21 research outputs found

    Is There a Federal Definitions Power?

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    Although the Supreme Court decided United States v. Windsor on equal protection grounds, that case also raised important and recurring questions about federal power. In particular, defenders of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) argued that Congress may always define the terms used in federal statutes, even if its definition concerns a matter reserved to the States. As the DOMA illustrates, federal definitions concerning reserved matters that depart from state law may impose significant burdens on state governments and private citizens alike. This Article argues that there is no general, freestanding federal definitions power and that sometimes—as with marriage—federal law must incorporate state law definitions

    Cognitive outcome two years after frontal lobe resection for epilepsy – A prospective longitudinal study

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    AbstractPurposeTo investigate cognitive outcomes after frontal lobe resection (FLR) for epilepsy in a consecutive single centre series.MethodsNeuropsychological examinations were performed prior to and two years (mean test interval 2.5 years) after surgery in 30 consecutive patients who underwent FLR. Cognitive outcome was evaluated with particular consideration to the site of surgery (lateral, premotor/SMA [supplementary motor area], mesial/orbital). Cognitive domains assessed were speed, language, memory, attention, executive functions and intelligence. 25 healthy controls were assessed at corresponding time points (mean test interval 3.0 years). Analyses were made both at group and individual levels.ResultsAt baseline the patients performed below controls in variables depending on speed, executive functions, global and verbal intelligence. Two years after surgery, the analyses at the subgroup level indicated that the lateral resection group had less improvement than the controls in global intelligence, FSIQ (p=.037). However, at the individual level, the majority of the change scores (74–100%) were classified as within the normal range for all but one variable. The exception was the variable “Comprehension” (measuring verbal reasoning ability) with reliable declines in 44% (8/18) of the patients. This pattern of decline was observed in the lateral (4/7 patients) and premotor/SMA (4/7 patients) resection groups. Seizure outcome and side of surgery did not influence these results.ConclusionThe main finding was cognitive stability at group level two years after FLR. A reliable decline in verbal reasoning ability was rather common at an individual level, but only in the lateral and premotor/SMA resection groups. The lateral resection group also had less improvement than the controls in global intelligence

    IntranÀtets roll i organisationskommunikation : En fallstudie pÄ Cibes Lift Group AB

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how employees at Cibes Lift Group ABperceive the organization's intranet as an information and communication channel. The study examines employees' perception of the intranet, the information value of the intranet and whether employees perceive that their tasks affect the perception of the intranet. To study this, a survey was conducted in which 36 respondents participated, the survey shows that employees at Cibe's are generally satisfied with the intranet but thatcertain types of information are missing. Employees state that they like the layout andfunctions of the intranet and that the search for information has made it easier. These factors have contributed to a greater general knowledge of the company and more peopleare taking part in the news on the intranet. The study was conducted based on the theoriesInformation Management, Communicative Action and Communication Value Circle. The scientific value of the study has changed, as a group of potential respondents did notparticipate in the study; those who work in production. Which is a valuable result, whydo they not choose to participate in the survey?Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur anstÀllda hos Cibes Lift Group AB uppfattar organisationens intranÀt som informations- och kommunikationskanal. Studien undersöker anstÀlldas uppfattning av intranÀtet, informationsvÀrdet pÄ intranÀtet och om anstÀllda uppfattar att deras arbetsuppgifter pÄverkar uppfattningen av intranÀtet. För att studera detta genomfördes en enkÀtstudie dÀr 36 respondenter deltog. Undersökningen visar att anstÀllda hos Cibes överlag Àr nöjda med intranÀtet men att viss typ av information saknas. AnstÀllda uppger att de gillar layouten och funktionerna pÄ intranÀtet och att informationssökandet underlÀttat. Dessa faktorer har bidragit till en större allmÀnkunskap om företaget och fler tar del av nyheterna pÄ intranÀtet. Studiens genomförande har skett utifrÄn teorierna information management, kommunikativt handlande och Communication value circle. Det vetenskapliga vÀrdet för studien har förÀndrats, dÄ engrupp möjliga respondenter inte deltog i studien; de som arbetar i produktionen. Vilket i sig Àr ett vÀrdefullt resultat, varför vÀljer dessa inte att delta i enkÀtstudien

    IntranÀtets roll i organisationskommunikation : En fallstudie pÄ Cibes Lift Group AB

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate how employees at Cibes Lift Group ABperceive the organization's intranet as an information and communication channel. The study examines employees' perception of the intranet, the information value of the intranet and whether employees perceive that their tasks affect the perception of the intranet. To study this, a survey was conducted in which 36 respondents participated, the survey shows that employees at Cibe's are generally satisfied with the intranet but thatcertain types of information are missing. Employees state that they like the layout andfunctions of the intranet and that the search for information has made it easier. These factors have contributed to a greater general knowledge of the company and more peopleare taking part in the news on the intranet. The study was conducted based on the theoriesInformation Management, Communicative Action and Communication Value Circle. The scientific value of the study has changed, as a group of potential respondents did notparticipate in the study; those who work in production. Which is a valuable result, whydo they not choose to participate in the survey?Syftet med studien Àr att undersöka hur anstÀllda hos Cibes Lift Group AB uppfattar organisationens intranÀt som informations- och kommunikationskanal. Studien undersöker anstÀlldas uppfattning av intranÀtet, informationsvÀrdet pÄ intranÀtet och om anstÀllda uppfattar att deras arbetsuppgifter pÄverkar uppfattningen av intranÀtet. För att studera detta genomfördes en enkÀtstudie dÀr 36 respondenter deltog. Undersökningen visar att anstÀllda hos Cibes överlag Àr nöjda med intranÀtet men att viss typ av information saknas. AnstÀllda uppger att de gillar layouten och funktionerna pÄ intranÀtet och att informationssökandet underlÀttat. Dessa faktorer har bidragit till en större allmÀnkunskap om företaget och fler tar del av nyheterna pÄ intranÀtet. Studiens genomförande har skett utifrÄn teorierna information management, kommunikativt handlande och Communication value circle. Det vetenskapliga vÀrdet för studien har förÀndrats, dÄ engrupp möjliga respondenter inte deltog i studien; de som arbetar i produktionen. Vilket i sig Àr ett vÀrdefullt resultat, varför vÀljer dessa inte att delta i enkÀtstudien

    Förfina en nÀtverksmodul betrÀffande sÀkerhetsriskanalys inom nÀtverkssÀkerhet

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    PÂČCySeMoL is a framework in which security risks are calculated and presented with a value referring to the probability that an attack will succeed in a system, mainly SCADA systems. This thesis covers the creation of a more granular network module for the PÂČCySeMoL security riskanalysis framework to better be able to represent a network in concrete modules and to enable security riskanalysis on a network infrastructure at a greater detail. This paper outlines the creation of a network module with the base in the OSI model. It is replicated in a way that the network module is an extension to the PÂČCySeMoL metamodel, without interfering and restructuring it. It also covers a smaller survey to verify and get feedback about the created module from security and network experts and analysis of the survey. The conclusion is made that the network module is a good base to build upon and reflects to good degree a model needed to do security risk analysis on a network infrastructure and suggestions about further validation and research to improve the module are outlined. This thesis was produced in cooperation with Spotify AB and parts of the team behind PÂČCySeMoL at the ICS department at KTH.PÂČCySeMoL Ă€r ett ramverk dĂ€r sĂ€kerhetsrisker berĂ€knas och redovisas i form av ett vĂ€rde som hĂ€n-visar till sannolikheten att en attack lyckas i ett system, huvudsakligen SCADA system. Den hĂ€r avhandlingen behandlar skapandet av en mer detaljerad nĂ€tverksmodul för sĂ€kerhetsriskramverket PÂČCySeMoL för att bĂ€ttre representera ett nĂ€tverks konkreta moduler och för att möjliggöra analys av sĂ€kerhetsrisker rörande en nĂ€tverksinfrastruktur pĂ„ ett mer detaljerat sĂ€tt. Den hĂ€r rapporten beskriver skapandet av en nĂ€tverksmodul med en bas i OSI-modellen. Den Ă€r replikerad pĂ„ ett sĂ€tt att den Ă€r en extension av PÂČCySeMoL metamodell, utan att omstrukturera den. Det omfattar Ă€ven en mindre undersökning för att kontrollera och samla Ă„terkoppling pĂ„ den skapade modulen frĂ„n sĂ€kerhet- och nĂ€tverksexperter samt en analys av undersökningen. Slutsatsen faststĂ€ller att nĂ€tverksmodulen Ă€r en bra bas att bygga vidare pĂ„ och den Ă„terspeglar till hög grad en modell som behövs för att göra sĂ€kerhetsriskanalyser pĂ„ en infrastruktur, förslag om ytterligare validering och forskning för att förbĂ€ttra modulnĂ€tet beskrivs. Det hĂ€r arbetet har producerats i samarbete med Spotify och delar av teamet bakom PÂČCySeMoL vidICS avdelningen pĂ„ KTH

    Dagstidningars gestaltning av friande vÄldtÀktsfall

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    The aim of this study was to compare what the newspapers chooses to present to the readers regarding exonerating rape cases in the year 2012 and in the year 2015. We wanted to investigate if the legislative change in the year 2013 have had an impact in the way newspapers describe exonerating rape cases. We decided to do a quantitative content analysis which implicated reading 75 Swedish news articles from each year with the aim to sort out how similarities, differences and common themes were framed. We were interested in what themes the newspapers chose to present regarding the victim and the perpetrator as well as what themes were not framed in the article. To analyze what we found in the articles we used the framing theory to distinguish imaginable explanations as to why the newspapers are framing exonerating rape cases in the manner which they are. By studying exonerating rape cases with the framing theory we found out that there is norms regarding exonerating rape cases. Some rape cases were described with information regarding the amount of perpetrators, alcohol and causes of the exonerating that could be classified as abnormal rapes. This is because the journalists point out what is not included in society's standard. There are norms within society regarding sex, gender and ethnicity which the newspapers chooses to present in various manners. We also found that the norms of each year are not that different from each other; our conclusion is that the norms within society were too strong to change within a three year period of time

    Predicting verbal memory decline following temporal lobe resection for epilepsy

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to develop a prediction model for verbal memory decline after temporal lobe resection (TLR) for epilepsy. The model will be used in the preoperative counselling of patients to give individualized information about risk for verbal memory decline. Materials and Methods: A sample of 110 consecutive patients who underwent TLR for epilepsy at Sahlgrenska University Hospital between 1987 and 2011 constituted the basis for the prediction model. They had all gone through a formal neuropsychological assessment before surgery and 2 years after. Penalized regression and 20 7 10-fold cross-validation were used in order to build a reliable model for predicting individual risks. Results: The final model included four predictors: side of surgery; inclusion or not of the hippocampus in the resection; preoperative verbal memory function; and presence/absence of focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (TCS) the last year prior to the presurgical investigation. The impact of a history of TCS is a new finding which we interpret as a sign of a more widespread network disease which influences neuropsychological function and the cognitive reserve. The model correctly identified 82% of patients with post-operative decline in verbal memory, and the overall accuracy was 70%-85% depending on choice of risk thresholds. Conclusions: The model makes it possible to provide patients with individualized prediction regarding the risk of verbal memory decline following TLR. This will help them make more informed decisions regarding treatment, and it will also enable the epilepsy surgery team to prepare them better for the rehabilitation process

    Cognitive outcome two years after frontal lobe resection for epilepsy – A prospective longitudinal study

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    AbstractPurposeTo investigate cognitive outcomes after frontal lobe resection (FLR) for epilepsy in a consecutive single centre series.MethodsNeuropsychological examinations were performed prior to and two years (mean test interval 2.5 years) after surgery in 30 consecutive patients who underwent FLR. Cognitive outcome was evaluated with particular consideration to the site of surgery (lateral, premotor/SMA [supplementary motor area], mesial/orbital). Cognitive domains assessed were speed, language, memory, attention, executive functions and intelligence. 25 healthy controls were assessed at corresponding time points (mean test interval 3.0 years). Analyses were made both at group and individual levels.ResultsAt baseline the patients performed below controls in variables depending on speed, executive functions, global and verbal intelligence. Two years after surgery, the analyses at the subgroup level indicated that the lateral resection group had less improvement than the controls in global intelligence, FSIQ (p=.037). However, at the individual level, the majority of the change scores (74–100%) were classified as within the normal range for all but one variable. The exception was the variable “Comprehension” (measuring verbal reasoning ability) with reliable declines in 44% (8/18) of the patients. This pattern of decline was observed in the lateral (4/7 patients) and premotor/SMA (4/7 patients) resection groups. Seizure outcome and side of surgery did not influence these results.ConclusionThe main finding was cognitive stability at group level two years after FLR. A reliable decline in verbal reasoning ability was rather common at an individual level, but only in the lateral and premotor/SMA resection groups. The lateral resection group also had less improvement than the controls in global intelligence

    Experiences of emotional and psychosocial functioning after frontal lobe resection for epilepsy

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    Purpose: Frontal lobe resection (FLR) is the second most common epilepsy surgery procedure in adults. Few studies address neuropsychological consequences after FLR. The aim of this study was to explore patients’ and relatives’ experiences of cognitive, emotional and social cognitive functioning after frontal lobe epilepsy surgery. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were held with 14 patients having gone through FLR as adults during the years 2000–2016 and 12 of their relatives. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and analyzed with inductive qualitative content analysis. Results: Positive as well as negative consequences were described both by patients and relatives. Feelings of relief and an increased capacity to experience emotions of well-being were mainly experienced as related to seizure freedom. A newfound autonomy and a more grown-up identity as opposed to a self-image based on epilepsy was also highlighted. However, results also showed that even for seizure free patients, FLR could give rise to negative experiences, the most prominent of which were mental fatigue, lowered mood and social withdrawal. Coping strategies included planning ahead to avoid mental exhaustion. Over all, respondents considered that the epilepsy surgery had been a risk well worth taking and that positive consequences outweighed the negative ones. Conclusions: This study shows a range of positive as well as negative outcomes after FLR for epilepsy. The findings indicate that lowered mood and mental fatigue could affect the life situation in a negative way, regardless of seizure outcome. This is important to consider in the preoperative counselling of patients and their families, as well as in the postsurgical follow-up. It is also crucial that the epilepsy surgery team has the possibility to offer rehabilitation and support to families regarding these aspects after surgery