40 research outputs found

    On-sky results of the adaptive optics MACAO for the new IR-spectrograph CRIRES at VLT

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    The adaptive optics MACAO has been implemented in 6 focii of the VLT observatory, in three different flavors. We present in this paper the results obtained during the commissioning of the last of these units, MACAO-CRIRES. CRIRES is a high-resolution spectrograph, which efficiency will be improved by a factor two at least for point-sources observations with a NGS brighter than R=15. During the commissioning, Strehl exceeding 60% have been observed with fair seeing conditions, and a general description of the performance of this curvature adaptive optics system is done.Comment: SPIE conference 2006, Advances in adaptive optics, 12 pages, 11 figure

    Resultados en la cirugía de revisión de la artroplastia de rodilla con aporte de aloinjerto óseo

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    Hemos realizado un estudio retrospectivo de 12 pacientes (13 rodillas) intervenidos entre 1975 y 2001 de revisión de prótesis de rodilla utilizando aloinjerto óseo, valorando el resultado funcional y clínico. La edad media fue de 62 años. La indicación primaria fue de gonartrosis primaria en 8 casos (9 rodillas), artrosis postraumática en 1 caso y 2 casos de artritis reumatoide. Los defectos óseos fueron clasificados utilizando la clasificación del Anderson Orthopedic Institute Research. Se utilizó aloinjerto de forma fragmentada en 11 casos y de forma estructural en 2. El seguimiento medio fue de 69 meses. En la valoración clínica se utilizó la escala de la Knee Society; la evaluación radiográfica evaluó la existencia de integración del injerto en el huésped. Los 2 casos de artritis reumatoide presentaron infección profunda protésica y que necesitaron de una artrodesis como solución definitiva. El resto de pacientes mostró unos resultados satisfactorios con buena integración del injerto al huésped. La utilización de aloinjerto fragmentado y estructural en la cirugía de revisión protésica de rodilla resuelve de manera satisfactoria la presencia del defecto óseo, aunque en enfermos con algú tipo de inmunopresión, el elevado riesgo de infección profunda en cirugía de revisión nos obliga a extremar las precauciones.We have carried out a retrospective study of 12 patients (13 knees) treated between 1975 and 2001 after failed total knee arthroplasty (TKA), by means of revision surgery using bone allograft. The mean age was of 62 years. The primary indication was degenerative osteoarthritis in 8 cases (9 knees), postraumatic osteoarthritis in 1 case and rheumatoid artritis in 2 cases. The bony defects were classified according to the Anderson's Orthopedic Institute classification. Fragmented allograft was used in 11 cases and structural allograft in 2. The mean follow-up time was of 69 months. Outcome was evaluated through functional and clinical result. For the clinical evaluation the scale of the Knee Society was used; the radiographic evaluation assessed the degree of integration of the graft. The 2 cases of rheumatoid artritis presented deep infection of the TKA that required an arthrodesis for definitive solution. The rest of patients showed satisfactory results with good integration of the bone graft. The use of fragmented and structural allograft in revision surgery of failed TKA solves in a satisfactory way the presence of bony defects, although in patients with some degree of inmunosupression the high risk of deep infection forces to extreme the cautions

    A comparative study of adverse reactions of taxol and non taxol based chemotherapy regimens in breast cancer

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    Background: The incidence of breast cancer is increasing in India. A combination of medicines is typically used to treat breast cancer. All the medications used in treatment are associated with various side effects. So this study is done to estimate and compare the adverse reactions of taxol and non-taxol based chemotherapy regimens in breast cancer patients attending Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital.Methods: The study was conducted in the oncology ward at TVMCH for a period of 60 days from August 2nd October 2nd 2014. Patients with unilateral or bilateral carcinoma breast with or without metastasis, receiving chemotherapy were included. Medication details such as the type of regimen, dose, and duration of regimen and relevant data of lab investigations were collected. 30 patients who fulfilled study criteria were included, out of which 16 were assigned FAC (5flurouracil, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide) regimen and 14 were assigned PAC (paclitaxel, adriamycin, cyclophosphamide) regimen.Results: The incidence of adverse reactions like myelodepression resulting in Neutropenia (64.28%), Anaemia (57%) and Thrombocytopaenia (21%) was comparatively higher with PAC regimens than FAC regimen. Nausea (75%) and vomiting (43%) was found to be higher with FAC regimen despite anti-emetic use. No serious adverse reactions occurred in either regimens.Conclusions: The adverse reaction profile of FAC regimen was found to be favourable than PAC therapy though not statistically significant, with no references to efficacy and potency of these regimens in the treatment of breast cancer patients with or without metastasis

    Main caretaker personal characteristics related to the perception of satisfaction of basic needs in the terminal ill patient

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    Estudio descriptivo, transeccional, correlacional, de Cuidadores Principales (CP) de pacientes terminales, adscritos al Programa Alivio del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos Chillán. El universo correspondió a 170 enfermos, con una muestra de 50 . El propósito fue determinar la relación que existe entre características sociodemográficas y de salud del C. P. y la percepción de satisfacción de necesidades básicas del paciente. Se aplicó un cuestionario elaborado por autoras entre Enero a Mayo del 2004. Los datos fueron procesados en programa EpiInfo 6.0 y corroborados con programa Infostast, aplicándoles pruebas estadísticas de Chi cuadrado y Test de Fisher. Los resultados fueron los siguientes: 62 % se encuentra entre 41 años y más, 86 % de los CP eran mujeres, 52 % tiene pareja, 82 % son parientes del paciente, 66 % de CP posee ingreso económico inferior a cien mil pesos, 94 % conoce el pronóstico de la enfermedad de su paciente, 80 % dedica el total de su tiempo al cuidado de su paciente y 78 % de los pacientes es dependiente. Se observó que las variables sociodemográficas y de salud al relacionarlas con percepción de satisfacción de necesidades básicas no tienen significación estadística en este estudio.Descriptive, trans-sectional, correlated study of the main caretaker (MC) for ill terminal patients, included in the Programme for Pain Allaying, Palliative Care Chillán. The study implied 170 patients, with a sample of 50 individuals. The aim was to determine the existing relationship between socio-demographic characteristics and health characteristics in MC, and the perception of satisfaction in basic needs of patient. A questionnaire prepared by the authors was applied between January and May 2004. Data processing were gathered according to Programme EpiInfo 6,0 and checked with Programme Infostast. Statistical tests of square Chi and Fisher Test were applied. The results were as followis: 62 % of the MC were around 41 years and older; 86 % of the MC were women; 52 % were single or with no steady-boyfriend or commonlaw-husband; 82 % were patient’s relatives; 66 % of MC have financial income less to Pesos 100.000; 94 % were aware of their patient’s prognosis; 80 % dedicated all their time to their patient’s care; 78 % of the patients were dependant. It was observed that the social and demographic variables and those of health when related to perception of satisfaction of basic needs had no statistical significance in this study

    Method for estimating effective input noise of mixed-mode measurement systems

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    Estimace vstupního šumu smíšených měřících systémů vyžaduje znalost efektivní šumové šířky pásma ENBW a hustoty šumu jednotlivých komponentů. Určení ENBW není triviální, jelikož každý komponent má rozdílnou frekvenční odezvu. Tento problém je možné zjednodušit pomocí zohlednění pouze prvků s nejmenšími mezními frekvencemi. Ve smíšených systémech se většinou jedná o digitální filtry. Pokud je frekvenční odezva těchto filtrů známá je poté možné určit ENBW celého systému. Poté je triviální určit příspěvky jednotlivých komponent na vstupní šum pomocí jejich šumových hustot. Experimentální ověření metody bylo provedeno a vypočtené a změřené hodnoty jsou prezentovány.Input noise estimation of mixed-mode measurements systems requires the knowledge of effective noise bandwidth ENBW and noise density of each component. Determining ENBW is not trivial because each component has a different frequency response. However, it is possible to simplify this problem by only considering the components with the lowest cut-off frequencies. In mixed-mode systems that is usually digital filters. Therefore, if the frequency response of these filters is known, it is possible to determine the ENBW of the entire system. It is then trivial to calculate the effects of individual components on input noise using their noise densities. Experimental verification of the calculation was carried out and both calculated and measured noise values are presented

    The Star Carr Fungi

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