents of two-lane rural roads. To do this, truck speeds were collected by means of Global Positioning System tracking devices, on 49 tangents sections that were identified from 12 road sections. Two different patterns were detected, which were associated with loaded and unloaded trucks. The combined effect of geometric and operational variables was analyzed. As a result, the most influential variables on loaded truck speeds were the speed of the preceding horizontal curve and the grade of the tangent, whereas unloaded truck speeds were significantly influenced by the length of the tangent and the speed of the preceding horizontal curve. Finally, several regression models were calibrated to predict the 85th and 15th percentile speeds for both loaded and unloaded trucks

    Estudio de las aguas de bebida minerales de las provincia de Valencia

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    Mediante la investigación de determinados parámetros, en las aguas de bebida minerales de la provincia de Valencia, buscamos la posible relación entre la composición de dichas aguas y las características geológicas de la zona. Del resultado de los análisis se deduce que las aguas menos mineralizadas se encuentran en los terrenos más antiguos del Buntsandstein de la zona Norte de la provincia, mientras que las más mineralizdadas las encontramos en terreno Keuper. La mayoría de las aguas minerales y de mesa se encuentran en terrenos triásicos o cretácicos. En las aguas de mesa que se explotan comercialmente predominan las bicarbonato-c4lcicas y bacteriológicamente suelen ser correctas si lo es la explotación. Del Mióceno y Cuaternario afloran aguas con sulfatos aumentados.With the investigation of determinates parameters in the mineral waters of the province of Valencia, we are looking for the possible relation between the composition of those water s and the geological characteristics of the zone. From the result of the analysis we deduce that the water s with minus mineralization are found al the oldest Buntsandstein terrenes of the north zone of the province, while the waters with more mineralization are found at Keu per terrene. The most mineral water s and potable waters are found at Triassic terrene or Cretaceous terrenes. About the waters to drink that are work com mercially predominate the bicarbonated-caIciumed and bacteriologicaly they used to be correct in the work is correct. From the Miocene and Quaternary emanate water s with increased sulphate

    “Estudio de las aguas de bebida minerales de las provincia de Valencia”

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    With the investigation of determinates parameters in the mineral waters of the province of Valencia, we are looking for the possible relation between the composition of those waters and the geological characteristics of the zone. From the result of the analysis we deduce that the water s with minus mineralization are found al the oldest Buntsandstein terrenes of the north zone of the province, while the waters with more mineralization are found at Keuper terrene. The most mineral water s and potable waters are found at Triassic terrene or Cretaceous terrenes. About the waters to drink that are work commercially predominate the bicarbonated-caIciumed and bacteriologicaly they used to be correct in the work is correct. From the Miocene and Quaternary emanate water s with increased sulphate.Mediante la investigación de determinados parámetros, en las aguas de bebida minerales de la provincia de Valencia, buscamos la posible relación entre la composición de dichas aguas y las características geológicas de la zona. Del resultado de los análisis se deduce que las aguas menos mineralizadas se encuentran en los terrenos más antiguos del Buntsandstein de la zona Norte de la provincia, mientras que las más mineralizdadas las encontramos en terreno Keuper. La mayoría de las aguas minerales y de mesa se encuentran en terrenos triásicos o cretácicos. En las aguas de mesa que se explotan comercialmente predominan las bicarbonato-c4lcicas y bacteriológicamente suelen ser correctas si lo es la explotación. Del Mióceno y Cuaternario afloran aguas con sulfatos aumentados

    Estudio cinético de la desdiazoación en medio acuoso del tetrafluorborato de bencenodiazonio

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    The kinetic analyses carried out at different temperatures (20ºC - 40ºC) indicate that the dediazoniation process of thebenzenediazonium ion (BZ) is of the order of one, with BZ at A = 2,3.1015 s-1 and Ea = 112,5 kJ.mol-1 for the Arrheniusequation, and ΔH‡ = 110,0 kJ.mol-1 and ΔS‡ = 40,7 J.K-1.mol-1 for the Eyring equation. The chromatographic resultsreveal that BZ decomposes through a heterolytic process mediated by the aryl ion. The presence of Cu(I) or Cu(II) saltsand ascorbic acid produce a change in the reaction mechanism. The intermediate compounds produced in these conditionsare stable species that may be transported in the bloodstream. The model studied suggests a possible explanation for thelocalisation of tumours produced by the administration of BZ in rats.Los análisis cinéticos realizados a diferentes temperaturas (20º C - 40º C) indican que el proceso de desdiazoacióndel ion bencenodiazonio (BZ) es de orden uno respecto a BZ siendo A = 2,3.1015 s-1 y Ea = 112,5 kJ.mol-1 en laecuación de Arrhenius así como ΔH‡ = 110,0 kJ.mol-1 y ΔS‡ = 40,7 J.K-1.mol-1 para la ecuación de Eyring. Losresultados cromatográficos revelan que BZ se descompone por un proceso heterolítico mediado por el catión arilo.La presencia de sales Cu(I) o de Cu(II) y ácido ascórbico produce un cambio del mecanismo de reacción. Loscompuestos intermedios originados en estas condiciones son especies estables que pueden ser transportadas en lasangre. El modelo estudiado sugiere una posible explicación para la localización descrita en la literatura para lostumores producidos por la administración de BZ a ratas

    Radiation-Induced Leiomyosarcoma after Breast Cancer Treatment and TRAM Flap Reconstruction

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    The development of a radiation-induced sarcoma (RIS) in the post mastectomy thoracic treatment volume is an infrequent, but recognized, event. Its frequency is rising in relation with increasing survival of breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant radiation therapy, and is associated with poor prognosis despite treatment. We present a case of leiomyosarcoma in a patient who underwent mastectomy followed by radiotherapy for invasive ductal carcinoma. A delayed TRAM flap reconstruction was performed 10 years after and a rapid growing mass under the reconstructed flap appeared, on routine follow-up, twenty years later. This report analyzes the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients with RIS

    Told through the wine: a liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry interplatform comparison reveals the influence of the global approach on the final annotated metabolites in non-targeted metabolomics

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    This work focuses on the influence of the selected LC-HRMS platform on the final annotated compounds in non-targeted metabolomics. Two platforms that differed in columns, mobile phases, gradients, chromatographs, mass spectrometers (Orbitrap [Platform#1] and Q-TOF [Platform#2]), data processing and marker selection protocols were compared. A total of 42 wines samples from three different protected denomination of origin (PDO) were analyzed. At the feature level, good (O)PLS-DA models were obtained for both platforms (Q2[Platform#1]=0.89, 0.83 and 0.72; Q2[Platform#2]=0.86, 0.86 and 0.77 for Penedes, Ribera del Duero and Rioja wines respectively) with 100% correctly classified samples in all cases. At the annotated metabolite level, platforms proposed 9 and 8 annotated metabolites respectively which were identified by matching standards or the MS/MS spectra of the compound. At this stage, none of the suggested metabolites was coincident between platforms. When screened on the raw data, 6 and 5 of these compounds were detected on the other platform with a similar trend. Some of the detected metabolites showed complimentary information when integrated on biological pathways. Through the use of some examples at the annotated metabolite level, possible explanations of this initial divergence on the results are presented. This work shows the complications that may arise on the comparison of non-targeted metabolomics platforms even when metabolite focused approaches are used in the identificatio