58 research outputs found

    A Comparison of SLAM Algorithms with Range Only Sensors

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    2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),31 May 2014 - 07 June 2014, Hong-Kong, ChinaLocalization and mapping in indoor environments, such as airports and hospitals, are key tasks for almost every robotic platform. Some researchers suggest the use of RO (Range Only) sensors based on WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) technology with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) techniques. The current state of the art in RO SLAM is mainly focused on the filtering approach, while the study of smoothing approach with RO sensors is quite incomplete. This paper presents a comparison between a filtering algorithm, the EKF, and a smoothing algorithm, the SAM (Smoothing And Mapping). Experimental results are obtained, first in an outdoor environment using two types of RO sensors and then in an indoor environment with WiFi sensors. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the smoothing approach with WiFi sensors in indoors

    Update on Extended Treatment for Venous Thromboembolism

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    The importance of assessing the probability of venous thromboembolism recurrence, a condition that includes deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, lies in the fact that it is the most important factor in deciding the duration of anticoagulant treatment. Risk of recurrence depends mostly on the presence of a risk factor for developing venous thromboembolism, with patients with unprovoked events being at the higher risk of recurrence. The risk of recurrence needs to be balanced with the risk of bleeding and the potential severity of these thrombotic and hemorrhagic events. In patients with an unprovoked venous thromboembolism who complete treatment for the acute (first 10 days) and post-acute phase of the disease (from day 10 to 3-6 months), decision has to be made regarding prolonged antithrombotic therapy to prevent recurrences. The main goal of extended treatment is preventing recurrences with a safe profile in terms of bleeding risk. Many therapeutic options are now available for these patients, including antiplatelet therapy with aspirin or direct oral anticoagulants. Moreover, apixaban and rivaroxaban at prophylactic doses have demonstrated efficacy in preventing recurrences with a low risk of bleeding

    Phytotherapy in pregnancy and lactation: benefit or risk? Review of the literature

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: Durante el embarazo el organismo de la mujer sufre cambios temporales con aparición de estructuras orgánicas nuevas como la placenta. Cualquier sustancia, natural o sintética, que pueda producir una alteración de los procesos fisiológicos propios de esta etapa están contraindicados. OBJETIVO: Dar a conocer los productos de origen vegetal utilizados habitualmente en el embarazo y la lactancia y evaluar su eficacia y seguridad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Revisión integradora de la literatura en las bases de datos Cochrane Library, Cinahl, Medline, Cuiden, Cuidatge, Bireme, Enfispo y buscadores de la red. Tras la lectura de los artículos, se realizó una valoración crítica, síntesis e interpretación para llegar a conclusiones de todos los estudios seleccionados. RESULTADOS: El uso de plantas medicinales en el embarazo es habitual, encontrándose el jengibre y la equinácea entre las más utilizadas. En cuanto a la etapa del embarazo de mayor consumo, se identifica el primer trimestre. El mayor porcentaje de las gestantes utiliza las plantas sin indicación médica. En cuanto a la eficacia: la equinácea es eficaz para el resfriado común e infecciones vaginales, el arándano rojo para la infección urinaria, la raíz de jengibre y la ipecacuana tienen acción antiemética, la hierba de San Juan es eficaz en la depresión postparto, la valeriana para combatir el nerviosismo y el aceite de onagra para inducir el parto. El nivel de seguridad varía según la planta por lo que se recomienda un control por parte del profesional sanitario. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: De forma general las mujeres no están educadas en cuanto a la influencia que ejerce el estilo de vida en las primeras células embrionarias. El uso de productos fitoterápicos puede ser eficaz para ayudar a solucionar muchos de los problemas del embarazo pero es necesario ver la relación riesgo-efectividad. Por eso, antes, durante y después del embarazo o lactancia materna las mujeres que desean tomar preparados herbarios, deben consultar con su matrona u otro profesional sanitario bien informado al respecto, porque muchos de los efectos de las plantas sobre los fetos y la leche materna son desconocidos.INTRODUCTION: During pregnancy, women´s body suffers from temporary changes with new organic structures such as placenta. Any subtance, natural or sintetic which may alter physiological proceses on this own state are contraindicated. OBJECTIVE: Dara know the plant products commonly used in pregnancy and lactation and assess their effectiveness and safety. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Integrative review of literature in the databases Cochrane Library, CINAHL, Medline, Cuiden, Cuidatge, Medicine , ENFISPO and Web searches. After reading the articles, critical appraisal, synthesis and interpretation was performed to reach conclusions of all selected studies. RESULTS: The use of medicinal plants during pregnancy is frequent, being ginger and echinace some of the most used ones. Regarding the stage of pregnancy with higher consumption, it is the first term. The highest percentage of pregnant women use plants without any medical advices. As for effectiveness: Echinacea is effective for the common cold and vaginal infections, cranberry for urinary infection, ginger root and ipecac have antiemetic action, St. John's wort is effective in postpartum depression, valerian to combat nervousness and evening primrose oil to induce labor. The security level varies depending on the plant so a control by the health care professional is recommended. DISCUSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Generally, women are not aware of the influence of their life style on the first embryonic cells. The use of herbal products can be effective in helping to solve many of the problems of pregnancy but you need to see the risk-effectiveness. Because of that, previously, during an after pregnancy or breastfeeding, those women who want to take herbalist products, should first consult a midwife or another medical professional who is well-informed about it, because many of the effect of plants on fetus and breastmilk are still unknown

    Extended Floating Car Data System - Experimental Study-

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    IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), , 06/06/2011-10/06/2011, Baden-Baden, AlemaniaThis paper presents the results of a set of extensive experiments carried out in daytime and nighttime conditions in real traffic using an enhanced or extended Floating Car Data system (xFCD) that includes a stereo vision sensor for detecting the local traffic ahead. The detection component implies the use of previously monocular approaches developed by our group in combination with new stereo vision algorithms that add robustness to the detection and increase the accuracy of the measurements corresponding to relative distance and speed. Besides the stereo pair of cameras, the vehicle is equipped with a low-cost GPS and an electronic device for CAN Bus interfacing. The xFCD system has been tested in a 198-minutes sequence recorded in real traffic scenarios with different weather and illumination conditions, which represents the main contribution of this paper. The results are promising and demonstrate that the system is ready for being used as a source of traffic state information

    The contributions of indigenous peoples and local communities to ecological restoration

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    Unidad de excelencia María de Maeztu MdM-2015-0552Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) are affected by global environmental change because they directly rely on their immediate environment for meeting basic livelihood needs. Therefore, safeguarding and restoring ecosystem resilience is critical to support their wellbeing. Based on examples from the literature, we illustrate how IPLC participate in restoration activities maintaining traditional practices, restoring land degraded by outsiders, and joining outside groups seeking to restore ecosystems. Our review also provides examples of how Indigenous and local knowledge can be incorporated in the planning, execution, and monitoring of restoration activities. However, not all restoration initiatives engaging IPLC are beneficial or successful, and the factors that lead to success are not fully known. While local involvement in restoration projects is often mentioned as an element of success, this is primarily associated to projects that actively involve IPLC in co-designing restoration activities affecting their territories, ensure both short-term direct benefits to IPLC and long-term support of the maintenance of restored areas, and recognize IPLC local traditions and customary institutions. Based on these examples, we argue that IPLC should be a more important focus in any post-2020 CBD agenda on restoration

    Reframing the wilderness concept can bolster collaborative conservation

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    Indigenous territories represent ~45% of land categorized as wilderness in the Amazon, but account for <15% of all forest loss on this land. At a time when the Amazon faces unprecedented pressures, overcoming polarization and aligning the goals of wilderness defenders and Indigenous peoples is paramount, to avoid environmental degradation.Peer reviewe

    A State‐of‐the‐Art Review of Indigenous Peoples and Environmental Pollution

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    Indigenous peoples (IPs) worldwide are confronted by the increasing threat of pollution. Based on a comprehensive review of the literature (n = 686 studies), we present the current state of knowledge on: 1) the exposure and vulnerability of IPs to pollution; 2) the environmental, health, and cultural impacts of pollution upon IPs; and 3) IPs' contributions to prevent, control, limit, and abate pollution from local to global scales. Indigenous peoples experience large burdens of environmental pollution linked to the expansion of commodity frontiers and industrial development, including agricultural, mining, and extractive industries, as well as urban growth, waste dumping, and infrastructure and energy development. Nevertheless, IPs are contributing to limit pollution in different ways, including through environmental monitoring and global policy advocacy, as well as through local resistance toward polluting activities. This work adds to growing evidence of the breadth and depth of environmental injustices faced by IPs worldwide, and we conclude by highlighting the need to increase IPs' engagement in environmental decision‐making regarding pollution control. Integr Environ Assess Manag 2020;16:324–341. © 2019 The Authors. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC)Peer reviewe


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    This chapter makes a strong case for greater inclusion of Indigenous and Local Knowledge (ILK) in global environmental policy fora and in science-policy interfaces. The chapter specifically looks at the IPBES Global Assessment which has developed one of the first global-scale mechanisms for operationalizing ILK in sustainability decision-making. The types of knowledges that have been successfully integrated into this assessment include ways in which ILK can help (1) to assess ecosystem change and associated human vulnerability; (2) to inform the achievement of global goals like the Sustainable Development Goals and Aichi Targets; and (3) to inform policy-relevant options for decision-makers. It is argued that other global initiatives seeking to engage ILK in their endeavours can learn from the ILK approach of the IPBES Global Assessment.Peer reviewe

    Art installations: spacial and scenographic analysis

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    Producción CientíficaEste libro colectivo se propone profundizar, desde lo arquitectónico, en el estudio de las abundantes categorías espaciales presentes en las instalaciones artísticas, un formato híbrido de carácter audiovisual, narrativo y escenográfico, constituido por el autor, el objeto y el observador, en relación con su ámbito expositivo. Se enmarca en el Proyecto I+D “Análisis planimétrico, espacial y fotográfico de instalaciones audiovisuales pioneras en la Península Ibérica desde 1975”, dirigido por ESPACIAR, Grupo de Investigación Reconocido de la Universidad de Valladolid [https://www.espaciar.net/]. La publicación ha contado con un elenco internacional de académicos, comisarios y artistas, pertenecientes a distintas universidades e instituciones. Algunas líneas temáticas exploradas en los distintos capítulos han sido: el poder relacional del vacío, el valor espacial de sombras, proyecciones y superposiciones, el espacio narrativo y fenomenológico, las arquitecturas efímeras, lo escenográfico, o la profundidad de la pantalla.This collective book aims to deepen, from the architectural point of view, into the study of the numerous spatial categories present in art installations, a hybrid format of an audiovisual, narrative and scenographic nature, constituted by the author, the object and the observer, in relation to its exhibition area. It is framed in Project R&D “Planimetric, spatial and photographic analysis of pioneering audiovisual installations in the Iberian Peninsula since 1975”, directed by ESPACIAR, Recognized Research Group of the University of Valladolid [https://www.espaciar.net/]. The publication has had an international cast of academics, curators and artists, belonging to different universities and institutions. Some thematic lines explored in the different chapters have been: the relational power of the void, the spatial value of shadows, projections and superpositions, the narrative and phenomenological space, the ephemeral architectures, the scenographic act, or the depth of the screen.Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos ArquitectónicosColaboran: Universidad de Valladolid, Università IUAV di Venezia, Università degli Studi di Udine, Sapienza Università di Roma, Universidade da Beira Interior, Universidad de Zaragoza, Universidad de Salamanca, Universidad CEU, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador), Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ESI de Valladolid, Fondazione Querini Stampalia di Venezia, V-A-C Foundation in Venice, Real Academia de España en Roma, Museo Patio Herreriano de Valladolid, Noche de los Museos | Editores: Fernando Zaparaín Hernández, Jorge Ramos Jular, Renato Bocchi | Coordinación editorial, diseño y maqueta: Pablo Llamazares Blanco, Daniel Barba RodríguezEsta publicación es parte del proyecto de I+D+i ref. PGC2018-095359-B-I00, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    Stories and construction of memory in total conflicts

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    El artículo reflexiona sobre la manera en que los testimonios se transforman en relatos y éste en el cimiento de la construcción dela memoria en tres guerras totales: la Guerra Civil Americana, la Guerra de la Triple Alianza y la Primera Guerra Mundial. Dado que se cumplieron o se están cumpliendo siglo y siglo y medio de esos eventos históricos, con cantidad y variedad de acontecimientos, bibliografía,filmes y homenajes diversos regionales, nacionales e internacionales,el planteo reviste gran interés.El testimonio directo de algunos diarios y cartas de personas involucradasen dichos conflictos, aquí relevados, ejemplifica el impacto y la importancia que tuvo esa situación límite para la construcción dela memoria comunitaria y la unidad y coagulación nacional.The article reflects on the way in which testimonies are transformed into stories and this is the foundation for the construction of the memory in three total wars: the American Civil War, the War of the Triple Alliance and the First World War. Given that a century and a century and half of these historical events have been or are being fulfilled with a number and variety of regional, national and international events, bibliography, films and tributes, this proposal today is very current. The direct testimony of some diaries and letters from people involved in these conflicts, here reveled, exemplifies the impact and importance that this extreme situation had for the construction of community memory and national unity and coagulation.Fil: Lescano, María José. Universidad de Granada; EspañaFil: Torres, Rayen. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; ArgentinaFil: Casas Silva, María Romina. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa; ArgentinaFil: Llamazares, Ana María. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; ArgentinaFil: Bossoer, Fabián. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; ArgentinaFil: Nieto, Eduardo Hernando. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Cagni, Horacio Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentin